October 25, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE The Correct Corset is the All- Important Foundation for the . .New, Fashion·able Molded Silhouette To attain the new silhouett~ with its feminine curves, one must start with the foundation - the corset. For after the . flat. boy ish figures that have been fashionable for so long . it is imperative to be correctly corset ed now in preparation for today 's fashions . The new corsets ret air. the com fort and flexibility that women like. But so skillfully are they fashioned with their fiat backs. normally placed, nipped -in waistlines that they successfully . 1ccent the fashionable lines. They are to be had in step -in or combination style . Seco nd Fl uo r MRS. K. B. LITTLE of The Evanston Junior. League season~s wears one of the smart, tweed ensembles This jaunty ensemble typifies the smartness of l host of new autumn creations· featured by THE EDGAR A. STEVENS SHOP, Orrington Avenue, Evanston. With its sturdy black and white tweed. rich black caracul colla.r and blue crepe de chine blouse, it is the acme of fashions for general wear. This shop specializes always in exceedingly smart interpretations of The Mode that skillfully avoid (Photo by carlos> all that is extreme.