Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 3

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·December ·20, 1929 W I L .M R i. i E . L I F E BOARD OPENS BIDS FOR BU[DING INCINERATOR Public Service Committee to Report on Matter at Next Council Meeting Bids on the construction of Wilmette's proposed new garbage incinerator we!e opened at the meeting of the Vtllage board Tuesday night and . were tun_1ed over to the public servtce commtttee of the board for consideration: This committee will' make a report on the matter at the next meeting of the board'. Nine contracting firms, including one from Texas and two from New York made bids on the construction of th~ proposed incinerator. There were twenty separate proposals ranging from $30,000 to $100,500. Start Work Soon \Vork is exp~cted to start on the construction of the incinerator within the next month, if the contract is a~arded at the next meeting of the Vt!lage ~)oard. It is planned to push the prOJect to completion within the next four or five months. Early in November the board announced the selection of a site for the incinerator- a seven and one-half acre tract located adjacent to . the Skokie Valley line <?f the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad, and bounded on the east by Laurel avenue, on the north hy Greenleaf avenue extended and abutting the Kutten Brothers coal yards on the south . The site was purchased at a cost of $.25,994.50. vVhile the site for the incinerator is located in the far western section of the village, transportation of materials to the p·l ant ~ill be facilitated by paved roads, and even in the worst weather it may he approached by trucks without diffi'c ulty. . Odorleu and Dustless . E.n gineers an~ operators of plants stmtl~_r to the one to be built here ~u~rantee that a properly constructed mcmerator plant is both odorless and dustless. They cite as an example a 320-ton plant on Thirty-ninth street in New York three blocks from the heart of the theatrical district, and another on 125th street in New York City in a residential district. . At Atlant~, Ga., the incinerator plant ts located 111 the downtown district and at Patterson, N. ] ., it is in th~ heart of the residential section. Restdents. of Patt~rson recently allowed the ctty to build an addition to the plant. How About Buying Your Dog a Christmas Gift? Villagers who are undecided as to what to buy their dog for Christmas are reminded by Police Chief Henry B.rautigam that it might he well to get hun a 1930 license. And if in doubt as to how to decorate your automobile for Christmas Mr. Brautigam suggests the purchase of a village vehicle license tag for 1930. The village vehicle plates for next year will be white on black to conform with the state automobile license plates. In this connection, it is also suggested that you make applkation for a 1930 state motor license. Place Last Steel Beam on New Methodist Church An American flag was unfurleci on the highest pinnacle of the new Wtlmette Parish Methodist church this week as an indication that the steel construction work on the edifice had been completed. With the structure gradually taking on definite form, officials of the church look forward to dedication festivities prior to June, 1930. Christianity approaches men at Editor's note: In another column of Dr. Frederick F. Sh8Dilon of the Christmas season to interpret this issue is given an account of a lunchtral Church, Chicago, Brinra . its highest truth in terms . of a eon meeting held at the La Salle hotel, Chicago, Thursday of this week, at which Message Dec. · 22 mother with a Axel Lonnquist of Wilmette was requested by a group of men representing babe in her arms. the Business Men's Organization - the Dr. Frederick F. Shannon, minister T h e humblest same group which helped smash the Crowe people can un- political faction-to become a candidate of Central church, Chicago, which derstand t h i s for President of the Cook county board meets in Orchestra hall each Sunday the Primary election next April. Mr. morning, will deliver a Christmas mes:. language. T h e at Lonnquist, who was largely responsible sage at the Wilmette Sunday Evening wisest cannot for the organization of Chicago business exhaust the leaders in the battle to banish corrupt club December 22 politicians from Cook county offices and Dr: Shannon, in. addition to his Sunmeaning of what tu restore efficient and honest government Mary and her to the county, made the following !3elf- day morning audience, ·speaks to a vast number of people from all over the babe say to hu- explanatory statement at the meeting. country over the radio, which is conmanity. They nected with the morning service. By Axel Lonnquiat bring God to the He is a graduate of Harvard univerI have no patience with the matter world in a living of bringing personalities into a cam- sity, was - ordained in the Methodist and vivid way. paign where an issue such as exists to- Episcopal church in 1899 and prior to Dr. V. V. Loper Men who had day is at stake. Cook county is in a coming to Chicago was pastor of the banished Him to theological specustate of insolvency. Homes and real Reformed Church on the HeighU, lation, lost Him as they toiled up property are directly and immediately Brooklyn. He is the author of "The the hill of Difficulty or rejected Him affected by this insolvency. Sooner or Soul's Atlas and other Sermons," 1911 ·; amid the evils of life, meet Him later this condition will reflect an "The New Personality," 1915; "The again in an innocent babe whose equally great hardship on business and Enchanted Universe," 1916; "The vast potentialities are still in the industry. The situation, therefore. must Breath in the Winds," 1918; "God's process of realization. The Christ be met and corrected on principles of Faith in Man," 1919; "The . Economic Again," permanent relief. No selfish motives Eden," "The Land of Beginning child interprets the love which is at "The Infinite Artist," 11 The Countrv the heart of the universe to the or interests should be considered. happy and radiant as well as to the It is not true that this campaign Faith," "Moneyless Magnate," "The doubting and bitter spirits. has been fostered or promoted with New Greatness." "The Unfathomable The presence of this Child at the the idea of satisfying any personal Christ," and other volumes. Dr. Shannon will deliver a message center of our life in this Christmas ambitions or with the thought in mind appropriate to the Christmas season. season calls forth the noblest possiof any ulterior motives except service bilities of human nature and reveals to the community. Our common in- He has spoken · before the Wilmette terests are such that if one suffers Sund_a_v Evening club on two former the highest affection of God through all must suffer. It is certainly a time occasions to capacity audiences. his supreme gift to the world. Yet Madam Edith Rideau Normetli, sofor action instead of argument. It is the apparent generosity a!1d thoughtprano of St. Luke's church, Evanston, fulness of the Christmas season is beside the point, therefore, to say that any man seeks a position or political wilt be the soloist for the evening. httt an external pageant to those preferment. This is certainly not the in whose minds Christ is not born case so far as I am personally con- Party for Children at anew in sincere gratitude to God cerned. I do not seek-and have never and genuine loving kindness to men. Story Hour Saturday sought-a political position, as such. · Let Christmas be to us a reverent Miss Winifred Bright, children's ·liDuring the years gone by I have fought but happy salutation to the Living for those principles which make for brarian at the Wilmette Public library, God as we meet Him on the highclean government, believing that clean announces that a Christmas party will way of life where Mary tenderly government engenders . good business be held at the library this Saturday cares for Him who was both the morning at 1Q :30 o'clock, the regular and fair taxes for the taxpayer. Son of God and man . I am impatient with the whole poli- children's story hour. All children who tical structure as it has existed in Cook attend the story hour will come to the county. Under this structure the most party. There wilt be a Christmas tree, corrupt gang since the days of Tweed and the children will sing carols and Wilmette Postoflice to operated unmercifully. The com- play games. Instead of receiving gifts Close on Christmas Day has munity today is held by the throat themselves the children will bring The vVilmette postoffice will be closed under taxation which real property can- money, food, and clothing to be given all day Christmas Day, Postmaster not further bear. May I repeat-any to a poor family. Miss Bright reports ] oseph E. Shantz announced. this week. work that I have done to promote the that in the three years that the Christmas parties have been held at the liThere will be no deliveries of parcels (Continued on page 67) brary only one child has asked if he or other mail, with the exception of was to receive a present. Mrs. E. P. special delivery letters, which will be Rriong will assist Miss Bright at the given the usual service. Outgoing mail party. · will be dispatched on Christmas Day, Mr. Shantz states. The postoffice will be open evenings the remainder of this London Art ·Authority \veek for the convenience of late Christto Address Art League mas mailers. The North Shore Art league has a cast upon great treat in store for the north shore FACULTY HOLDS PARTY when it presents Dr. Charles G. OberThe faculty of the Joseph Sears meyer of London and South Africa, the waters school in Kenilworth held a Christmr:ts January 22 at Winnetka Community party in the teachers' lunch room at House. His subject will be "Art and will return the school \\ ednesday noon. Gifts Life and the Approach to Modern \Yere exchanged. Aesthetics." after many days" just so Dr. Obermeyer took his Ph. D. from the University of London, England, Classified advertising placed and from there went as professor to Churches Invite to Manv the University .of South Africa. His Ch · Ob before subscribers will return popularity may be judged by this inrJstmas servances cident: on Saturdays he gathered enChristmas is essentially a church with results. ormous crowds of students to hear his festival and the Wilmette churches talks on literature and aesthetics. This are extending invitations to all resiwas the students' only free day and indents of the community to particivolved a two-mile walk. pate in the varied services of worship scheduled for Sunday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. · A SPECIAL SERVICE That children will have an imApplication blanks for Illinois portant part in the Christmas obState Vehicle License plates and servances i~ readily revealed in even free services of a notary public are, the most casual perusal of the available to motor car owners of the church announcement on Pages 60 north shore without charge at the and 61 of this issue of WILMETTE business offices of Lloyd Hollister Lu~~. Inc., 1232 Central avenue, Wilmette. You will want to go to the church ] ust another of the many ways in during the Christmas season. Turn which WILMtTTt · LrFE · serves its to Pages 60 and 61 and decid!e UJ?On readers. · · · · the services you will want to attend. .SUNDAY EVENING CLUB A Christmas Message Lonnquist Sounds Keynote in Good BY DR. VERE V. LOPER . TO HEAR YULE SERMON (Minister, First Congregational Government Fight Church of Wilmette) Cea-

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