Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 80

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80 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 Congregation Israel Sisterhood to Hold Pantry Sale Dec.18 Wins High Honors in Piano Contest Invite New Trier Folk to Program of .Yuletide ·M usic The public has been invited to hear the eighteenth concert of the Highland Park Music club which will be given in the Presbyterian church of Highland Park Wednesday, December 18, at 2:30 o'clock. There will be no guest charge but all who enjoy a real music treat will be welcome, it is said. This is an opportunity to hear the Choral Singers ~n a cantata and group of English Christmas carols with organ accompaniment. This chorus is composed of twenty-five members of the Music club directed by Mrs. L. E. Meyer and accompanied by Mrs. Paul Downing. It has done some very effective work and has appeared on several public programs, usually with piano accompaniment. This time, however, the numbers will he in keeping with the Christmas season and will be accompanied by Reed B. Jerome at the organ. Mr . .Jerome, who opens the program with an organ solo, is v,·elt known in Chicago and on the north shore as organist, singer, and teacher. He is a graduate of the Nortlnvestern university School of Music and has studied in Paris under the famous Marcel Dupre. He is organist and choir master of the Trinity Episcopal church of Highland Park, ,,·here he has achiever! unusual recognition and success not only as a teacher, but in recital a well. [n Chicago, Mr. Jerome has been heard in the organ concerts given at the nc\\' Gothic chapel of the University of Chicago. Helen Maver 1fannings, violinist on the prograrri, is conductor of the· orchc~tras of the Deerfield-Shields High school, studied. four years in Europe as an artist pupil of Scrcik and :M ichacl Press. Becau se nf her ahiiity not only as a concert artist hut as a teacher, she was later invited by ~1 irhacl Prc ~s . · director of the Conservaton· of ~f usic at Lansing, Mich .. to take ·the position of as sistant director of the conservatory. M r . Man- · nings, a member of Alpha Chi Otn('g?. national fraternity of uni,·ersity students of the liberal arts, has received several degrees in music and has filled many concert engagements. Mrs. W. D. Young, contralto, for manv years a member of the Musicians club of Chicago and formerly a teacher of voice in that city, has always been identified with musical activities. Mrs. Young holds the office of first vice-president of the Highland Park Music club. The program, which has been arranged by the board of directors, follows: I Christmas Pastorale .... ..... .. Harker Reed B. Jerome There will be a pantry sale of homemade cakes, schnecken, candie.s, nuts, salads, jellies and canned goods prior to the regular meeting of the North Shore Congregation Israel Sisterhood on \Yednesday, December 18. Recipes for the various articles to be sold may be found in the new Sisterhood cookbook, which will be on sale at the pantry sale. The proceeds will be used to carry on the many activities of the Sisterhood. Mrs. B. H. Goodman and Mrs. Jacob ~·einberg are co-chairmen of the sale and are to be assisted by the following: Mrs. Felix Lowy, chairman of the cake table: Mrs. S. Daer, chairman of t-he · schneckcn and bread table; Mrs. Charles Sincere, chairman of the candy and nut table; Mrs. Herbert Schram, chairman of the jellies and canned goods table; Mrs. Norman Gerber, chairman of the cheese table; Mrs. Simon Ruwitch, chairman of the recipes; Mrs. Felix Rothschild, cha;rman of decorations. Residents arc urged to aid in making this . ale even a greater success than that of last year. Following the pantry sale there will be held a Grandmother's, Mother's, Daughter's luncheon, at 1 :00 o'clock in the Temple assembly room. Those who remember the delightful addresses of Ia t year will look forward with special interest to the splendid program of speaking announced for the luncheon. The following will participate. For the grandmothers, Mrs. Charles Ruben: for the mothers, Mrs. Alfred S. Alschulcr: for the daughters, M is Lois Goldstein. In addition, there will he an attractive musical program as follows: One-New Trier Trio, Ellen Katz, Marie Kon~ tz, Rose Feiman. Two-Vocal Number, Frances Glickman. Reservations must be received not later than Mondav. December 16, by Pauline · :Manchester, Glencoe pianist, added to her numerous laurels last Mrs. Louis j. Phillips, 72 vVarwick Sunday by winning first place in the finals of a contest held under the road, telephone \Vinnetka 2926. auspices of the Society of American Musicians in Curtiss hall, Chicago. Miss Manchester is to appear as soloist with the Chicago Symphony orchestra Practice College Exams this season. The composition which won her the coveted honors last Sunday the Saint-Saens' Concerto in C Minor. Miss l\fanchester is a pupil of to Aid New Trier Grads was Howard \V ells. Critics predict a brilliant future for this talented north shore K cw Trier High school is seriouslv i:irl. (To! off Photo) considering gh·ing practice college f'Xaminations to members of this year'~ graduating class. Supt. Frederick E. NURSES GIVE CONCERT Officers Are Elected Clerk discussed the matter with the -i by Sheridan Yacht Club seniors this week. A number of the students who will graduate next spring Evansto? Hospital G~ee Club to Sing Sam G. Goss of Glencoe was elected have expressed a fear of the long at Orrmg~on Hotel m Evanston Sun· commodore of the Sheridan Shore three hour college examinations which day evemng Yacht club Tuesday evening to sucthey will be called upon to take next ceed Charles H. Pajeau, commodore for year. The high school administration Christmas carols and songs will com- the past year. He with the other offiis cognizant of this problem on the pose a part of the program which the cers will be installed at the annual banpart of New Trier students and wilt Evanston hospital nurses' glee club will quet in January. endeavor to train them in the technique sing in the lounge at the Orrington Oscar Haugan of 2855 Sheridan place of approaching college examinations. .hotel, Evanston Sunday evening. was reelected vice-commodore, Jay If the pract ire college examinations ·.He Helen Hawk Carlisle directs the club. Twitchell was made rear commodore · given at ~ew Trier as contemplated, they will cover the work clone in h!gh Assisting artists will be Blanche Lyons, Kingsley Rice, secretary; Robert Teare: school. No regular final examinations coloratura soprano, artist pupil of treasurer; Max Hayford and Walter are given at Xew Trier, although Hannah Butler, and Alice Hassinger Stockton, directors. · The January party will be a banquet se,·eral surprise tests are given each Shearer, pianist. Reba Sternberg will semester hy all teachers. These tests, be accompanist. The program will have and dance at which trophies won during the summer will be awarded. in the opinion nf ~<:w Trier adminis- the following order : trative officials. are an accurate check The First Nowell ...... . ....... Traditional Night . . . . . . . ..... Franz Gruber on whether or not a student is gra p- Silent Shepherds! Shake Off Your Chicago Concert Orchestra ing a subject. Drowsy Sleep . .... ..... Besancon Carol I I ... Boys' Brotherhood Cage Squad Seeks Games Here The Boys' Brotherhood H epublic Yarmo-Deveres American Legion allstar basketball team oi Chicago announces a desire to arrange gaP1Cs if possible, with north shore teams. This team has lost but four games in two years with the best teams obtainable. has played together for years and comes fr(Jill a "Hot Bed" hasketbaH o:·ganizati~n. that won ten champi,)nships. in all different weight divisions last season. The phone number is Crawf, o rd 5646. Glee Club Sortgs My Mother Taught Me ... . Dvorak The Madrigal . .... . ......... .. Chaminade Baby's Boat .. ....... .... Jessie L. Gaynor Bird Song from Pagliacci ... Leoncavallo Miss Lyons How Far is it to Bethlehem? .. .. .. Shaw Peat-Firing Smooring Prayer . . . . . . . . .... Traditional Gaelic The Cherubic Hymn . . ... Gretchaninofl Glee Club Barcarolle No. 4 ..... . ... ... .. . . Goddard Nocturne--E minor ..... .. ....... . Chopin Prelude ..... ... .. ........... . .. . . Bargiel Mrs. Shearer Old Carols: Joy to the World 0 Little Town of Bethlehem 1t Came Upon the Midnight Clear Hark, the Herald Angels Sing Glee Club IV sified musical program in conjunction (a) Romance ...... Mrs. H. H. A. Beach (b) Priere (dedicated to Helen 1\fayer ~~·i~h the presentation of the play, Mannings) . . . . . . . . . . . G. Scott-Hunter Ltttle Old New York," given at the Helen Mayer Mannings Glencoe school auditorium on NovemReed B. Jerome at the organ . v ber 29 under the auspices of the North Christmas Carols ............ · . Shore Catholic Women's league as a English ......... . arranged by E. Harold Geer benefit for disabled World war veterans (a) The First Noel {b) The Coventry Carol (second setin Great Lakes hospital. The program ting) included the overture, "Raymond," "In(c) The Wassail Song (thirteenth centermezzo Naila," "La Reine de Saba" tury) by Gounod, "Pomp and Circumstance" (d) The Babe in Bethlehem's Manger (e) The Great God of Heaven by Elgar. Mr. Ape] also played a vibra (f) We Three Kings of Orient Are harp solo. Highland Park Music Club Two Part Christma1; Cantata, Chimes of the Holy Night ................. Holton Highland Park Music Club Choral Sing-ers Mr~. Lawrence E. Mey{'r, director Reed B. Jerome at the org-an Soloists: Mrs. W. A. Alexander, Mrs. Frederick Okey, 1\lrs. 1\Iilo Kral. Mrs. Byron Rowel', l\1 rs. E. T. R. Murfey. III (a) Panis Angelica ...... . Cesar-Fran!{ (b) He Shall Feed His Flock, from The Messiah ..... ... ......... HandEl (c) Thou Art to Me .... G. W. Chadwick (d) Song of the Open .... Frank La Forge The Chicago Concert orchestra of Mrs. William D. Young Reed B. Jerome at the organ which Curt H. Apel, 1029 Bluff r~ad l\lrs. John R. Todd at the piano Glencoe, is director, presented a diver~ u Plays at Benefit Program ..

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