Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 69

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December 13, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE E'nglish Lutheran Corner of Greenleaf and Seventh streets Carl I. Empson, pastor SERVICES The ThJrd Sunday Jn Advent 9 :45 A. M. . ... . .......... . Sunday school Walter Reisner, superintendent 11 A. M. . .. .. .. ... . . .. Morning worship Sermon: "We Walk by Faith" Sunday, Dece·mber 11) marks the second anniversary of the Rev. Carl I. Empson's pn.storate at the Wilmette English Evangelicn.I Lutheran church. During his pastorate the membership of the congregation -has increased just about 100 percent, the new house of worship has been completed, a Men's Brotherhood has been organized, and the whole organization of the church has gone fon\·ard. 'l'lw Jlf'n's nrotherhood held its regular monthly meeting in the church parlor~ l\Ionday evening, DecembPr 9. 'rhe Brotherhood voted to give $100 to the Building fund to he used in whate\·e r way the chur<'h council dire<'t<'d. Th·~ pre'sent officers were reelected for another year. .I Jost·ph Johnson has re~->igned as superintendent of the Sunday school to become effective immediately. We r egret that :\lr. Johnson found it impof::sihl e to ('Ontinue as superintendent. However, with a heavy buildin~ program in his own husiness and with the formulation of plans to movf' to another city, it would have lt£>en impossible for ~Ir. Johnson to gi\·e the ~unday school his undivided time and attention. His has been a Rplendid sf'r\'ice and a n<'Pd('!l on e. \Valtf'r I... Reisner has heen Pleded to :-;ucceed Mr. Johnson. An Ohio Poet Introduces Some Folhs u.!e all hnow . Next Sunday Mr. Speeds will clean his auto, Mr. Spurrs . will horse, groom his Do you ask me what's the matter: Do you wonder what is wrong? When the nation turns from worship, Sermon, prayer and sacred song? Why do people rush for pleasure, Leave religion in the lurch? Why prefer a padded auto To a cushioned pew in church? Reader, well I know the answer, But if I should speak aloud, Wh;1 t I think is the real reason It would queer me with the crowd. You'll be popular, dear reader, When you yield the critic's birch. You'll be safely in the fashion When you blame things on the church. 1 1 Mr. Gadds will go to Findlay, With all the little Gadds, of course. Mr. Flight will put carbolic On his homing pigeons perch, 1 Mr. \Veeds garden, will work his I I · . Mr. Good will go to church. Nlr. Clect will drive a go.l f ball, ~1r. Tiller steer his boat, An Early Chrlstn;;s senlcc "·ill be lwld in this church (;hristmas morning. The !:'en-Ice begins promptly at 6 A. :\I. A fNtture of this par·ticular servic<' will h the confirmation of fivr girls who hav~ lwen prrparing for m·arl~· a y('ar. Th ey arc Mis!'les Greta and Els:t vonReinspN~. Florentine Strube, Julia Lineberger, and Ruth Winberg. "Sermons In Glass" is th(' titlE' of a !-'i·ries of sermons which will be preached the pastor beginning Sunday, Dece mher 22. The sermons are ba!'iE>d upon the :-;cenN> from the life of Christ depicted in the f::tainf'd glaRs windows. Most of th ~se windows have been made m{'morials b~' their donors. hy , 1 I 1\lr. Popper on his cycle, Round and round the state will mote. Mr. Swatt will watch a ball game, Mr. Take and son will search Through the beaky woods for mushrooms, Mr. Willing will go to church. I 1 J · Kenilworth Union Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert. I... Willett, minister 1· The !'Ubject of Dr. Willett's :;;ermon for · next Sunday will be "Superstition." On Sunday afternoon, December 22, in the Sunday school room of the church a pantomime, "Why the Chime:;; Rang," will he given by the members of the ~chool. This will be under the direction of Tom ~later, a ~'>tudent of Northwestern univer~ity. To this dramatic celebration of the C'hristmas season we invite the members and friends of the 'church and community, The Ladies' Guild meets regularly on :\Ionday morning at 10 o'clock. There will be two more meetings before the holidays. Beginning January 8 Dr. Wlllett will give a series of Wednesday evening lectures on the theme: "How the Bible Grew." His recently published book, "The Bible Through the Centuries," will be used as a basis for the discussion and ~t udy. They will continue through Janua ry and February. NEXT SUNDAYGlorify God · ID Church Directory of Churches: The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues Rev. George D. Alli1on First Evan.eelical ~4 886 Elm street, Winnetka Roy A. Thompson, pastor Elm street Winnetka 2304 The F~rst Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland Sunday, December l& 9 :30 a. m. Sunday school 11 a. m. Morning worship 5 p. m. Young People's meeting, 7 :45 p. m. GoRpel service. Thursday, December 19 8 P. m. Mid-week service. Study of the minor prophet, Zephaniah. St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. Meyer Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton N. S. CATHOLIC WOMEN "The Cricket on the Hearth" was presented for entertainment at the meeting of the North Shore Catholic Women's league held Tuesda·y at the Winnetka Woman's club, an organization which has large local membership. The play was presented by a cast from the Chicago Art theater. Hostes~es were -Mrs. Leo ]. Hillman and M1ss Anna Hallinan. A large crowd attended the recent performance of "Little Old New York" when Loyola players pre~ ented it at the Glencoe school auditorium Nov. 29 under auspices of the club and for benefit of disabled veterans in the Great Lakes hopital. The F~rst Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith Farst Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. V ete V. Loper Wilmette Eaglish Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenu.e and Seventh Street Reo. Carl I. Empaon Publiahtd by the Interchurch Advertiaing Committee, Wilmette Church Fedttation

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