Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 12

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October 25, 1929 12 WI.LMETTE' LIFE Garden Talks 4 Champions Emerge From Plav in Grade School Grid League~ THRIFTY PEOPLE Trade at the RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY Save Money on These Items SOc Pep.s odent Tooth Paste ..... 39c $1.00 Gille. t e Blades ... SSe · $1.20 Listerine ........ 83c 65c Pond's Cream .. S9c 40c Castoria ....... 33c 75c Dextri. Maltose . 63c SOc Mennen Shaving Cream .. . .. 45c 75c Vick's Vapo Rub .............. 65c $1.00 Squibb's Mineral Oil ....... 85c $1.SO Petrol Agar ... $1.39 (Co ntributed by the \\' ilmctt~ Garck11 Fnur championship teams finished thl intramural football schedule organiz e,: Club) \\'c dnc sday morning as 1 m·it~. stww for \Vilmette Gran~mar school chi! ' t · ~1 <lrcn and won the vi}::tor's pennant s (l is falling ancI t IlC tct'npera ure IS .J ... 'degrees: y estcrday. a cold .w111d blew their grade without a single def ca 1. and the storm ,,·as like a bhzzard. · But recreation authorities announce. tomo rrow Indian sttmm er may he hack . St. Joseph ·eighth grade, l:foward 71 : If the warm \\'C~ther d o~.:s rtturn take Howard 6A. and Howard SC arc t"l advantage of some pleasant da' ~tnd victors, each team having ri1et a tc ll n' spend a fc"· hours in the \H)O<b hetore from every other room in its grark the lea\'C s are gone. in the villag~. It is the first time i:· );ear at hand, \\ ithin walking- di..,- the history of the Playground an d tance, is the (~lcm·ic w Fo res t presen·c. Recreation board which sponsors ~h Last Sunday, it \\'as a place of btauty leagues. that all four champions haY· with the leaves 011 even· tree ;llld c\:en· · finished the season without defeat. bush turned gold or sc:arlet. The oak A to!al of ninety-aile games wer· trees seemed not to ba,·c lost a single played in the leagues under the dir,, · leaf. On othtr tn·c:; and hushes , hung ti on of Daniel M. Davis, director , .. scattered rL·d or ycll o·.\" leaHs. a fe,,·, recreation, and · the two men assi stan t -. hanging hac ~tud th ere f_rom a bran ch . (~len · \\' . Gathercoal and Dudley C Down bdow 111 the ravmc the rolur~ I Stone . were reflected Ill th~.: ,,·at er. i ~{ost rccrnt games in the IC'agu · l f von han not seen thi s inrt·st pre - ' \rcrr as follows: St. F'rand~ 6 (:.!. · serve in the fall of the year. ~·ou ha\'l' ('~·ntral fi(' (0) Bill Kavan:q.:1: missed sre111g sn mttliii}).(" n ·r\ · heauti- Jlar-r,· Jlt·ndr·ickl"t-n 1 ful. · car 1 :l·l'\'~1~(· Barnhill jlt929·$aoo.oool·t939ll INVEST THE DIFFERENCE IN THE $100,000 THRIFT CLUB A ic\\' lll Ollh.' nh on the Central ~trcc:t and a ie\\· mon· on ;uwthL·r !->lll)rt strcd car line and ,·ou an· th~re . y,ltl \rill find the \Y oods \\·ell supplied \\ .~lh I tables and ht·nc lll's a nd plact·-. i'"r Alan ~Jilb Frank ~taab huildinJ.:" f11'CS. \\"altl·r yon Rrlnstw rg· · .\rthur :\lorf :'\orm;111 Quirk Kt·nnt'lh \Vax :\lattlw\\' Kriti·ht~n-r Bill Jlart Arthur F lt>< ·ol Don Dn · s ~. Tt>rl '11":trv · . LNl ])ov l· Frank f'oll·i · ' Jnhr'l nm\'f! J. I J!nh Blanchard · Doll Ot'lri f'l Dan Krafthef·· r RobE>rt K\1 ·1 ·1 Bob Hi · · lli>wan] li.\ 1 ~·· Harry Kr:ttt ll ll· · Bill ,\nh ··!· Hob . :\I a<· .\1 (11' '1 :· Elm r !-It·" "' Holwrt ( 'r:t ll ·· 1 llaro!11 P :tllll · · \~'§CU~1 ~1-rE.\~ Carl Renneckar - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE < '·· JJtral (in !0) "Prooation After Death" "·ill be tbe I ~ol111 ( :ulliJ·k so n subject of th e snvice at the Fir~t l·:d \\.olf Church of Ch.-ist, Scienti~t, Ill \\'il- ltalph !-:bon Holanc1 nnvi:-: mcttc, Sunda y morning, October 27, at H a ldarw \Vibnn 9:45 o'clock. ~unda\· schol\l c(,)m·enes n~ti H· rt 'Villiams . at 9 :-lS o'c lock. llunH·r Hohn <' ll J[r s. Fred L. \\'orkman. 2~2 Lcice!'>ttT I· !'()a d, Kcnil"·or th etHertainccl at lun ch- J L 'tlll and bridge on \\' l'dm·scla,· nf tit ;, _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .. ( ;.-org-t· (] Pr:-tld P~·tt · r ~"" II :Jl l l'l:lrk Spi1111· 1 Member ": ,...-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I \Yeck ,= · :: 1 ~ ~ I at l1er · . 1111 lllllttltltltH·I It tll l tl ll lll t lt lll tt ltt tll t llttlll tlllltll'tl'll'ttlltlttlll't l1,~n c . I I I toward .it' (20) l'hilip ~an1u e l~on .lamPs Yf·r.·ino Ttolwrt Christie Ed ('o!t-gn,,·, Bill~· \\':td· Frank K ()f' ; J.tl i __ l'~,ntra I ;,( · "' ' l ·~ d :<~ntl tlolll~ II· · ~ " } = :: l'au1 1\a~par ~ l.oui~ I 'rane ~ l llan·,.y ~tl·ffpn~ :: ~ J{olw rt Loui~ . \JH1 1'r ~ · ·JI ::\1· khoir Don Hu n : ·· Willia."m :\l n~<lh Janws · ~tr· · ··II U .Jac·k .fa· ·"l' ~ llkhard ll ariw1 Dan :\ld :uir· ~ ~ SUPERHETERODYNE = 1 :olwrt ~tJ ·ff t · pl" Jl ;! t"lo]!] J:ctl'l' l' c·hn rlt·:-o: i~t~<·k - .John <:It-a""" ('t·ntral :\ lhrrt 'il~ - The RCA - GABRIELEEN - lit.)\\'ill't1 ;,., (liJ l·'d ll:tin es _ .J al1H'~ .\ rHlt>r~ou I..ow f-' 11 l'dt·r~on 11 1 _ RADIO LA = l'hilip <:rl'PI' .Jn· ·l\ .\nhitUlt _ Fr..rl HakPI' ;\! U IT;t ~· 'I'J'i p)l'll ~ lll l' l' noth ~ l Tt·d .\I :t·bt·n I ;ordor~ Fain1 1 :J 'I ( 'arpPlll· : .J ad< ft:t 11<.L' i 1 E\·a n :\11-llrai th \Va\'11(· II· ·· L. . .... \Villiam Spinn~-~ Hown.rd ~l n uldi m: Charles ~Pul· · .JanH·s 1 ,·:--: . I ~ ' l!ctlH ·rt l>orman ~ lliirllld llc·nclt· r~ctll 66 Many _ new-day refinements. Built-in RCA electro- dynamic speaker. Finer mnsical range. Beautiful new console cabinet. Unusual price·~ 24 1.SO. Come in and hear .WI . t..'!'s~ superb instrument. i 1 ~ Permanent Wave = llow:ml SJ: (OJ .\! Hto\\' 11 ~t. J OSt·\)h s (El) Tom (.in·lr 1 ~· · orgp \. ~= _- The smartn~>ss that one :finds Bt·rt Hul" st· ll Henry [;uiT· ' Howufd I :raun :\Ia rshall Pt.'t rson V:t;\'(' ttl· Lilly Heinhardt Anton Eng-L'l " Lt>o Kmf l I ~= ~-: finounad Paris frock is to be _ tn our permanent waves. Large, loose waves = that swirl in a truly Parisian _ _ manner and can be softly - and becomingly molded to - the contours of your face. _ - .J Edmond~ .1 ad< llhn Bail e ~· .\tan H.oth l:udolph Kaspar ~.ark Sirnonds John Kn e ip David Wall\:t'l' Ed Pt>ttin~· ·r P··ter Fala~ ·· t ' Frt>d Tos<::t ni Matthew :\ll'il'r Dougla~" ~c Ol 1 lluwanl 5B (12) \\ illiam Kncppl'r \\'alfred .Johmmn _ l to bert Hall .John l~,rp<J Welter $24 7· 1179 .\rlhur Cook 50 - \\' 11 i lt1)id< \\rt:>l'nt'ekt· \\-arreu Huff Central 5I:: (21 1 Wayne ] [o<'l z Howard Mouldin e. Albert Carpenter Jack Randal ! Evan McJ<.:;Jwain William Spintll'Y Gordon Fairmall Charles f;ouJ., .Jamt>s 0':\'Pil .. { Complete l~og-t·r Buy Your RADIO from Your Music Store Thiel HoiJt>rt Smith Albert Anden;on Hownrd 6B (25) C lark Kerwin 'Villiam Sdwarer Alfrec1 "' nd~:>r:.;on ' llilmrtt~(/T!tM~!~ ~Qnp WtL\IFTTE AvENL"E PHONE WILMETTE _ 3006 _ _ Mn. F. A. Buck Ph I _ .-\ rman Jorjorian Stun.rt Edmonds Dan Mickey Central 6B (Ill Herman Birlauf Edward W01ff Rollin Da \'is Haldane Wi\Ron Rollo Gullickson Roger \Villiams Gordon Keith Lawrence Haugsness 167 Wilmette Ave. one = W'l I - Carl Frankel 0 Hall C l ark mene 459 8 ol l11 11111111111111111 111111111111111 IJIIIIIIIIJI1111111JIIJI IIIIli JIJIIIIIJIJ IJIJI/IIIll/111/ll/lllii' =I .r Robert Brumbaugh h n Sperede s Don Hermanson

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