Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE . Octob<~r 25. 1929 . (__ F_i_ll_s_1h_e_G_e_o__..;r g~~-·a_n_. POPULAR FOR PARTIES Many Evanaton Hoatesaea Make Use of Georgian Facilities The Georgian hotel in its three years of existence has become a cente~ for ~ocial life of Evanstot1 and north shore people. Dinners. dances. luncheons bri~Jge parties arc on its daily calendar: Hostesses have found thev can entertain more charmingly. more enjoyably and morr economicallv at the Georgian than theY can entertain in their own home~·. ~~ricndly hospital it .v. good fellowship and willingne ss to serve ~haractrrize the Ceorgian staff, accordmg to those who have made use of the Georgian's facilities. ·\'ictor. the maitre cl'hot el, is alwa1·~ available with suggcst.ion s for lun r il eon. din~1 e r party. birthday or . wedding "' celebration, reception or other event . Not'ed Spanish Painter Exhibits at the Geor~ian · .!.. I Georgian Service Cares for Patron's Every Need Attending to the little bits of scn·ice which <Hkl t() a patron's com iort as well as perfPrming tht larger ta sk :; thnughtfull\". cheeriulh· and d1icienth is the forn.wla which ·.nakes G<.·orgia;l service superlative. The manag-cl~lcnt ha ~ clwsen tlH'Ill bers of the service staff not onlv !or ability to pcriorm the particular dutie s ( ). E . Tronnc~ nf Trunm< and com - ol each pusition hut abn for personal !JCLll_\" , coun sellor and director oi build - it . "- Th~.: re sult is that ~en· i c r at th e ing enterpri ses, has won credit for hi s Ccorgian cares . ior every ne ed. company in filling th~_· Ceorgian to capacity. Since it s inceptio n in 11)25. Corn ell avenue. 42<) Hoscoe str eet. 2K28 Tr nnnl'=' and rtHnpany ha s lea~(·d apar~ - Pine Crove, the Standish and the lill'llb. store s and slh>ps aggregati !Jg Rokchy . The company is located en on ·r $9.000.000 in rental v;tlue. Amo11g· the eleventh floor of the Lonck th e m ;111\· h11ildings ~fr . Tnmnc s' rom - (~uarantee and Accid<.'nt building with pan . ' · ha s n:nt<'cl and Jnanagt' d are the C. R Tw\\"hridgr ·as geJJeral manager . \! ad air. thl· Park Lalit'. \\"inth n ·P :\t the Crorgian Tronnrs and cnmpa ·1y T mn.:r'- . Park Ed g.n' all'r. Park De :tr - i~ rrprornted hv H. J. S\\·enstHl, ~I an· IH1r11. thl' llarrla~· . the Crand eur. ~I)'Kl Dillon and llclcn F(:rrcll. · - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Georgian Hotel Plans ·Public Reception Tuesday Jn ccfcbration of ib third anniv t ··::. ary a nd in appn:ciatio n oi th e patr u . age u f E\·a!1 stun alld ll Orth ::. hurc people, the Georgia{l \\·ill ho ld open house Tue sda y evening, ULt. 2c >. Th~..· rc will be mu si'c, da ncing a nd a n < ttltttl llll exhibit ut paintin g~ . ( )Jl t his c \·ening tlll: publi c roo m . apartm ents. kitc hen, eng ine r( tllll1 an d l..'ntir e inm:r working s o i t h i ~ large apartm ent ho tr l \rill be open t o in spection. ~lusi c an d en t cr l a i nlll L ' lll wi II he pr (l ,·icled. and spec ial table s ;tnd mcllll !~\· ill he o ffered in th e dinin g roo nh l'he public i ~ in\'it ed. ~0 Drudis- Biada, Spanish paint -:: r .oi sunlight, air and poetic landscape is exhibiting at the Georgian 27 paintiu r·s ot historic and ancient Spanish citi~ s . and New · England beauty spots. The upper picture shows a sc ene on t!1e Ju~a s river, Cuenca, Spain . The lower picture is " Fisherman's H ouses," th e locale of which is Pasages, Spain. where Victor Hugo liv ed. Senor Biada, a native of Avin yo, Spain. has just :-t'turncd, suutanned and full of enthu siasm, fro111 California , and is gr r eti'l l! exhibit visitors at the Ce orgian . Ilis ~tav l1rn· i ~ part of a !Pur nf thi s cuuntrv. He l1a s cxhihitl'd at ).Jadrid . narc clona , Sautander. San S c ha~tian. Billwa. Palma de Mallorea, Havana. Paris and the Philadelphia exhibition. ·In Paris this young artist wa s awarded "Les Palmes Academique" h~· the French gove'rnment. At one of his exhibitions 82 pictures were purchased for a private collection. One of his best paintings was recently purchased bv the Tllinois \Vomen's club of Chicago. Many museums have his works. Admissiou tn the exhihition is fr~:e. ancl the Georgian invite s the general public. · Josr Employees Compose . . Staff of ·the Georgian About 80 employees compose tht.· staff \\"hid1 services . the Georgian h1 >· tel under dir ection of J. Tupper 'l'mrn <>end, manager, and his lieutenant s. . Housekeeper, nJaids, housem en, cn Qtneers, firemen, clerk s, chefs, a m a itre cl'hotel, waitre sses, bu:l boy s, porter :- . window washers and man y o ther s ar c included on the staff. The Georgian could be operated with fewer employees and less expense, but not unlc :-" its ideals of service, cleanliness a1Hl duty to the public and the comnlunit ,. were shattered, the manag ement < , ...,_ <; erts. The monthly pay roll, the hilb for fuel. electricity, water, materia Is and supplies count up into ftgures Lti· beyond the conception of the layman . Many Notables Included in Georgian Guest List Many notable people are included ;ll the guest list of the Georgian. Among them are: Frank All en, nresident of the Brinks Expres s com panv: F. o.· Stafford of the New Y CJrk Central railroad: 0. vV. Bartlett. pres ident of the Midland building~ M i~!- M. M. Capper. daughter of Senator <;atmer: Dr. vVesle~' John Wool~to.1. noted phvsician and surgeon: ]. ~1. Appell, hanker: Albert S. Scott. viu Dresident :\t nntl!nmcn· \\·an! and colll nam·: Frank \\'alte;s of the Xn:·tll \\· e ~· te-n r<lilruad . ..... · I BRIDGE LUNCHEONS Special hridg(' luncheons arc held at the Georgi;tn even· Tuesdav :mel have come to enjo,· a ·wide popularit\r. Tables may be reserved for individual oarties hv phoning Victor, maitre d'hotel. Tables. btncheon. cards and Mrs. Harrv '\'. Mons. 157 Woocl prizes are all included in the moder- stork a,·enu<:, Kenilworth entertailwd ate fer . Rr~rrvation .;; must hr nnck her bridge rl11h ;lt lunchenn \Vrd1~c ~ at lea st 24 hours in :ulvanre. clay. Ortnlwr·lo ...~t her )lnm.r ..

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