Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 79

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October 25. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 79 Four Wilmette Boy Sco.uts Achieve !Jagle Rank .... I Gordon Cutler Paul Sterner · Jerome Nevins · camps, spending two weeks in 1927 and two weeks in 1928 at Chicagau, and two week s in 1928 at Veteran camp. Last summer he spent six weeks at Camp Ma-Ka-]a- \Van where he finished his Eagle Scout requirements, passing seven merit badges. He is an old member of the Order of the Arrow. In his homj;' Troop he has been assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, is now acting as senior patrol leader, and is actively working to' help build the ' troop under the Scoutmastership of Frank Reynolds. I ~cout Gordon Cutler of Troop 2 of the \Vilniette Congregational church is a new Eagle Scout since last Saturday night's Court of Honor. He completed the requirements for this highest Scouting rank at Camp ~La- KaJa-\Van, the ~orth Short' Area camp at .Elcho, \\'i s. At camp he was leader in hi s troop and was chosen by Tt'oop 2 Sc~uts as t.hc honor camper of the troop for two successin~ periods, or four weeks. Eagle Scout Cutler 1\as held various positions of lcaderst1ip in Troop 2 and is now senior patrol leader. His scout advancement' n'cord shows he became Tenderfoot, ~ray 192(); Second class, August 1926; First class. January 1927; Star, May 1927: and· Life, July 1929. He eanicd his ~c,>ut Life. Guard at Camp 'M a-Ka.1 a-\\' an. He is an old . member of the Order of the Arrow, camp honor fraternity. Scout Paul Sterner recei\'(~ d ~he Eagle Scout badge from th e hands of his father, Carl E. Sterner of 1520 Lake avenue, \\'ilmette, at the village\ride Co~rt of Honor last Saturday Eagl~ Scout Paul St~rner )1as' an actin member of Troop 4 of St. Augustine's Episcopal church, unde r the Scoutmastership of D. C ~ Leach since April, 192o. Eagle Scout Sterner after earn in~ hi s Te.nderfoot in 192(i ea rned his Second class in March, 1927 ; his First clastS in ] une, 1927; hi s Star in December, 1927, and his Life in July, 1928. He finished his Eagle Scout work at Camp Ma-KaJa-\Van where he spent six weeks and ea rned ·four of the harder merit badges. He was also rated by the Scouts of his camp troop as an . honor camper. In his home troop Eagle Scout Sterner .has. been an assistant pat.rol leader and patrol leader. Last Saturday night's Court of Honor brought Eagle Scout laurels to Scout Jerome Nevins of Troop 3. The badge of . highest Scouting rank was presented by his father and pinned on the uniform bY his mother, l\f r. , and ~[ rs. H. G. Nevins of 153.? Lake aventH.'. Wilmette. Eagle Scout Nevins tinished the work on hi s Eagle rank at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-\\.an last sumbc1~n night. mer, where he ear·ned four merit badges. At camp he was chosen by his fellow Scouts as the. honor camper for two different periods. He also helped in leading his ·camp troop program. Eagle Scout Nevins has shown steady growth and scout advancement . He became Tenderfoot Scout in April, 1927; Second class, October, 1927; First class, April, 1928; Star, June, 1928, and Life, September, 1928. He was chosen to the Order of the Arrow at Camp Ma-KaJa-Wan. In Troop 3 Eagle Scout Nevins has worked up through the ranks and is now senior patrol leader under Willard Osburn, Scoutmaster. Scout Fred Robinson of Troop 5 of the Presbyterian church, \\rilmette, was awarded the Eagle Scout badge at a village-wide Court of Honor last Saturday night and received the pin from the hands of his mother, Mrs. John \\/. Robinson. A Scout since January, 1927, Eagle Scout Robinson received his Second class in March, 1927; his First class in July, 1927: his Star in June, 1928, and his Life in March 1929. He is a veteran of three :rears at Scout To Give Benefit Tea at Blackstone October. 30 ).1 rs. Frank Barrett, 5.:; Es:-;ex road .. h:t"nilworth, is in chargl· oi a · benefit· tea ior the 11lin0is Children\ !fume ;t nd Aid Society of E\·anshllt to 1Je gin·n \Vednesch\\·. Octc11ier 30, in ~ht.: Cn·stal hallrooin of the Blacksto11e hoteL There wilt be about 125 tahk~ and the north shore merchants ·han· THE C. STOKES HAVE SON -------donated mam· beautiful prizl'~ . ~1 :·. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Stokes of Min'Mr. and ~Irs. E. John Hicks, Melrose \largras and his orche~tra \rill he thne neap.olis announce ·the birth of a son, :tvethte, Kenilworth, left Saturday of to pia,· during the te;J. hour. Tames Benjamin, horn Frida,·, Octahcr la-;t week for Iront0n, Ohio. to visit --------·18. Dr. Stokes. who \\·as formerh· a ~1 r. Hicks' mother for a few days. · teac 1tcr at .,.. ' · H.tg I1 ·' .~fr. Ht'cks WILL GO TO AFRI CA mathematics ""n'· T ncr · rcturtted to Kenilworth ·on llarold 0. Reade who was a gra<lu- school. is now instructor of mathema- \Vednesday and Mrs. Hicks went to ' · t1 1 · · tl1e U ntverst · 't r c)f M't111e ·ota Huntington, \V. Va., to visit her sister ate student and assi~t-ftnt 111 ll' < e-~ t1cs :1. ~ t :s c · and mother for a few davs. She is expartmcnt of geology and geography of ""It ?.f.l 0 ·f ·1 1 j)Ccted home tile last of the week., ?\orthwestern last vear \\'ill leave soon ~frs. John L. vvl (S,x m< r.oac·. iL)r Africa to join. the' geological and Kenilworth, has he: mother .. ~frs. A. L Drcna Hawl~·,.·,~l~uCYhter of ~fr. and <'XI)loration force oi the Northern \\:oodruff., and . s~ster. \ftss Emma r-. ,1 · f B k 'Til \\ oodruff. of Darhngton, S. C. a" her ~'Irs. ~felvin Hawley. 515 \\'arwick 1 1 ~ 10 <1 <'sta compat~y 0 ro ·en r ' guc<;ts. Thcv motorrd ·here and road, Kenilworth, entertained twen\r \orth,e rn Rhodesta. stopped in \Vayne.svillr. X. C'.; fc)r ·a of her friends at a buffet dinner and ?\1 is" Bernice \\' inifred 'cnk. daug-~ 1 - frw days before coming tn ( l11rag-o. masquerade party at her home last kr of ~fr. and ~frs. ·F . 1·: . ~1 . Cnk, )13 Thev expect to he here fnr a '"cck or Saturday evening. l·:ssex road, Kenilworth n·khratrd ~~ ~' r ten ·days. Lee F. English~07 Greenw~ od avehirthdav 011 MondaY C1 f thi:-. week Wlth -ok 933 nue, left the first part ot this ;..e ek on ~l small dinner an<t' trip t(l tlH· thcat.l'r Mr. and Mrs. Lytlnan ~\. Drt ·e . .t a business trip to Colorado and New to sec "Hold En·rything." Lake avenue. were t 1e " ·ee -en~ gues s -o- · of Mr. and Mrs . Charles J. Kmdel of Mexico. 'M rs. Georgr P. Xichols. 519 \\'a r- Grand. Rapids, Mich. · 1 M G W°K'bb f 835 L k 1 0 -o-: , . fi ld I rs. heorge 1 · 1 Y 't e \\'ick road Kenilworth, enter-tained guests at the Harvest Home diunl'r Mrs. James E. Dultn of Sp~mg e{ , <JtVenSue Has has lferB lOU~e ghues , E rs. ·· · · , · ·C . . '1 1 M is the guest of her cousms, !- r. . .. . eat o ermmg am, ngdanl'~ at the ShawtH.' l' ountt ~ c tt) · 0 d. M Crf . I Keith 222 Ninth land, formerly of \Vankegan. . last Saturday. an rs. t ton .. . 1 .\. J. " Dad" Elliott of 824 Ashland avenue, \Vilmette, will he the· principal speaker at the annual city-wide father and so n banquet to be held at the E,·anston Township High school tonight. ~fr. Elliott is a . member of the council of the Student department of the Kational Y. M. C. A. · SPEAKS AT BANQUET ·[ The October meeting of the North Shore Oberlin \\' oman'.; cluh \\'ill he . a h!idge tea to be held at H~hart 1ta11 1:1 Evanston, Monday at 2 o clock Mrs. Augusta· Rudel McDonald \Yill be the hostess , assisted ·b:v :Mr~. Doug1as Carman, MrS... Paul Chapm, Mrs. H. T. Malott, Mrs. Frank H. T. Potter, and ~Irs. R. N. Sullivan. OBERLIN GROUP TO MEET Re-elect Judge Denis E. ·Sullivan Judge of the Superior Court The Chicago Bar Association endorses Judge Sullivan for re-election as follows: "Judge Sullivan has served 18 years as a judge of the Superior Court. He has demonstrated an unusual capacity for administering judicial office. He has shown a high-minded devotion to his judicial duties coupled with courage, industry. and ability. He is exceptionally well qualified for the ofli~e." M Firat name in Democratic column Election Day Tuesday, November 5, 1929

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