Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 67

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December 13, 1929 With Junior Life Reporters Teachers' Impersonated Howard Seven-B to Seek in Civic Club Program Basketball Championship For the 8C Civic club program Friday morning, Harry Hughes and Billy Katz gave some impersonations of the school teachers and some of the pupils. One of the best ones was of Miss Hayes, when she comes into a room, fumbles with her ~yeglasses, and starts talking about respomdhility. Another funny one was an impersonation of Mrs. Jones, the Engli~h teacher, when she says, "Never, never, never, never," only she I?.ronounc.es it, "Neva, neva, neva, neva. Wh1le Harry was impersonating her, she came into the room and immediately everybody began .to clap. Miss Wyman was also impersonated by Billy, saying, "Children, take off your wraps and get in your scats, or I will begin taking names." Some of the other impersonations were of Miss Chase the way she says "anaway" in~-;tead of any way and Mis~ Stevens asking Else if she had a permtt to enter the room late. The impersonations were very good ancl it didn't take the pupils long to gue~-;s correctly wJ:to they were. ~here was also a harmomca solo by V1vian <:rigsby and a play. - Eleanor Ricks, 8C Stolp. Howard 7B had its second championship when we played Stolp 7B and beat them, 12 to 0. We also got the football championship without anyone scoring on us. We hope we will get the basketball championship, too. Our captains were as follows : football, Bob Specht ; speedball, Bill Schara. Our football team was as follows : right end, Bill Schara ; right tackle, Vernon Brown; right guard, Raymond Peterson ; center, Ernest Schapen ; left guard, Paul Hoffman; left tackle, 'harl0s Kleinoffen ; left end, Charles Moreau ; quarterback, George Green; fullback, HfJward Ball and Fred Kerr; right hnlfbacl<, Lud"·ig Skog; left halfback, Robert Specht. The substitutes are Herman :'lleyer, David Haas, Fred Kaspar-. -Robert Specht, 7B Howard. Appropriate Suggestions For Puzzled Gift Seekers Don't be puzzled any longer about what to give. Our carefully selected and wide assortment of gift suggestions will answer your problema. TOYS of Many, Many,. Wonderful Kinds Candy Sale Nets Sixth Graders $14 for Books The Tuesday befort' Thanksgiving, 6B and 6A had a candy sale. We have five big table s in ::\fiss Larson's room and most of the candy was in there. We werP. all very much excited. We had three people in charge of each table. We took the small table down in the lower hall and we had lo;eYeral other tables downstairs. 1Ve fixed the tables at about 3 o'clock for tht' f'mallcr children to buy their candy from. 'Ve are trying to get enough mone~· to buy a set of "'Vo~ld . Bool<s" for :'IIi:-::-; Larson ·~ room. ).llss :\foore and i\1iss Gayton arc helping us. \Ve were y ery glad whe n we made $14.15. This will help toward getting· tht' books. -Eilene Weakly, 6A Howard. Electric Trains $7.75 Carriages $3.25 Any little girl would love to have one of these carriages. Fiber body, a d j u s t a b I e hood, rubber tires. A good, strongly made, powerful and beautiful train set. A great toy for lively boys. Complete with engine, two cars, and a circle of track, $7.75. Howard Puoils Push Sale of Little Health Seals Tn thP morning at twenty minutes of nine until nine o'doC'k and at noon from tt·'· minutE's past one till twenty minutes past we are Helling Christmas seals.· :'\ea;·lv <>very n·ar there is a different j,idur'e on thein. They are working. it diff ·rently this year, too. You bnng your money fir st and g·e t your seals hut last vear you tool< as many as ou wanted then ·after you sold them ~·ou brought your mon ev Children are not going from door t;J door uothering people, either. If Your mtoher or any relations buy them it is all right but you are not supposed to uother people. Janet Hardt, 6A Howard. Airplanes $1.00 Spirit of St. Louis. Construction· S e t a that build more than · 5 different models. Just like real. First Floor--New Store Stolp Eight-C Downs Eight-D in Speedball Wedn eR da~·. 8C' Stolp ueat 8D Stolp in speedball. The !'core was 14 to 0. T~:te boyR who playerl were : Jack Slnyton .. B1ll Melchior, Paul :\loorc. Harry 1\lmor, Frank Bo,n~ n, Tom Antrim, James McClure, Di ck Hall, Wanen <;ozze!ls, Jack ::\filler, C' harl es 1Yilliams, Billy I-..atz and John Beam. Eight-C ca m e · pr c· tt~· clo~e to winning the champion:-:hip and we hope the basketball games will be lwtter. -Paul :Moore, SC Stolp. Interesting .Ideas From the Gift Shop Candle Sticks $3.50 A lovely gift suggestion for mother. Genuine pewter. Per pair $3.50. Eight-C Volleyball T earn Loses to Eight-D Squad TuN~day the · 8D girls downed the SC girls in an exciting- game of Yolleyball. ,\ s the ~ixth and R<·wnth grades had gamt·s also, our half came after the ha h · 'S o [ thnsP gTades. At the end of the fir.'t half the score was 5 to 17 in favor of 8D. Soon we Wl'I'L' up ag-ain. The final score was 17 to 27 in 8D's fayor. 'V" have won every g-anw thi~-; sea:<:on and there are two more gamt·s to tonw. If we win th0se, 'n' will ~-;ur<:ly win the championship. Our linc·-up is: Ruth Solomon, J ean Burns, llf·tty Harker, Betty Schmid.t, Juliette Rusnak, Mildred 'Vaugh, fns " rhite, Jan<·t l\layhercy, Emily J:me c;(·rber and Lucy Anne Jonas. -Lucy Anne .Jonas, SD Stolp. Imported Pottery Choose from vases, bowls, pitchers and other pieces, SOc to $6. NEW J:SK WELLS On Wednesda~·. December 4, l\lrs. Stalling told Paul Kruppa to go down to the hasement and afil{ Ed for a pail. All of 88 were waiting· patiently t.o see .what the pail was for. Paul arnved wtth n. hox, but 1\frs. Stalling said that the box would be all right. About n. mon~h ago ~Jrs. Stalling told us we were gomg to get new ink , ... e n~. but we had forgot~en HIJ about them. And then Mrs. Stallmg said if anyone's co rk was mi.Rsin% from his ink well e\·eryone who stts m that seat would have to pay five cents for a new one. -Emily Symons, 8B Howard. 1t surely is a lot of fun to go, down GTVIXG 'fDfEJ,Y AID The P. T. A. is bPing-. ve 1·~· nice to the junior police by buym~ them new RtarR. raincoat:=:. and things l1ke that. The junior police belt~ nrP dirty and worn so the P. T. A. is going to get us soml' ww white helts for o\'er our shouldprs .. 1 real fi\'e pointecl poli<'e stnrs and pol_1ce raincoats. 1 think tht>Y are very ruce to clo that beca_ use W<' :wed t_hem badly. I thi.Llk thf' boy!-' nnrl g trl!' wtll h~ morf' respectful to us with tlH"se new untform:=:. -Edwin Cl,h·g-rnn·, GA llowarcl. 1\Iv favorite school iR the floward. I think it ·is very '!lice. I ha~·e . Just start~rl I Picture Frames For Her or His picture. Outlined with b e a u t if u I mirror glass. $3.50 to $4.50. Diaries Lovely leather diaries. One year $2.00 to $7. Five year $1.50 to $12~ Desk Sets Smart, useful seta in antique. gold, grey platinum. Sets priced from $7 to $30. 1567 She1·man A venue HOWARll SCHOOl; OKAY and everything 1s to my l1kmg . . I ha\e never hn·d departm enta~ work m any other school and I find 1t _very agr~e~ble in everything. All the ch1ldren are 'ery nice and the teachers are lovely. O~tr principal is the best I have ever had 1n , any other school. -Dorothy Byrne, 6B Howard. SI~G FOR P. T. A. , · Tue:<:dny, December 2, the Boys am. Girls' Glee clubs sang for the P. T. A. The girls sang "Pale Moon" by Loga1· and "G·tv Liesel" by Wahlstedt. Th e bovs sa~g "Sweet Kitty Clo':~r" by ~ean a ncl "Comrades of the Road hy \V1lson 'This year the Boys' glee club has a ba::>f' part, which it never had beforf'.-Jacl< Stein, SA Howard. I IN AR'l' CLASS GIVES ARITJUIETIC TE~T . Last Friday 7A had a test m anthmetic. There was one part that ~:·a~ fun :Miss Wyman had two columns, A 1 and "B." In column "A" she. ha~ ~ number that was like, or somethmg l!ke, a number in column "B." You had to WARS ON 1'A UDI-s-f~SS . . A few days ago l\lr. Todd, the JH'tn<'tP:ll find it. -Georgette Becker, 7A Stolp. of Howard school, went to the difff'rent rooms making an annmmc<>m~nt of n.. ne~v A CORRECTION . rule he had thought up. Th1s rule 1s, 1f Eleanor Shapiro, a pupil of the e.~ght~ any boy or girl is not in the cla_ss roon~ grade Stolp, has no grades below VG three minutes aftPr the bell rmgs th. on her card and no tardy marl<s. A teacher will loci< the door and th~ pupil mistake was made and her name was will have to go to the office. Thts. new om'itted from "VG" list last week. rule seems to be hurrying- the pup1ls a -Phyllis Carleton, SC Stolp. little but just the same it is workmg- wn~J. -Walter Foslund, Howard 8A. IN TOO FAST COJ\IP ANY George Rhinehardt, "Rhiny," got ELIZABETH RETURNS spiked when he was skating at ~h! Elizabeth Stover has just returned from lagoon tn Evanston. He was playmt Troy, Ohio, where she spent Thanksgiv- hockey with some big boys. He is a ing with her grandmother. We are all school now but he is still limping. certainly glad to have her back because -Bigelow Haley, Jr., 6A Howard. A Central. she Is a good student. (Continued on page 70) , -Marian Cox, 5 to the Art institute for an Art 1esson. every Saturday afternoon. June ~~orsen, who is in 6B, and I p,-o dow!) together. Mr. Watson is the tea"ht>r fdHl he sul'f·ly is a fine <me. I surely get a thrill going down there. If om· pictures are exception~Jly good we receive an 110nora hl8 mentH~n. An honorable mention is when your picture is good and he calls your na 1_11e and you stand up. Last Satun'lay tor tlw first time he called my name. -Virginia Olson, 6A Howard. Kodaks In Color Give a smart, colorful Kodak or Brownie. It will be a gift of life-long happiness. $2.50 to $26. Pen and Pencil Sets "A Practical Gift" Fine fountain pens of the new styles and colors, with pencil to match. $3.50 to $15. ----------------- First Floor-Davis Street Store Christmas Carda Store Hours Dec. 14 to 24 A. M. to 9:30 P. M.}: Fancy Wrappings 630 Davis Street, Evanston 1567 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Wilmette 724 Greenleaf 7200

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