Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 57

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( >ctober 25, 1929 W .. LM.ETTE LIFE 57 Kenilworth Trounces Tu.,o Evanston Teams as Grid Play Opens the A 1nerican Legion Auxiliary - - - - - - - - -- · \ .. . J> ,. 1 1 'J'I It' 1 .q{ton : U XI 1 Jan lit O:'t ,, (), -t(l is m~king i1hercsting 1 ;tans for an open mcetutg at the Howard school a udit urium on the ,ev.e ning of :\:ovembcr 11. Palmer D. blmuncls. \· d w will be;- the l·:vanston. Kenilworth's lllidgct team, speaker. is well ktwwn in tla~ state for composed of boys weighing less than hi s work in .-\.mtricanism, and his ad ~5 pounds , won 7 to 0. Th~· victory dress will be on a patriotic them~:. As. ni tlw Kenilworth lighhn:ight l\.'<tll;, head of the Amt·ricanism · Cnmmissitltl composed of boys weighing less tha11 of Illin ois thi s past \'l'ar and a mcmbl·\· 100 pounds. was even nwre <kcisi \·e. of the specia l co 1111 ;1itt cc 011 American Jl to 0. Robert Berger, quarterback. citizenship of the :\merica 11 Bar .\s:;nand Robert Fulton, fullback. starred fnr ciation he has hewn11.: iamiliar wit II the midgets. Cy MacKinnon, who the strength and the w~·akncss oi patrihroke through repeatedly for hig- gain~. otism in our citizenship. Ht" has found "·as the outstanding player f·1r tltl" startling examples ui tht· prnmulgatiun lightweights. Cy is a fullhark. oi un-American doctrint·:-., and hclines Last Saturday the Kenilworth tca!!ls in th~ c~posurc oi "any individual or met the Howard school of \\.ilmttte in o:ga111zatwn whose teaching is suhvcra doubleheader and hoth games re - SIVC .to t.hc red .. hlo(ldcd patriotism of ~utted in scoreless ties. The rontt-sts our torctathers. with hoth Evanston and \\"ilm cttt wl're ·I ~f r. Edmunds wa:-. just recent!_,. applaycd on the Kenjlwo~th field . P,OJnted to .. succeed the late Ceorg-c _A. Following are the lin eups fnr the t wn ~row as ~upr<:~t.· court :uHl comm.tsKenilworth teams: ~lidgets-\\"ork- stoner. Hts Mthtary ~crvt~e was ~nth man. lt.·ft e nd; Peterson. Icit tackk: the 344tll and 109th Jntantnes. A. h. F. Fyft.·. left guard; Hildchra~ult. ccntt-r: After the war he was a conu_nancler o~ Smith. right guard; Crow, right tackle; the Blac~hawk Pos~ . and dtrector . ot Kingsley, right end; Berger. quarter- ~he .s~ ~v1 ce Recog1~ttt<?n board whtch hack; Fitzgerald, left halfback: Cooke. adt~:uustered t~Ic lllu~ots b_onns. . right halfback, and Fultcin, fullback; \ tllage Prcstdent. I·.arl 1 ·.. O~ncr \\'Ill liglltweights-Benson, left end; Crut- a l ~(.l appear on tl11s. ~omm u_mt y pro tendon. left tackle; Cooke. left g uard: ~ram an~l local mus1~1ans \\'Ill app~;~r \\"eiss. cen ter; Roslev. · right g uard. 111 sekcttotts apprllprtatt· til the ~p tnt \\'iemer. right tackle ;. Harrison. right of the day. tnd; \ 'ail. f]uarterback : Tiotthof. leit --halihack: Ross, right halih:trk. anti I BUDINGERS RETURN HOME \I acKinnon. fullback. I ~I r. and ~'lr s . .1 . \I. Budinger with their infant son han returned to ,!heir I >uncan J cnnings of l.Ui Broaclwa~· homt· in Bronxville, :\. Y .. after vis it an· nn c. who is atteuding the CniYCr- ing ~lr. Budinger\ mother, Mrs. ]. P . <;itv of \\"i :-.consin a nd \~hn graduated nudinger, 1731 \\'alnut a'\·enue, for irom \"'t·,,· Trier last June. ha . been I three w~cks . ~Irs. Budingt·r en terpledged to the .\lpha Tau Omega tained at a dinner party ancl family iraternit,·. I reunion on Octnher r, .. 1 Ken ilwo rth opened it s ~~~ s~:aSlliJ i11 . · ;\orth S~ore Grannnar ~chot~l Football league la st Thurs<Ja,· with two ,·ictories over th e Haven . sdw 0 1 nf Simplifying the Business of TRAVELING THOSE who make use of the ·convenience afforded by consultation with the North Shore Travel Service find that the invaluable assistance thus received is a happy forerunner of the trip itself. ; ~ -----+- ,(!j'(J) fJ . That Lack of Sleep feeling may indicate the need ol glasses. Make sure of this by having your Eyes checked over today! No charge for this _ Sight-; Check ing Service. If you would cruise successfully this fall or winter, make use of the inexhaustible facilities brought to you by the North Shore Travel Service. Schedules are now in readiness for 1929-30. Cruises of varied and colorful interests-Around the World, to the Mediterranean, around South America, and · to Bermuda, Hawaii and the West Indies. In addition, there are always possibilities for arranging unusual trips in companionship \Vith ·private parties. We are official agents for all Steamship Lines and Tourist Companies. Transportation is arranged for at no advance in price. Early reservations are urged-deposits made will be refunded in the event that circumstances make it necessary for you to change your plans. Ask for our 1929-1930 Cruise Folder NORTH SHORE TRAVEL SERVICE State Bank and Trust Company Bldg. EVANSTON Greenleaf 5ooo Wilmette 3 1 oo

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