Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 6

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6 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 For the Holiday Party ...,{ PHONE ~dsC.o/C. IWELSH MALE CHOIR ON SUNDAY CLUB PROGRAM WILMETTE . }~- 57 5 Christmas is near and the boys and girls will be coming home from school. You are no doubt pbnning a welcome and little entertainments. May ·we draw your atteation to The Patty Shoppe as a source of supply for those bakery delicacies so needful to complete your luncheons. dinners and breakfasts. We will be pleased to make up any special orders you may wish in cakes and rolls, and in these busy holidays when time is so valuab!e we can also· serve you by delivery-free for orders of one dollar and over and a small charge on smalle~ orders. Famous Chicago Vocal Organization to Be Heard in Wilmette, December 15 The. C~icago Welsh Male choir. an orgamzat10n composed of sixty V(li \· ··s under the direction of Dr. Da 11 il'.l Proth~roe, will present the program ;1 the Wtlmette Sunday Evening club December 15. Organized in 1925, this chorus ha s already demonstrated its pre-eminen ce in the field of male chorus singing, an~! has proved the acknowledged arti stic gift of the Welsh people in the art (I f choral singing. L SPECIALS FOR CHRISTMAS Pies-Mince and Pumpkin CAKES Glazed Fruit Cakes Individual Christmas Cakes Christmas Cookies Merangues. Macaroons. Lady Fingers, Salted Nuts Coffee Cakes Blitz Kruhen Streusel Stollen Cheese Cake Old Fashioned Danish THE pATTY §HOPPE Opposite New First National Bank Buildint (1\fendenhall Photo) 1153 WILMETTE A\'ENUE PHO~E WIL~IETTE 575 ]. E. Worthen, of the \\ro rthen-Carrico company, was elected president of the Wilmette Chamber of Commer..:c for 1930 at the annual election of officers last week. He succeeds ] ohn ; I. DaYies, \Vilmette contractor. Two Junior Markets 801 Ridge Road, Wilmette 912 Foster street; Evanston Phones: \Vilm ette 4560-4561 - \\' ilmette 325 -3535-University 0310 North Shore Men Named on Bankers Committees FREE DELIVERY · Order Frida_\' for Early Satw·day Prf orniHg Delivery YOCl\G TOM YOUNG FAT YOUNG FAT TURKEYS, lb. C GEESE, lb . . . C DUCKS, lb. . . C ~lO~ARCH COFFEE SMALL LEGS LAMB 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · lb. . ................... . PURE LARD FRESH PORK BROOKFIELD 2 lbs. . . . . . . . TENDERLOIN BUTTER, lb . .. JOXES' DAIRY FARM SAUSAGE-MEAT AND LINKS Coffee, Junior Quality, Fall Legs Lamb, lb . .. ........ 20c there's none better .... .... 49c Boneless Lamb Roast, lb . .. 28c Fresh Eggs, doz . ........ 45c-59c Fore Quarter Lamb, lb ... .. 22c Good Luck Oleomargarine, Lamb Rib Chops, lb .... ..... 40c 2 lbs . ............. . ........ .t7c Lamb Loin Chops, lb. . ..... 48c Fresh Dressed Broilers, lb . .. 29c Lamb Steaks, lb . .. .. ... . .... 38c Frying Chickens, lb . . . ... .... .31c Lamb Breast (or stew), lb .. . 16c Roasting Chickens, lb . . . ... . 32c Pork Loins (whole), lb .. ..... 22c Fat Hens (small), lb. . . . . . .32c Pork Loins, rib end, lb . .... 23c Fat Hens (large), lb ......... 36c Tenderloin r:.nd Roast, lb . .. 2Sc Boiling Chickens, lb . ........ 27c Whole Pork Shoulder, lb. . .18c Cream or Brick Cheese, lb. . . 3Qc Fresh Little Pig Hams, lb . . . . 17c NATIVE STEER BEEF Fresh Spare Ribs, lb ....... 17c Round-Sirloin Steak, lb. . . 46c Pork Steaks (sliced), lb . .... 27c 39 25C $1 29 19 43C 23 27c 43C Among the national committeemen of the Investment Bankers Association of America, recently announced, arc the follo\\"ing north shore men: \Villiam T. Bacon, 860 Auburn road, \Vinnetka, education committee; Le Ro,· \Voodland, 336 Leicester road, Kenilworth, finance committee; Marshall Forrest, 849 Hill roa.d, \ Vinnetka, foreign securities committee, and Lawrence Howe. 175 Chestnut street, WinDr. and Mrs. Fernando \V. Fuernetka, industrial securiti es committee. mann, 835 Greenwood avenue, had as their house guests over the ThanksMr. and Mrs. Thomas Zemek of 231 giving holidays the latter's sister, Mrs·. Greenleaf avenue left Wilmette Tues- H. 0. Fritzel, and Mr. Fritzel and their day, December 10, to visit their daugh- two sons, of Ame s, Iowa. Mrs. Fritter, Eleanor, who is attending the Los ze} remained to make a short visit with Arboles School for Girls at Altadena, her sister, returning to her home the Cal. latter part of this week. Composed of Business Men The chorus is composed of men from business, trade and professional lif1· whose voices hav e been welded togethe r with such magic that they are no longer ordinary singers obeying their condu·:tor, but have become a single instru ment of infinite beauty and power, ~o that so potent and pervasive i. th e charm of their singing, that the rcn ·lition of each song creates the desire (,. hear another, and still another, again and again. Specializing in the choral works nf the great masters and the folk song :. of \Vales-music of sustained and Yigon)llS beauty-its work re\·eals variety, vitality and beauty with new depth and n ew meaning to choral art in its mo st arti-,tic form. Praised by Critics A Chicago critic writes of this group: "It's in a \Yelshman to love mmi c, particularly choral music, and these sixtv Americans of \V elsh blood, ha,·c placed their heritage of feeling and aptitude for unified et1. emhlc at till' serYice of an able director. The chor;1s is well balanced and sings on the kev everv minute. The tenor section, usually weak, is noticeably strong. The fibre of the choral tone is exce llent and does not fray v.-hen pianissimo effects are demanded." ·· ·· · · · c Rolled Rib Roast, lb . ... . .. 4Sc Standing Rib Roast, lb . .. 34c:-39c Shoulder Roast Beef, lb ...... 29c Beef Pot Roast, lb. . ....... 2Sc Boneless Beef Stew, lb. . ... 32c ~~~[:Jh~~~PS~~aks't l~.b ...... 5037c · Country Pork Sausage, lb . .. 3Se S S lb 50c ummer a usage, . .. ·..... . ~alves BLi~e(· lb. · · ~c pteekr L'ee ltbver, 1 . . .. . .. 1. 21~c or tver, · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ,.c Rib Boiling Beef, lb . . ...... 18c ~~e:esL Ve~ ~oi~t, lb . .. ·· .34c Flank Steaks. lb . .... .... .... 32c egd sea ,k ib . ...... · ~~ Strip Steaks, lb .. ........ ..... JOe Veal LounR tea l'b · · · .. · · Fresh Cut Hamburger, lb . .. 2Sc ea eg oast, · .30c Pork Sausage Meat, lb . .... 2Sc Veal Loin Chops, lb ..... .... 38c Boneless Corned Beef, lb. . . . 30c Veal Rib Chops, lb. . ....... 30c Ribbed Corned Beef, lb . ...... 18c Veal Shoulder Roast, lb .... . 26c Veal Breast or Ste,-.·, . lb . ... . . 20c ECONOMY CUTS BEEF Dill Pickles, qt. . ........... 23c Shoulder Roast Beef, lb. . ... 2Sc Lt'bb y C a tsup , 1 arg e . . ..... . 18c Beef Pot Roast, lb. . ....... 20c Salad Dressing, pint ........ 23c Boneless Beef Roast, lb . .... JOe Sauer Kraut, qt ............. lSc Sliced Dixie Bacon, 2 lbs. . . 43c Smoked Picnic Hams, lb. . ... 19c Sliced Premium Bacon, lb .... Gc: Swift's Premium Hams, lb . ... 27c Sliced Bacon, 2 lbs. . ....... 63c Swift's Premium Bacon, lb . .. 33c Sliced Bacon, 3 lbs ......... .9Sc Dixie Bacon Squares. lb . ..... 19c Sli.ced Bacon, lb. . ......... 35c Boneless Smoked Pork, lb . .. 39c Mtller & Hart Peanut Butter-Bulk, lb. 23c; in 1-lb. cans ........ 28c WHOLESALE AND RETAIL p~~~ ~~~·s·a·~~ . ~~~.~1~ .l.i~~.s_}_· .. JOe b ··· ······ v fR = S = " " = @@@- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~ OR DER NOW Holly Wreaths and Christmas Trees Reasonable Prices Christmas flowers are now ready for your selection. Shop early and avoid the last-minute ~ ~ " ~ ~ :=~~ n:: ~ will deliver when you wish orders WEST END FLORISTS Glenview Road Wilmette 1943 ., -' ~ r~~~~~~~~~~~$$$$~'

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