Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 55

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Octohl'r 25, 1929 WILMETTE ENTERTAIN CHURCH DIVISION The Fifth division of the First Methodist church pf vVilmettc held a progressive dinner Friday, October 18. The last course \ras served at the home of ~f_r. and ).Irs. Harry W. Mons, 157 \\ oodstock av nue, Kenilworth, where thr gue sts "·ur· entertained with a progratn of vocal, piano, and harp mn.,ic. atHl game s. ).J i~ s CtrnH·n Bru\\'nv prontinrnt painter and. et~·hcr (li ~!e,~· York Cit\', \\110 ha s ]J(.' CII vi:-.itittg· htr :-.i~ttT, .1\lr.:-. . F. R Kilner, .=i23 \\'a:-.hingtou av<.·nm·. for several \\' C' eks has tHI\\' returnl'cl tn ~1er home. ·- _ . . LIFE 55 Whence the Term Indian Summer? · Consult Writers A question on the origin of the term, Indian summer, suggested to ~I iss .-\nne L. \Vhitmack, librarian, th(' fol lowing selections ·on that subjert to he iound in hooks at t h<· \\'ilmc te l't~hlit· lihrary: "That mdlnw titllt' in :-.:~,,· t·tJth-t· r \\'hich follows the ftr:-.t, ur n~:tl tltt: :-t·rotHl cold snap or JH:rio<l. 'l'ht· re t urn of summer fot· a stasou, d1a ractcrizcd hy a hazy at mosplH"n· :11Hl a mrllow air and roloring." :\ legend tells us that after St. .\I ar t in had divided his cloak with a beggar on a wintry day in XO\·cmhcr, ~tlillllH'r came back again. It is by this name. St. ~Iartin's ~ummtr, that thv ..,<·a..,t·JI is known ahrnad . Evanston Business College DAY AND EVENING SCHOOL All Commercial Branches Begin Monday, Nov. 4 Studio Building 1718 Sherman Ave. I W. H. CALLOW. Prop. The Local Telephone Directory "It is by no means caw t o ac count for the origin of the 'term. 'rhc prinrip:-~1 rharactcristics of the season which it de~cribes are haziness, smnkiness :t11d high tcmJwraturcs. ~nmc explanat i<Jih of the origitt of thr term arr: (1) that the Indians prrdicted such spell -.. ,j \\'Cather; (2) that the smokinc s:-. ,,a:-. produce<! by Indian frrcs; (3) that thi:-. \\'aS the last season of Indian attarb llll the settlements of the \\'hilt:-; ( -l) that the season partt)Ok nf tht· "'rli:tl l character;(~) that tht· llantt· \\'a . . taken frnm :t ..,imil:tr . , <· <t..,,qJ i1 1 1:. a--t India." · < Goes to Press It Thc:-.t· art· tltt' da\·.., "!It'll J.i rt] . . , t·lltt· hack. .\ Yen· il' \\', a bird l·r t" 1 1 To tai..:t' a hack\Yard lonk. . These arc thr days wh en :-ki o p11f 11 11 The old, old sophi stries oi llttllt·. :\ blue and gold mistake. Oil, iraud· that cannot cht·:tt till· hvt· . .-\I most thy plausibilit ,. Induces my belief, Till ranks of seeds their \\'ilnc ss hear . And ~oftly through the altered air Hurries a timid leaf! Oh, sacrament of summer da vs. On. last communion in thr hai't', Permit a child to join. Thy sacred emblems to partakt·, Thy consecrated bread to hn ak. Taste thine immortal wine! -Indian Summer hy Emily Diclill:-.t '" SoOn In the interest of good servtce subscribers are re·q uested .to call .Ne'lv Books \\ 'ilmcttt reader~ art' inilll'ltlcd "' .\liss Anne L ..\Vhitmark, librarian. 1lt;~t they .will find the follo\\'ing nc\\' h~~~~k:-. of fiction at thr \Vilmcttc lihral'\' : Bowen-Last September. Dcwi~1g-Eaglcs Fly High. (~illiat-King's Reeve. (~Jasgow-Thcv Stoop to 'J<\,]J, . Lane-Left Himd of G0d. · Oemler-J ohnny Reb. Hcrsch-Bird of God. H utchinson-Unccrtain Tr11111J 1\'1. Scott-The \Vavc. \Vilson-Lonc Trer. Young-Hiark Hnst·s. HAS OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS Mrs. Clifford E. Ives of 1630 \\'a~J,_ ington avenue had as her gunts for several days this wel'k her sister, .\1 r~. Rea Hilliard, of Duluth. Minn., :tnd \1r·s. E. Ralph of Duluth \\'h0 had 11\.) tared to St. Loui s and -v\·rrc 1lll t hrir way home. 1\f rs. I ,·es also had as hn guest last week-end. Miss M yrtk C0x of New York, who \\'<l'S en I'< ·Ill t' to ( 'alifornia f0r thr wintrr months. THE TELEPHONE COMPANY and give notice of any changes or corrections. that should be made in their listings Mr. and ·Mrs. Charles A. ~I air. 127 Fourteenth street, with their grandsons, Charles, Robert, and Clark Dorman, returned on Monday after a two weeks' motor trip in. the East, and a visit with relatives in Ontario, Canada. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY .) ··-----

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