Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 32

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....... 32 WILMETTE LIFE December 6, 1929 "Log C~bin" Is Newest .. Infant Death Rate Health Department Rates Gradually Lowered and Unique Dining Place Food Shops in Kenilworth Freedom Uishwashing , IS a ~ Dr. H. A. Orvis, Kenilworth health commi·ssioner, has been authorized ' to inspect food handling establishments in that village. Following ari in spection , each place of business that handlr " food will be gi\·en a card showi ng it " rating and the village will require t11at this card. b~ di sp layed in a conspicuo11s place. A similar plan for cstablic;;h ing ratings for fond handlin ~ hou se~: has recently he en put into efT cct in \Vinnetl<a. The Kcnih,:orth Villagt' hoard passed a re soluti on Monrla ,. night authorizing Dr. Orvis to make the imprctiuus and establi sh rating" . .Mr. an·l: Mrs. Karl D. King, Jr .. 739 Hmman aYenue, Evanston are the par·cnts of a se\'Cll pound son David \\'ayland. horn Monday, D ecdmber 2. ~t the EYanston hospital. Mrs. King ts the former Eugenia Moore of Glen coe. Mr. King is the son of the K:ul David Kings, 914 Greenwood avenue Wilmette. . The latest and perhaps most unique dining place on the north shore has just been opened at 11)39-4 1 Sheridan road n the 11iralago building in the Spanish ~ourt area between \\'ilmctte and Kenilwqrth . 'l'hi. e tabli hmcnt bears the int riguing- title "Maxwell's ~firalago r .og Cabin," and its appointments hrough out from outer entrance to n·,in:ttest detail of furni shings is remini scent > f the Southland. Emphasizing the "hos pitality of the South." the Log Cab!n is specializing in barbecued meats and ;nuthern di shes. It is open day and 'light. in State, Report Real Gift! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ilfuiled to the see sixteen its first birthday. II Six of Illinois cities with :1 yopulation ?f 30.000 or over, Chicago, -~tf' than in 1027 BAHA'I LECTURE "How to \Vin In sp iration in Daily Living-a Xcw Science," will be the ;ubject of the first add.ress under the ;cneral . ubjcct "The Science of Liv'ng." to be presented by Albert R. Vail. ~unday afternoon, December 8; at 4 1'clock, in Foundation hall of the Baha'i femple. Linden avenue near Sheridan ·oa.d. \ \' ilmctte. Illinois was a healthier place for babies in 192~ than b~fore, according to 1\Irs. Venmng D. S1mons, chairman of the Child Welfare committee for the Illinois League of Women Voters . vVriting for the "Illinois Voter" the monthly magazine of the league' Mrs Simons says that the infant mo'rtalit\: rate during 1928 was lowered from 64:4 deaths under one year of age per 1,000 births, to 64.2. Twelve of the forty-two states, for which figure s arc aY~ilable, show a lower rate than Hlinots. Oak Park retains its reputation as the healthiest place for babies with an infant mortality rate of 30.6. Elgin·.. , has the next best -record, with 39.6, lowered from 54.1 in 1927. The highest mortality rates in the tate ·were in Forest Park with 111.1 Cicero with a rate of 110..2, Lincolt; with 99.5 and Cairo with 97.6. In these cities one out of every tenth child born . Ctc·cro. Danvtlle, Decatur, 1folinl', and Peoria sho\\'ed a higher iniant mortalit,· · Prevent Foot Ills NOW The Conover translates mere electric current into the most scientific and efficient of dishwashing . The housewife who owns a Conover is S':lVcd hours of life and years of energy that she would otherwise have to ,spend in · this uninteresting and un.profitable. task. Add a Conover to Your Househeeping T his Let us How Equipn1ent Christ mas. Show You Mothers! -make sure that your children have the proper start in foot comfort. Keep their feet in good condition now and you'll sa\·e them much suffering in the years to come. " UNIVIS BIFOCALS Universal vi.sion No blur no Jump no distortion This improved bifocal ·scientifically propor· tions the reading and distance parts of the lens to conform with the natural near and far adiustment of the eyes. · If you require bi_focals, see and compare the Univis, learn of the comfort, the confidence and the better vision provided by thjs improved bifocal. We recommend Univis bifocals and unquali· fiedly guarantee their performance; superior to all others. You should have authuritative advice where your eyes are concerned 0 - Protect their little feet with Little Gripper shoes. That's the safest way. Then you can be sure that their feet w(!l g-row straight and stron g- readv for a lorw Iife of activity. Littl ~ Grippers l~ok well and \vear well ... and thev cost no more than other shoes. Let us show them to you-today. The Little Gripper Pla~·boy J Little ,Gripper A GROUND GRIPPER . SHOE Let them play to their feet's content SPECIAL ~:;i~ I0 · I ... Easy It Is to Buy! Special Discount ot On all children's 81.() shoes purchased -/~ Saturday, Dec. 7 Almer Coe & Company Scientific Opticians 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston . University 6804 GROUND GRIPPER SHOES For Men, Women and Children 73 5 SHERMAN AVENUE Greepleaf 6 1 8 1

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