Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 50

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December 6, 1929 so WILMETTE LIFE !' Shawnee Players to Inaugurate SeasOn December 13, 14 Band of Thespians I Will Present Two Plays at Shawnee BY JEAN TEN BROECK N ovembet Bride I Vista del Lago Prepares · All in Readiness for Busy Winter Program for Large Benefit Clu~) Vista. ~.~1 Lago already ha~ begun 1ts acttvthes for a busy wmter !-eason: Today the club is holding its regular woman's bridge luncheon day \vith Mrs. A. F. Dredge of Evanston the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Harry Barnhill of \Vilmette. Tomorrow evening the club will hold c;, Hard Times party for members and their guests. On December 10. there will be a familv dinner and bridge at which Mr. and ·Mr s. Knight Blanchard of 1015 Chestnut avenue, \Vilmette, will be host and hostess for the . evening. A dance for juniors from 12 t? 15 years of age will be held on Fnd11y, December 13, from 8:30 until 11. Mrs. John C. Marshall, 112 Green Bay road, Glencoe, will be hostess for the evening. Bridge December 6 Last Tuesday morning the committee in charge of the benefit bridge party being held at the Woman's clnb this evening as a benefit for the building fund of the Woman's club of Wilmette, had a most enthusiastic meeting. The prize committee reported a number of new and interc : ing prizes such as a silk umbrella, two half tons of coal, a reading glass, a cigaret lighter, cand.v, several compacts, a bridge lamp, and other attractive items. The prize5 this year are unusually attractive. The refreshment committee made its final report, but that is a secret that onlv those attending the party wilt Thespian members of Shawnee Country club have banded together to promote a p'r ogram of dramatics at the club. This year, organized into a troupe . kn.own as Shawnee Players, they wtll maugurate their season with two one-act plays given in two evening performances December 13 and ~4. A musical skit will be incorporated. mto the program both nights. "Rich Man , Poor Man," is the title oi o ne of the plays. Its author is Bertha Burri11 (Mrs. James A.) whose work as a dramati st is well known in \Vilme t ~ e. "As It Was in the Be ginning," and her more recent work "~eli eve It or Not," the clever pageant gtven at the formal opening of the \Voman's club of Wilmette, are two of her other productions. In " Rich Man, Poor Man," will be Miss Margaret Gallagher and James Bowman who will take the leads; Mrs. W. \Veldon M~s. G~or.g~ Miller, E. J. Flannery: Mtss Vtr.gm!a Torcom, George Hoad, Evelyn :t\orhng, Hazel Singleton, Margar.ct Bluthardt. and ~1 rs. John Ta\'lor Booz. The secon d play i "Ha lf an Hour ·, a satire in English life from the pr'n of James Barrie. Its cast includes Mrs. Paul Cook, Arthur Seibold Jr. in the leading roles; George S~ndo' Dr. W. W. Hawkins, Mrs. W. deBille: Robert Burleson, Cath erine Mueller and Dr. Robert Whitfield. ' The mu sical skit will be done in costume by Virginia Dodge, Stuart Thom son, and Marion Kirkland \vho will !'>ing theme songs from rec~nt n~u sical comedy succes ses. The plays arc under the direction of Miss D orot hy Proesch, and. the committee on dramatic s is as follov,·s: Mrs. \V. dcBille, Mrs. Charles Triggs, :NI~s. Paul Cook, Mr s. B. F. Lewis, ~1t ss Peggy Da,·is, and ~1 iss Vita \Vooley. 1carn. The ticket committee reports a larger number of reservations than ever before. Tables still are available and. tickets may be bought at the door this eYening. Tables will be arranged on the stage with all of the prizes, one for every four persons playing, and during the eve ning guests may go onto the stage to view them. Owing to the large number of prizes on display each indi\·i rluat winning a prize will be allowed two minutes to make his selection. Announce Patron List for Lido Supper Dance Announcement is made this week of the patrons and patronesses for ~he Lido supper dance the Evanston Jumor league is giving December 11 , at the Shawnee Country club. They are Mr. and Mrs. W. Rufus Abbott , Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Blessing, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Bracken, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Campbell, Mr. and ~Irs. Albert E. Cross, Mr. and Mr s. Henry M. Dawes, Mr. and Mr s. George. B. Dryden, Mr. and Mrs. Fore st Hopkms, Mr. and Mrs. John H. S. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Pirie, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rew, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dill Scott, Mr.' and Mrs. C. \V. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Selden White. Mrs. Edward Tild.en, ~1rs. E~ gene Kimbark, and D~. and Mrs. \VJlliam R. Parkes, all restdents of Evanston, \Vilmette and Winnetka. (Photo by Koehne) On Kovember 3, the wedding of Miss Martha Katz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Katz of 515 Cen· tral avenue, to .Burton Wolff of Chicago took place at the Standard club. Mr. and Mrs. Wolff went south on their wedding trip and now are at home at the Belden hotel in Chicago. Skokie Club Entertains at Collegiate Party CalifD-.Hop Tomorrow · f Philanthropy Benefit A calico hop with women in calico ~resses and sun bonnets, and with men Dan(e for Young Folk One of the largest fall dances for the young cro~d from 14 to 16 years of age was gtvcn Wednesday evening of last week by Mrs. Frank D. Fulton of Winnetka for her daughter, Helen. The house was prettily decorated with autumn leaves and flowers, and the ~uests dan ced in th e living room, livtng porch, and dining room. Punch was served in the billiard room and ~ upper, beginning at 10:30 in' the g arage, which was festive witi1 autumn shade s . ior the Thanksgiving season. ~en son s orchcst ra played for the danemg. overalls and large straw hats will bring a touch of summer days to' meet the rigor of winter tomorrow evenbg when the philanthropy department of the \Voman's Catholic club of \Vilmette give s it s benefit dance and card party at the Woman's club. Proceeds from the affair will be used to carry on the many charitable activities L)f the philanthropy · department of the club. Each woman guest will bring a basket of lunch for two, and coffee and apples will be served by the committee. A prize will be offereo for the he t looking farmer boy and girl, and for each table. Mrs. George Ludwig . general chairman of the affair. t::. 111 Alpha Phi Dance December 7 Alpha Phi sorority of Northwestern university is holding its annual dinner dance tomorrow at Club Vista del Lago. Several members of Del Coon's orchestra will furnish entertainment for the 135 guests, who will also dance to Herbie Kay's orchestra. Miss Jane Wilson of \Vilmdte and Miss Dorothy Borrowman of Evanston will assist Mi ss Mary Atwell on the social committee. Has Treasure Hunt Tonight Mi ss Ann and Mi ss Caroline Davi s, daughters ui Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert Davi s, 615 Laurel avenue will he hostesses thi s evening to about' scvent\·fivc members o i the Hound Table cl;tb of the First Presbyterian church, Evanston, composed of young people of Nortlm:cstern university. The party is Set Day for Dinner Dance . to lx: a hard times one with a t rca sure The next dinner dance and. card hunt, follo\\'CU hy dancin g and ref rcsh party to be given by the \¥oman's ments. club of \Vilmette will be Tuesday eve· ning, December 17, at the clnb. Plan Dance for Daughters Reservations are to . be made with The high school crowd and their ~1 rs. George Redding or Mrs. L. friends who come home from prepara- Starkel. Hosts and hostesses for the tory schools for the holidays will he en:ning will be Mr. and Mrs. T. E. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Peirce C. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. A 1 vi n \Vard of 39 Indian Hill road, \\iin- Beirnes, and Mr. and Mrs. Don F. netka, and Mr. and Mr s. Harry Lord \\. iley. Wells of 20 Green Bay road, Hubl ard Mrs . S. C. Ward.en, 511 Tenth street, \Voods, at a dance at Indian Hill club December 27. Miss Jean \Vard :.llld with her two children, Nancy and Sally, Miss Frances \Veils will be the gucst3 will leave tomorrow for Lakela,ld, Fla., to be gone all winter. of honor. \Vinding up the football season and inaugurating the winter season, Skokie Country club gave a "Collegiate" pa:ty Vvednesday night of last week. Penr~ants for different colleges were hun~ on the walls, and footballs decorated the dinner tables. Benson's orchestra provided the music and played college songs during dinner. Mrs. H. Mus5on of 595 Longwood avenue, Glencoe entertained several guests at the party. The pond on the club grounds was Indian Hill Anticipates frozen and used for skating, and the Its Winter Sport Season toboggan slide has been set up. Indoor winter sports have been proEnlarging of the pond for skating vided for, and pool and tennis tables and the placing of the tobog ga n at In· are being arranged. dian Hill club were welt und.e r way early this week in preparation for Dinner Hosts Tomorrow the winter sports season at the club. Mr. and Mrs. George Orts.e ifen of The first of the winter dinner dances 337 Essex road, Kenilworth are enterat the club will be held December 14. Indian Hill plans its usual Christmas tai ning about twenty-:five or thirty ~ing in front of the dub house. the guests at dinner · at their home toSundav evening before the holtday. morrow evening in honor of Joseph The N-ew Year's eve party will not be Joyce who arrived in Kenilworth Sunday evening for a stay of about ten given this year. days. He is returning to Tucson, Ariz., in time to be with Mrs. Joyce and their Hosts at Holiday Dance :laughter for Christmas. Ten members of the se nior cla:;s at Kew Trier High school will be joint To Give Holiday Dance hosts at a dance Dccemhcr 30, at the ~fr. and Mrs. Chester H. Walcott of Evanston Country club. The group includes Jack Ludwig, Charles South- 7 Thorn Tree lane and Mrs. Walcott's ward, and Tom Hicks of Kenilworth; lather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ben· Dick 11ann, Edward Cullen, and ~ar jamin F. Cummins of 286 Ridge avenue, shall Ling of Wilmette; Robert J-Ias- will entertain a group of the preparakins and Fred Smith of Vvinnetka: and tory school and college students at a 1 Fred \Villiams, Jr., and Frank Kaul - t ance at Indian Hill club Decemb~r 28, for the Walcotts' daughter, Miss hack of Glencoe. H tlen \Valcott. Have Opera Party Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Zabel of 1l47 Chestnut avenue entertained Fedl:!ral Judge Evan A. Evans and Mrs. Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Carlson in their box at the Opera Wednesday evening of last week follo w ing dinne>r at the Illinois Women's Athletic club. Gives Splash Party Virginia White, daughter of the Richard T. Whites of Evanston, was hostess to twenty-four of her friends from the Roycemore school at a splash party and luncheon at Shawnee Coun· try club, last Saturday. Luncheon Hostess Miss Mary ApMadoc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tudor ApMad.oc of Evanston, entertained at a large luncheon for forty guests at Shawnee club last Saturday. Entertains Children A children's party was given by Shawnee Country club last Saturday afternoon at which there were fav·Jrs ~nd refreshments. Joe Paules, com ·~ d tan and entertainer, amused the litdc tots with his antics.

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