Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 50

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so WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 · Plans for Holidays · Young People Step to the Fore tn Younger Set Now I· Issue Cards for Holiday Affairs Works for Benefit I Vista del Lago Woman's Club Bridge Outstanding Success Includes Young Folk on Program· With the Christmas holidays ap proaching, Club Vista del Lago mem bers are busy with plans to entertain the young people. Tl:tis evet!in~ the club is gwmg a dance for juniors from 12 to 15 year. of age. The dance will be held from 8:30 until 11 o'clock. Hostesses for th e evening will be. Mrs. E. M. Antrim, Mrs. Clarence Burpee, and Mrs. LeRoy Minor, all of \Vilmette. On the afternoon of December 24 and from 2 until 5 o'clock, the childre,; will be given a party at which there will be prizes and refreshments. Host essses for the afternoon will be 1\f rs. Ralph l\1. Long of Winnetka, Mrs . Myron T. Harshaw of \Vinnetka, and Mrs. H. R. Gaudy. · December 25, there will be the an . nual Christmas dinner. The following evening, December 2(1, the club will hold a dance for university and senior· high school young people from 8:30 o'clock until 12:30, with a buffet supper at midnight. Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock and there will be cards for the senior members at 8:30 o'clock. Hosts and hostesses for the dance will be ~f r. and Mrs. Irvin Simmons of Wilmette and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Thomas of \Vinnetka. ~[r. and Mrs. Franci s Hinckley of Winnetka will be host and hostess at cards for the senior members. The onrushing season of holiday gayety for young people of the north shore even at this early date is foretold by invitations young hosts and · hostesses are issuing, some of which now are announced. Betty Bayliss. Lorraine Briggs, Beth Brower, Jean Forrest, Gloria Harrington, Ella-Jane Holden, Helen Holden, Isabel Macalister, Mary Elizabeth McNulty, Marjorie Mead, Kathryn Parshall, and \Villa Snyder, have issued invitations for a dance on Monday evening, December 23, at the Edgewater Beach hotel at 9 o'clock. This is the first dance of the holida\' season. Lorraine Briggs of Deer~ Park, Ravinia~ will be hostess at a dinner preceding the dance. Invitations were issued this week for a dance December 2H, at 9 o'clock, at the Sovereign hotel, by the Misses Bettv Barroll, Audrey Binz, Dorothy Darby, Ann Louise Hankins, Ruth Mary 1Iarrison, Jean Henning, Virginia Hicks, Louise Hubsch, Margaret Layer, Eugenic Sampson, Is abc 1 Thompson, and J can Whitaker. Miss Jane Johnson, .Miss Helen (Photo by Toloff) Struggles, Miss Julia Crossley, Miss Mrs. Ralph Brown of 722 ProsBetty Snider, and Miss Jean Patterson ha,·e cards out for a bridge lunch- pect avenue, Winnetka has been eon to be given at the Georgian hotel helping to conduct the sale of boxes in Evanston, Monday, December 30, for the Chicago Wellesley club scholarat 1 o'clock. . hip fund benefit, a performance of A dance is to be given December 30, "Bird in Hand" December 23. at the at the Evanston Country club, by Ed- Harris theater. \Vorking with Mrs. ward Cullen, Robert Haskins, Thomas Brown as co-chairman, is Mrs. Bruce Hicks, Frank Kaulback, Jr., John MacLeish of Hubbard Woods . Marshall Ling, Jack Ludwig, Richard Mann, Frederick Smith. Char 1e s Southward, Jr.. and Frederic \Vil- Elizabeth Cutler Becomes liams, Jr. Bride of Herbert Nicholls Invitations have been issued In· ::\orMiss Elizabeth Cutler at her marman Ross, Robert Forster, Thomas Sullivan, 1ames French, Edward Wie- riage to Herbert Nicholls Thursday land, \Villiam Mesick, Robert Craw- evening, December S, looked very ford, and \Villiam Sprenger for a charming in an eggshell satin bridal dance to be given Frida~· C\·ening, gown made princess style, and a cream December 27, at the Lake Shore Ath- colored tulle veil caught with orange blossoms to a cap of rose point lace. letic club. Miss Esther Stoddard of \\'ilmette She carried a large shower bouquet of has issued cards for a bridge tea Sat- white roses and lilies of the valley. Her only attendant, her sister, Miss Franurday, December 28, at 2 :30 o'clock. ces Cutler, wore a gown of capucine satin with slippers to match. She held Club Plans Dinner Dance a large bouquet of brown chrysantheTuesday evening brings the next in mums and Yellow roses. · the series of dinner dances, with a The cere'Dwny, which took place at g-ame of cards included. which the 8:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's wavs and means committee of the father, Frank T. Cutler, 1001 Lake \Voman's club of \Vilmette is sponsor- avenue, was performed by the Rev. ing in the clubhouse. Cope Harvey Horace G. Smith of the Wilmette Conmusic plays for the dancing. gregational church. A reception immeMrs. George Redding and Mrs. L. diately follovred the ceremony. The Starkel are in charge of reservations house was attractively decorated with for the affair. Hosts and hostesses for palms and ferns and autumn flowers. · the evening are to be Mr. and Mrs. Two tall candelabra stood on either T. E. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin side of the . improvised. altar. Beirnes and Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Mr. Nicholls, who is the son of Mr. \Viley. and Mrs. William H. ~ icholls, 660 Pine street, Winnetka was served by his Cards Out for Wedding brother, William Jr. as best man. The bride and groom have now deMr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Little, 514 Essex road, Kenilworth have issued parted on a honeymoon to Bermuda, invitations for the marriage of their and on their return will make their clau~hter. Helen · Fredericka, to Dr. home in Evanston. Among the out-of-town guests who Roy E. Brackin on Saturday, December 21, at 4 :30 o'clock in the afternoon attended the wedding were Mr. and at the Kenilworth Union church. A Mrs. James H. Brace, Mrs. Charles reception wilt follow immediately after Bernard of Franklin, Pa., Mr. and the ceremony at the home. Dr. Brackin Mrs. Charles King of Cleveland, Miss is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ruth Francis and Robert Touton of .Janesville, Wis., and Mrs. George Brackin of Oskaloosa, Iowa. Tracey of Burlington, Iowa. The Woman's club was a hospitable spot last Friday evening when it opened wide its doors and all its rooms for one of the most brilliant affairs of the season and in the history of the club. The ways and means committee sponsored the event as a benefit for the building fund of the Woman's club of \Vilmette, and, it seemed, all of Wilmette, as well as many residents of other villages, were present . In spite of the hundreds of persons there, the evening bridge took on an atmosphere of friendlv, ·informal cordiality. Tables filled the spacious auditorium with its walls of oyster white enhanced by dark wood paneling. Tables filled the smaller auditorium of ivory hue, its walls made bright with the vivid, colorful and charming pictures by Winifred. Wilson and Marg.u erite Calkins Tavlor on exhibit there. Tables filled ttie attractive lounge · and the philanthropy room whose ivory walls were warmed with cretonne hangings, in fact the party, so smoothly conducted, was spread throughout the entire clubhouse. On tables skirted in red paper to lend a Christmas touch, the prizes, about two-hundred in number, were arranged for exhibit. A prize was provided for each table and the winners, in groups of ten, were allowed their own selection. Too numerous and varied these prizes were for ~e scription, but they came through the courtesy of merchants of \Vilmette, the north shore, Chicago, and from members of the club themselves. At the close of the game members of the Junior auxiliary of the club served the refreshments, coffee, olives, sand.\\'iches, and cakes. Mrs. Arthur Fuller was general chairman of the evening bridge, with her committee composed of Mesdames Elbridge G. Allen, Elbert M. Antrim, Raymond W. Armstrong, John Bartholomew, John W. Behr, Gordon Culver, F. Earle Davenport, William H. Evans, Tirrell J. Ferrens, Charles E. Geisse, M. C. Griegg, William liarridge, Frederick· G. Hipp, George F. Tliff, F. L. McGrath, E. Earle McDo\\' Leslie W. Millar, Harry W. Mons: Theodore J. Moreau, Harry E. Rohrer, Arthur C. Schwarm, Carl H. Van Sinden. Announce Boxholders for Wellesley Benefit Announcement is made this week L)f the names of those persons who have taken boxes for the performance oi "Bird in Hand" Monday e\·ening, December 23, at the Harris theater, pro ceeds from which will be directed inw the Chicago \Vellesley club scholarship fund. The list of boxholders include~: Mrs. John Geehst, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ¥lilson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoyt Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gun-derson, 1fr. and Mrs. \Villiam Vawter, Mrs. Ed\\'ard MacCready, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Wetten, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ~facLeish, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Madlener, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bartholomay. The play is the new comedy by John Drink,Yater and is said to be "ideal ft'!' the theater goers who enjoy intelligent thought, heartwarming romance, and hilarious laughter as well as unusual acting." The cast is composed exclusivelv of ·well known British actors who played "Bird in Hanel" for more than a year at the Royalty theater in London before Lee Shubert imported the play to the 11orosco theater in New York, where it ~ad a long run. Announce Marriage Mr. and Mrs. John V. Smith 1437 Wilmette avenue , announce the' marriage of their d.aughter, Dorothy Ma:-ie. to Harlan ]. Erickson. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. ]. Erickson, 1055 Linden aveMr. nue, on Monday, December 9. and Mrs. Erickson have departed on a honeymoon to St. Louis and will be at home after December 16, at lOSS Linden avenue. The former Miss Smith is a graduate of Mallinckrodt Hirrh school. She is an active member ·~f the Illinois Women's Athletic club and holds the woman's record for the fortv yard dash. ~ Showers for Bride-Elect Miss Natalie Redfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Redfield, 1131 Forest avenue, who will be married in January, has been the guest of honor at several showers recently. Miss Maxine McGraw, SO Essex road, Winnetka was hostess last week at a shower in honor of Miss Redfield. Miss Virginia Heitman, 212 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette, entertained at a shower on Thursday of last week, and Miss Helen Williams of Rogers Park gave a breakfast and shower on Tuesday of this week at her home for Miss Redfic)j. This:.evening the Kenilworth club is having a supper bridge, and ma~y reservations have .been made for thts, another of the popular lobster dinners servecl ~t the club. Mrs. Walter Knoop and Mrs. Sanford Holden are the hostesses. In Shawnee Musicale The Hour of Music at Shawnee Country club Sunday, December 15 at 4 o'clock, brings to the north sh'ore three very well known musicians, Mme. Ella Spravka, concert pianist; Boza Oumiroff, baritone; Albin Polasek. bass. A special and unsual program is announced. New Year's Eve Bride Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Earl Draver have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Jean Lambert, to Edward Frederick Potthoff, Tuesday evening, December 31, at 8:30 o'clock, at their residence, 1034 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. The Rev. Vere v .. Loper of the Wilmette Congregational church will officiate at the ceremony. Entertains at Skokie Miss Dorothy Campbell, 1209 Greenwood avenue, entertained sixteen guests at a luncheon and bridge at Skokie Country club Wednesday, December 11, in honor of Miss Margaret Knight of Evanston who is to be married December 21, to Edwin W. Burke of Chicago. Tea for Bride-to-Be Mrs. Percy B. ·Eckhart and Mise; Marion Eckhart have issued invitations for a tea to be given at their home 206 Cumberland road, Monday De~ cember 16, between the hours' of 4 and 6, in honor of Miss Helen Little of Kenilworth who is to be married. to Dr. Roy Brackin December 21.

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