Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 5

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October 25, 1929 WILMETTE ~I LIFE 5 the corner of S heridan road an(i STORM LEAVES TRAIL OF ~ at ichigan avenue a nd th e other o n \,Yilmctte ayenuc in front of the Firs1 DAMAGE THROUGHOUT N. S . ·ational bank. Wilmette Suffers Less Severely Than Neighbors; Kenilworth Beach Inundated . \\.ilnlt'ttl' Tu~· ..;<Ja,· 's ielt the fnrrt':-; 11f la :-; t wind and rain :-tnrm. al thllugh ·not so sen~ rely as ib lll'ighllllr:- tu the north and the south. Tree~ . ;1ncl win:~ were hlo\\'n down. rra(t in \ , .ilnll'l te harl)l)r were clamagt·< l. and atttlllllllhilo skidded and cra:--hl'd to ~· dl l ~.·r 1Hl the slippery Yillage st rcets . Worst in Yar& Tut·:-day\ storm on Lakl' .\1 ichigaP w;t . . the \\'Orst i11 man\· ,·ear:-. acrnrd i11g \11 Capt. Otto Frici~L·: ni thl' J-:,·an""lll Coaq gua:·d station. The fact that t ht.· ~tnHig wind uf last Tuesday wa ~ irPm tht· JWrth instead ni irum the ·:a:-.t is 1H: li~_·ycd to lla\:l' sa ,· ~.·d th1 · f"""""""""""'""'"""";,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,,,.,..,,.,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,~,,,.,,,., clozt'll Ill' nwrt.· craft llH.Hlrt'<l in \\ 'il m<:t t~· harbor. 011e small catbnat sank in th~.· har lmr . Captai11 Fricke r<..' ported. and tilt· 1 r,,;_j,hl t cruis~.·r Chancellor f>n,ke lno:'ie t ,,·ice during the storm. The Chan - 1 n·JJ,,r w;ts saycd by coast guardsmen. " hll \\Trt' liJJ duty at the harh ll' irnm .\llliHI:t\· night t(l- \\'e dm:scla,· night. : TilL' ~)2- -iuPt fi shiug smack · ~lay abo 1 . ratbt' rl tht· fllast guarclsmL:ll ~on~t· t l'tl 11 h·k \\' lll:n the railings \\'ere torn ' I tdf and th t craft broke lut)~t.· 1·rom it-. tlllll)fingy. Cau~es Many Accidents Ttte:-;d;l\·\ stor m is also belie\' ' d t1 1 l1 :t\.,. 1Jee;1 responsible ior .most ()i tht· ' To make room for the :-o t'\'tll auto accidents that occmred i11 1lll' ril lagc that day. none oi \\' hiclt ' arrival of new stock. A r~_ ·;-; ulted in serin us injurie s tll tht· dri,·l'l':-. ,1r occupants oi the car:-;. few of the late popular Till' fir:--t acridl'nt (lrrurrL·d at i ,,·~· l,; rk in thl· mllrni11 g at Cr~·g~~r~· models are being offered at a\"lllll' and ~i :-. th :-- tret·l . Car:-. dr i,·en II\ l'aul Fi~.· hng. JI)<J F,l\Jrtlt "trct·t. decided.ly interesting prices. \\ 'ihnt·tte. and La\\TL'lll"t' ll i lkhrandt~ ~ 1~.!3 Oaktun :-.trcd. 1·\·an:--. ltlll, ~_· ,l)lid~.·cl. ~ · a11d l~'iL·hng\ rar .., J..:id < kd cl\l'r tht·l t·urh and int1l a l ~ t mp p(l.;t at til~ "'Ill! II - , 312 WASHINGTON AV E. ~ ~ \\ t· . . t l'orner ni the intl'l'"l'cti\111. ~ ~~~th :\t 2:30 o'c lock Tucsc\a,· afternnnn. car~ drin~ n In· Paul Ericks~·m. 1R4H For eq avenue, -\\'ilmet tc. a nd V. Kell:trom. 1020 South ho ttlt' var d. Evan;-;ton . C(lllid ed at the corner L>f ).( a in stree t an d Lake an·nut· . Ericbnn signed a t'c lmplaint against 1\.ellstrnm, charging iailure tn . tnp at tiH· Lake a\·e nu(' s top sign. The fifth accident oi the eta,- wa s at Park and ·Prairie an· ·tu e at 3:45 o'rlnck in the aiternon llll and the si:xt h at Lake a\'Cil tt e and Twelfth street at X:34 tl't· loc k . in the L'\'l'lling. noth \\Tre of min or impn rt anre. \Ir s. 1 ·:. L \'nun g, .21X Dupee pIa et'. \\' i lm ett e. repMted the :eYe11th a ut nmohile acci<knt oi the da\· tn the \\' ilm et . e pc)lice at 10 o'clock ·Tuesda~· nigl'ft. .\ car driven by ~f r:-. . Y nung had t'rgur,·d in a collision t' arlit·r in the da~· . A falling tree also damaged an auto- · mohil c belonging to Harry C. Kinne. 1324 t·:lmwood ayenue , on Tuesday . ~I r. Kinne's . · daughter. Ruth, had parked the car near t h e No rthwestern unin'r sit\· campus in EYanston, ·w here she is a. stud ent-. Th e top of the car was cr ush ed an d the hody badly damag-ed " ·h en th e tree stru ck it. The machine was tll\\'ed tl) the ).I o t or~ ~t·n·ice garage in \\' ilmctte. .\t Kenilwnrth the stoi-tn of last Tw: sda" · did considcrahlr damage. rhid ly · al< ng the Ia ke shore . Trees· \\Tf'L' upr ooted a nd d{.'hri~ strewn ;,long thl' beaches. Th{.' st·a wall on the F ra nl{ Ket c ha 111 p!art.' wa s unde rmine d, as wa s the promcna'(\e at. . the public bench . The hrl'ak\\"atcr at thi s point and t h t.' pin at t h c south c n d of the beach wen· badlY damaged. Kenil\YOrth 'S fi ity foot inthlir h each had tircly disappearl'd by the time stnnn s ub sided 011 \\' edncsday. .So111etbiPg NEW HERE'S r Jeanette K<t Marks Announces A Closing Out §ale 1 JOIN NOW WHILE NEMBERJHIPJ ARE JTILL OPEN GET DETAILS 1 1 1 I t~~! DONTDrmy illunir -~l1np c·ar lvtoH l\.amneye1· 1 1 7q lJilttttttt -~;;~::~~-~~~·. ere !cl \\l.'d t· l the l.inrk n Cre:--t I ~ ~ WILMETTE 1984 T\\11 c1thn n~i111ll' :ttl\tllllubi.k nd li - I . . iI ) II ... ()(' c t1 r r l' d r II l' " (I (I \ ' Ill (lr IIIII L!. I lllc: - ..... ,,.,.,,.,.,.,,,,~,.,.,,,,.. ., , , . , . , , . ,. ., .. . . . . . . ., , ~## . . ., .. . ., , .##Jio# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ). Wilme£te Ave .. Wilmene. Ill. Phon t> Wilmeue 3006 Garage Heater $1 f9r Your Old Iron toward purchase of QUAKER Heat Your Garage With Oil Costs. only a few cents a day. No Wicks No Motor No Moving Parts New MASTER AUTOMATIC SUNBEAM Self Regulating Iron ~ow ~-~~u ··a11 l'f' pl:u·· · Y"'"' 11\d :-;ly l\·, nun-automati· · il'ltll with thP IWW ~~a~tt · l' AU\11lll<tli\' ~unlJt>:un, t'\'t'f'Y f t' at u I '~· you·,.,. al\\·ays want\,fl. Automat"k t·ontrol-st' t for " HiJ,d1" "Lo\V" or 'tnY lwat 'IH>t\\'t't' n.' awl 'th·, . ilioll stays tbt"rt' ~ All""t· r ll e atin1-;· U nit lwa fs hining· l"lltin· hotlom of tlw Jro n -- tllis sn.Yt-s an hour ,.,.t' l'Y ironing- day. Airc·nolt>d h a n !l 1 t>, :-;t unly cotn- back rest. ~· I and your old iron FREE with each bottle of FREE SPONGE with each 5 pound can Johnson's Wax Polish MakeClean Waterless Cleaner l-Ib. Can ......... 3Sc ZV2-lb. can ....... 6Sc S-Ib. can ....... $1.00 ,.

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