Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 67

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R~AL Octobtr 25, 1929 ESTATE S.ECTION _W I L~ E T T E. L I F E 67 N. s. DELEGATION GOING . I . TO STATE CONVENTION I Fine English Manor Type Residence for Glencoe This Section to Be Well Represented at Annual MeetEng at Rockford, October 31 The ~orth ~hon' l~l' ~d !·: state hoard is to be well repre~ent ed at the thir teenth Annual Cnnnntinn cif the Illi nois A ssociati0n oi Rt'al Estate Boarrls which opens at Rnrkiord. Ill.. on Oct. 31. The north shore <kln~ation will l:e composed of Durllc.:y Br;1cl\\·e11. I ln\\'arcl H. Brown. Jules Dixon. l.rwi s '1'. Dorld H. Brown. Jules Dixon. Ll'wis T. Dodd s. A. R. Eddington. J..,abella llarkn t.:~s ~~ argaret E. Byrn. Frank A. Reid, Edward H. Selig, .-\ . R. Ti g he. A. J. \Voodcoc k. Robert L. \\'\·a tt, Samuel Camp · 1. bell. C. R. ~orman . Le ster \V. Coons. I Elsit> B. Oppenheim. ~~ rs. Oprothy F.. ; \\'ink and ~rat hilda Spak. 1 :.ratters of imp,lrtance. n0t o nl~- to I the real estate hroh·r hut to the 0\\'tH' r · oi c it ~· prdpt·rty and fannbnds as wdl, will he discus..,l'd and acted upon at t~W I convention. The Statt' .\s5,lriatinn · has be<'n 1 \\'Orking, sine~ its organization, more , than thirteen years agn. on plans look.ng t owa rd a more cqnitahle distrihu- I t: Jll of the tax hunkn in lllin ni~. The tax situation· ,viii he one of th e impor- · tant subjects di:;c ussed a~ the St;t;e ,·onvention. Other matters oi interest t o rome h_eiorc the co_m't'ntiPn,, \\'ill l,e_ !IH' ~ 1 I lS new house is now being conF arml~nd Con,terenc~.. ·..rh~ Butldtng structed for Elmer T. \Vieboldt on and l sc of Sales 1--:Jt ~ . Cllrpora~ " six a en·' of land iutting o11t int· ~ t Gr Tendencies oi Real Estate Owncr~hip Skokie Country dub grounds on Grove in Illinois," "Lrgislatinn in Conn ection Street. just south of ~fadison Street. " ·ith Junior ~f ortgage Financin ~ ... · The house is at the extreme west end . ·. · . ":\nH.'tHlments to the Brokers' I.iccn ..;c : Building activity in Wilmette showed '·t f Ill. · - " a<l<lrc s · es b\· Pr"s:\nnott nce1 mcnt b made · ot ·an\\" 1111- of the property, and is completely sur·' l o 11101~. an< I of < · · · '· ' little in the wav of improvement during rounded 1)\· the courst·. There is in ·d. t II C 1, tl e ""at· . J ·\ . . . po rtant rca estate tran -artwn 111 lilt en arrv 11 'er 1 .l ' 10 11 ,1 · :. . k · · · · 1 · · t. · f R ,. 1 1: t te Boar<ls 1 11 ' net · a. 111\'u 1nng t\\'O JHccc s ot >tblncss addition to- the house, a garjge, which the last month. the figures for the --oCla 1011 o Ccl .:- a · 1 1' 1 ' · "-\ .· t'101 1 1 H . 1 F ·tate" and '>v pmpert\', o ne 111 t 1e ·. m :-trect sec- houses the motors, a tool room, a room thirty day period being below nne hu11t c~l}l( I C.tl . 'rs k ,. ,·11-' ti tln a1ld tll<.: other in lluhhard \\' nods. for children's toys, and living quarter s dre<l thousand dollars. Although twen ; \ ~~~ ·.. - ar -~on n ' I( II. ~chcll. . . ty-nine permits were issued in this timl' · en ~ re st( . tar · c·s ·· 0\\'llt:r u t hnth pmperttcs. f <lr sen·ice. 1c assoetattlnn . f the total amounted to only $94,245. ' 1 ~. · . ell has ~old to the ::\atitllt al Tea compa:n· Both buildings arc of Lannoi1 stone . 11 1ll' 1 1 · ,--,J~ contes s. _as 1) 11 0 "·s, "' 1 · < I the t\\·o story brick lHt:...inc:...s hln ci.;: Eight of the permits were for resid tor stlvrr troph1es: . . . . at ~00 Ehn strcl't and the south\\·cst laid up in a manner similar to that ences \Yhich are to he built at a total us<·d in the Cotswold district in EngAttendance Appratsal hmn l.t--t ~m· . · · · d , \\T ' d · n· 1 'n t )f ; corner ol Lmden a\·enue an (_,a,_::e land. This method of laying brings cost of $8o,OOO, which indicates th;1t ) I ,tst m_ 0\\' tsp ay ,_ r e~~en ag_e <. 1 -.trcct in Htthhard \\'onds . . out many colors in the stone not he- residential building is still holding ;,~ Increase m ~ft· mh1:rslup, h\'l'- \1mu tc · Th e Ifuhharcl \\'nod s prnp('rl\· has fore shown. The v.·indows arc lli O\\·n. Sixteen permits were issued fnr Home Towt·l ~peech. a~ irnnta.l!t nf _ 1 00 icl't nn. Linden " ·ii!t mttal with leaded ~ights and the ronf garages, \Yhich seems to show that One of the nhjerh of re al estate the motoring residents of our villagl' hoards is to ach·ancr thl· ciYic de\'e1 )p- ):10 f~et 011 ( ·<lgl', and t:' at 1~rescnt is of hand made English shingle tile. arc preparing for the cold wintc.:r nccupll·cl ll\· a t\\'o ~ton· res 1deth'L'. 1\·hirh arc so colored. and will he sc1 lllt llt and ecnnomir growth in th~ir months. These garages ran to tht C\ll ll1llll11itics ancl in tlH· State oi £11i - Thi:-; building- is to he m_mTcl 11\· _\f~·· laid, as to gi,·e the effect of a ven· old total of $7,045. There was one altera Sr_hl·~l ~n some n ea~·),,· ~~ t~·· _an rl t!, 1' I ro(lf 11\·cr-grown with moss. - The 11 (li:'. tion iob railing for an expcnditurt' c.)i - -- ~aHI tt 1' tlw y lan 111 the \;~_tt<lnal_ l. ·:t house is designed in the English manor $1,200. Heinsen Company Reports , Cllmpat_l,. tn nnpron, a porttnn nt thl' type oi the _ 14th C'entury and g-reat The permits for new residences w"·rt· }-' I tract. ttl the near ft~turc. 1c:.a re ha s he<.·n taktn to keep the buildSeveral Sales, Rentals The ROO Elm ~ treet propert\· "il.., ings and surroundings in this rharar- issued as inllows: Ashler and tile with garage at 245 The Heinscn 1\calty t·nmpan \· 11i 1<Kctlpit·dl\\· tlw ,'dwll Dn C.nods c.,:·1- ter. Greenleaf avenue for Bruce A. Gordon. \\.innctka rL·ports the f<lllP\\ing .- a!t·, l·an,· inr m ore than trn Har..;, _nrHlr The intl'rior inlhl\\'S ~omewlta~ · the :1 11<1 rentals in \Vinnctka: tP the nrctinn h,· \fr . Sl·hel_l ~11 t!H· I same period, the hall and lihrar: ·· being $15,000. Cindn block and brick at 2831 Black1357 .-\shury a\'l' tltH.' . . \ihtlll l'IIL' 1\ . , """. -.tr:re awl ap;trtmcnt htttlclmg at . panelled in oak \\·ith quarry tile floors . 1 Long to Harold ~- Dickt · r~(ltl. ~Ori-W Um St. I Tht plastering. where omamentecl. is han-k road. Indian Hill Estates, $17.000. 7111 Foxdak an·m11.:, I !em_, I\ . I Lik · 'l'ht· Xatinnal Tn C'P t111,an,· is 110\\' uf the same period. Thr dining room Brick H'neer at 1942 Thornwood 1\) Joseph Graffis. :1 · tt·nant in tiH' ~n . XOO T-:lm stn·ct will he Georgian in character and pan - avenue for Frank R. James. $11,000. 772 Lincoln avcnttl', Paul lll'ilh ·'ll 1P huilclin .l.!. The!" · arl' three ;tpartllH'nt ~ elled . 'The li,·ing rnnm follows a ~imFrame in Indian Jlitl Estates l";tit .\rthur S. Barrows. 1·11 t lw -..<·rnnd floor . ilar period anc\ quite simple. The for H. Holmes. $16,000. · · \\'intH:tka ~.Janor lot. , The ~ale. tt is ~aid. ,,·as negotiated breakfast rt)(ltll is Italian in de sign. Brick at 1727 Elmwood avcnut' ;<1r 7.34 Foxdak an·nlt<'. T. \\ ·. ll .·iii'IH' directlY het\\'l'cn the seller and purch: \\'ith a fountain in red \ 'e rona marhh-. ll. C. Lidig, $Ci,500. tu P. H. Halliday. ;;:;n. There is a play rnom on the first Aoor nrirk at 1723 Elmwood avenue f )r 1014 Din~morr road, ~lcn· itt l.unt t' 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - designed in rough timber work with <t H. C. T..idig, $6,500. Brick \'ent·er at 1534 Fon'st avell'll..' \I uriel Ret·d. . l'l ··· ,. 1~ T. \I non. cork floor. IOH2 As.h ~trl'l't, ()!at \!. I kndt·r~(ltl I sx~ . \rhtl!' ,.ital' . .l(dlll 1.. \lrl(c<l\\'1' The service part of the hou-.e i· fnr Victor A. 01-.nn. $7.000. Brick at 2220 Thornwood avenm· i )~· to Let· \\. :.rclcht·r. tn \\ ·. \\' . l>urha!ll. rompletl' in even· clctail using the mns: 1142 Oak street Rm· nrn\\·ning tn _ , · I l . I t . 1 \Villiam Vosllcr. $7.000. ' 113 1 ( , ; 1rl:tnd a \TiltH'. 1knn· \\ . ~iil.: mo< ern anc Improve< marna s. \I p tt · [.~45aCI~·~~~r\' stred H. 1. RnJHdd~ 1, 1 1(l Cyril" IL Conk. The wc,rk is being done hy R. C HAS R. E. LICENSE LAW ' · · 'l'\\'(l ~al<· . . in Kl'nilmll·th itls(l art \\'iehoktt. brother of the owner. and !,con j. Crai-ne. "'·ill he romplcted sometime next fall. At the most recent session of the 1147 :\sbury avcllttl', Carl llol'.;t 1n rl·po~·ted . .Tlwy an· : , .\rthur ]. ~lcrtzke. 20.:-> .\htngdnJ_t aHtllll', _l·rank C Ralph E. Stoetzel of Chicago is thr \ lhrrta, Canada, proyincial parliament, t law requiring license tor real estate 1252 Ash street, Jnscph Ycnturelli tn · K·r.ne to Fn·denck ~!. llamtlton . . . architect. Henry A. \Volcott. 72-l Cummings _av<'nuc. Jnhn \\ \·lhe Root and Hollister have laid out t:H' '1rokers 1n<l salesmen was passed and :s now in effect in that province. 817 C hcstnut conrt, R H. ~hell to tn Jnlttl r.. Scyfnecl. landscaping. 1 - I I R. H. schef/ Sells Business Property to National Tea Co. 1 JVilmette Displays Slu1np in Building During Last Month - I 1 1 ... -- · 1

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