Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE LIFE October 25, 1921) LIFE ISSUED FUIDAY OF EACJI WEEK by LLOYD HOLLJSTEU INC. 1232- 1:!36 Central AYe .. W:lmette, Ill. Chicago oftice: 6 N. Michigan Ave. Tel. State 6326 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmette 4300 SUllSCllii'TION J·JUCE . .... . .... ... . 12.00 A YEAU All communications must be a cco mpanied by th e nanie and address of the writer. Articl es for publicati on mu~t reach the editor by \Vcdnesday noon to iJ1 sure appt.>a~·ance In current issue. Rt' ol utions of condolence, cards of thanl<s, obituarh.·s. n~>t kt>s nf entertainments or other affairs .where an admittance charge is published, will be· charged at regular ad\·ertislng rates. spend an immense amount of time · and energy in working up programs fa~ in ad\'ance. Conference s-direct and indirect by mail .and ph ne- mu;t he held decide dates. price~, and subjects. .And for all this the· lay \\'O.rkers get just t1othing. Shuuld \\'C not no,,· and then giH· a thought · to ~uch persons , the l>ften nn ~ kno\\' 11 and unappreciated mem her s o t executi\·e committees of Yarions kitHls ? E\·e n if such < thought docs them little O"()ocl ,....., ' ma,· it not helr) us to be more :'\'ll1]la. t het ic, more undcrstandi.n g. perhaps more ready to lend a hand? SHORE LINES to ./ ).Ia,· \\'l~ all ha,·c a \\'hole so me. happ y llallu.we\·n is the si mple anclnwdest prayer ui e\'ery JiCace -Ju,·illg north shore rit izcn And when he read -.: Safe and Sane t 1~ at children and T he o n c -day Ed ttl' at i on l' t )11 ic r c I ItT t \) 1)~ · 1/a!lrn.f.H?'en young people in ,-ari utts orga ni zat i on :-: held :\lunda\', Ortoher 2X. in ~k()kiv :--.ehu,,J. han· ,.,lted to disCilUrage llall!l\\ e\·n prank~ \Yimwtka, j)romise....: tn he an ClCt'asion ui :, n d p r a d i c a I. j o k e ;- ; . t Ill' n o r t h s ll\ >H' c i t ; unu sual Ctnl--l' Education Confer· 1!\ll'lll'l' llt)l ()' 11,- /.t'tl lwgi1h to llclit·n· that hi-. J 1 raycr \\ i!l !1) the ~·tHl]l"rat IH.: ;tlh\\'L'H:cl. euce October 28 i11g· --rhtHd..., 1lllt It Ita-- been till' cu~ tu11 1 11n the north abo to the rntlllllllnitic:-. ;tnd iamili~..-._ di --hu1T cn-r\· n:ar tu ha\·e 11ig· rullllllUnit,· rertiy intcrt·stcd. \\ 'c speak (':--.pcrially ()I llallu\\-e\:n. ];artie :-;. at " hicl1 the y\ltlll~': the iamilics ht·cltbe the :-'uhjert ()i the \'(Ill pcupk can inclulg·L· thcm~L·h- ~..·:--; t11 the t.oJl· fercnrc is "The FamilY." ~lurh 1:i till' 111a lllJtr h in all ~orts ui itttl. .\l()rcon~r. t1H· tcrial presented in tile speeches ;tnd dis 1Hlys ;tnd girls kt\-l' ah\·a_," \11tcd tlw:--;c cu · ...;iuns \\'ill ha\·e a direct hearing- "n fant - 1)ar t i~..- s great :-.ttrrc~~cs. ily life. especially as in\·oh·ing· the ~rhool \11\\· that s~m~ and daughtL'b haYt' ag-reed chjJd. l1l di sc,m rage the ronJmitting uf llallo\\·c\·n The conference speaker~ \\'ill ht· leaders llUi:'anLT:-i, it onh· remain:' fur parent s to . in their particular ilelds. l'uthl'<J\ll'llt ly. co-opera te artln_ ·iy \\'ith them and \\ itl1 the what they ~ay \\-i ll he \lllll~llally important 'illage autlwritic~ . Parents ran best cuancl highly practicable. ~~iss I '~1tty ~tnith uperate in thi~ \\'orthy enterprise of preHill of Teacher:::. n>lkg-e. CtJlttmhia nnin~ r . . tT\'ing- puhlic security and peace by exsity, has for man\' Years ])(.'<:11 n·~·arcled a...; pressing themseh't's at home as positi\·cly the foremost ki;Hl~·r~·a rt lllT in · . \ mcrica. uppuscd to any actions that arc likely to She will speak on Th~· 2-t-- llunr Day oi th(' . :tnno_,. their neighbors. J f parents \\'ottld Young Child. Though \H: an: in duuht as tnake it \:cry plain that they mean \\'hat to the exact implications uf this subj<·ct. thn· say. 1\allo\\T\·n hoodlnm practiCe:-. ~till we arc not in duuht as tu t ";o other "uuld hL' a thing· of the past. thing-s: \\'e are certain that Pr()ics:--.t1r I ,d's kt \ ' L' a ~a·fl' and sa.tH: II a llo\\·e \·n ~ ] Jill's lecture will he ext renH:Iy ,·aluahk ancl that it will aron...;e a ,·ig-<,rcms disru :-; .\ 7-ycar olcllH)\' \\ - a~ killed un the north Stoll. :- . IJnrc 1·>,- a car 'dr(n:n by a ](>-,:c ar old hoy. The other speakers - atllt,ng- them l)r . \ rur!n.Jer's jury rlas:;ed the d-eath as acci Esther Hichards oi .John~ 1l()pkins hospital. dental !Jut n:q ttcsted th :tt the yotmo· drin.T Dr. Ceorge .:\luhr uf the Institute f()r Jtt\'t..' - l>c nul allo\\'td to dri,·e ag·ain until he had nile Hesearrh in Chicago. I h. ~t~lomun rt.:arhvd the ag·e of 21. . . \ man of (.,() ,,·as FrC'chof. also .of Chiragll, and lh. ~Lary killcd on ~IJeridan ruad in . \\'innctka . hy Da,·is, hc~id of the t·. -~. Httrcatt ()i Educt :ttJuther car . . \ \\'ilmcttc young woman tiun. \\·ill help to 111ake thi~ ()n('-))ay Con \\ ' :t:' p;1iniully i11jurccl hy a11 autunwhilc. ference a memurahk C\'Ctlt in the histon Isn't it pretty certain that g-reater care of education on the north shore. ,,-otlld han· prt.·\'t·tJ ted these t rag·ic acCIdents ? \\"hat are the re\\'ards of those \\·ho in Expansion and progress arc two very c:n:ry comnmnity make the arrangements 'L'hc progress I vc fur ~-oncert s. lectures, pu hlic mecti ng-s o i ' closely re Ia ted terms. businrss must expand. The progressive all kincls? \\'hat do these Those 1¥ho \\'Orkers .t!Ct for o·oino· church must expand. Contraction, draw~· h h ing in, getting sma ller, does not imply through all the trouble Do T'hings progress. It is stimulating- to note in our of making engagements with pianists. singers, and lecturer s; for north ~hore rumm unities t.h e expansion a ncl haYing programs arranged and printed: for progres~ uf our business concerns, our attending t<J the rental of halls, etc.? \\'hat ch urches, uur schools, our Yanons soc ial t.>rg·a ni za tion s. i . there in it fur them? The ·s imple answer in Yirtnally eYery case is: nothing. Those w hu have done nothing more Tuesday, October 22-Cold, rain,·, and a strenuous than read the notices of such \\'ind blowing fitfully and fiercely. It meetings, lmv the necessary tickets, and seemed to announce with unneces sary vioattend, cannot imagine the a;nount of labor lence the end of a cong:enial Indian summer undertaken and effectiYcly done by certain and the beginning of a 1ess attractive seaindiYidual s. If the meetii1g-s planned for son. It turned umbrellas inside out, it are to extend in a series throughout the chilled poor humans to the marrow. A year, those who manage the series must lll\)St unfriendly day! ~ Grade Separation will save life Let's have immediate action! AN EDITOR'S MAIL ::-;cene-- editnrial sanctum sanctorum 111 typic~! ~ uburban comnH11lity. Time- nwrning. noon or rught. DL '_ l 'OR IH:p~i ully, if not pr~yerf~JIIy ·. ~l~eru s_ing~. Jlll..'l"l' hy p1cre. contents ot mo st_ recent. con ..,ig- 11 nlcllt <'i C<llttrilmtious and ~t:g-gcst~ons dc s1gt11.:d tu < ·nhaiiCL' ;u1 impt·IHiin~ ed_Jt:on o ~ the .~n:l·kly lll'\\'S 1ntdium. a~ well as a iatr vanety ot complainh, ki d;:-, rthuffs. !'-l~<uns. etc., re~tc:~d upon nccasion 1)\· a 1i otc (Jf smccrc apprcoatwn !rom some artic;tlat1..· and kindly dispo se d reader ul tht.: hnmc t(1\\·n paper. I lc Iinck like s as nnt (just by way of a icw illu::- t ratiPII!--1 in p!lint) that the Xational Ilo ~ Bre~,l ns Cui ld d l' :--in: s a mere column ur two m wlu c h to strl':-~ the merits ui prope r feeding. including a !'-·"· 1 );u·a;.~rapl: . . cn nc ·rni ng \\'l:at mannl'f oi ioo<_l uur l1 i gh~ r :-tra ia \ll h(lgd11111 prclers ... tha_t hal_ t tl ~~.: c ll ;u 1 1hn~ , ,, ~~~mtncrcc and honstcr e mmJ ~sal'IL'S 111 tln l '. ~ - .\ . :tnd jl(l'"ositHIS. including a sca tterin g· in tlH· I )t11lllllit1ll ()I Canada (not including uur !1\\ n' (._' _ , , j l'. l art· praying ior at ka~t a co upk L )i :-.tirh Pi t,·pt· i11 "hich Ill cxtul the ,-i rtut·:, climatic and <' t hvr·,,l~t· . Pi thi-,, that ' t'r th e nther hta\'1..'11 hic:-:-L·d J, 1c;tltt' "h it·It ltnt·toiurc ma_ \- han: e~capc l l tl 1v L'; 1r1 H ·, t ; 11 tl' 11 t i, )n (l i t h c L'. S. Cen sus HurL' au t l: a t tilt· '"civt' it1r the cure <1l any and all ills } (I "hitll lnnn;tll~- iall l1cir is ofiering- \\ord ~ and picture-, il]u,tratin· uf yel m on : \\·ays in whiL·h \\T 111;!\ l1L ·lp 1111r a !tlucnt clitntd lc tn dispnsc of \rhat l ' \ t:r ~hel..:tl:-. nta,· han· L ·o.;capcd the gr:tsping ~tuck hr lker .. . that- l'(lll .L 'i'l'SS 11lan \\' hn uzis is di~play ing- an uncomnwnl _ ,. kvcn inter est in Bill .:\u. ~t l anrl-~u. at the nwment enjoyin g the (reading hc tm. ·cn the line s) l'llthusiastic sponsors hi{) of the lohhyitJg- iratcrnity that a \\'1..'11 -me;ming though mayhap slighth- nn:n\Tought indi,·idual is ren·aling the startling intellig-ence that we arc guilty oi a number of journali st ic crimes including class <.li ·crimination. rare , religious or political prejudice .· that another alert citizen has di scoYc red an error or perhaps errors of minor or perhap_ s major proportions in th e m o~t rec ent edition of what we had been led to bdiere wa s at least an approach to an illustrious ne\\·s medium .. that gross mismanagt:mcJ·Jt oi affairs can be laid at the doors of our tru ste d public officials or that, well, the world in it s entirety has gone to pot beyond redemption despite all that may he attempted in the natnn: of a rescue. :\t thi s juncture th · editor, in a state of semicollapse and \\ ith gray hair. sprouting in all directiom. just about decides that hell hath no funcon.Jparablc to the circumstance of longer facing thi s scc miugly ceaseless barrage o i, shall \\'l' ~a, .. literature ? .-\nd then. like a rdre-;hing draught of good old Lake -:\tichigan air n11 a !'ttltn· !'-lttlllmer aiterJJ()Oll. there appears a iascinating an·d intriguingly dainty missi,·e. r'edolent of attar of roses, and containing the rras suring fact that th e little, apparrntlv rather j n sign i ft Ca 11 t item \\' 1..'· "ran" Ja t \\'el' k a ho.ut ..\ f r !---. .I ones: house party \\·a s appreciated, oh, ever so mnch . And, followin :~ this a rather stern and for mal appearing me ~s ag-c from Mr. Smith apprisingns, in a precise and bu sinesslike tone, that we're unloadin~ upon the public what he regards as a- rather commenclahlc example of communitY journalism. · After all that the editor gleefully hies him self to Shorty's harbcr shop, in quest of a nice, cool sha\~e and one of Jim's copY,rightcd Sunday shoe shines, feeling· the while tl1at "God's in His Heaven and all's right with the world." (Hope there' . no mistake in that quotation). E I; Perhaps Not, After This .\ fine dinner of \·r ild duck has been vaguely hinted as a possibility of the not · remote future if we can just ke ep on listening with at least simulated intcrtst to the stories of Doctors Blake and Hecht. the north shore's premier devotees of the "blind." By way of added encouragement we have generously offered the kindly offices of Gin, the Typr-eating Terrier. as a retriever. Gin's qualifications have never been questioned since the time he fetched our brand new (ivory-hued) Easter bonnet after a rather painstaking investigation of the l1atter's workmansh_ip. Our lake shore was a stern if not a coast Tuesday of this week. rockboul)d -MIQUE.

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