Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE December 2o, 192<J Young People Make Optimist Club Hears of Iof the outstanding causes of fires in New Trier and Oak Park . L this country is carelessness in throw· Ca 0p T · ht ~iralago Ballroom Tremendous Ftre oases ing away lighted cigarets. In ge ener on1g 1 The Wilmette Optimist club had for LUNCHEON BENEFITS CLUB its speaker Tuesday, December 17, John Gamber, former state fire marA benefit luncheon and card party shal of Illinois. were given on Tuesday for the ways One of the high poittts in Mr. Gam- and means committee of the \\'oman's ber's talk referred to the stupendous Catholic club of \\"ilmette at the home fi~e losse in America, as compared of Mrs. George Ortseifen, 337 Essex \\tth England; the former having an road, Kenilworth. Assisting hostess annual loss in 1927 of $600,000,000 was ~frs. John J. Duwney, ln3H Highwhile Eng-land has oidy $30,000,000. land avenue. There were l'ighteen The m· ain reason for this difference, tables of bridge in plav. he said, is the fact that perpetrators _____ __-___ f 1 d · · care ess at~ mcencha:.r .fires in Eng~lr. and ~fr:-. . \\'. A. Richard§on, 1233 and ar~ puntshed as cnmmals. j La~c avenu<·. ga\'t~ ~ small dinner for ~lr. <.amber further stated that one ' the1r daughter, PhyiJ~:-; , last week. f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~ / Subu~an doubleheader ·~ -= ~ ~ e"" Trier league court January 3. ~ew Trier High school is scheduled to open its. Sub~trban league basketb.a!l season tomght 111 a. doubleheader wtth Oa.k Par~. In thetr first .game last Fnday mght the New Tner h~avy weights whipped, Fenger of Cln.cago 23 .to 18, but t;e Gray and G~een l!gLtwe1g!1t.s lost -7_ to 22. Harnson fech of Chtcago deteated Oak ~ark 111 a doubleheader last \\~eek. ~t ts expected that a num~>er of New Tner grad~atcs novr attendmg college and who will be home for the holidays will attend the New Trier-Oak Park game. After a \Yeek's rest next week the New Trierites will engage Evanston in anotha Gay With Parties on the II rAnnouncing the fonnal opening of William Rugen Is Awarded Garbage Removal Contract \Villiam Rugen was awarded the contract for the removal _ of garbagt: iu \Yilmette at the meeting of the Yillagc hoard :\fonclay night. His bid for the job wa s at the rate of $990 per month. Several other hids for the garbage remoral \\"ere . rccein·d. but in view of the fact that :\lr. l~ugeu's services haYe hecn satisfartnn in the past. the hoard decided tn Jiin him the contract again. Edith West, 16.15 Sheridan Rna~l M icalago Building Inc. Wilmette SATURDAY December 21st Gowns - Daytime Frocks Wraps - Coats Ensembles - Hats Costume Jewelry Gifts =· ·> ·=· ·=· HERE FOR HOLIDAYS E. H. Hughes. 941 Sheridan rl)ad. \\'ho had heen called east several \\'eck s ago on account of the illness of her sister. will not return for Christmas. Her son-in-law and daughter, ~fr. and :\[r: . \Villiam Rem\· and their two children of Indianapolis·, Ind., \rill \'isit :\lrs. Remy's father, Bishop E. H. Hug· he~. until after );t'W Year's. Al~o a guest of her cousin's \\'as ~liss . :\lma \\'iant of Parkersburg-, \\'. Va., \,-h, ) was ~n route to Seattle, \Vash. ~I i~~ '\Yiant left on \Yedne:-;d;H· inr the west. · ~1 rs. The holiday sea~on has brought mam· gay dancing parties to the Mirala rT;) ballroom on Sheridan road. Music a~d the slow-gliding rhythms of the dan 12e seem to give an outlet to the joYOtb spirit of the holiday. · Mayland Challoner, of Linden Crt:-.t apartments, was host to a group of i1 , _ tim ate friends on a recent Wednesda , night. A few visiting friends and schLHd companions "'ere entertained at thr ballroom on Thursday, December 12. by Miss Einelie Clagett, 425 Lake a\' .. .. nue, Wilmette, and T. ]. Phelan, .I r .. of Chicago. A large number of sorority and ir:t tt:rnity dances attest the popularity Dl Dell Coon's orchestra. The Omega Phi sorority . held its yearly informal ·subscription dance on Friday, Decemher 13, under the administration of :M r". C. S. Terrel of Chicago. Due to th e superstition of the date the name "Lucky Day Dance" was used. The Delta Omicron sororit,· ,.j ~orthwestern uniYersity had a dan cl· on Saturday, December 14, chaperone (! b~· Dr. and Mrs. George W. Burges:, of Chicago. About fifty young men and women were present. Following a dinner party last Satlt ,· day evening, Dean Ralph Heilman ui Evanston and L. A. Griffin of Glenco(', entertained a party of sixteen. Howard White, Jr., 2422 SheridJ tl road, is having a party this evening f( 'i' forty young people. ~[r. \Yhite is at tending X ortlm·estern uniyer s itv th i" year. ~1 iss Hazel Kraft. daughter of ~I r . HOME FROM SCHOOL and :\fr .. Charles H. Kraft, 1236 Green " ·ood avenue, is returning today from tht· National Park Seminary to pa~ the holidays with her parents. Her --o-brother. Leonard. is returning tncla \ :\[r. and Mrs. J. \V. Behr, 1(,2i from the l'niv<' rsity of Illinois. F orest avenue, will have as their guests --o~Ir. and Mr:-;. \\'illiam Lu\\·ry (Sara li on Christmas day, the former's parents and brother and his wife: Mr. and Huguenin) of Grand Rapids will pa~:-; ~Irs. \\.illiam C. Behr of LaPorte, Ind., the holidays with the latter's parent.. and Mr. and Mrs. \Viltiam C. Rehr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin. S0<1 I r ., of Grand Beach, Mich. Lake avenue. The important gijt may wt!l ~e a Sterling Silver Military Set of modern design. Hipp & Coburn Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths WRIGLEY BUILDING CHICAGO -

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