Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 62

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62 WILMETTE LIFE December 6, 1929 Wilmette Playground and Recreation Activities Basketball Now Holds Limelight on League Slate Basketball will be the next sport conducted in leagues for grammar school boys, it is announced from the Playground and Recreation board office, which sponsors intramural athletics for Wilmette public schools. The last speedball games for boys witt be played this afternoon and Monday will mark the official opening of the basketball season for boys. The girls intramural program now consists of volleyball after which basketball will be inaugurated sometime after the opening of school following the Christmas holidays. The total reports of juveniles participating in . the after-school sports conducted by the board for the month of November exceeded 2,800 boys and girls. Games for boy s were conducted ev~ry afternoon from 3 :30 o'clock to 5 o'clock at the Village Gre'e n and Washington park and e\·ery Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for girls at Stolp and Howard gymnasiums. The same schedule will be maintained for girls throughout December, J anuary and February but the boys' pr~) gram \\'ill be limited to M o nday, \Vednesday and Friday afternoons at tile two gvmnasiums. - SPORTS CALENDAR 7 :00 p. m. Anyhow, the Whole Outfit · ·Is Decidedly in the Wrong "Hap" Gathercoal blames the office stenographer; says she can't read. The office stenographer talks right back and says it is "Hap's" fault because he can't write. Anyhow because Hap's account of · the basketball game between the Presbyterian II team and the Ridge Avenue Pharmacy team last week was construrd to read, "Presbyterian II (16) , Junior A. C. (11 ), it was sent in that \\'a\' and consequently printed that way Rut - the Junior A. C. protests. It didn't e\'en play the Presbyterian II that week and forsooth could not suffer defeat . The Ridge Avenue Pharmacy l)rote sts because the score should have read "Presbyterian II (10); Ridge Avenue Pharmacy, ( 11). l\ow here's the rub. "Hap" won't a))Olorrize because the stenographer ,. ., can't read and the stenographer cc;-tainly won't apologize because Hap can't write. And the \VILl\H:TT I~ · Lu·r. was onlv an innocent contributor to the crime and doe sn't have to apologi1.c The matter can't even be settled I)\ jury trail because "Hap," in an over·zealous effort to have the office records ahsoluteh· correct, erased all traces of the offending scores and printed them legibly . Xo\\' \\'hat have you? Monday, December 9 Women's basketb::t.ll. Stolp gymnasium. 7 :30 p. m. Men's volleyball. Howard gymnasium. ,T uesday, December 10 7 :30 p. m. Business girls' gymnasium class and Athletic Club meeting. Howard gymnasium. 7 :30 p. m. Horseshoe practice. Men. · Howard school attic. Wednesday, December l1 9 :30 a. m. Women's swimming class. Evanston Y. M. C. A. 6 :40 p. m. Business girls' swimming class. Sovereign hotel. 7 :00 .p. m. Men's basketball. Howard gymnasium. Sto1p 7 :00 p. m. Men's basketball. gymnasium. Thursday, December 12 7 :30 p. m. Aero club for boys. Central School Manual Training Room. 7 :30 p. m. HorS<'l"hoes for men. Howard school attic. 7 :30 p. m. Gymnasium class for women and girls. Stolp gymnasium. 7 :~0 p. m. Gymnasium class for mnrried women. Howard gymnasium. Friday, December t!l 9 :30 a. m. Swimming class for women. Evanston Y. M. C. A. 7 :00 p. m. Junior Police . Athletic Hour. Howard gymnasmm. 7 :30 p. m. Boxing and wrestling class for men. Howard gym· nasium. 8 :00 p. m. Gymnasium class for men. Howard gymnasium. 8 :00 p. m. Dancing class. Stolp gymnasium. INTRA]IlJRAL PROGRAM . )londay, Wednesday, Friday 3 :30 p. m. Boys' basketball. How1.rd and Stolp gymnasiums. . Tuesday and Friday 3 :30 p . m. Girls' volleyball. Howard and Stolp gymnasiums. From Which It May Be Gathered the Skating Season's Here Again "The first snow flake fell and the telephone began to ring," Director Daniel M. Davis of the Recreation board paraphrased, and co!ltinued, "Came gentle tones over the wtre asking when we're going to have ice skat- Women's Swimming Class to Be Held Three Weeks More Three weeks extension of time has been granted to the members of the women's swimming class at the Evanston Y. M. C. A. The class officially : nded Friday, November 29, but since so many requests for more time were made to the Recreation board, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announces that the class wilt continue to meet until the last of December, 0r until the old Y. M. C. A. building ts torn down. The class meetings are on Wedtiesday and Friday mornings. During the t erm just closed the beginners class was held at 9 :30 o'clock and another class for advanced swimmers at 10:30 o'clock hut the lesson time has bec~ n limited and the beginners will meet at 9 :30 and the advanced at 10 o'clock according to the new schedule. "Duke" Slater, instructor of the classes for the past two years, will continue to conduct the class during the ne\v term. No· term fee is being charged for the extra sessions but a rate of fiftv cents per lesson will be pavahle each time. The class is op e n to - \\'ilmette residents and by special permission to Evanston re sidents. The onlv requirement besides the entrance fee witt be a tank swimming suit since woolen suits are not allowed in the Y. M. C. A. pool. in~~~e answer is the middle of th e month if it ts cold enough to freeze the i·ce, if not, the last of the month or during the Christmas holidays. The staff a ss istants have been busy erecting a portable shack at the golf course to be used for warming shelter. The poles for lighting at the Village Green and the wiring at the golf course have been erected. The coal has been ordered and the hose for flooding and the actual work of preparing the tw 8 courses will be started within a da:v or two so the Recreation hoard will he ready by the middle of the month it the weather conditions are suitable. Indications are that the ice . skating season will be as long in Wilmette this vear as last when a total of fifty -se \·en davs of skating were recorded at the Villag-e Green ·and fi'fty-three days at the golf course. At leas t the Recre::ttion board is prepared to hold out as long as the weather .does. The annual ice carnival wilt be conrlucted again this year in January atHl the ice hockey league conducted f o r 'Hammar school boys for the fir st tim e last vear will be continued under the 1irection of Glen W. ("Hap") Gathercoal. The Technique Seems to · Be Identically the Same "Five and six and seven and eight and-. Turn. Gentlemen forward, five and six and-. Ladies next, one and two and-. Now together." No. It isn'.t what you think. Far from 'being an old fashioned square dance. It's the very latest tango. If . you don't believe it, come to the Recreation dancing class next Friday ev~ ning at Stolp schoql and you'll be so'rry for your skepticism. A dancing class is conducted from 8 to 9 o'clock under the direction of J eanettc AdlatHI of the Adland Dancing studio in Evanston and following that the class members have the privilege of dancing to music supplied by AI Butow's four-piece orchestra. · Previous to last Friday's meeting the class \vork had been devoted entirelv to teaching the fundamentals of dancing but at the last lesson the class was promoted and the remaining six le:;sons will he devoted to new steps and combinations of the old ones. A significant feature of the class is that it is still growing. New members are added each class session, although at the present date the membership is not large enough to finance the proiect entirely. However if enough new couples attend the class during the next six lessons to warrant a new class, it will be started at the close of the nresent term. which ends in January. The fee is $1.50 per couple per lesson and $7 for the entire term, Daniel M . Davis. director of recreation announces. With the Recreation Leagues State Bank ...... . ............ . . 3 :\[ethodist ..... . ............. 2 'Volff-Griffis ....... . .. . ... . .... 2 JUdge Ave. Pharmacy .... . 2 Presbyterian II .. . ....... l Schneider's Bottery .. . ...... 1 St. Joseph .......... ... ....... 1 Junior A. C. . . . . . .... ..... 1 T. 0. 0. F. 750 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 000 1\IEN'S BASKETBALL llidge Pharm. (28) Schneider's Boot. (19) Clarence Steffens Robert Steffens Henry Miller . Earl Miller .Toe Kraft ·wmard Uttenreuther Harry Peters Walter Hawkinson Ray Steffens Harloff, r eferee ~t. Joseph (2!1) Terminal A. C. (11) Ti ollin Simonds August Wallowlt?. Victor Deinleln Lawrence McHale Harold Schl f'utcr Tonv Schinler stanl ey Hawkinson Walter Hawkin8on George White Robert May Harloff. r efere<' ~esbyterian II (23) ~o~ff-\~~~~~ (~ 2 ) Ed Ryerson J:ob Wolff Bob Koenan :\Tarvin Boyd Frank Reyno!d'3 Yan Meter Jack Ryerson H<'rbert ,Volff Sherwood Palmer Paterson, referee -State Bank '{21) 8C'hultz & Nord (32) Chris Schaefer Rob MarLenn Bal Robinson VOLLEYBALL I Bob Nord Lawrence R0th BaptlRt (15, 15) Optimist (.t.1) .Tohn Borncamp Kenneth KP.rr Earl Carlson Philip Hoffman Ovi W!Pberg Carl Clifton Walter Haas Tom Klehm :\Torris Lang Shelby Singleton Frank Guthridge Ballard Robin!"on Stan Smith Harvey Weedon AI Heirens Clarenc ~ Braun Paterson, referee Art Youngberg Jack Welter Men's Gym I (10. 15, 15) Meth. (15, 6, 6) Bill Ma cl\foran L. H. Hannewalt Carl Geppert L. E. Matson Bill 'V'illiam!'on Frank Getman Art Aul"tln Tom Klehm Bill Bro~covak Philip Hotl'man Walter Doose Men'f; Gym II (15, 15) Joe Converse P.ob Calvert AI TuckPr William Morgan Clttford Darling Arthur Garnlss Presby, IT (13, 9) EdLesll Hill Earl Will Schlnle~ Joe Convers e H enry Miller Methodist (24) Prel'lhYtPrian I (39) Charles V;uney Ted Stone John Waidener Ralph vVhitsett Fred Waldener Harry Stone Lowell Todd f'harles Lauer Phil Cressey f'arl Hall Ed Hill Paterson, referee Team standing W on L os t P ct · Presbyterian I ......... ..... . 4 0 1000 . 8chultz & Nord ........... . .. 3 0 1000 Terminal A. C. . ...... ...... . 3 1 750 . . ...... . ....... 0 WO)IE~'S BASKETBALL XYZ (10) ".i!'<con!'lin ( 46) Elizab<'th Faber .\nn St<'mpel Hita Weber 1-IH.rriet ~Ic Dermott Katherine Pearson Ruth Smith 1\tarian Pearson Marie Arndt Ruth Braun Monica Meyer Rrmghneck s (43) Alice Nord N :1om I Price Ethel Keenor Geraldine Weber Lorraine Oshea Dorothy Smith Vera Johnson Tllino!R (1) Eugenia Hanke HPlen Miller Virginia Worthen ·winnlfred Barry Mary Hoffman Dorothv Ruschli Jane Krier Virginia Fitzhugh N. U. (22) Elizabeth Hoffman Marian Pearson Helen Deinleln Dorothy Kummer Clementine Antonio Vivian Quigley Chicago (6) Marian Weber Virginia Fitzhugh Bernice Gould ]Jouise Coglianese Dark Horses (5) Lois Miller Anne Brownlee Phyllls Daley Marian Pearson Emma Hicks Virginia Fitzhugh Mary Hoffman -- P.idge Elec. (15, 15, 15) Pres. I (17, 3, 4) Jacoll Hoffman Bert Colvin WilHam Schinler Otto von der Hoff Dan Davis Stanley Peter~on Arthur Austin Carl Youngberg Walter Doose James Lyons Robert Johnson Voli~Jball Standings Won Lost Pet. . .. , .... .... . .... , .4 0 !\'fen's Gym T .. .. ....... ... . 4 Ridge Electric ..... .......... 3 Rt Joseph .... ........... 3 :\'fen's Gym II . ... ........ . . 3 Methodist .. ...... ...... ... ... 2 · Presbyterian II ............ 2 Presbyterian I . ..... . ... ... 1 Howard P. T. A. . ... .... .. .1 Hld~e Avenue Pharmacy . . 1 T. 0 . 0. F .. ............... .. 0 1000 Optimist ..... ... .......... . 0 ' O'Kays (1 !l) :\1arcella Kummer Phyllis Daley Dorothy Smith 1000 Rita Weber 760 Mary Hoffman 750 Emma Hicks 750 500 'J'NT (30) 600 334 f,orothy Vollman 334 Kathlyn Welter 3341 Marjorie Paterson 000 Olive Billlmack 000 Betty Haigh , Brownies ( 46) Eva Berndston Josephine Pridmore Margaret Castnr Janet Brown Mary Lauer Anne Boddie l\1 ary Lauer Elaine Mergenthaler Elizabeth Blaylock Elsie Paterson Mary Nlestadt Virginia Wieberg Team standlngR women's basketball t!'am for week ending Novf'mber 30: Purdue (0) Won Lost Pet. Geraldine WebPr florRefeathers .... ....... .. 2 0 1000 Jane Krier Northwestern ........... . .... 1 0 1000 Gladys Engels Ohio .... . , ......... ....... .. 1 0 1·)00 Rosetta Conley Roughnecks ................. . 2 0 1000 Helen Obermeier "-·isconsin . . . . .......... ... 1 0 1000 Dorothy Braun Brownies ......... . .. ........ .1 1 600 Dark Horses .. ............. 1 1 600 llorsefeathcrs (42) O'Kays . . ... ........ : ......... 1 1 500 Gladys Fehlen XYZ .......... .. ... . .. ...... 1 1 600 Peggy Betts (' hicago ................. ... 0 1 000 Lois Hammett Illinois .............. . ... . . . 0 2 000 Betty · Ryerson Purdue ..... .... . .. .. . . .. . .0 1 ~00 Elizabeth Nelson TNT ................ . ...... 0 2 000 Lenore Palmer Notre Dame .............. . 0. 1 000 ...

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