Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 79

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December 6, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 77 FOB. SALE-HOUSES ·o SITlTATION WANTED-FEMALE FIRST CLASS MAID WANTS POS. Good cook. Ph. Winnetka 2684. 60Lll-1tp EXPERIENCED W 0 MAN WANTS work by the day, clea.nJng, sewing or serving, Mrs. Schrom. Tel. Winnetka 2176. 60LTN11-ltc EXPERIENCED C 0 L 0 RED LAUNdress wishes work Monday and Friday Ref. Univ. 7880. 60LTN11-ltp RELIABLE COLORED GIRL WANTS day work or mornings. Greenleaf 7288. . 60Lll-ltp WANTED-GENERAL OFFICE WORK on. north shore. Experienced. Call 'Vmnetka 1686. 60LTN10-tfc EX~. COL. GIRL, DAYS OR % DAYS. W 1l. ref. Ph. Wilmette 4410. 60Lll-ltp Phone ·Your Want·Ad· s in the Bveilin1 Phone Wil. 4300 FOR SALE, EXCHANGE OR RENT, small bungalow in Lake Worth, Florida. For particulars address R. Koehle, 1330 Gregory .t\.ve., or Ph. Wilmette 3677. 77LTN11-ltp PRICE REDUCED $7,500 IN CHOICEST LOCATION CLOSE TO Sheridan Rd. and Lake. 8 room house ' and garage, maid's room and bath on first; four sleeping rooms on second. For inspection or information call QUINLAN & TYSON Inc. REALTORS 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 77L11-1tc COMPARE! BEFORE YOU BUY ON THE NORTH SHORE INSPECT THE FOLLOWlNG OFFERINGS: In Evanston : 5 houses, 6 rms. and 1 bath to 9 rooms and 3 baths; prices $21,000 to $46,500. In Kenilwoyth: 2 houses, 9 rms. and 3 baths, $34,000 and $35,000. In Glencoe: 2 houses, 9 rms. and 3 baths, $36,000 and $39,500. In Highland Park : 1 house, 9 rms. and 3 baths, $35,000. Renovated house (frame) , 9 rms. and 2 baths. $16,000. Th ese houses are honestly built, properly financed and fairly priced. You will find them of pleasing designs, finished in good taste, and with unusually spacious rooms. A call or a letter will bring you full written particulars. C. A. HEMPHILL DESIGNER- CONTRACTOR BUILDER Gr. 4573 2!!44 Grant StrE:>et, Evanston 77LTN11-ltp EXPERIENCED J... A UNDRESS WANTS work to take home, will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN43-tfp 61 SITUATION WANTED-l'tiALE EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAN, BUTLER and chauffe ur. Willing to do day work. A-1 N. S. ref. Tel. Oakland 5374. 61LTN11-ltp EX~. HOUSEMAN AND CHAUFFEUR, pnvate home, best of ref., willing worker, r easonable wages. Ph. Buckingham 3959. 61LTN11-ltp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS WINdow washing, garden and house work. Best of refs. Tel. Winnetka 2764. 61LTN8-tfc Our classified advertising departm~nt is prepared to accept adver· tisements for the current. issue of WILMETTE LIFE every evening until 9 P. M. WEDNESDAY 68 FOR RENT-FURN. APTS. 1-2-3 ROOMS l'OR R.ENT- ROO)JS 66 \\'OHK BY THE DAY, GENERAL HBEcleaning, wa."hing windoW's and wood- LARGE, SUNNY. WARM ROOM IN work, sen·ing and waiting tabh'. \Yinpriv. family. Use of kitchen for brkfst. netka 1657. 61 LT10-4tp Price very moderate. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1716. 66LTN11-H<..: 62 SIT. WTD.-1TALE & FF.JL\J,E FOR RENT-1 DOUBLE ROOM WIT I I COLORED COPPLE. l\lAX CHAUFtwin beds and Jav., in roorn, nlso ont· Best sin~le room. Ph . \Vilmette 35:-17. fe nr, buti<·r; wife-cook, maid. ref. 'all Atlanti c 4::66. llill. 66Lll - tf<· 6:!LTX11-2tp 6'j l"OR ltE~'l'-A l1 AltTlUE~T:-1 EXP. COL. f'OUPLE DESIHE:.; POS. \\·oman ~:xcC'llent coo l{, mnn nil around v\· ELL EQUIPPED KITCHENETTE hou~ e man and ehauf. Ph. GienC'o 10Li. ant. Rooms open onto large pore h. 62LTX11-ltn Oil heat, instant hot water. Ex<'ellent transp. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 204. BOARD AND R00)1 6iLll-ltp Very .A ttractive Rents CUT FRO:t\1 $3~.000 REST HOME FOR CONVALESCENT OR F'OH HEN~'-.:0-HCELY FCRNISHED 1 OWNER MOVED AWAY. VERY ATelderly people. Resident nurse. Ph. room kitchenette with inclo::-ed sun 89 FOR RENT-HOUSES tractive, almost new, modern 7 rm. Greenleaf 6828. 63LTN8-4tc porch, e\·erything- furnished. $40 a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - brick house on beautifully wooded lot -month. Call 'W ilmette 43fl7 befon· Sublease Opportunitv near lak e. 3 large bedrms., dressing 66 }'Olt RENT-JtOOJlS 4 p. m. 67Lll·lt(· rm. and sip. pch. ; 2 baths, toilet and Indian Hill ~ Road lavatory; hot water heat; attached gaCEK'l'H.AL HOTEL, 629 MAIN STREET. 3 ROO~fS ON SECOND FLOOR, OIL rage; $25,000. Easy terms . WINNETKA H.ooms by day or week, all outside hC'at, finest location. Beautiful sur- Beautiful Spanish home attractively r ooms, steam heated, hot and co ld roundings, reasor1able rent. Inquire 7:30 situated amid 1% acres of landscaped water. 6GL4 -tfc Central A\'e. l'h. Wilmette 29~. and gardened grounds. Unusually spa67Ll1-1tp cious interior arrangement. Garage REALTORS 2 WAR:\1 HOO~IS \VITH HOli~EKEEP for two motors. Sublease; willing to Winn. 1617 WINNETKA ing pri\·iJeges to those desiring p erma- FIVE HOOM FLAT, FUI'lNACE HEAT. sacrifice. For complete details and In- 746 Elm St. 77LTN11-ltc nent al'eomnwdations, in family of two spection appointment phone near transportation . Ht>nt $45 l>t>r adults. Protestant. Garage. Hubhanl month. ·w oods. Tel. ·w innetka 567." CHAnLES H. BRETHOLD 66LTN'll-1tc G45 Main St. Greenleaf 1855 Ph. ·w ilmette 6:i 528 Da Yis St. 69LTN11-ltc THfS ARCHITECTURALLY ATTRAC67Lll-ltc R00:\1 FOH H.E:\'T. GENTLE::\IAX PHEtive seven room, two bath, relatively fened. Winnetka 2669. G6LTX11-1t<..: new frame house can be bought for VERY REASONABLE, 5 H.OJ)l\I ATTIC A~D BA'l' H , CHEERFUL FOR RENT ground value. 60 feet of frontage. Best sub-lease 7 room house, near stores and corner. Sto\'c h('at, newly decorated. NICE 'W AlUI ROOM JN PRIYATE location among $35,000 homes. Owner transportation. All modern conveni1730 Walnut An:-., Wilmette. Ph. Longfamily, gentl e man pre ferred. 420 Pnrk has to sell at once. Glencoe. ences. 511 Linden A ,·e., Wilmette. Ph. beach 5322. 67LTN11-ltc AYe., Ph. Wilmette 293. 66Lll-ltp Wilmette 3617. 69LTN11-ltp Also a "st eal" in Winnetka-$16,000. Now is the buying opportunity of the next WARM R:\I. r\EAR BATH lUI. l~XTRA WILL SUBLET ATTRACTIVE 3 ROOM decade. large double bed for 1 or 2. Kit. priv. apartment in new Winnetka Bldg. Rea- BUN'GALOW, 3 ROOMS. BATH, ~LEEPNr. transp. V>inn etk a 2~99. sonable concession. Phon13 Glencoe 439. ing porch, full basement. Immediate 66LTX11-lttJ 67LTN11-4tc po!'ises!'iion. $50. W'innetka 752. 1618 Chicag-o Aw., Evanston, Green. 7120 77LTN11-ltc ---------------69LTN11-ltc ROOl\I FOR 2, $6.50. OE FOU. 1, PRIFOR RENT APTS. Yate, $4. T el. ·w innetka 2764. 557 GREEN BAY ROAD, GLENCOE, R. 66LTX11-tfc room house. two baths, newly decorated . hot water heat, extra large lot, garage, FOR RENT- ROOM:, ALSO SPACE JN 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 . ROOMS available at once. Rental very reason- OFFER A DISTINCT BARGAIN IN A garage. Will arrange for some li gh t modern 9 1 ·oom Colonial home situated ~ hlP. Call P. M. Cornes, Highland honR ekeepir~ if de::-in·d. Ph. \\'i lm ette Here in Wilmette's most convenient and in the most convenient section of East exclusive location, you will find wellPark 500. 69LTN 4-tf<' 224~ . GGL:{ -tfc arranged apartments. All apartments Kenilworth. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, sunroom and sleeping porch. Large wooded have outside rooms which provide an ES LAHGE AKD SMALL HOO:\L l'IU\.. \TJ~ abundance of light and air. Ample _~o __ F_O_R_R_F._N_T __ F_U_R_N_._n_o_u_s_... _ __ lot; 2 car garage. Price $41,500. home. One hlk. from Villagt.· I I all. l{t'a· 122 Sheridan Rd. Ph. Kenilworth 228 closet space. Schools, churches, and sonable. 1064 Linden A vc. \Yil. 42~:\. FURNISHED 77LTN11-ltc shopping facilities within Immediate GGLll-:ltP access. See these apartments today . 7 room r e!'iden<'e in good condition: 4 bdrmR., 2 baths, 1 car g-arage. East COMFORTABLE HOO.M IN QUIET Agent on premises. side in Highland Park, nenr school!'\ and east side home. Bathroom facilities tranRp. Will give ('onces!'ion for 3 year exce llent, h ea t and hot watC'r always. .....,. REALTORS lease. Com·. tranl'p. Hef. Ph. \Vilnwtt t> !!0 I. 6 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE WITH SLEEPWll. 460 H. and R. ANSPACH 6GL11-ltp 424 Linden Ave. ing and glazed porches. Exc ellent con67LTN1-tfc REALTORS dition. Conven_ient to transp. and 386 Central Ave. Highland Park 1212 FOR RENT- ROOM AND GAnAGE $a 70LT11-1tn schools. Reduced to $11,000. Small a week. Ph. Wilme tte 2713. 66Lll-ltc down payments. Also will rent for $100 per month. 73 FOR RENT-~TORES & OFFICES ROOM IN APARTMENT. BREAKFAST NILES CENTER optional. Call Winnetka 1 '08. Evenings. 4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large , CORNF.R STORE, 25x44. 507 CHEST66LT~ll-ltc light, modern. Near Dempster "L" nut St. Rent reas. Concession. Ph. WlnnPtka 1948. 73LTN9-tfr. terminal station and North Shore elec. NICELY FURNISHED ROO.M NEAR REALTORS 29 minutes to loop. Wilmette 273 transportation. Winnetka 911. 1177 Wilmette ~ ve. FOR SALE-HOUSES 77 66LTN11-tfc 77Lll-ltc Dempster Street at Bronx· Ave NEW ENGLISH TUDOR HOME OF 10 ATTRACTIVE ROOM FOR 1 OR 2. rooms. 4 baths, oil burning furnace. at- ON ACCOUNT OF TRANSFER TO . Phone Niles Center 93 New York we wlll sell or rent out· home Good loc. Brkfst. and gar. if desired. 67LTN36-tfc tached 2 car garage, lot 112x146 ft. In Wilmette. Six lar~ rooms and sun Ph. Wilmette 1938. 66Lll-ltc Well landscaped, large trees. 248 Hawroom. Dutch Colonial, brick veneer, thorne Ave., Glencoe. Also choice va2 ROOM APARTMENT IN HUMPHRE~ fully landscaped. Ph. Wilmette 4013. FURNISHED ROOM CONVENIENT TO cant 100 foot lots on Greenleaf Ave .. Bldg Call Winnetka 98 or 3328. 77LTN11-ltp transportation. Ph. Wilmette 2764. · 67LTN7-ttc information Glelll!oe 561. 77LTN11-ltc 66Lll-ltp FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO $25,000. 8 ROOM STONE HOUSE, · In The Rlate roof, on· quiet s treet in Hubbard Woods, nE:>a1· denot and SC'hools. Must EXCLUSIVE ELMGATE MANOR be sold at once.- Shown by app't only. with FREE GAS, LIGHT, ELECTRIC Ph. Winnetka 1689. 77LTN11-ltc REFRIGERATION AND MAID SEHVlCE together with tile baths showers twin and double beds, larg~ dressln; FOR SALE OR RENT-SIX ROOM closets and ample storage space. Excelhouse located at 1447 Edgewood Lane, lent transportation. 825 Main Stref'.t, Hubbard Woods-oil heat-automatic Evanston. Greenleaf 2100. 68LTN11-lt<: refrigeration-see your broker. . 77LTN9-.4tc BEA~TIFULLY FURNISHED APTS. IN Smith Bldg. 503 Chestnut. Reas. rent. Concession. Ph. ·winnetka 1948. 68LTN11-ltC' 77 IHl©Jk&IITl~©liil & JJ ®Till~~ Bi\IRD & \\T.ARNER $12,500 vVILLL\l'vi ]. PICKARD LINDEN CRES'r .\VILMETTE QUINLAN & rrYSON, INC. THE BRONX M. ]. FAHERTY

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