Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 59

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October 25. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 59 I With Junior Life R eporters }'O l '.XD, I,OS'l', }'OlJ~ f) ~va:-; walldng around llo\\'ard ~<;honl I found a caterpillar l ying: on thl' ~Hlewalk. 1 <lid not touch it but tlw g·il'l 111 back nf . Jn·~ pi c ked it up and sai<l she w~u.; g:o1np; to take it to scil·nn·. \V t· t<Jok It · t(l .\lis~; Htevens-at least we thoug·ht "'·4' ditl- hut wht:'n W ' got tlwr · the ca terpillar wa s gonP. Then we went ot·t itt th~ lwll to look for it. \Ve saw As Eleanor Makes Cookies and Displays Business Ability .I Wednesday moming the girls of 1\( · Stolt> had cooking. As we made cho<·olalt· eookies, a lot of the boy:-; wantt!rl ttJ eat them. I decided to sell mint· ancl :tfter eutting· them in naif I sold them for eleven cents. I went home through tlw village and· I stopped i.n at the bal<a·ry and boug·ht a. small cake and a eup tal<e . .\Y c :t t P. them at noon and I thought that the cake tasted he tlt·r than th~ cookies. I hop · that we makt> sonwthing el:-:e in co,·king that the boys lik~ so that r call SP]] some n10re. - Eh·;uwr Hicks, ' 8(' Ht()lp . ORGA~I Z E UOO::U CLUB , .· . the 7 C· <·I·.t.. ., s. orgctmz" ·· ····d .t . loom . l·tlda~ ·luh We first appointed a tt:mporary ( . . dlairman who then appomted a tvmpr>rn · s ·<·ret·u·v TIH·n we drew up our a . : ·. t . ' : · . · · , · . .. r, <'ullstltutlon .wd n.tmt.'d out lub th \1\ c . \\' ill l'luh.. vV e th<·n \'Ot('d for uffie:rs · . . an i .\n~1a 1Jarlt> 1.3°? ~ was eledt·d pre .-;!d··nt , bleanor \VJ_llla~s, trea.~urer : and Edward 1\lt·e, s~(·t ·ta t ':(· We have .organizt-d ::;everal comnutU.! t:'S. Our f1rst J·Jrogram was Friday, . OctolJE-r 11.-.:\larjori e WeiHe r, i ., Stolp. that ,'liHJtht·J' hoy had founu it and wa::-: ~'~10WII1g' it t·· sonw otlwr boy:;, By th L' lime we got it th' poor thing· was half ~l('a<.L \V{· g·a \'p it to .:\Jis~ ~lf ·\'l' llS hut It c.l!t ·tl 1<h11rt ly aJlvrw;trcl. \'irg-inia Olson. ti;\ 1 !o\\':trll. 1· H E I' .\ H E 1.1 B H.\ H Y }; X II IUI'I'S . The. <: hildn·n of I f,,\\'ard sdtool are maklng' pwturt·::-: for tilt· Lihr;u·r t·xhibit. We 0 ' '" al)(l Jlkk out., :1. I g'l't M·ntca nte1' that \\'· · ,,..tlwnt · \\'t· ' II . .. . . . . .tnt 0 I u:-tJ.tlt->. At et I \\(' olll ; doll(· With our "kl't\'h we draw on a whit ~.: pit···t· of d!"~Will"' I 'LJ · :.\1' .. 1 , · · ,.., J, JeJ · · 1s::; uOllllc·lly and .:\1 i:-::-: Lar scJ! I lh·lp us with . ··ur dr·twings ~~ n 11 f tl . I . . ' . . . . ) ' () lt · plvtun·s t 1at ·lft' rPal grJOd will ht· st·nt to an exhibit Sllllle pLtt·· · a ft I' th v~· art· fini~lwd a11d ···don·u . -.Jano ·t 1Jardt · in lllilll·is 1 !·J\\·a rtl. · fi. 1;.\ Ilnw<~rd, go.t·.s. to th'e· s.<'lt'I1<'P room ~ 0 study Wllh ~l_JSS, ~t.e\t.n~ .. :\biJU~ .t."'..,0. wo..·t·ks ago, 1ltss ~tt \ ens . <ls~.~.d out c.l<t. :-: to make tree .booklet~ ot dl!~t · n·nt kinds of lt ·a \'l' S. · 1: 1~ v~? mte:cs~mg,. t~JO , ~vt·aust· we ha\e so m,my \~aYH to f1x tiH 111 · '\\'L can make smoke prmts, blut · I>UPPI' prints, trace and color .t.he leav··s a1~d also faslf·n th(:rn down with tape. ft 1s n ·ry intt·resting to mak e the book~. - \· ; r~inia Fi:-:ke, 6A Howard. EY ·ry · WednesdaY mor'nl.ng our clas ~ , STU IJ ·y T Jl-.:~E L}~ .\ ,·v."' .· ... ·: · . .. I TIEH I:'OJ:t }'lUST PLAt:.E Howard 6.\. and St. Jost·ph are tio..·d fur first pla(·e in foothall. Howard 6A. bas pla:p·d two gam es an(l won both of them. Tht-· 'tir:-:t game wa s won from Co..· ntral 6A I:; to II. They put up a g·ood tight and :{ 1 hard one. Our ::;t·c~nd game wa::; one of 1 I!UJ· hardest games of the season. It \vas with St. Francis. \'\"l' won with the score, 6 to 0, 'Jhich put St. F'ranc:is one game 1 l>a <:k. We wo..·re to pia~· l't·ntral 6C but we had to go to the Art institute that afto ·rnoon . -Frnnk Koo..·na n, 6.A Howard. I JL\ VE B EAU'fU 'U L PIC'l'l RE \\., have a very beautiful pi c ture in th ' l11wer hall of the lloward school namrJd, " Fishing Boats." There are se\·eral fish ing boats whkh are red with blue trimnling·, the sails are gay, orange an<1: \'l·llow. ThE-re i~ al:-:o a ba('kground ot house~. The way the houst:s and colored :--ails reflect in the watl"r is v~ry l>t·autit'ul.-<:eorg-p Cotton, 6B Howard. SLIP COSTS G .\:\U; Thur:-:day att·rnoon, October :.l, Howard ' A played their lirst ki<'khall game with ~!. Jo~ei~h. eighth gradt·. The last inning 1 ·,··as excltmg. 1t was St. Joseph's }}lst time to be up. One of the girls ki<:ked a 1 g·ood fly. Ut.: raldin e Hpragu (; , th e shortI :-:top, l'aught it and sht· slipped with the ~~all. The thi~·d ha:->eman ran up to get I ll !Jut, alai', 1t was too late and St. 1 .rosl'ph won the ganw, th, score being [ I~~ t" ti . -~ 1 arjorh· \\'t~dt·ll, Howard B.A. ( l ·~~ntinut:'d on Pag·,. 80 ) PGSK N SPECIAL ( for the Month of OCTOBER ) Foot Saver-Shoes T H R E. E · 6 x'8 Moderne PORTRAITS WE BRO'UGHT THEM TOGETHER-- Styknnd ComfOrt. In Foot Saver Shoes we present th..) perfect combination-a shoe styled to the equal of Paris' or. london's smartest-and fash ioned cleverly around an invisible, patented, inbuilt construction that achieves perfect foot ease. F0 0 T $10 TELE PHONE 6 5QWILMETT E CARLOS ~PHOTOS~ 1647 SHERIDAN ROAD ~ AT THE. LAKE : between INSURANCE F0 R THE FUTURE MIRALAGO BUILDING· ~ Wilmette dnd Kenilworth OPEN EVENINGS = = The Shoes with a Snut Fitting Heel 634 CHURCH ST., EvANSTON UNIVERSITY 971

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