Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 78

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78 ;; FOR SALE-HOUSES 84 WILMETTE LIFE REAL ESTATE JH FOR SALE-MISC. October 25. 1929 (4) feet Internal diaiDeter and upwe.rds to the lowest he'itder course and then drawn In to two (2) feet internal diameter, with a brick floor and founda· ti<1n complete, @ $50.00 each . .. ....... . ..... . .. . . 36 Manhole covers adjusted to grade @ $5.00 each .. . 2,500 Square feel of concrete sidewalk five (6) feet and · four (4) inches wide and five (5) ·Inches thick @ $.20 per sq. ft . . ..... . . ;;o Lineal feet of twenty-four (24) inch tile pipe storm sewer constructed in place and connected to· the · storm l'lewer in place, @ $5.00 per foot .. . ..... . .. . . . ... . OW~J·~R GOING ~QVTH OFFERS FOR imml:diate sale hi~ 6 bednns., 3 bath, nt w brick resid. Oil heat, frigidaire, ~ car heated garage. Desirably located, ht·st Indian Hill st-etion. 'Vill eo11Rider g-ood north shore nlt'ant or 1-'ll'aller home in exchangt>. Price $41,000. Call for .appointme nt. · Wibm~ttllK& FOR SALE-CHILD'S GO-CART ALmost new. Reas. Ph. Wilmette 178.1. 102L5-ltc HPLENDID INVESTMENT IN BUSICOST $300. ness corner in N. Evanston. Price $150 LIONEL ELEC. TRAIN. Wlll sell for $75. Contains 2 complete per ft. Located in fast growing section. sets of 12 trains, stations and houses A chance to double your money withincluded. Wonderful outfit. Must be out speculating. Ph. today for details! seen to be appreciated. 725 Qreenleaf Ave. Glencoe 1051. 102LTN5-1.tc TII':ALTORS Wilmette 68-444 84L5-1tc HEAVY CRAVENETTR ROY'S COAT15 yrs. Practically new. $12. Call Glencoe 1140. 102LTN5-1tc FOH SALE- LYON & HEALY UPright pia no. neas. Ph. ·wilmette 322&. 102TN5-ltc WILl. FJ ~ANC'E AND BUILD RESIdt'IWt· on your lot. No down payment, no ex tra 's. l1t>ady for Hpring·. "\\' rite todaY- :ulclrps:-; \\'ilm f' ltt> Lift> A-SO. . R4 LTN5-2tn FOR carp('t~:?, 300.00, 180.00 Lr={l©Jk&IID~@liD .-!6 I·:lm Strellt I l"~T & JJ~IIDJk~ 77LT~;-,.l ~<· 500.00 HEALTOHR \\"inndl· ·t lfi!'i T.i rHh·n A \'f'. CO)tPLBTED - BHH K HESIdt' nct-----642 Eldrr lane, h et w ee n Hidge nl. and f'ort s t :1\'e., 'Vi niH tl<a . 6 bedmoms and :~ baths. All spacious rooms. Ht>st of t·\'l'l·ything-. OJkn }-lunda~- afternonn. iiT:H-1 tt· 250.00 Fl :t 1~1 $·1::.000 TO $:~5.000 F r~ THIS .\ t 'ltOlt'l·; st;;LEt "l'IOl'\ OP <:E~lTNI-<~ old IHtok t> d rug-:-;, wnlnut H})ool be(l :tml llt ' \\' hrkk homt~ in dwil'e l't'strktt>d dwst of <lr;t\\'t-'1'~. pait· amht·l' anrl opal ~· · ~· ti on of !:;outht·a:-;1 . llig·hland l'ai·l;., \ ' :I~Ps. Othf'l' 't n·;;sun·H . < l.llt' blot·k L<· the lak t'. Sp;t l'iou:-; rooms ;,;o ..\l'h·ti· \ 'il:t ·· \\'ilmetlo\a 1:itG with tv,:n Ol>l'll IH>n·lw:-;. Thr~v he<l !I! ILT~;j - llt · l'ttlllll!:i, drt ·~s ing- r oom and two hath~ 1111 tnd flo(lr : maid':-; 1'1111111. h;lth a nd I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :-;torag~ on 3rd tlr.,r . " """ garac·· ' Ft lit (~{-I<'h-: TI ' It:'\( 1\ ' Jo:l! -!·mL. WAL. :tttadwcf. :: :111d -1 dr;t\\'t·r ,·JwstH :tt $:!:i. All rt>· tini:-:ht·cl. Etnpin~. t "hippPtHlalt·, l:uldt>rlwd;: C'll<lit·:-;, lwd:-:i1l·· :llltl st>wing· tahJ('S . $7 to $1:!. Jl, ii, J\I·d rug:-;, (ir·arHlfallwr - -- ---------- - - - - - - - ,.).,1'1\. Itupt· and :-;prutl lwcls, in pair·s. 1 IPPOSITI~ HAYl~IA ST.\TIU~ 'OTH'E OF AWAUU ()}' f jO:X'I' R ,H :T 1·:\ · t· t · ~· thiug· at lllllwlh·\·alJlt· pri< 't 'i'. RO~ I I ig-hland I ':trl· 1:: F11r paYing- r~nd otherwise improdnp; a \\':~ s hinglt·ll ~!., 1 hlk. ~o. of Main. i7t:rx.-~-l"' : connedPd system of ~trf'!'ts, <'OnH i'-'f in~· o4' "" }'OU SAl , E-L\C ' . \~'1' I Jl:! hll\!'. l':tsl of lli1lgt>, E\·anHton. fJ:t l"ts or 'Vai'hington Avenue, Highland ------~----------------------------- ! ---------------------------n-!_11_,1_'_~_·~-~--1--tv A n·llut>, Centra I AYenue·, Tw t> ntieth Str"et alld T\\'t'nty-first Street, in the Village of Folt ~ALE-.\~TI<..~t·E LO~<; l-L\C'KI<;I mah()g·,,ur I'IH'kt>r. l't>rft'(' t t·ondition . Wihnettt', Conk County, Illinois. \\·ilnwttP Special Assessment J.~o. 264. H!ILT~5-114' I $ti:i. l'h . Kt'n ilworth i-!2. 'W ilmette, Jllinoi~. O(·tober 23rd, 1929. 1.'\E 01·' TilE <'HOH'E~T l'll~t"ES t·Jo' ' :'\OTff'E iR ht-l't~h~· giYen to all persons ··ipa.rian rightH proJwt·ty on north :-;h.,r·· Jf)O interestt'd that the bids for the paving has ju!'lt come on mark ... t . N.-.arl,· ··;:o and otlwrwii'e impi'O\'ing WaRhington fl·('t of beach fmnta~t· . HPnutiruilv FELL'S FURNI'l'l~JRE STORE .\ ,·,·nu"' fmm tht· we:-;t edge of the conwoorled Rite, high, with he a utiful ra Yin~~ E\·an:-;ton's Rt>st Rarg·ain~ l'l't>t.-. pa n·nwnt. now in pl<tc·t> in Hid"'t' and long. sloping, wt-11 vrote<'te·l hluff in U:-:Pd Furniture Hoad to a lint · thirty (30) · feet west of over 500 ftof't from Sheridan Road. R:t rc l~ Block No. of :\fain St. ··pportunlly at lt:sl'! than $220 p(.r fr .. nt !'I~R f'IITC..\C:O AYE. lJNfY. 111:: and Jmrallt>l with tht:· W est line of 21Bt front. 100LTN2- 4tP ~trt>et, in " 1'1 ="~'~ <~HJ<;RT" HubdiYision. " suhdiviHion of the north ont:>-half (1'\%) of the ~outheast onl·-quarter (SE%) of . I·'Oit SALE- LA HOE RLUg VELOUU tlw nol'thwe:-;t Olit'-qua rter (NW14) of da Yt>nport, t>Xt·ellent condition, reason- Section :J3, TownRhip 42 Nor·th, Range 13 ,,.innt:>tka ably lH'ivt:·l. Ca 11 \Vilmf' ttt' 2005. J·;ast of th(' Third Pr·indpal Meridian. 78LT~5-lk 100L5·-ltc lll'ochu·ed north across said Washington .-\ ""Jlllt', f'xcepting thl:'rt>from that part ltl·:LL\TILE C:..\R HANC:E, 4 HUR~ERR Jvillg· uorth of th e eenter line of said non<l condition. \"t>JT l't·a).:. Ph. \\'il- \\.: tshing·tou ,\ Yt:>nue and '\Vest of the Wf'H t BCII~DER nwt te 39ii6. · 1 OOLfi-lt<: . lint> of th e twf'nty-nine (29) foot alley :dong tlw west litH' of !'Seegt>r's Subdi·· .\' 'IU~ HOMESITI<~ IN EXC'f ~US IVE fndian Hll.l · overlooking· beautiful g·olf l'lUYATE J'AHTY WILL SAC'ItiFf('E ,·ision. " iu th~ nortlwasf one-quarter c·o urse, $16,000. -1 g·m·g1·ous Pe.rsian Orit>ntal rugs, 2 ( NE%) of .tlw nnrthwt:>st nlll'·quartt-r 1 .- acre homesit e ln Yt·n· t·hoil' · l<w nti·"' l:nxt, 2 :-:mall si:.w, almnsl at your (~W1,4 ~ of tlw i'aid S('dion 3~, ·togt't hE'r Routh front, $30,()()0. ·1 00x200 ft. lot in own prit·t>. Quid· nl'tinn llt'\'t'ssary. \nth llrg·hlanrt A\'t' llllt' and Centntl A\'f'· rapidly developin~ high gradt> :-;;·1·1 it 111. .\Jmb· iil:l!l :'\. \\' ··1-'tt·r·n .\\'t' .. f'hiC'af!:o. ntw be.t \\'(· E'n tht' wt-st edg·e of tht' c·onHare value at $10,500. 1st floot·. 1 OOLTNf,-lttl ~·:·~.tt· J):t \' tome~1t no:'· in 'pl:lC'P ill llirtge ho.tel a lid a luw th11·t ~· (30) ft>et , west fJI' ·: n~I parallel with ~hf' east lin(· of 21st FO!t ~.\LE-LlTIH.-\ItY TABLE, :\JAR· Stl eet: togeth('r With 21st Strt' ... t from REALTOH:-: hlP top tahlt' an<l gTI't'n hP(lri>nm ful'lli..till CE>nter St. AYenuP to Central A\'t'l1lll ' \\·iu l~t-tJ.w 2u:: :: tur·,·. I'lL Kt·nilwnrth :ti-11. lOOLTXil-ltt- '\Vashmgton and ~og·ethf'l' ·with 20th StreE't from 7S LT :'\.i-lk \.Yashlltgton .\ \'t· nu e to Ct·ntral A n·nuf' ancl J.'Oit ~..\LE -- n . \BY <'AHI!L\Iil·:, ~Ull~ tngt:tht>l' with all str('et nncl allt·y interACREAGE & ESTATES t· t· ~· ch:dr, h11y'H :-:hot> sl\:ttes, silw 4. ....t·t·trl!llH to thP outH lint's of' ~aid herPin gi" 1':-; :-;hot· :-:loltt·H; HiZt' G. 2 l:1 1'g·e hnok - ~~~~·ntron~·<l slf·~ets, hy g-racling, paYing ,·asp:-; with g·l;tss cloors suitable for I v. It h 1:ern ff.ll't·E'd (·oucrt>tt' pn \'f'men t, . con,,flil't· "" h~tnw . \\' 'imwtlw 2250. I strul'ttng· llltl·gral C'lll'h, <Hljustilu.~- m a u100LT.Na-lt· · 1 i . wlt' co.\·pr~. huilrling- caf<·h basins and Af'R ~ ~EL ECTTONS FOR I -----------------. ------IXVERTMENTS ~ ~··· , t: s . \ L E -" )L\ Ill H:. \ :'\ Y 1 nn;~~ E It r·o!lllf' ·tmg 1-':tnH· to tlae storm Rt·w~r in > ..!liff()nit'l' and lih1·ar~· tahlt', :: , lw :l, scud stJ·~et~. and othC'rwis(· impro\'ing said :. acres nt·ar 1Vilmette ('. C. per ltt·X ;:nri ng· ; tJHl hair matln·ss, Yl1·'roh. " tn·t>b rn tlw Yillag E> of Wilmette Cook nc. · · $::,150 l'l1. \\· in.m· tlo\:l :l47!'i. 10LT:i-1t.!' Count~·, Illinoil', wf~ l't-' OJ~f'nt>d on th'l. 22 ·Hl l ·)~t acreR Jwar new l\fpiod~· Farm, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cla~· ot ~dolkl', A. n. 192!1, and )I Foil·\· C. C. per a c re 1000 1 ., Wlt ' KEI~ l.'PJIOL. ('llAlH~ $1:?. MAIL ( 'ompan,,· of E\ani'ton, JllinoiR, hf'i.ng·. th~· ;,) acres, ·10 acr~s wooded, per ac . . 1:200 - 1·()do\t' l' $3. Mnh. spilwt. dt>Rk $t:1. Mah. lowt· ~t rt>!'ponsrhlt' hid<l t> l'. tlw "ont rat"t COU~TRY HOME~ Ji,·. 1\·onl tahk 4Rx30 in . $t1. l'h. \Vii- was awanh·d t11 said }f. F'ol t> ~; t'"tnn ··n, t-1', .-\. n. 1 n:2!l. ~ acr('S lt t'a r Jllinois C. f'. Imp. *28,000 100L1i-1tv l l l l . l!w ~2n<;J day of (ktoh_ 11 a' ltt· -167ii . .-. a('re~ nt>nr Sportsman C. <'. :-i<~ld !Jrd rs f11r work :11-0 a whoh·. and is ., s f nllow:-;: Imp. :iO,OOO FUI~ SALE-lTI'lti<:IIT l'IA~O - (:UOI) ' " . ac·r~ · ~ ll(·ar :\lt' iody Farm C'. C., t·nrH( 0<1<1 ('hairs. l'h . " ' iltn ·It t· l:i~ :.. l:i,OOO f'uhk ~ ·a rd:-; of e:nth .-.x.·;t· per ac. ·\'a t ... cl 'ft' ~2¥.ac Jlt'l' YHrcl $ .J ,sj;;. n, IOOLT~i-fltI h.aOO ~quart> yards of n·i n forct-d " :t('rros X. F.. of Lib e rt~· \·ill e. JH: r a·. ('OIH'rf't' Jl<l\'f'llWnt St'\'t'll 600 · 1111 W'l'(). TO lH'l- -IHH:HI.H. C~ Hl"i. I" ant·!' lll':ll' ~unst t Ridg-p < '. (' . , (7) inC'hCR thi(·k with C'IIIJ· tw r aC'. l'l't>t~· rurh complt·tp: t:>x4.500 WAI'\TED T{)rBUY - SECO~D-HAND ' :! acrt-:-: nr·:lr :\'nrt h Rhort· ( ~. ('. ('t>Pting· tlw intpg·raJ ('Ut'h. furniture nnil other housPhold g-oorls Imp. rlV $2.:35 JWI' RCJ. yard . . . : :S,';i~t.OO ~1 ,000 I light>st prlct> s for l"ame. f'rnsr Furninr.M"'K T>lflT ture Rtnre. 1004-6 EmC'r~on St.. Evans· llt,:~llO Linea 1 fPt>t <'Oncrf'tt' e u rh ·q :lC'I'fl C'OI" .. 1,!1):.:"0 ft . frontagl', Jh ·r :li'. $Sifl built intl'g"r;:tl with the rn n·"n Til . Ph . TTniv . l~n . 101LTN4~-tfr ·., [\l'rt-:-: g-n~tcl ltntt~tm land. P··r ae. C'rt>t<> paYement @ $.!2:> pt ·r· ftOO F..\R)t L,\~ll foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,:i50.00 "' :lC'I't·~. ;;o mJ. Wt'~l C·[ <ilt' lli'Ot· 38 Brick catC'h basinH v\'linJkr aC' . ' clrical in shape and of 'four $150 1. .\[l\.. S .TAP :\liNK .1.\t'KI·:T YEHY ' ·, acn·~ llt·ar Lakt' Zurick, twr :H'. (4) feet internal dinm Pttor· 325 g·oo<l t·n nclition . $t:-.. (';Ill l·ni' 't>l'~·i tv :..·· H('l'l · ~ Jlt ·a r .\tan·ng-11, tWr at'rt:' \vith wnlls eight (8) incht>:-; 155 ___ I~_>J_:l_ . __ ~_Ii_s_s__ :-;_<·_h_u_r_ . _________ J_o_z_L_1'_~_T_j-_1_t<· S:\L\LL t'III<'KE:'\, HABBTT. thkl< and ht>ight of wn II Hix TJ~t'<'K F .\IL\f (6) reet . from t'op of the I·'OH ~ALE - - .\ SF: .\SOX OPERA " aTr<·!-' or tnt·l'~' Jl· ·ar \\' lw1 ·li ng. brick floor to bottom of til'l\d for Thurscln~· nightH. Ph . "·jJ. JWr :!1·. ~ t).ill ' cast iron CO\'C'r, and with a mt'tt1' 1001. 102L5-1k 1; aC'rC' C'ornt·r. imp. , twar ·· foundation of hritok work, :"\orthltrnllk 11,-;'50 ; I·'( >I{ R.\ LE-1\TAN'S FlTH LlXP.D f'OAT, built complete including 111 :wr(·s 'n;:t <·f X<orth!trt~ok itup.. I l1ro~l C'loth ~lwll, lit' \\', sizt> 42 stout. excavatipn, but. not. includper ac. 850 \\·innf'tkn 2475. 102LT;>-ltp ing tlw connection to thE' sewer ({il $50.00 ea<"h 1 ,!100.00 C( )( ) \' ~ ' 800 Lineal fPet Of eight (il) Hi Y IL OLD GlRL"~ Blf'YCLE FOR REALTOH~ salt'. Ph. Wilmette 4034. 102L5-ltc inch vitrified tile pipe for 1 :·1h '\'yntt (~len\'it'W 81 . , catch basin COillh'l't ion ].., ~ ('oons Central 3921 I' ~TOHM WTNDOWK - !fi! $.80 per foot ' l't<;RFF.C'TLY 640.00 .'am CamplH'Il ~ o rthiJr~.ok .t~~-1~3 1 rww. HraRonablt· . For sizes c::~ll Wil. 6 Brick valve chambers c,·_ · .tf.1 :'\ .t·lt(' 2:?12. 102LT5-l.tc lindrical in shape and four 1Pwil~ce ~cedlM~®cdl . SALE - CUHTAINS, .DRAPES, Total .... . . . .. .. . .. ... $49,970.00 4 pc. Pulmanette sun parlor 'L'he owners of a majority of the frontset, reed poi'Ch S('t, metal bed, spring age <if the lots and lands upon said streets and mattress, pon·h swing. iron fire- wht·rein said work is to b e done, may Place Sf't. Wilmette 3296. 102LTN5-1 k within t e n days from the date hereof, n:-: .. provided by law. elect to take said work 10:~ W ..\XTED TO Jll Y-JIISC'. ;Hid t.·nteJ· into ·a written contract to do ~aid work at ten p e r centum less than WANTEI CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, tilt- prkt> at which same has been awardt~ d . JOe Pt' l' lb. 1232 Central Ave .. Wilmette. EARL E. ORNER 10:lT. . TN48-tfn ERNE~ C. C AZEL --ALBERT L. ORINNELL 10:. )fll"iC'l:T,l ·.\X}:OrS CYRUS MILES McDONALD RTANTON\'AN Il'\WACE~ HANS VON HEI'l'\:o;J>Eltt: JIA \'1·~ YUl.' H OLD PJECJ;;s UENEWI~J) GORDON WILRO~ n t a rPasona hle pri<' t· . Sil n·r refiniRhPd Board of Lo('al fmproy ;._ ·tnd macle ahsolutl·l~ tarnjsh proof. ments of the VillaRt" of Paul Dan' y . .Jewell:'!'. 16G 'Vilm Pttt' 'VilmettP. ' Ph. 1Yilme tt e 6. 1 05L3a.:tf(' A,.... I oe Fred'k H. 'l'hon1as & Co. ( )F 11\TERES'I' 'I'C) '1'1-fE HOl\fE OF' AWARD Ol' COX'rRA("I' For grading, paving and otherwise improving the first alley north of Highland A \'t·nue fpom the we::;t curb line of Fiftt>enth Street to the East C'urb lin f' of Six-. tt::'enth Street, in the Village of WilmPttl', f'ook County,· Illinoi::;. Wilmette Special AssessmE-nt No. 25!). Wilmette, Illinois, October 23rd, 1929. ~OTICE is h e r e by ginn to all person:-: intereHted that the bids for grading, pavi t:g and otherwise improving the first aiI~· Y north of Highland A venue from thf' \\·est curb line of Fifteenth Street · to tht:> t·ast f'Urb line o! Sixteenth Street, in the Yillage of Wilmette, Cook County. Illinois, Wt'l'l' opetYed on the 22nd day of October, A. D. 1929, and M. Foley Company of Evam;ton, Illinois, .being the · lowest re·· HJlonsible bidder, the contract w'ls awardf'd to said .M. Foley Company on th t' 22nd day of October, A. D. 1929. Said bid is for work as a wholt', aiHl i:-: as follows: 600 Cubic yards of earth excaYation @ 50c per yd.. . . . $ 300.00 L1 °0 Square yards of reinforced Portland cem'e nt concrete pavement seven (7) inche:-; thkk complete @ $2.45 per :-;q. yd. . . . . . . ....... . ...... . 2,69a.on 1 Tl'et' removed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 1 Tree removed . . . . ........ 50. on Total .· $3,07ii. Oft The owners of a majority of th e frontag·e of the lots and lands upon said alleY wh en· in said work is to be done. mn ~· wilhin tE"n days from the date hereof, a·~ proyided by law, elect to take said work and . entf.'r into a · written contract to do 'Haid work at ten per centum less than tht· price at which same has been awardt·d. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. (' AZEL ALBERT L. · GRINNELL CYRUS MILES McOONALI· S'l'ANTONYAN INWA<1E~ H A 1'\T~ VO~ H.ETNSP!i:R(i t GORDON 'WILSON Board of Local Tmpron·ments of the Yillag~ of ·wilmett··. Ui-1k ~OTH ' E ..... I I ' CROSBY REA LT'{ C( >. ------------------------1 \V·\T1 A/f'f & C()O\'S Offer ----------------------------------- PUBJ,TC ~O'l'H'E After· 0<'tober 3, 192!1, I will not he rP· sponsibh· for any (h·bt:-; but tlwst> ront r·a ct eo hy myself. Anton .T. Bon·t>, 244!i GlenYit'W l!oad, '".ilmette. Ad\', GIVES LECTURE-RECITAL \Valtcr Spn·, Chicago and north shore pianist, \yilJ give the last of tlw sl'l'ics nf four lecture-recitals on tlw dcvelnpmrnt of pianoforte music next MondaY morning. The lecture will take place at 11 o'clock in the Columbia ~chon] nf Music and the program will mclude compositions ln· Rachmaninoff, 1\icmann, Saar, Scrtabin, Debuss\·, Beach, and Dohnanyi. · Maybelle M. Kuelzow of 611 Greenleaf aven1.1e will attend the IllinoisMichi,!?'an football game at Champaign this week-end. She will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. ]. Oakwooe of Oakwood. Ill. I I \ y ·y .\ 'J"I' 8· I ------------------------------------

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