Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 71

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October 25, 1929 W I L M E T T E' L I'F E KENILWORTH REGISTERS BUSY·BUILDING MONTH Activity Shewn in Both. Residential and Busi~ess Sections; New Garage to Cost $20,000 71 written SJ)Ort atltl lOr! . 't'lCS. Tl 1 \ pup . hy - note<l . · ~ resq_uc I~le cluh is limited to cl lllUllhcr-..ll!p Ot fiftv OUtdoo r lo r whn 11 ·1 . . . . \crs . . : ~ ~ . R<>Jle tn1_n the proposition 0 1 ~ .'. ~ .'tl tt I .t.n extenstn· surn·y of <·tiler a' .uLthk :--H e -., . ·I hn·. . l . . . . lNOJ l:n<· · .. '. ~-' .ct~scn, <ll . 11 Slll l ' l. ( lllr;t<f(), IS St'('f"tary. ""' ~ F. , c. WELLS , STRAUS MANAGER . ., I . l~rank . \\'elb rnl c ·tatc . J' I'd. ' lll \\'ort 1 a~· am forg-ed to the fro 11 t of s \\' ~t , · · · "· · spcc1a tst . 1 · · . · rath and rnm1>am· h· b . . t Ill' past mont I1 wtth a mid-fall huilc'- aj)JH·i 11 tl' d 11 .. 1 f < - · tts ('_en · 1 · 1 ' <.,u o t1 H.· propcrt,· sen·"" 111~ campa 1 .~11, .\\- 11c 1', tngether with all ckpartment oi th; t . . . · · .' · 'l'arly culmtnat ton of. other plans inr ; f.aurenre Crccnc:l~at~l~lllllp,tn~' re~l~c~n~ l'Ontcmplatccl new rcsulcnccs 10 the ,-il- ~ ~tnu · . .. · Bclore JOtnitlglage, insures a winter's activit\· in the ;1; , 0 ~.r'r \,-:. 11·llH1_ c ~m:pany, two_year-; · t' 1' · · · · ."' · - · '- s \\as <~ partner 111 tl' e 11s partKtJlar part f1rm ,,i Lindheimcr. and \\'ells r c ~i n;n-.,truc ton me 111 t 1 "' the north shore. estate deY ·loJ)"I' ' c.1tH 1 1 k · ' 1~ ' :. HO ers. ·or Hoth rc.sidcnce and hu~incss . cctin 1 ,5 t~1r~G )'tars ~I r. \\' ellc; wa~ editor o[ t!t e: ;u:c profit1.ng- hv the dc:\·ekq1nH·nt. Fonr ~h!ca~- ,) 1\ealtor. corticial organ of tl 1 ~ 1)t the thtrtcen permits were for new llllra ~" !{cal 1 ·: Lttl· ll ol;trd . -- - h()mcs, and all on the \Vest side. Garage to Cost $20,000 The new west side business secti1m iro~Jtitig 1\fcCo~mick boule\'ard 4· 0 ; \rhtch ~onst r~tct10n. plans arc rapidly ! ~lcnlopmg, wtll claun the new business i 1~11pnn-ement. will he a $20,000 pub~ he garage \\'htch C. ·A. Thorsen ";·ill . l'rcct at 532-34 \Vest Railroad an:' nur. l t\\'o blocks north of Kl'nihwrth aH, nue. In ad_ d ition t <) the garage, the T?la_ ns ca ll f?r an auto ' display r1 om. a ftlll!lg- stat1on, and two apartments , ahon; the garage. T,ru of the new residences are to be h.uilt on Cttrnm ings a\'cnue. J :unL·:-o ( rahh has t~kcn nut a pcrlll it i"r :1 t\\_n . -,t,)ry hrtck \'Cnccr. \\'ith attaclH·d l)fJt.:k garage, at .\"o. 715 Cnmmii'w., lt)-.,tirtg $12.000. The other is to ')><.i l-rLct_ccl lly \Villiam Salmon, at 1\'o. 70o. It wrll_ also he a brick \'Cncer. cn:--tin'-!. , accordmg to the building Jlt.'nn~t 1 1 1 \\ ' Evanston Show Room Hubbard Woods Show Room 1620 SHERMAN AVE. Greenleaf 4821 900 LINDEN AVE. Winnetka 650 Greenleaf 700 ·----- ---- - - - Jt This Georgian Colonial Home in Skokie Ridge lnYites .Your Inspection~. .... · H. L._Sandstecl is building at\\·, ,. ,tnry hnck veneer and clctached t\\'> qr garage at 61.1 Brier ~trcet cost;Jlf" ~12.000. . - . New Sterling Road Residence Sterl in g road is to be featured In· another_ pretty home which C. ,\_ Hcmphtll is erecting- for Eric Franz2n ;tt \:o. 33(). It will he a two-ston brick ~- l·nt.·tr, ""' 1 1 attached two car garaoe cn-.,ting $19,000. ,. , · :\ hnilding permit \\'as also i:-;sued ~0 ! · the American Greenhouse 1lanuiacturing ~o .. which is erecting a one-.,tory prn·atc p-reenhousc \\'ith attached .;cn·ic(' room at 140 Melrose a \·enue : ~~r ~l. .I. Spiegel. The cost \\'ill h~ :5.:'l.000 . T\\'o permits were taken oia for re- . lllOdeJing jobs and five for pri\·atc oar- , agt:.,, t l1e tot~! value of the improve m~nts ~uthonzed by the thirteen permits bemg $93,27j. ~ ~15.000. 1 llokanson &Jenks Report Sale of 6,000 Acres in Wisconsin ' to a Chicago group \\'ho an· planning I to dc-_, clop th~ property as a high gradl' - hut~tlng-, fish111g, and recreation tract. It IS to be known as the PrL·squt· bk 1 club. The l?roperty contains nc-arh· a dozl'n good sized lakes and stream·s hcsidc=a srn~ll amount of virgin timhl'r. The ~est 1s ~ut over land which fmnishl· :; Ideal .hunting grounds for all kinds of_ Wild game. The club is se:ting as1dc a part of the tract for building pu:P<;>ses to include a central cluh butld111g and individual home sites wh~re members may build their nwn cabrns. Among the features-4 bedroon1s-2 dressing roonls--3 bathsrecreation room. In the entrance, a replica of a charming Georgian doorway, crystallized the architecture of the house. JS ~ale ,o t a tract. of · approxmla.t_l.'ly ~1x thousan(~ acres 111 .:\orthem \\ IS C.Hbin . f f ?ka~ison and Jenks, Inc.,_ report tl~e i J j The wide stairway, with its balcony, die detail of the living room, the size and convenience of the dining room, are characteristics of this interesting house. Representative Always on Property BAIRD & WARNER 0 ffice: 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Glencoe Phones: Glencoe 1554- Briargate 1855 Sheridan Road to Park Avenue, Glencoe, West to Bluff Street, N9rth to Dundee Road artd West to Entrance. S Members .are al~o arranging with the tate .of W1sconsm to incorporate this tract 1~1 the reforestation of the State an.d wdl also arrange to have it set aside .as a game preserve. According Wisconsin authorities, the particutr t.ract involved is one of the finest Sunt111g and fishing tracts in the entire tate and it has been repeatedly t

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