Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 80

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80 'f? W I L M E"T T E FOR SALE-HOUSES 10! LI F E December 6, 1929 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WILJ\IETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 262 IN THE M.A,TTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE for the improvement COJlsisting of th~ construction of a connected system of cast iron main water supply pipes in Romona Road. from Lake aven,ue to the south line ?f United Real~y ComPany's First Addlti?n to Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wilmette. and in other streets. avenues and roads, and otherwise improving the same. in the Villag-e of Wilmette. Cook CountY. Illinois. Special Assessment No. 262. in tlle County Court of Cook County. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons ,nterestetl that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village. has heretofore 'filed in said court. in said cause a certificate showing the cost of the improvement. and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in reduction of said assessment; and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor. and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated ln said certificate are true. and that said court has fixed Monday, December 16th. A. D. 1929. at ten o'clock A. M .. or as soon thereafter as t\11:' business of the court will f!ermit, at the room of said County Court m the Coun~Y Building, in the City of Chicago. in saul Cook County, as the time ~nd plac~ fo1 · the hearing on said aPPlicatiOn. All persons desiring maY file objections in said er~urt before said daY. and may appen r on the hearing and make their defense. Dated November 29th. 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES McDONALD STANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L10-2tc SPECIAL ASSESS~IENT NOTICE WILl\IE'l'TE SPECIAL NO. 259 ASSES~DIR:S'f FOR SALE-MISC. AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN FOR BOY'S WINTER OVERCOAT, SIZE 16. cash. Partially finished 6 room house Excellent condition. Winnetka 2519. in Northfield. No incumbrance. Wooded 102LTN11-ltc lot. 50xl47. Write Tall< 115. 7iLTNll-ltp FUR COAT FOR SALE, 11-14 YRS. ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ Good condition. Reas. Wilmette 2310. S :FOU SALE-VAC 1 \:N'T 102LTN11-ltc . \V_t\L'l'ER P. SALE-FUR COAT, SIZE 16. 1 YR. NORTI-IEAS'f GLENCOE FOR old. Good style and condition. Brown :\N IDEAL HAVlNE LOT, 125x300 FEET, Seal trimmed in Leopard. $45. Call ~ituatl"d ;~ blocks from transportation, Wi11netka 3212. 102LTN11-ltc srhools and shopl':. Suited for 2 homes if desirr d. PH.I E $165 PER FOOT FOR SALE-BLACK CLOTH OVERcoat, fur lined, fur collar, a wonderful Sl\1ITFI buy for someone who needs a good REALTORS warm coat, almost new. Ph. Glencoe EXCLFSIVE AGENTS 649. 102LTN11-~tc 337 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 78LTN11-ltc FOR SALE-ENGLANDER DOLL-BED, doll buggy, juvenile golf clubs, juvenile ACREAGE & ESTATES books, Laura Lee Hope series. All A-1 condition. Ph. Wilmette 4013. 102LTN 11-ltp & Co. minimum distance from the fronting street line to the front of any building shall not be less than one hundred and tlfty (150) feet. (b) SIDE YARD: There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than 20% ol' the lot width." To amend the said ordinance by chang· ing the Title of SECTION 8 to read: "HEIGHT IN "A" RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND "A-2" UTILITY DISTRICT." Dated the 4th day of December, A. D. 1929. ROBERT STODDARD FRANK C. HUFFMAN FREDERICK J. NEWEY LLOYD C. AYRES JULIUS D. ROTH Zoning Commission. Lll-2tc State of Illinois } County of Cook ss. In the Superior Court of Cool< County. Village of Kenilworth vs. Charles A. Thorsen, et al IN THE MATTER 0~"' THE) PETITION OF THE VILLAGE ) OF KENILWORTH FOR PRO- ) CEEDINGS FOR THE AC- ) QUIREMENT OF CERTAIN ) PROPERTY AND THE) SPREADING OF A SPECIAL ) GEN. ASSESSMENT FOR A LOCAL) NO. IMPROVEMENT CONSIST- ) 477,106 ING OF THE WIDENING, ) OPENING AND EXTEND- ) lNG OF COVENTRY ROAD ) AND THE APPHOA ..,HES ) THERETO AND THE DRAJ:\'- ) JNG, GRADING. CURBING ) AND PAVING PORTIONS OF) SAID COVENTRY ROAD AND ) THE SA I D APPH_ O ACHES ) THERETO. AS SO WIDE~ED, ) OPENED AND EXTENDED, ) AS A COMBINED IMPROVE- ) 1\'lENT IN THE VILLAGE OF ) K EN I L 'V 0 R T H , C OK ) COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ) NOTICE Notice is hereby gin·n to all per son~ inte r·ested that the Board of Local Improvements of the said Village of Kenilworth has heretofore filed in said com"t in said cause a certifieR te showing the cost of the work provided for in said cause the amount reserved for interest, and ~howing that the improvem ent has been constructed in sub~tantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor. The hearing to consider and determine whether the facts as stated in said certificate are true will be held in said court on the twenty-third day of December, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court \Vill permit. All persons desiring, maY file objrctions in Raid cause by or before Raid time. and · may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, Kenilworth. Ill.. Dect>mber 6. 1929. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH. By RALPH R. HAWXHURRT, President. Ll1-2tc SPECIAl, ASSE~Si\IENT NOTICE WILJ\IETTE SPF.CIA J1 ASSESSJIE:XT NO. 263 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE. for proceedings to levy a special asse~sment for the improvement consisting of the construction of a connected sanitar~ sewer system with house services in Lake Avenue and other avenues. streets. roads and lanes. and otherwise improving the l';ame. in the Village of Wilmette. Cook County, Illinois. Soecial Assessment No. 263, in the County Court of Cook County. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village,. has heretofore filed in said court, in .. aid cause. a certificate showin~ the cost of the imnrovement. and the amount reserved for interest. leavin~ no excess to be abated in reduction of said assessment; and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial c:o~formity .to tlle reQuirements of the ongmal ordmance therefor. and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true. and that said court has fixE'fl MondaY. December 16th. A. D. 1929. at ten o'clock A. M.. or as soon thereaftE"i as the business of the court will permit. at the room of said County Court in the County Building. in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the thue and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring maY fik ob.1ections in said court before said day. and may appear on the hearing and mal<e their defense. Dated November 29th. 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES McDONALD STANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Vllla~e of Wilmette. C©unilllfclfy If»ll&~® NEW liOME OF 11 HOOMS, a BATHS and three car garage. Thi:,; property KLTCIIEN STOVE, 4 BURNERS, 2 to be sold at cost. A very handsome ovens. Reas. 116!:1 Chatfield, Winnetka C'l)untry home. 1004. 102LTN11-ltc FOR SALE-8 PC. your own pdce, morris chair and Lincoln A n ·. \Vinnetl<a 672 new sled, child's 7!JLTN11-ltc child's desk, etc. mette 4051. AX'l'IQUES 103 \VEST OF \VINNI~'fKA MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR, like new. Phone Winnetka 351. 102LTN11-ltc a41 99 DINING SET, A'.r odd chairs, leathet' !'tool, cutting table, new electric stove, 1534 Highland, Wil102Lll-ltc - AMONG Tlll~ l\TAKY C:\'£TSUAL AND distincti\·e antiques tn lw found at The Little House of lntel't.'f; t, :;12 ~outh ave., Glencoe, tf]. Glencoe 732, are the following: Decorative old \\"t'oug-ht-iron window Picture; old Eng·lish te<~-k ltle on hot water holder: English filu1res for the -~ide; collection of purple R!ag; werr-- stenciled l'e nn!-:yl\·nnia Dutch table; delightful U. C. B e llnower pewter teapot ; pewt er ciga n > tte dishes; charming tea table-." and tt'a sets; mirron;; prints; miniatures; silhouettes, and portraits. _,_ !l!lLTNll-ltp WANTED TO BUY- MISC. WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN 48-tfp WANTED- PAIR MAN'S ICE SKATES. Figure, with high shoes attached, size 8. Must be in good condition and cheap. Phone Highland Park 4048 after 6 :30 P. M. 103LTN11-ltp OLD BOOKS BOUGHT, NOT FICTION or Cyclopedias. Address Minerva Book Exchange, 7233 East End Ave., Chicago. 103L9-3tp YVONNE ·SOl-IN FRENCH PROVINCIAL FURNITURE, 106 MISCELLANEOUS 17th and 18th century. Needlepoint, tapestries, china, glass, pewter and HAVE YOUR OLD PIECES RENEWED paintings. at a reasonable price. Silver refinished 823 Washington St. Greenleaf 6592 and made absolutely tarnish proof. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette Nr. Main St., Evanston, Ill. Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. 10'5L35-tfc !l9LTN11-ltc ~'\NTIQUES Mrs. James Marshall Hobbs Mrs. Kenneth Miner Hess Mrs. Alfredo Mazzarella 651 Vernon Ave. Phone Glencoe 1336 ASSEMBLED SETS OF OLD GLASS, TWO ADULTS WILL GIVE BEST Furniture, Mirrors and Prints. of care to grand piano in return for storage. Winnetka 2448. 105LTN11-ltc YOUR FAVORITE DOLLS PERFECTLY renewed in every way. Also make Olltfits for any style doll. Ph. Winnetka 3340, Francis French Shop, 505 Che~t nut St. 105LTN10-2tc 'rALIA.N IMPOR1'Atl'lONS MAPLE AND MAHOGANY COLONIAL 1·eproductions. l\Iaple poster bed, chest, day bed. gate leg table, chnirs. mah. table. d<"Rl<, chair, secretary, lamps, Lawson davenpo1·t and loung·ing chaiJ', stool. Ph. G1·eenleaf 0!'176. 100LTN11-ltc ;As ~TOYE nt>tkn 1686. CARPET~. - LEATHER, BRONZE, JEWELRY SII~HOUE'I'TES GIFTS AND LINENS .... 99LTN9-5tc LIKENESSES CUT BY MISS JOHNSON. ~~~~~~~~~~--~---~ 338 Linden Ave., Ph. Wilmette 1982. 00 FOU SALE HSEHI,D. GOODS 105LTN11-2tc VILLAGE OF WILMET'l'E PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the undersigned originally appointed as a Zoning Commission ·to hold said public hearing at 8 :00 o'clock P. M. on the 27th day of December, A. D. 1929, at the Village Hall in the Village of Wilmette, Illinois, for the purpose of collsidering proposed amendments to the zoning ordi· n?'l'lce of the Village of Wilmette, being Ordinance No. 1281 passed by the Presi· dent and B@ard of Trustees of the Vill<'ge of Wilmette, on, to-wit the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1922, said proposed amendment~ being: To amend SEC'l'ION 2 by changing the number of Districts from three (3) to four ( 4) and by inserting " "A-2" Utility District," and by adding the f.-;lJowing p:1ragraph: "The following is a. descrip· tion of tracts, pieces and parcels in the Village of Wilmette in the "A-2" Utility DistrictAll that part of Lots 39 and 41 of County Clerk's Division of the W 1-2 of Section 3'1, T. 42 N., R. 13 E. ·of the 3rd P. M. lying E. of a line drawn parallel to and 185 feet E. of and measured at right angles to the E. line of the C. & N. W. Ry. riglit of way." To amend the said ordinance by the addition of the following new Section: "SECTION 3.5-"A-2" UTILITY DIS· 'I'RICT. In the "A-2" Utility District all buildings and premises may be used for any, use permitted in the "A" Residence District and for the following uses: Municipal Utilities." To amend the said ordinance by the addition of the following new Section: "SECTION 11.5-INTENSITY OF USE OF LOT AREAS IN "A-2" UTILITY DISTRICT. · (a) FRONT YARD: Tt.e CIIEAP. CALL WINlOOLTNll-ltc HALL drE'SSE:'rs, rhair!-l, dishes, cooking Glen<'oe 470. RL"NXEH, BEDR, blankf:'ts, pillows, utt>n~ils, pictures. 100LTN11-ltc 101 WTD. TO BUY-llSEHLD, GOODS WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest pric,~s for same. Crost Furniture store, lCG-!-6 Emerson St., Evanston. Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfl IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE. for improvement consisting of grading and paving the first alleY north of Highland A venue. from the west curb line of Fifteenth Street to the east curb line of Sixteenth Street. with reinforced partland cement concrete and otherwise improving the same. in the Village of Wilmette. Cook CountY. ' Illinois. Special Assessment No. 259. in the County Court of Cook County. NOTICE is hereby given to all pers{;ms interested that the Board of Local ImPl'Ovements of said Village, has her.etofore filed in said court. in said cause. a certificate showing the cost of the improvement. and the .amount reserved for interest. leaving an excess of $810.02 to be abated in reduction of said assessment: and also that said improvement has been cQmpleted in substantial confonnity to the reQuirements of the ori· ginal ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed MondaY. December 16th. A. D. 1929. at ten o'clock A. M .. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit. at the room of said Count~ Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County. as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desirin" maY file objections in said court. before said daY. and may appear on the hearing and mal~e their. defense. Dated November 29th. 1929. EARL E. ORNEH. ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES McDONALD STANTON VAN JNWAGEN HANS von HEJNSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L10-2tc YILI,AG E OF WIL1\IETTE PROPOSAL YOUNG 102 FOR SALE 1\IISCF:J,LANEOUS MAN'S TUXEDO S1 lT, SIZE 16. Hardly worn, to be sold cheap. Ph. Wilmette 2036. 102LTN11-lt(' BLACK, BLUE VELVET DRESSES, 36, good cond. Cheap. Bmnze lamp, $10. Strong iron cot, $4. \Vil. 2152. 102LT~ll-ltc MAHOGANY TABLES, CIIINA CABInet, tea cart, dressf:'rs, double bed, hair mattress and box spring. Man's and woman'!'l clothing, child's coat. 7 year size. Kenilworth 1226. 102LT11-ltc BUGGY, KIDDIE KOOP, NEW ~TROL ler Kiddie Kar, new Buddy-L sand sifter, radio and tricycle, $1.fi0. Wilmette 8534. 102Lll·ltc Bids will be received by the Superintendent of Public Works for the collection and removal of garbage for the Village of Wilmntte from January 1, 19~0. to December :n, 1930. Collections to be made as follows : Three times in each week for the months of June, July, August, September and October, and two times in each week for the months of November, December, January, February, March, April and May. Bids must be in the hands of the Superintendent of P·ublic ·works by 7:30 P. M., December 17th, 1929, at the Village Hall, Wilmette. Illinois. The Superintendent of Public Works reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. C. SCHULTZ, Supt. Public Works. L10-2tc J...ll-ltc

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