( )ctober 25, 1929 WI L M ETTE ~ L I FE 53 Clara Seltzer to Mrs. Jame. s Connelly Will W ed W au~egan Man Marry Robert Francis Kolb ~ f'rs. James F.dward Cnnndh· of 716 Saturday, Oct.. 26 Lake avenue will he ma r ried ~to RohMiss Clara Seltzer. da1.1ghtcr oi' Mr. and Mrs. John Vv. Sdtzer. 1(,01 \Valnut an·nue. will he raarried to Raymond De'l'horne, son oi .Mr. and Mrs. Fredcrkk .De'l'hornc of \Vaukegan, totilorro\\ moming- at ~ :30 o'clock at St. .J oscph 's church. The Rev. Father J. A. "\eumann \rill officiate at the cen·monv. The scn·ice ,\·ill he foilo\\'cd h,· a reptinn and \\Tdcling hn.:akfJst at the hnmL' nf the bride's )Jarcnts. In the cn·ning there will he a light supper ;tnd dancing. ~liss Seltzer has chosen the gruum\ sistL·r. .Miss Flon·ncc DcThorm·. to lli.: tnaid oi honor. while the bridesmaids \\'ill he ~1 iss Florence Seltzer. a sister 11i the !,ridt·, and ~I is..; Angela ~I itl~i· t>i .McHenr. v. The best man for ~I r. DcThPl'll.c "ill he the bride's brother. Roman Seltzer. The ushers will be l.t-ro\· Scltz(·r, an!\ther brother oi the hride. anrl Ccor~c Schmitt of ~ 1 cHenrr. After a \\·edding journe,· ,tlH· hrid,_. a ncl gwom \\·ill make their IH)lllt' i1: \r aukegan. Mrs. jnhn Seltzer. ht..T ,J;.ught :-r. ~I iss Florcnct·. and a l!,Tnttp 11i iriends nf the · hridc-clect entcrtaint·d at a ..,hmnr Thursdav evening nf la:;t \\'tck in honor uf ~I iss ~citzn. ~I r. DeThorn('\ mother. ~Irs. Frederick DeThorne wa" hostess tP a sho\\Tr at h.:!r lwmc in \\' aukq~a n \ \' edm·sda ,. en-ning of last \H·rk for her daughter- in. Ia \\' -to -he. · . ~fiss ~tltzcr wa:-- ;, :--upcrri:--Pr at the Hell 'h·!cphnlll' rompan _ , . of \\.ilmcttc. rrt Francis Kolh. 22-l Ridge aven ue, \\'innctka, Saturday nening, Xovcmhcr. 2. at the residence of ~r rs. Connelly's claughtt..·r, ~Jrs. HarH"y :\.Craig. :\ reception will immediateh· fo ll ow till~ ceremony. .\ fter a .wedding jourtrey the hridt· and grnom will make their home at 22-l l~idgc avcm1<.:, \\'in .. net ka . ~fany of ~lrs.l'tltltll'lh-'s friL·nds ha\'e heen entertaining in l~er honor. and among the affairs \Yill he a luncheon and hridge on ~f nne! a,. given hv Mrs. 1\athan Bulkley at her. home. in Evans ton. On Tucsday ~I i:--s l.tH't' Ora Kolh, sist cr ui ~ rr. I( olh.. will gin: a larg, · reception at her hnmc in \\'innctka in hnnur Pi hrt. sister -in-law-t()-he. \\'ednc.:s<by. October 30, ~Irs. l·:dgar Kidcr w1J1 ht flliStCSs at a large lun'c heon and . hrid,l..!e party at tiH' Edgewater ncacll hotel in honor t)f ~frs. Cnnnclh·. On Thursda\· ni thi .' \reek Mr.s. ~f. I. ihner entertained at lunchl'on at;d hririgc :tt her hnml' in · Hogers Park, and \Irs . Frank \\'hitl' was hnsttss at dinner last ~aturcl:ty eyeni11g in honor oi ~f rs. 'onnl'lh· and ~I r. Kolh. ~~ r:-- . !lope 'I hnmp:--l;ll, 1..?1() Ashland an·n1w. ;111d \1 r~ . !~11 _, . Lt'l' oi l·:,·anston wen· l'tl -llll<:.!l·:--,r-, at ;1 lunrht,lll and bridgl' part,· tlll \lnn<la _ ,. at Sha\\·nre clu h i, r ~ f r :--. (" 11111 e II y a n d a g-r o11 p n f her F,·atbltlll iri<'ncb . re- HALLOWE'EN CANDIES and FAVORS FROM REACH & GEIU bVANSTON- 1633 ORRINGTON AVE., UNIV. 5970 WINNETKA HYDE PARK CHICAGO HIGH LA ND PA RK ASSURE A SUCCESSFUL PARTY . . ,,~ · CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY \lr. and \Irs. Bernard I. Hens t,f 1-ll.i \1 a pll' a Hlllll' were .t.::i \'C'n a s tt rprise part _ , . h_ ,. about t\n:nty-five nf their fritnds last Saturda\· evening on RADIO PROGRAM DIR ECTOR Xathan Caldwell ..i20 (~regory a\'enue, the orra:--ion tlf their \\·ctlding annivrr has hecn appnintt-d dirertnr ni pro- san . .\Iter a dance in the home of the ;.!,'ral1ls fM tht· Chicago Hadio show, .L:llt::--ts of .honor. a dinntT v>as sen·l'cl. \\'hich Ins hl'l'll in prngn·ss tlti:-; \\'Cck at the Coli..,eum. Frttl'"t \\ ·. Ht·\\itL, 128 Laurel avcnuL·. l1a:; hl't.'ll in :\c"· York all this \vcek 1111 ~ I r:-- . .- \nna /. . nrn\ntl·. wbt) has been hu~incss. and \rill return thl' first of '~Pend in .~· a year \\·it h her daug-hter, nrxt \\'CCk. ~lr~. F. H. 1-\ilner. i~J \ \ 'ashington -- oI ·--- __ __ _ avetllll'. l1a:-; 1111\Y rcturtt~cl 111 l1cr llOillC \lr:--. l'l1arll's ~- l{rl'se ,,f l~\1tttst,llt ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in Ln:-; :\ngt·lc..:. ~he 11\ntorcd there \\'as lwstcs..; to the members tli her I :-topping tn vi:--it Jdares Pi interl'st alun~ Tne~da _, . bridge hmrhcon rluh at her the wa\·. · 1 11,1111<' this week. tt PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS HIGH" Colors for Brisk Autumn Days! Marine· blues to give sparkle and chic to joyous feet! New browns as varied as .the.colors in an Autumn leaf! New harmonies in all the range of costume colors signify the new chic that makes 3 8xl0 Portraits $9 ~egular Price $17.50 This offer is good for the n1onth of October o n I y we urge you to take advantage of it now. the fashion leader, as well as the foremost shoe for preserving foot youth. energy and beauty. ~ ~ N1111 MDJes for A..'l O"MiMu lzo ~~ ·EuoENE L. RAY PHOTOGRAPHER Evanston Phone Univ. 2238 1606 Chicago Ave. tJR(}I PRESERVE« fJ Shoe Shop Jnc. · 626 CHURCH STREET ...... E"ANSTON