Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 67

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December 6, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE n~~sance which otherwise would prevaiL 3. Areas outside of the North Shore district, for example the area between the North Shore and Lake Forest districts, ~ill continue to be a source of trouble tor parts of both the existing districts and efl'orts should be made in some way or other to bring these areas under control." 61 STATE INSPECTOR LAUDS MOSQUITO ABATEMENT "~RADELLA" PREMIERE SOON The premiere of Richard . Strauss's latest opera, "Arabella," will be given at the Salzburg Festival next summer under Clement Krauss·s direction. The Warns Skokie Must Be Drained text was the last by Hugo von Hofmannsthal and is laid in the Vienna If Nuisance in District Is of 1870. Mrs. Fr.ed Workman, 222 Leicester to Be Eliminated road, Keml~orth entertained at luncheon and brtdge at her home \VednesA report on the past season's work day, December 4. MILLINERY of the North Shore Mos.quito Ahate. -oment district, made by . Supt. William Mrs. Leon M. Allen 258 Melrose Edwards, reveals that the work this year has been at least fifty percent av~nue, Kenilworth er~tertained her more effective than that of the pre- bndge cluh on Tuesdav of this week Phone: Delaware 3107 at her home. .. ceding season. This fact is also borne out by a re port just received ·from Anselmo F. Dappert, assistant sanitarv engineer from the State Board of Health, relative to a ·thorough inspection which he made of the district some time ago. Eradication to I nereaae It is also pointed out that eradication of the mosquito will become more and more pronounced as the district's program develops; as the work of adjacent districts progresses and as the unorganized territory between the present districts either becomes organized in itself or passes under thf jurisdiction of one of those now exi . ting. Assistant Sanitary Engineer Dappcrt in his report on the inspection of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district said: ThP Rf'port "On the whole, it was found that the C'ontrol wo.r k was . heing- conducted in as s:ttisfactory and efficient mann<'r as pre:,;C'nt circumstanceR will permit. Th>"re \\as a very mark <'d difference noted between the prevalence of mosquitoes within and outside of the district and also hetween the observed mosquito bre eding within ano withnut the district. "The following data noted at the time of the investigation will serve to show by way of comparison the differ<' nce in mosquitr · breeding in the controlled and uncontrolled areas. "1. Dips made from the Skokie creek at Deerfield road, two miles north of the <'ounty line road and out::-ide of the :\{osquito Abatement district g-ave from two hundred to four hundrt·d mosquito larvae per dip. The lar\'ae were prohahly Aedes, aR no eggs could be detected. 1'hat portion of Skokie creek ~ituated outRide of the North Shore "!\fo::-rtuito Abatement district is a very potential mosquito hreeding place, and as long as it remains uncontrolled will give risP. to difficulty in certain portions of the North Shore district. "2. Dips made between the Clavey nnrl Deerfield roads about one and one-helf miles north of the county line, yielded about six per dip. The relative low mosquito production at this point, as compared to the previous !'itation is accounted for by the improved condition of the Skokie channel. "3. Dips from Skokie creek, at the cou nty line road and within the district ~: ielded no larvae. IRED AL -B A«enta.for ALLIED VAN LINES Long Distance Movers WILMETTE 1111 STORAGE REMODELING B. BARRIS, BA~S 106 East Oak Street, Chicago JlG AMD ..1T1'1.S1 l.fCB llNO POOl., CAN .PROJECT TH£11. P£1.SON~LITIES OVItl. TBB WID£ BITWO·Jt or ll'S Wli.ES In the servtce of all the people THE Bell System is owned by 450,000 stockholders and operated by more than 400,000 workers for the service of the people of the nation. It is a democratic instrument of a democracy. Big and little, rich and poor, can project their personali ties over the wide network of its wires. For friendship or business, pleasure or profit, the telephone is indispensable ~o our modem civilization. This year the Bell System is erecting new telephone buildings in more than 200 cities. It is putting in thousands of miles o£ cable, thousands of sections of switchhoard and hundreds of thousands of new telephones. Its expenditure for plant and im provern en ts in service in 1929 will be more than 550 millions of dollars-half again as much as it cost to build the Panama Canal. This program is part of the telephone ideal that anyone, anywhere, shall he able to talk quickly and at reasonable cost with anyone, anywhere else. There is no standing still in the Bell System. · "4. Dips from a road ditch along the county road just west of Skokie crePk, gave no larvae In ten dips. "5. Dips from Skokie creek at C'lavey t·oad, gave about five larvae per dip. "6. Dips made in the most uortherly ravine ditch in Glencoe gave no larvae. "7. Several dips from the second most northerly ravine in Glencoe gave nne Anopheles larvae. "8. Dips from road ditches at Willow and Hibbard roads, gave no larvae. "9. Dips from a pond one-half mil<> ~outh of the county line on Lee road yielded no larvae. "10. Dips made from Middle Fork North Branch at Dundee and Lee mads gave no larvae. "11. Dips made from the east branch of the North branch at Dundee road near the west limits of Glencoe, gave no larvae. "12. At Bluff and Park streets in Clencoe, two rafts of Culex eggs were observed in a sewage polluted ditch . "1. Mosquito control was effective durIng this year because of the failure ot the marsh areas of Skokie Creek to become active and the remaining sn.P.tl~>r breeding places were kept under e!ficieu: cc·ntrol. "2. During years when the ~kokif marsh remains flooded for several wt·el' ~ In the mosquito season the mosquito production in the marsh will be sufficient to almost completely mask all other control efforts. Until provision is made for at least the partial draining .1f Skokie marsh, serious mosquito infestation must be periodically expected. During years when Skokie marsh does not enter as much of a factor in the mosquitQ breeiling the measures now being applied will rtsult in largely abating the mosquito Few Lanae Found Coneluslons ILLINOIS BELL TELEP'HONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy One System Vni41enal Sm1ice

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