Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 1

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WILMETTE Publlshed weekl21 b21 Llo21d Hollister Inc., 1ZJZ-IZJ6 Central A.ve., Wilmette, Illin.of·. Entered a· ·econ.d clas· matter March IJ, 1924, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, under the A.ct of March .J, 1879. 8ulntcripUon price SZ.OO a 21ear. Vol. XVIII. No. 13 LIGHT "UVING" TREE FOR CAROL FESTIVAL Invite Villagers to Participate in Community Service on Christmas Eve I WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 20, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS At Sunda_ v Club · ~----------------------------~ Storm-Whipped Blaze Wrecks Interior of 1st Presbyterian Church BOOM LONNQUIST FOR COUm BOARD OFFICE Lighting of the "living" Christmas tree is being effected this week, with the final trimmings promised by the Public Service company for tomorrow evening all ready to be turned on at the same time the street lights arc turned on. With the illumination of the tree and the r~ceipt of the programs, printed through the courtesy of Lloyd Hollister Inc., the Playground and Recreation board has completed preparations for the annual Christmas Carol sing around the municipal tree Christmas E\'e en·ning. The caroling v.·ill be lead b\' R. D. Burtner and will begin promptly at 7 :30 o'clock and is scheduled to last exactly an hour and a half. The public school ·band under the direction of Josep)1 C. Schumacher will plaY accompaniment to the carolers. Village President Earl E. Orner, will deliver a brief Christmas address during the evening. By special reque st the program published in last week's Wn;METTE LrFE is repeated in the following para- of Central church, Chicago, which congraphs: venes each Sunday morning in Or"Silent Night" chestra hall and also brings its serv"Oh Come All Y e Faithful" ice of worship to million s of radio "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" . listeners, will qeliver a Christmas mes"Awa:v In a Manger" sage at the vVilmette Sunday Evening "We Three King-s of Orient Ar·e" club December 22. In ·previous ap"The First Noel." pearances a~. the club Dr. Shannon has spoken before capacity audiences. Flames whipped by one of the Business Men's Organization Re- · most terrific blizzards experiquests Wilmette Man to Beenced in Chicago and vicinity for come Presidential Nominee many years, threatened to destroy the First . Presbyterian Axel Lonnquist, 500 Elmwood ave-· church of Wilmette early Tht1rs- nue, Wilmette, and prominent in Chi-. day. With Chief \Vatter Zibble cago real estate circles, may become'· a candidate in the Republican Priand the Wilmette firemen bat- maries for president of the board of · tling valiantly against insur- Cook county commissioners. Mr. Lonn- . mountable odds, the Evanston quist's decision to be a candidate for this important office was hoped for this= department was summoned: week in response to a request presented · It was thought at that time in the form of resolutions adopted at that the datnage would represent a luncheon of prominent citizens held · evening in the ballroom of · practically a total loss of the in- Thursday the LaSalle hotel. terior of the main structure. The Resolutions The Evanston departtnent ttnThe resolutions requesting Mr. Lonn-: der the personal supervision of quist's candidacy read as follows: · 'I 1 1 C. 1 N . H 0 f Stetter. missioners, Whereas, the Board of County com~ F tre 1v ars 1a and other departments of lo-· arrived at 3 o'clock when the eal government, have been conducted for . several years past with disregard for pub-· flatne s, whtch had started at the lie welfare, business eftlcien~Y. and wise 'fi . . · _. public policy, and have been utilized exrear o f t 1 1e eclt ce, \\ere grautt-1 tensively by selfish and unscrupulous ofall)· eating their wa)· through fice holders for personal and political ad. · . . vantage, with a virtual bankruptcy of· the matn audttonum. such organizations; and · f h 1 11 Whereas, the demoralization has ad-· (Mabel Sykes Photo) N0 estttnate o t e pro )a > c versely affected the ]>eople's attitude Dr. Frederick F. Shannon, minister loss could be made at that time. toward their public officers, and exerted· Announcement comes from Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, pastor of the church, that the Sund.ay school Christmas exercises at 9:30 o'clock and . , the regular church serv1ce at 11 o clock Sunday morning will be held at ~he Vvoman's club. The Christmas play and the Christmas parties for the different departments are cancelled. harmful influence on the conduct of busi· ness affairs in this county, to the injury· of every resident; and Whereas, the Board of County commissioners, having the control of appropriations for various county purposes, is by far the most important agency through which efficient, economical, hopest locar 1 government can be established; and Wht:reas, the present Board of County commissioners has deservedly lost public trust and confidence through its absorption in factional politics to the dam:lge of the public ; and P. 0. CLOSED XMAS DAY Whereas, the present deficit in the The Kenilworth postoffice will be county budget and the evident inability of closed all day next Wednesday, Christ- the present county commissioners to solve the problems before it emphasize the urmas Day. There will be no delivery of gent need of replacing them at the earliest parcels or other mail, with the excep- posRible time with conscientious, able !lnd tion of "specials," Postmaster Douglas public-spirited men, ot wide experience, who can and will render effective public Crooks states. The usual schedule wiU service, without any consideration of perbe followed this Sunday, December 22. sonal gain or political preferment; and "Whereas, we believe Mr. Axel Lonn(Juist has all of the needed qualifications and characteristics and would be a faithful and valuable public servant; now, therefore, Be it resolved that we, the underHigned, hereby request Mr. Axel Lonnquist to become a candidate for nomination for president of the Board of County commissioners of Cook county, in the primaries to be held on April 8, 1930, and we pledge him our active and wholehearted cooperation and support. Prominent Civic: Worker Mr. Lonnquist, who is well known throughout the north shore, is 48 years of age. H.e and Mrs. Lonnquist have resided in vVilmette for several years. They have two children. He was the found.e r of the Wider-Better Devon Avenue association and the Edgebrook Manor Betterment association. He is a former chairman of the Home Build~ ers division of the National AssociaTime 1s a big element tion of Real Estate boards, former during the last days of chairman of its City Planning committee, and first chairman of its Out-Door Christmas shopping. LastAdvertising committee which advocates. minute shoppers can avoid rigid control of billboard construction needless running around by in residential areas of cities and in countrysides of the nation. first consulting the adverHe has been a director of the Chitisements in this issue. In cago Regional Planning association and addition to offering suggesis now a director of the Chicago Real Estate board. He is a member of the tions, they will also guide Civics Development committee of the you to the best values. United States Chamber of Commerce (Continued .on page 67) closed all dav next \Vednesda~·. Christmas Day, it- was announced this week by the librarian, Miss Anne L. Whitmack. The library will also be closed all day on New Year's Day. Books ordinarily due on either Christmas or New Year's will be due on the dav following. The remainder of the li-brary schedule for the next two weeks will be the same as usual. . Miss Whitmack and her assistants have been busy this week taking inventory. Library to Close All Dav Dec. 25-It's Chri~tmas C. of C. to Install Its The \Vilmette Public librarv will be New Officers January 6 Installation of . the new officers uf the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce will take place at the next meeting uf the organization 011 Monday night, January 6. The entertainment fur this meeting will consist of selections hy a quartet from the .Korth . Shore line and a talk by Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz on his war experiences. GET CHRISTMAS CHECKS All salaried employes of the village will receive a ten dollar Christmas Kenilworth at New High check this year, it was voted by the Village board at its regular Mark in Sale of Seals ~'ilmette meeting Tuesday night. This is in The Joseph Sears school in Kenil- accordance with a custom that has worth. winner of national honors for been followed heretofore. several years in selling Christmas seals, has excelled its own record of last year when 125,000 seals "·ere sold. Bv Monday night of this week a total t)f Pages 133,900 seals had been sold by the Joseph Sears pupils, or a total in money Automobiles .............. 53 of $1,339. The Christmas seal camAmusement Directory ..... 67 paign in Kenilworth was scheduled to Book Comment ........... SO close Wednesday afternoon, with prospects of a new all-time record being Boy Scout Affairs ...... 42-43 set by the pupils. Church News ........... 60-61 LAST In This Issue MINUTE SHOPPERS HOME THIS WEEK The boys arriving this week from eastern colleges were Way Thompson, Edward Munn, Hunter Hicks, and John Cogswell from Dartmouth: John Rathbone from Princeton, Walter Marx and Mark Cresap from Wittiams, Dick Fuller from Cornell, Russell Rossiter, Henry Hart, and Richard Wilcox from Carleton and Bentley McCloud from Phillips-Exeter academy. Classified Ads ......... 68-71 Club Activities ............ 48 Editorials-Shore Lines ... 38 Junior Life ............... 56 Muaic Page ............... 40 Recreation Events ........ 54 Society News ............ 46 Travel Corner ............ 44

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