Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE . LIFE December 6, 1929 -= Founts .of Nation (Continued from Preceding Page) First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue · Wilmette. Ill. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES--9 ·:4·~··: A. M. Franklin de Beers, Jr., New Trier Grads of Convalescing in Lausanne 1929 Tap Educational Word 51 a~ been received · from Franklin de Beers, ]r., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J\1. de Beers of Glencoe, stating that he is nearing .complete recovery from an attack of typ hoid fever, suffered while attending school at Lausanne, Switzerland. Franklin with \Villett Spooner, Jr., also attending school d.t Lausat1ne, and Richard 11andeville, ,,rl1o is in school 11ear Ge11eva, are members of the party that sailed 'vith Mrs. F. M. de Beers August to stud y in Europe. Mrs. de Beers and Nancy Millicent were in Paris prior to Franklin's illness and while there, workc:d and · studied with the Alfred Newton Burnhams of Hubbard \Voods. M~. de Beers has been attending two art schools in Paris and will resume her work following the close of the " ·inter sports season in Switzerland. ~ancy has been in a French school at St. Cloud but is now at ~1ontriond .de Cret in La usa n n c· DECEMBER 8, 1929 - Subject: GOD THE ONLY CAUS~ AND CREATOR R:tADING ROOM-r163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except Wednesday and .Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. W·dnesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.; Saturday 9 A. M,' to 9 P.M. The Sible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Ruding Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THi CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM - ;II _ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltltllllllllllllllllltllllttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllltllllllllltlluutlllllllllllllllllllllll~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12~~~~~~~~~~~ --------- I ~ ~ ~ i' 1P ~ @ @ @ @ @: @: I. ~ @ @ @ @ LIKE to think that our lo?k upon us as counselors. And we pnze the1r confi, dence far above the rarest jewel in our stock. To the end that the trust so fred y imposed in us may never be violated, we are more than careful in the selection of our merchandise. Take our Elgin Watches, as an example. We know the highly skilled and unhurried craftsmanship that goes into them . . . and tl1at they represent sixty years of priceless expe~ rience. We know, too, that tl1ey will serve you faithfully and well, and that they are most fairly priced. We cannot afford to sell watches of lesser merit, becat1se we feel you can't afford to carry them. So when you visit our store-as we cordially invite you to do-you may be sure that you will be received graciously and dealt with fairly. For your protection we offer every quarantee that a reasonable buyer can ask or a responsible house can gcue. WE 1\t lulrttbr ~ custo~ers ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ 0 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 dJ 0 .lfJ S " @ pAu~EW£~ VEY AND Lenore Lorimer, Helen Thiel, Gordo n Watson, Jack Weiller, Howard W e~·t, Ralph Wheelock, Winslow Wright, J o,· Crumlich, Oliver Boddie, Martin Cas._,.J Arthur Eilers, Carlisle Duncan-CJ:{rl;: · Dorland Davis, Milton Guy, David lii r·k < Arthur Johnstone, Leonard K r a f t Charles Pfingsten, Winthrop 'P..i('hanL: Farrington Schaeffer, Harold Thomnsf'l·1. John Seyfried and Joe Turck. Indiana university-H~len Mahan. James Millikin university-M a r 1 e Koepke. Kendall Hall-Hazel Murphy, University of Kentucky-Ira Ivcr~o n . Kenyon college-Fred Heitman. Knox school-Sarah Page and CP n· · \'icve Smithers. LafayE>tte college, Easton, Pa.- P rr' :-:cott Lothrop. At Lake Forest Lake Forest college-Gretel TTan n:1, ArgE>la Mutchler, Lois Nordhurg, nornth" Schrei, Wendell Keith, CharlPs K<'ll Pr, Bob MacLean, Albert RichardR, R n nie .Richards and John Waldner. I . . awrence college-Martha Farm 1·r, Patricia Goodhue and Betty Wehhrr .. Lasell Rflminary-Eleanor Idl Pr 1nd r.atherine Smith. Lehigh univf'r~ity-Jack Kaufman . Loyola uni\'ersity-Jack Mehren. Miami univ C'rsity, Oxford, Ohio-L~· n1an Goss. UnlvPrsit~· of Miami, Coral Gahl ~"' Fia.-Brool<s Harrell. lTnh·flr~it:V of Michigan-VIrgini:-~ T a~· · !or. Ri<'hard Koret7. and ErnE>st Snlomon. :\Ti I w:-~u l<eE>-Downer-Lois Ka hnw1 ·ikr. :'ITt. V<'rnon !'eminary-Shirlf'y Hr· ~~. ~Tontif'elln sf'minnry- 1\furiel "'il ~n~. ~atinna 1 Kindf'rgartf'n nnd F.lr>mr·nt 'l n · f'O l] flge-Bruln h LOW' ll, FlorflnCP :'> Tit C'h ,., ll. Elida Nf'l~on, Eleanor Rockafell ow :nH1 TTrl<'n Shepherd. National Park Rcmin~ry -- Yir gini:-~ l\Tiii E: t' :lnrl H 11th \\'r>ntt·r . ~orth Park cnll<'g<'- TTnrold J l' n~f'n . Wf'arlng the Purplr> N'nrthwe~tern uni\'<'rsity-V i r ~in i a ("r,nnf'r, Graet · C'nok. ("lara Cornf'll. R'l th Enright, '\fnrjnriP F.\'<'r~. Jo~<>nlttn f' F :u1<':'\', Dorothv r.ant7.(ll. 1\Tan· r,,-. jll . J :ptr·t TTugheR, ;\farion Husting-, 1\farg-ucriti· Ilg-, ~0ena Johnson. Ruth .Tohn~ton , 7\Taurt"ll' .Jonf'~. Elois e Kr<'mPr. LottiE' Ktt f'n l\··1 £>, Yh·inn Lor<'nzini. TI(·\Pn · Lynf'h. :\LHY .lflne MalonPy, Annie ~Tcnonnlcl, B:1rl ·'l r :t -:\Tr a r~ . R1'fth ShPpanl. <irn.cf' S1:-~nl i·~· . .T~t~n<'S Bakc·r, John Tiornf'amp. Cr ·llr'!~' Drown . . \Vnlt~;>r C'nrey, .Jack Ef'kll :tr·lt , .Tnhn P.rif'k~nn. Knnr:-~cl (1pr~tcnln "tJ111, Dfln r.r:mdr-trnm. l'arl Hall. Ett !_Cf'llf' l-lat·dt, Xnrmnn Jl r·~~. Al:tn TT0flt:'l :PH1 \Yalt Pr Linclblnd. \Yilh1tr -:\Taeill. l'h : t·· l p~ ~Tf'Arthnr, Lf·onnnl :\f <'~'Pr. John ~r.rn t:tll, Rn:'\· Ringsnn. ('hr~rlf's Rngf'r~ . Ft"tllli: Roth, Ca~im<'r Starlwl, C"harlP~ Stonl · nr. V~'rnon Yoltz. Tinlt)h \Varhl(', '\'· ·1' ""11 " rvle and Paul YnnnglH"l'g. Notre Dn.m ('-.Tohn KinE!'. l'hn.rl P!-' !"1t· t0rsnn nnd Snng-ninrt \\~ illi:lm"'. Og-nnt7. ~t·hnol-:\Tnrv Karkr·r :tml .Joc:.:Pphin e Ott Pr. · Ohio Meehnnir~ in !-! titut<'-TI()Jl [t: rl Briclg<"S. P~'nn Stnte- Tlrh:-t :'lfich C'n~'r. Phillips-Exet<'r af'nrlt ·my- Ti r nt Jp~· :'.T rC"lo1H'l. Princrton-William r.ihc:.:on and P. r'l"·rt Simmon<.:. 'l'hE> Prindpia-A lif'P Fcaldns. PuriJu!'-OlivE> r f'allanen, Ro~· Fr :tn rf' nnd vV'illinm R<' E'<'l . Rn<'l<ford-C'a1lwrin C' Farrar, E\' f']~·n 'WiE>nf>('kc and Tl<'lrn vVilc:.:on . l'nlleg-f' of Sn<'rC'd TTf· :nt, 1\T·mhattanvillP, 1'\. Y.-Virginin.. Heal:v. Snrah Lawrence' coll<'g<' - r: r..tchC'n Dr('ver. Franf'PS ShimPr schnol-Dnnn:l K!co\\'e' and F.velyn KrusE>. Smith collegr-:\fargar~;>t f':ordon . .Southf'rn college, Lakeland, Fl;~ .F:lmer Lundin. Swarthmore-Brttv Dnnisf' TToln1 ~'·" · Briar-Virginia Frcn<'h. ~ SwE>Pt Universitv of T0xas-Normn.n ~omm"'r. Vassar-Eli7.aheth Kelly. UnivPr~lty. of Virginia-William 'TPrhune and John Prescott. ~ ~ " DIAMOND SPECIALIIT -~ @ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @ 1165 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 6 Virginia Military institute-John !\Tilton. Walnut Hill school, Natick, l\fn~s. Margaret Stow<'ll. Washington university, St. Louis ,\[n. -C'f'lcste Jones. GE'orge Washington universlt:9', Wa<.:h· ington, D. C.-Charles Kennedy. Wellesley-Helen Brandriff and Mari.m Mf'Dnnald. Williams collegf'-Lenn Dickinsnn. Wisconsin-Lucille Blumenstock. Selma Flesham, Betty Lawrance, Virginia McNamee, Amy Middendorf, Florence Pancoe, Elinor Popper. Jeannette Wald, .Tames Gerber, George Glover, Bob Hertel, Duncan Jennings, Roy Knauer, Eugene Powers and John Reynolds. University of Wyomfng-H a r r 1 e t Christie. In the I. . and of Cotton .......

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