Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE December 6, 1929 :- LET ~ us· SUGGEST 0.:. 1-15 Soeci.a.l 0.:.. 1- 3 For desk or den, this Smokin g Set in gold plate and brilliant enamel .. ..... only .$7 .85 CARDS OUT FOR DANCE Invitations have bee n iss ued for a dance at the Evans ton Country club on December 26. 'fhe hos tesses a re: Be tie ~ elegar, Charlott e H amilto:t, I. rJ :-etta \\'hite, Eleanor Be rge r, Joan :he :-ritt, .1 ary Lent, Rosalie Roche, .1d.:-i r) n BorJ;J, Ethel Belle J-:Ia rlan, pet· u: :)underland, Ruth Kmepe, Char:C; ttt .\! r.Jr.Jdy, Jean Thackeray, and J ar. et Healy. Be_f()rt .the d~nce t he hvstesses and thtlr esccJrts w!l l be entertained at the Shawnee Country clulJ · · 1r (mner. , ,· '·· 1. i' 11. ,;, !li.ololi.ILioiloillll lililllllll lll lllllllllllllllltiiii Nig Logan-Howard P.T.A. Tht large attendance at the December 3 meeting rJi tht Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association fi lled almcJ t tfJ ()VtrflrJwing the new audi'torium (Ji the HrJ\\·ard schrJrJI and the as.'>ociati rJ!l is deeply indebted trJ the teachers oi th <: twu sdirJrJIS for th<.: fmt program given . Th<: perforrn.ance wa~ presented sm"J (Jth ly and each nun:bcr wa:, evidt:nce :Ji the cartiul wrJrk (Jl the teacher, credit a J:.,;J being given to the childn:n who tr.Jr)].; part frJr their c.:arn<:st effrJrt and emhu iasm. The f1r::.t numb<:r;:, were by ~1 i , Clark\ Glee club. , C(Jmp<J ed oi se\·enth and eighth grade pupil::.. The girls an !! t sel<:ctions, and the boys sang t\WJ, then they juined in singing the "\\.il rr.ette Lovaltv Snng" and two Christma ;:, carols, "Si le~t Kigh t" a nd "Come All Yt t<aithrul." The director and memht.:r ~ r1 [ these clubs may wtll be proud .)i th t work that the children are doing. ~I iss :\ash· s second grade gave a lJ. bY called "The Alphabet." which was n :ry cle\·er and entertaining. T hen c:.unc ~Ir:-. Hesse's kindergarten chi ldren, wh,) ~hcJ\red their careful training in their prompt re ponsl: to her music on the piano without any spoken instruction. ~[is:; Lindcnmeyer's t1rst g rad~ S<.il1l4 ThanksgiYing songs, iollowed by a Thanbg i\·ing play by ~ { is - \\"itchcr·, third grade, \rhich pictured the tir,t ThanksgiYing. The chi ldren lo!Jhrl n:ry quaint in their Pilgrim and Ind1 ~lll costumes. Indian dances in custunll: ,,·ere ginn by ~ l iss Gunde rson's th ird grade . Fi\·e girls 0i ~liss Larson';:, and ~~ rs. ~ !asnn's ;:,ixth grades sang a gr " u!J , )i songs. - ,,.r, ~lake-l.. p Box, siJ,·er plated cover; powder puff, rouge, lipstick, eyebrow pencil, $4.35 _ ·~ - An 8-piece Toilet Set in red and gray Do You KnowTHAT, Mrs. Buck can NOT only bring out BEAUTY you did not K:\0\V you possessed. BUT her facial's will REJLVENATE you. ti ll You· feel you've found THE fountain of yo uth. _ _ _ clothlined case-genuine "Amerith'\ only $17.50 I' I - Scecial o~. 16.-31 26-piece Set ofSilYer, stainless kniYes , 1 I "La' France" pattern, neatly boxed ... only $11.85 This is not a "bargain s tore." Only Ly t: xct:: ptional arrangement can we offer such quality at these price. DOMINIC PACLIARULO Jeu·eler and Optician IIL6 \Vilm f..: tlf.: Ave. Phonf.: \\' ilm Llt·: IUbl Mrs. F. A . Buck 167 Wilmette Ave. Phone W ilmette 4 j 98 1 As advertised 1n "Precious Gems" A play, "The Story oi Sew Yu. rk. " - based on geog raphy le ·sow. wa - gn·u 1 - In· ~l i=-'s ~herman's fifth grade. It wa : c~p l ained that this was written. dir~cted. - and worked out by the pupils themscln:::-. - 'fl1e scenery, also tnade by the cllildrt·n. ::;bowed the sky~crapers oi ~e,,· York. A ::.hip entered the harbor ( propel!t:u hy a be)\· 011 his knees al1d sailed past a liYing but ve ry statuesque godde~ - . oi Llbt.:rt\· nn a pedestal. A group or lm· migra;lb in thei r nati,·e costumes WLTc \re'Ic, me<l ln· citizt:n~ ni the city. wh' 1 tcdd 11i it=- ·tra11 . . pt 1 rtati,,n iacilitib. P(cupations, am usement:' and homes, a·;Ll taught immigTant · the salute tu the American Aag. _ ' · illll l;!il'l lllo lllll lilll llll li'ld llll itl llllll lllillllllllllll. -= 14ast Qlall for Qlijrtstmas Your sitting for a Toloff miniature, hand-colored in oils, should be made \Vithin a Week to insure completion in time. This ideal gift, in gilt frame, is priced at onlv I \! I Jwrt husim::'s meeting i (111' 1\\'l'cl. membership chairman. n·pnrted that we han:! -ts~ members. ~no l)L·i11g our gc,al fM thi::; yl'a r. ~f i:-s l.~ndtnmewr'::; tirst grade won the S3 pnze inr be.ing the tir~t to rl'ach thl' 100 pl'r· cent. ~[ rs. FL1rcl is room chairman. \'inc other r~·(\ lll S also reac hed 100 1Wrccnt each recei \·ing a S2.30 pri zt·. ~ r i:;..; Be rry's fif th grade rot)tn , ~1r :'. DaYi..;. room mother: ~[i ss ::\ash's second g- ratk. Mrs. E vans, rot)m nw ther; and ~1 i:'~ Gunderson's third g radL'. ~{ rs. Fislwr. room mother. ~[ iss ~ as h' s secl)IHI grade room wn11 the att endance priZL'. ~Ir s. \ ·on der H o ff ann oun ced the fi r st ca r d pa rty for th e m orni ng of Janu ary 10. The meeting adj ourn ed a··h d rd rt·:d1ment s " -e re ~ rrvc d , t1fth grarle 111L1th er:-: hc ittg l1os tesscs. .~r r:; . ~m i th. It I. $12.50. . . ' I : 1 1 1 JosEph D. To1ofl Our Photographs Live Forever 518 Davis St., Evanston 75 -------~--=----- Univ. 2178 Miss Doro thv Farrar, 1210 Gre enwood a,·e nue. \Yilmette who returnerl home r ecently fron1 the University o f Illinois to visit her parents , Mr. and ~[rs. \Vatter C. Farrar. brought with her. Miss Janet Price, a sorority si ~ tc~ of hers. ~fiss Farrar is Pi Beta Plu at the university. - oTohn Robert ~~ urrav. son of ~{r . an d ~fr s. Tol{n S. l\1 urr.ay, 433 C umnor road. kenilworth will return to hi s home in Kenilworth on Deremher 22, fr om Canada where he has been working for the past four months.

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