Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 78

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78 ':7 WILMETTE LIFE FOR SALE-HOUSES 10! December 13, 1929 FOR SALE-MISC. OFFER A DISTINCT BARGAIN IN A modern 9 room Colonial home situated MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR, In the most convenient section of East like new. · Phone Winnetka 351. Kenilworth. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, sun102LTN12-1 tc room and sleeping porch. Large wooded lot ; 2 car garage. Price $41,500. 122 Sheridan . Rd. Ph. Kenilworth 228 TUXEDO, SIZE 36, CHEAP, EXCELlent condition. Tel. Winnet'ka 1335. 77LT12-ltc 102LTN12-ltc FOR SALE-SHOE SKATES, SIZE 11 . in good condition. $3. Heavy white wool pull-over sweater, size 16. $4. Winnetka 1508. 102LTNJ2-ltc HUBB.~RD FOR SALE-BOY'S JOHNSON HOCKEY shoe skates. Size 6. Call Winnetka C HAHMIN G 6 R OOM DUTCH COLON2168. 102LTN12-1tc ia l. Ch oice corner lot ; la rge trees ; H. W. h eat, gara g e. Price reduced to $15,500. Small ca s h payment, balance 6 ROOM. LARGE COLONIAL DOLL m onthly. house, $12. Winnetka 2251. 10'.; ,TN12-1tc \VOODS CROSBY REALTY CO. 566 Center St. REALTORS Winnetka 2033 FOR SALE OR RENT- SIX ROOM house located at 1447 Edgewood Lane, DOLL HOUSE, $10! ALSO FURN.. $5 ,· State of Illinois } County of Cook ss. Hubbard Woods-oil heat-automatic refrigeration- see your broker. sh oe skates, girls, 6, $4. Winn. 1729. In the Superior Court of Cook County. 77LTN9-4tc 102LTN12-1tp Village of Kenilworth ~~~==~~~==~~ vs. THE PERFECT BABY SCALE, BABY 78 FOR SA·L E-VACANT crib on wheels, light enamel. Reas. Charles A. Thorsen , et al Wilmette 4431. 102LT12-ltp IN THE MATTER OF THE ) BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE IN WILPETITION OF THE VILLAGE) mette. 2% acres, Locust st., half block OF KENILWORTH FOR PRO- ) south of Lake st. and Indian Hill es 1 FOR SALF.--JAP MINK FUR COAT. CEEDINGS FOR THE AC- ) t a t es. Ph. Winne_tka 2156. 78LTN12-1tc R eas. Ph. Wilmette 667. 102L12-ltc QUIREMENT OF CERTAIN ) PROPERTY AND THE) lOS WANTED TO BUY-MISC. SPREADING OF A SPECIAL ) GEN. ANTIQUES ASSESSMENT FOR A LOCAL .), NO. CONSIST- ) 477,106 OLD BOOKS BOUGHT, NOT FICTION IMPROVEMENT or Cyclopedias. Address Minerva Book ING OF THE WIDENING, ) Excha nge, 7233 East End Ave., Chicag-o. OPENING AND EXTEND- ) Mrs. James Marshall Hobbs 103L9-3tp lNG OF COVENTRY ROAD ) Mrs. Kenneth Miner Hess AND THE APPROACHES ) Mrs. Alfredo Mazzarello 651 Vernon Ave. Phone Glencoe 1336 ".,.ANTED- CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, THERETO AND THE DRAIN- ) ASSEMBLED SETS OF OLD GLASS, lOc per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. ING, GRADING. CURBING ) Furniture, Mirrors and Prints. 103LTN48-tfp AND PAVING PORTIONS OF) SAID COVENTRY ROAD AND ) SA I D APPROACHES ) SMALL U PRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD THE AS SO WIDENED, ) LEATHER, BRONZE, JEWELRY condition, rea sonable. Winn etk n 2588. THERETO. OPENED AND EXTENDED,) GIFTS AND LINENS 103LTN12-1 t c AS A COMBINED IMPROVE- ) 99LTN9-5tc MENT IN THE VILLAGE OF) FULL-SIZED WARDROBE TRUNK IN KENILWORTH, COOK) good condition. Call Winnetka 2855. COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ) 103LTN12-l tc FRENCH PROVINCIAL FURNITURE, NOTICE 17th and 18th century. Needlepoint, PAIR OF GIRL'S I CE SKATES. SIZE Notice is hereby given to all persons tapestries, china, glass, pewter and H2. Ph. Wilmette 126. 103LT12-ltc interested that the Board of Local Impaintings. provements of the said Village of Kenilworth has heretofore fil ed in said court 823 Washington St. Greenleaf 6592 MISCELLANEOUS in said cause a certificate showing the Nr. Main St., Evanston, Ill. ... 99LTN12-lt{: cost of the work provided for in said YOUR FAVORITE DOLLS PERFECTLY cause, the amount reserved for interest, renewed in every way. Also make out- and showing that the improvement has 100 FOR SALE HSEHLD. GOODS fits for any style doll. Ph. Winnetka been constructed in substantial conformity 3340, Francis French Shop. 505 Chest- to the requirements of the original orCHILD'S SIZE PAiNTED BOOK-CASE, nut St. 105LTN12-ltc dinance · therefor. The hearing to conc hair, and table, $10. Blue glass gobsider and determine whether the facts as lets and d essert glasses. 1 dozen amber WILD FARM stated in sa id certificate are true will be g oblets, dessert glasses and plates. MALLARD DUCKS. raised, finest eating. Shipped any held in said court on the twenty-third day Winnetka 2170. 100LTN12-ltp where alive $1 each. d~ssed $1.25. Cash of December, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock with order. Schildberg Bros .. Mendota, A. M., or as soon thereafter as the busiALL FURNITURE A~D ORIENTAL Ill. . 105LTNL12-ltp ness of the court will permit. All p errugs in home in Hubba rd Woods must sons desiring, may file objections in said goo at :;;a c rifice priceR. Phone evenings or Sunday, Glencoe 1646. · HAVE YOUR OLD PIECES RENEWED cause by or before said time, and may on the hearing and make their IOOLTX12-ltp a t a reasonable price. Silver refinished· appear defense. ----------------nnd made absolutely tarni~h proof. UPRIGHT K:\ABE PIAN'O, GOOD PJtul Davey . .Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette Dated, Kenilworth, Ill., December 6, 1929. cond. R eas. R oc king chair, r ocking Ave. Ph. Wilm ette 6. 105L35-tfc BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEhorse. Ph. Kenilwo rth 2656. MENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF 100LN12-ltc KENILWORTH. By RALPH R. HAWXHURST, President. 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS LIKENESSES CUT BY MISS JOHNSON. L11-2tc 338 Linden Ave., Ph. Wilmette 1982. WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND 105LTN11-2tp furniture and o'ther household goods. VILLAGE OF WILMETTE Highest prices for same. Crost Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- FOR CHRISTMAS GIVE HIM A KRISS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Kross safety razor blade sharpener. a public hearing will be held before the ton, Ill. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN48-tft. Sharpens any kind of blade_ . The best: undersigned originally appointed as a Call C. Miller, Winnetka 15_ 43 or add. Zoning Commission to hold said publlc 102 FOR SALE-MISC. 164 Woodland Ave., Winn. 105LTN12-1tc hearing at 8:00 o'clock P. ~. on the 27th day of December, A. D. 1929, at the VUDOLL BED, BASSINETTE AND DRESlage Hall in the Village of Wilmette, ser, elec. stove, child's kitchen cabiRet SPECIAL ASSESSliENT NOTICE Illinois, for the purpose of considering in perfect cond. Nestor Johnson ice proposed amendments to the zoning ordi· skates, shoes attached, boy's size 21h; nance of the Village of Wilmette, being VILLAGE OF WILMETTE girl's 4¥.t. Ph. Wilmette 2850. Ordinance No. 1281 passed by the Presi102L12-ltc dent and Board of Trustees of the VUSPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 266 l~.ge of Wilmette, on, to-wit the 23rd day LADIES' BLACK COAT, 38, J<OLINSKI of February, A. D. 1922, said proposed fur. Gentleman's Patrick overcoat and . · NOTICE is hereby given to all per- amendments being: dress overcoat, 40. La vender and green sons interested that the President and To amend SECTION 2 by changing the satin twin bed spreads. 1042 Green- Board of Trustees of the VillagE: of Wilnumber of Districts from three (3) to wood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 492. , mette, in the Co~nty, of Coole and State four ( 4) and by inserting ""A-2" Utility 102LTN12-ltc of Illinois, having ordere..l that a supand by adding the fl)llowlng plemental assessment be made to pay the District," HAVE 2 PAIR OF SMALL SIZE deficiency in Specjal Adsessmen~ No. 212, paragraph: "The following is a descrip· tion of tracts, pieces and parcels in the skates for boy and girl to exchange for the improvement of the central Village of Wilmette in the "A-2" Utility for No. a size. Ph. Winnetka 243. twenty-eight (28) feet of Forest Avenue, District102LTN12-1 tc from the east line of Fifteenth 8treet to All that part of Lots 39 and 41 of the southwest line of Sheridan Road, exCounty Clerk's Division of the W ~~ NEW MINN'EAPOLIS HEAT REGULA- cept across the right-of-way of the Chiof Section 31, T. 42 N., R. 13 E. of tor, with clock. Cost $140, will sell for cago and Northwestern Railway, and the 3rd P. M. lying E. of a line drawn $50. Phone Winnetka 1530. except across the tracks of th£: Chicago, parallel to and 185 feet E. of and 102LTN12-ltc North Shore and Mllwaulcee Railroad, measured at right angles to the E. and including the roadways of intersectline of the C. & N. W. Ry. right of FOR SALE-GIRL'S HUDSON BAY ing streets (except Main Street), to the way." rainbow stri~d wool coat, size ~0. outer line or lines of Forest A venue, hy Never worn. $25. Ph. Wilmette 13~9. paving with sheet asphalt, ar.d otherwise To amend the said ordinance by the 102L12-ltc improving the same, which improvement addition of the following new Section : was provided for by an ordinance passed "SECTION 3.5-"A-2" UTILITY DISGOLD BROCADE EVENING WRAP, therefor on the 6th day of December, 'l'RICT. In the "A-2" Utility District all velvet lined, $50. Chiffon evening dress, A. D. 1927, the ordinance for the same buildings and premises may be used for size 18, $15. Winnetka 2170. being on file in the office of the Village any use permitted in the "A" Residence 102LTN12-1tp Clerk of said Village, and said Village District and for the following uses: having applied to the County Court of Municipal Utilities." GIRL'S RANGER BICYCLE IN GOOD Cook County, Illinois, for a supplem~ntal To amend the said ordinance by the condition. $15. Phone Winn. 1190. assesment to pay the deficiency in Wil- addition of the following new Section : 102LT12-ltc mette Spc::cial Assessment No. 212 afore- "SECTION 11.5-INTENSITY OF USE GIRL'S SHOE - ICE SKATES, SIZE 5. Very good condition. Winnf;)tka 1033. 102LTN12-ltc said, according to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said court (Docket No. 266), the final hearing thereon will be had on the 30th day of December, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will t·ermit.' All persons desiring may fil e objections in said court before the said day and may appear on the hearing ~ nd make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in t en (10) ~ n nual installments with annual interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum as provided by law. Dated, Wilmette, 111., Dec. 13th, A. D. 1929. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by th~ President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, to make said assessment. Ll2-2tc Writes Yule Play i\NTIQUES lTALIAN IMPORTATIONS YVONNE SOHN _to_'---------------- Louise Ayres Garnett, whose music, plays and poems are universally known and loved, has written the text for a Christmas mystery play -which will be presented in the beautiful new U niversity of Chicago chapel at 7 :30 Sunday evening. Mrs. Garnett has written the text especially for the chapel; the music is arranged from traditional Ad vent and Christmas source s. Mack Evans, university organist and cho~r master, and Frank Hurburt O'Hara, director of dramatic productions at the university, will direct the production. Mrs. Minna Schmidt of Evanston is providing the costumes together with the university department of home economics. Properties are designed and lighting arranged by George Downing with the assistance of members of the Dramatic association and the Universi ty high school shops. The personnel represents the university choir, the Dramatic association, the elementary school and the community. Admission will be without ticket. Doors will · be open at 7. Librarian Offers Guide for Selection of Books Advice to adults in buying children's and young people's books may be found in the following list of questions prepared by Miss Anne L. Whitmack, librarian at the Wilmette Public library: Is the author sincere? Is the book a genuine piece of writing? Is it interesting? Is it beautiful to look at? Is it good literature? Will it interest the young person? "Does the book compel the child's interest?" OF LOT AREAS IN "A-2" UTILITY DISTRICT. (a) FRONT YARD: The minimum distance from the fronttng street line to the front of any building shall not be less than one hundred and fifty (150) feet. (b) SIDE YARD: There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot ha vlng a width of not less than 20% of the lot width." To amend the said ordinance by changing the Title of SECTION 8 to read: "HEIGHT IN "A" RESIDENCE DIS'l'RICT AND "A-2" UTILITY DISTRICT." Dated the 4th day of December, A. D. 1929. ROBERT STODDARD FRANK C. HUFFMAN FREDERICK J. NEWEY LLOYD C. AYRES JULIUS D. ROTH Zoning Commission. Mrs. John Conley of 616 Rogers avenue, Kenilworth, wishes to thank her friends, especially Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hayes of 869 Locust road, Winnetka, tor their kindness at the time of her husband's death. SILHOUETTES ..

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