Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 78

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78 WILMETTE 17 LIFE INTEBIOB DECORATING December 6, 1929 PERSONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT& chargea onl7 Evanaton to .Glencoe iaclusive whose names appear ·in the telephone directory, or who ar~ ncular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a line ln any two papera. Rate·-16 · 30 cents a line ln all three papers. HINIIIUII CBA.BGE it eea&l, Anrace of ftve words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our offtcE at 1131 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. · e-Claasiftect actvertleementll wUl be GenItal Not IC to residents of the ctlstrjct from YOUNG WOMAN, AMER., DESIRES personal loan of a few hundred from BRASOR ART STORE one able and willing, indef. per. No 1312 CHICAGO AVE. UNIV. 9179 inducement, no loan co., JlUrpose to 27LTN5-tfc fini3h bmL educ., or would like longhand or machine bkpg. pos. Exp. Write· Wilmette Life A-118. 54Lll-ltp PICTURE FRAMING ARE YOUR LAMP- advertisements will be acto Wectnesday 6 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers : Thursday 6 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : WUmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. · Classified Deadlt·ne fo t Jns ert lOnS-ceptect up RESPONSIBLE PERSON WANTING to drive to Florida after Christmas and DO THEY EXPRESS YOUR spend the winter in West Palm Beach INDIVIDUALITY? DO THEY in attractive home, reasonably, call HARMONIZE PERFECTLY Kenilworth 248. References exchanged. WITH YOU;R COLOR 54LTNll-ltc SCHEME? ALAN GOODRICH shades are designed LOST .t FOUND by interior decorators. They create an Iii environment that is liveable as well as - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ; , _ interesting and cost no more than LOST-KEY RlliG WITH ABOUT 10 ordinary shades. keys, on street between Hubbard Woods We wire vases and design shades to and Indian Hill. Finder please addre~s match. Winnetka Talk A-114. $5 reward. !;5LTN11-ltp SHADES DIFFERENT? Alan Goodrich Studio 4 l~OR SALE-AJTTOS l~OR SALE-AUTOS P6t\CKARD MODEL 4-33 SEDAN LIMO. BARGAIN for cash. Has been used by private family. Phone Winnetka 40. 4LTN11-ltc IB1ill1 ce1 «:;@n cdl 185©Iffi cdl Cce1lf .~@lf Xmm<ID.~ BIG SIX MARMON SEDAN JUST THESE CARS HAVE BEEK overhn uled, new pistons and rin~s. THOROUGHLY REBUILT Reasonably priced. Ph. Wilmette 476. AND RECONDITIONED. .4LTN11-ltc 1929 Nash Adv. 6 sedan . . ... . ....... $975 Nash Special 6 Victoria coupe . . . . $975 CHRYSLER - $200 CREDIT ON NEW 1929 1st and 2nd mortgages 1929 Nnsh Standard 6 sedan ........ $800 Chrysler-will sacrifice. A. J. May, 908 1929 Insurance Nash Standard 6 cabriolet, 6 Main St., Evanston. Univ. 6521. wire wheels . . . . . . . . .... .. $800 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 4LTN6-6tc 1928 Nash Adv. 6, 7 pass. l'edan, 30L17-tfc 6 wire wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $S50 1928 Nash Standard Ianda u sedan .. .. $550 1927 Nash Special 6 sedan ... .. . ... . .. $450 3-t WATCHES 1929 Chrysler Im!le rinl 75 sedan .... $1,025 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1fl2R Chrysler 3 d r. sedan . . . . . . . . . .. $650 CLOCKS - ALL MAKES AND SIZES 1928 l'a< ·karrl 5-26 sedan, side mounts, 1~\ repal red by expert. Clocks called for $1,250 and delivered . Prices reasonable. Paul 1i35 BENSON AVB., \'OR. CLARK ST. Dawy, .Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Ave. Buick 1\ln!-it <> r, 2 dr. ~edan, 25-40 . . . .. $175 1033 DAVIVS ST., COR. OAK ST. Phone \Vilm ette 6. 34L36-tfc 1925 Buick l\faster Six 4 door sedan .. $325 Open Evenings till 10 P . M. 1926 Nash Ad\'. 6 conch .... .. ....... $225 4L1l-ltc WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 1929 Bui ck. Rest buy in town . \Vood WE CARRY A HIGH GRADE LINE OF wh<>el !<irle mount~ . 11 UUILDlNG & f'ONTRACTIK4: pocket watches and wrist watches. 1929 Bukk 1-'E>dan, perfect . . . . . . $1,050 Modern design, reasonable prices. We 1928 Ruick ~Nla.n . ... .......... . .. ... $875 JOHN BOESCH, CARPENTER AND specialize In clock and watQh repatr192S Buk)\ C'OU}le ... .. . ...... $900 builder. All ldnd!'l of carpente1· work. ing. All work guaranteed. Come In 1927 Buick ~t· cln n . . . . .. ..... . ........ $650 Board, tile and rubber floors for bathand see for yourself. 1927 Buicl< brougham .. . $775 rooms, kitchen, etc. Ph. Wilmette 2165. Also other bargains in Used Cars l1L8-4tc l 92 Oldsmobile sedan .......... $495 1139 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4516 DRESS1\fAKING 34LTN38-tfc C'ol"ts !'\othing to See Them! ----------------WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXTerms n nd trades can be arrnn~e<l . pert. \Vatche:-; cleaned and adjusted. AFTERNOON AND STREET GOWNS. Have your old mowment put in a modRemodeling and ::~lterin~r. Cut nnd fit, f'J'n C'a!'e. Pnul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 102i DAVIS ST. you finish. Ph. Wilmette 4051. Wilmette AYe. Ph. \Vilmette 6. OPEX EYE~ING~ AND SUNDAYS 17LTN11-1tc 34L35-tfc Look for the Q(,ld Seal Buick 4L11-ltc 17-A 1\lUSICAL INSTRU1\IENTS EXCHANGE Evanston LOST-AT DYCHE STADIUM, NEW 27LTN11- 2tc Tder-Ev;wston game, Thanksgiving ~!~8~~~~~~L~A~U~N~D~B~Y~~~~~~ day, long tan woolen scarf, blue stripes. Reward for information or return. Ph. Kenilworth 2289. Mons. 5.5 LTN11-ltc WHY PAY MACHINE PRICES WHEN hand work Is just the same. The Herr HELP WANTED-FEMALE Hand Laundry. Wilmette 734. 66 28LTN10-4tp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-=s~ INTELLIGENT GIRL FOR 2 HOURS' 30 LOANS work in evenings,_ Winnetka 2115. 56LTN11-1tp 632 Church St. Charles H. Brethold W ANTED-COMP. WHITE MAID FOR general housework, Protestant, references req. No laundry. Ph. G.~mco e 781. 56LTN11-ltr MAID · FOR GEN. HSWK. family. Ph. Ke!lilwort.h 186. SMALL 56Lll-ltc BUY :\ GOLTJ SEAL BUICK: FOR XMAS W ANTED-4 SALES LADIES FOR real high class article, will give exclusive tenitory, can earn $5 to $10 per day. Write Life A-113. 56LTN11-1tn HELP WANTED-MALE 57 ----------------- i\NSTON NASH CO. BANI< tfELLER FOR N. S. RANT<. v\rRI1'E ~TILl\1ETTE LIFE _t\ -119. 57LTN11-1tc 60 H. GREENBAUM SITlJ ATION '\V ANTED-FE1UALE J\11 Prices Reclucecl North Shore Buick Co. DRESSMAKJNG EXPERIENCED LAUNDRES~. FAST worker. Winnetka ref. Wed. and Thurs. Kenwood 8598. 60LTN11-ltp EXP. WHITE LAUNDRESS WAN'T'S day work for Wed. or Thurs. Ph. \Vilmette 1913. 60LTN11-ltp WTD. -1 DAY A WEEK STEADY FOR .hs"·k. N. S. ref. Ph. Wihiwttf' 20R8. 60LT11-ltc EXPERIENCED W 0 M A N WANTS ·laundry work or cleaning by day. Ref. University 8679. 60Lll-ltp N. T. H. S. girl ' will care for children and do light hswk. after school and ~tay nights. Sunnyside 7146. 60Lll-ltp COOKING, SERVING. LUNCHEONS, dinners. Care of children. Winnetka 1920. 60LTN11-1tc DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, drnpes, by exf)f'rienced woman by day or at home. Will also take care of children evenings. Wilmette 2212. 60LT11-ltp WASHING. IRONING AND CLEANING · bv day by Swedish woman. Ph. Wilmette Tn~7. 60LTN11-ltp EXPERIENCED LA UNDRESS WANTS Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. T ndPrstancls all washing mnchin es. Call Kenwood 7589. 60LTN11-ltp WANTED-LAUNDRY WORK OR DAY work, by a competent colored girl Ph. Wilmf'tte 105 60Lll-ltc EXPERI;F.NCED MAN WANTS HOUSEwork. Call Winnetka 3218. 61LTN11-ltp NO \\~~t\TEI~ TO FREEZE 1928 FRA:--:KLIN Airman Sedan. 5 pa~ senger, in very fine mechanical condition, equipped with new eight ply balloon tires. This cnr has YE>ry low milenge and i!'l sold with new car St'rvice guarantee. Series 11-B, 1927 FHANKLIN ~E>clnn. !'i passengl·r, mechnnicnlly perfect, priced right for a quick sale. Series 11. 1926 FHANKLI N ~edan. newlv painted a beautiful mnmon an<l ulael<, a ll bright work chromium pla trd. .:\ wonderful bargain. STUDEBAKER, Commnnd~>r, 1!l28, ) }1assengPl' Sedan. paint and mechani ca l condit i()n ,·ery g-ood. \Vill ;:l.Hlly demonstrate. MARMO~. 1:124, l\fodel :14, 5 pnsseng<>r Phneton . This car has juF;t b,·-2.1 f ·\ ' t>l'· haulf'd and is in wonderful m·'<·h:ttli cnl condition. \\·ill mal<e sonvn~w a n·al buy this W<'<'k. NASH. 1 ~t26 Jlo<t<lster with wint .- r (' llC'!CJRUrr, will glndly demnnst.r.lt<'. K®llll©~~ IMl©fc©Jf~ 9 lliTil~o H15 ~IIEl!)TA~ AYE~EF: Univ rsity Oi~2 E\·anston, TIL OPPO.Tl'E DE:\lP~'l'I<~H ~T. "L" ~TA. 4LT~11-ltc SAN DIEGO, CALIF., YERY DESIR- GOOD OPPORTU~ITY TO GET A beautiful Mason & Hamlin Grand piano able residential vacant. Yalue $30,000 in A-1 condition. used very littl e, by <'lear. Will consider exchange for North paying bala.nce on account you save Shore. Write Wilmette Life A-116. $800, small payments. Write Wilmette 17-ALT11-2tp Life A-117. 35LTN11-ltc HUNTING C'LUB ~ITE. ROO A. EAST OF Munsing, l\fkh. Excl. high land. R. Ry. ;3 _s __·_P_A_I_N __ T_I:N_"'_G_&_D_E_'C_O_R_A_T~I-N_G _ __ Hghw.; Elec. and steam cross property. FOR BETTER \VORK:\IANSHTP ON C'lear title. Very valunble, reasonable. painting and decorating, at reasonable Consider part trnde, cnJ', furniture, prices call vacant. \V'J'ite \Vilm ette Life A-112. E. A. LEMM 17-ALTNll-ltc 362 PARK AVE. PH. GLENCOE 1122 38LTN11-ltp DO YOU WANT TO TRADE YOU~ North Shore property f , · well paying - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL WINTER PRICES ON PAINTapartme~t buildings in Chica~o? Replie~ ing and decorating. Expert workmanheld stnctly c0nfidential. Write Wilship. Phone Winnetka 14~3. nwtte Life A-109. 17-ALll-lto :l8LTN11-tfc 20 GARDENING SERVICE BUREAU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 TREES TAKEN DOWN AND CUT UP XORSHORE CAMERA SHOP for firewood. Also ~arden work by FRAMING hour or contract. Call Winnetka 1793. TINTING 20LTN11-4tc XMAS CARD~ mnde from your own nPgatives. COVER LAWNS NOW Wilmette 1676 We recommend manure or compost also 1145 Greenleaf Ave. 44Lll-3tc use lime in Winter. ' KLEIN & SON FOSTER NISTLE Phone Wilmette 3324 OIL BURNER SERVICE 20LTN11-1 tp All burners at all hrs. Wilmette 179 HLTNll-tfc OLDSl\JOniLE LA ;:..;nAP, '2R 1\TODEL. Bought Jan. '2~1. 0\'Pr :~.000 mil<>s. Perfeet <"ond. Rt ·lling- heC"ause of sickneRH. Tel. \-\'innetka 2420 after G p. m. 4LTN11-1 te Baa Telepbont WHmettr 4300 or CARPENTER WORK. CONTRACT OR NORWEGIAN, MIDDLE AGE WILL Landscape and Gardening Work day. By responsible man. A-1 mechSpecialist in Rockery and Fountains ~tay with children. do baking 'or cookanic. Best references. C. Anderson. JOHN OSTROWSKY ing or sewing by the day, hour or week' 6438 N. Richmond St. Sheldrake 10129. 23(3 W. Park Ave. Tel. Highland Park 49 in good hom~s without maid. Ph. 44LTN10-4tp Greenleaf 4458. 60LTN11-ltp 20LTN4-tfc ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK, WOMAN WISHES CLEANING repairing and remodeling done by re- WHITE ironing, plain cooking and serving. Ger~ liable man reasonably. Call atter 6 )'OUI' man Swiss. Ph. UniversitY. 3322-W. P. M. Mr. Rutar. Wlnn. 2480. 60LT11-1tp 44LTN3-tfc !his Office will accept classified advertising to be run ALL-ROUND YOUNG COLORED GIRL uO GENERAL REPAIRS ·~ THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 famiwishes position. Present emnJoyers are leaving for winter. Been with them hes 1n Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by p. m. JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REmore than 10 years. Not too far from modeling by a craftsman of rare ability on Tuesday. "L" or North Shore station. Go home and originality. Designs created for nights, come after breakfast. Would individuals. Paul Davey, Jeweler 1165 consider job, 1lWl and wife. Then could Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. ' Wi~oetka stay on place if pr~!erred Call Lillian, 50L35-tfc Atlantic 3373. 60LT11-ltp NURSERY STOCK Waat Ad Ia Bvaastoa, too 5 - 2000 "" -

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