Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 16

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October 25. 192<> · 16 .\tlnlpb Rolm Stbool of the Danf't> WILMETTE li0Nli3AO~ LIFE HJ.IA\ Sli3:1NO:> 624 South Boulev_ a.rd ~ORTH SHORE BRANCH \Yinn('tka Community Houst> < 'lal'St>l' Thurl'day from 4 to G Rallt>1, C'haraeter DandngFnr information write or J>h '~ tl< · t'hkag-o S('hool-llal't'i~on ~o - ~·1 Michigan Halph C. Moulding of 10.25 Elmwood Musicale at Orrington avenue, who has been on a business 1 trip in Porto Rico. held a short conThe Sunday .evening musical~ at ,t he 1 - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - ' ference recently with Col. Theodore Orrington Oct. 27 " ·ill be gtven by I Roosevelt, the new governor of Portn Al\'ene Resseguie, contralto, and. EJecta Rico. Mr. Mou.lding will not rrt urn Austin, accompanist. . I home until December 1. Madame He~scguie is a concert ·:1~1d : oratorio singer. She bas been s<?l ot~t 1 wjth such organziatiom as the r-;:orth T ~horc fc ~ ti\'al association, the Cluc :::go . Apollo club and the Chicago Bach chonis. She is the solo contralto of thr F\·anston Pre sl)\'terian church. She I \\:i ll l;c hl'ard in ·a program _of Engli_~11 and French songs, accompa nrcd by 'M ts :-; ! Austin. The program: 1 Cont~alto Will Present October ltride .·1 1 \\'hpre Co ral !:' Lit> . fn HaYen Ships of .\n·acly A I'ipPI' A<lag-i o Zm· ignungTrnum e Ct.' ll t> · qtH' j e prl'f,·r·· Le rappit·lt~n l> < l.II C' P of tilt· <:n"lllt :.~ :'\ig·ht nlHl t h t· f'u r t:1 in;. !Jr:t \\'11 ~h' St:t Elg::tr ~ J·:Jg:t r Jl,. ;t·l 1 11··: 1·1 ( ' ll (l pi ~ll'<lll ~ \\·:q..:·n\' 1 : F(lurdrai ; F<·U!'Ill':l i I Li >: ~t Ft ·t'l'ata ' I~ . ·~. 1 Th· · lltwk ~t. · r "\t tlw \\·,· 11 1 1 . ,. :-;l 'flt' ILi '.:. ··lll:J ll ---· I - ~ f r ~. :\I n r i.1t 1_1. }) v 11 H.,, t , .U i :\ Itl1' ·l : ·· · 1 ltlrd r(lad. h.vlttl\ \"rt I! t'll!t'!'Lttt tv d hn I hrid"l' rluh u11 Thnr..,d;t\ ,.i l ·t!, \l n· i. , I at h7llriH·IIll :111d I lll·idt.:t'. ..o· {Phnle~ I .\ I> t a u t i i ul lty Toloff) Real English Sheffield is of immediate intorcst to the giver of gifts and to the housewi fe, due to its rar:e refinement, typical design, utmost utility, lasting service and moderate price. A wide variety o fth ~se pieces is now being displayed-we invite you to drop in at either address and enjoy the charm and beauty of the full exhibit. Hipp & Cob~rn Co. Jewelers mtd 'Siftv~rsmiths WRIGLEY BUILDING CHICAGO PARTY FROCKS I (l .Yrs. to Junior') a u t u11111 \\'t d d i 11 g \ ,.<t ' · that ui \I i:-; s Con stance Yirginia Kim hall. daughtl'r of ~I r. and \1 r!-.. K ~..:.l lldh Phillips Kimball of Chicago, io ,ll ~l' rh · (If \\'ilmette. and l<.ich :l·:t\ I I prart· :\ ll'x an de r of Phi lad l'1 ph i~I. \\·hirh ttlllk plan· Titesda\· cvcninl!. ( ktohtr X. at ShJt \\nee Country club. The hridl·\ attt'ndants \\·t'rl' ~fi.,, ~ledora Bright of \Yilmcttl'. maid, ,\ h()nnr. <tnd ~lis~ ~1an· Louis<· Fil' ;.; 1'i Gknc< ll', \I iss Hl't t \. Fi shbtck , I r~'hica .l!o. and \1 rs. \\" . · K. Thomp::.<lll ui Kansas CitY, ~f o .. bridesmaids. a1trl · littll' Elizabeth Alexander of Phila delphia llo\\'er girl. Attl:nding tiH· I grt)Otll \\'Crc (~corgc Alexander of Phil adelphia. best .man, and Ed\\·ard Ma<li ; ga11 of Chicago, Hobert Friclander < :i Chicagl), and Korman FranzL·n of E·.- 1 anston, u ::; hcrs. !\f r. a1Hl ).Irs. Akxandn arl' llll a wedding journc_ ,. to Philadelphia. Bai'i . nwrc. :\tlantic CitY, and Bl'rmuda. a11d w!ll make their home in \\'illiamspo;·t. 1 I Pa. IF YOU'RE NOT A s25 CUSTOMER . I ROYAL BE ONE TODAY! $25 FINE CLOTHEs-FINE WORKMANSHIP REAL FIT AND REAL STYLE A collt :ction of t.xclusivt : anociLh will h t.: on di\play until MondClyt:: vt .ning. ThFy an.: th· Vl'ry ne wes t cn:t.tt ions in th e \I 1houetl'L Colonial and Princess nH ·tlels. Orders will ht take_.11 in any color -- the sizes ra111~· fro1n two yeats to t h C: Ju n i or 111 i". This gives an opportunity to express ori~ini-tlity. Judge Denis E. Sullivan Candidate for Re-election tIlL· pa:-- l the Cnok ~ 'ounl\· ~uperior ctntrt, is a candidak 1 iur rc-l'kctil)\1 nn the I >em or rat ir tickl't in thl' judici·: l ·l'icction to he hdtl \;ll\Tillbl· r 5. ln last ·, r d.:'s primary ui the · Chicago Bar association J udgt· ~ullivan \\'as ntH' of the twenty judgl'~ l'ndnrsecl tn till a Sl'at o11 tltl' ~upnior · hcnch. - - - - - - ----- - - - J u<lgl' Denis F.. ~ttlli\';l\1, inr 11i ·· ghtl'L'!l yrars a judgl' 1 i!ii!!!!lll!lllll!!l!llliil[j!!ii!iililiiiliiiiiii!i!llliiliill!iil!illill!ll!!ll !ill!lliiililliiiii ~ ·On Account of E f!larging Construction wi,~· _ lllr artlratnttt IDra ~l1np will be unable to serve .M onday and Tuesday LA JElJNESSE, INC. 1641 . ORRINGTON AVENUE Open Tucsdy. Thursday and Saturda_v E.7.·cnings 1168 Wihnelte Ave. Wihnette Phone Wihnettc 311 October 2 8 and 29 II"' "'II"' I I I II I ~!'IIIII III Iii! IIi!

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