Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 24

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WILMETTE LIFE December 20, 1929 GUILD HAS .NEW NAME Der Deutsche Verein Has Christmas Party at School It is Now Called Circuit Theater of Der Deutsch Verein, New Trier High school German club, held a Christmas party at the school Wednesday afternoon. The club is maintained by students in the German department for the purpose of g-iving attention to German literature and music and to obtain conversation practice. Meetings take place once a month with programs consisting of music, readings, and talks followed by a social hour for conversation and games. Miss Elsa Karst is the club's faculty sponsor. North Shore "The Circuit Theater of the North Shore."' This name, as reported at the time of the first season's performance pre sented bv the North Shore Theater guild, is the new one under which the organization of players previouslv known by this latter cognomen, is no\~ to exist. The new name is expect·~cl to increase in popularity with usage , · according to the director of publi~itY for the Circuit theater, John Allen Ste,,·art, and to come as gliblv to the !:;:.-:. very soon as has the famrtiar fir :; t name in times past. Explanation of the change in nam e · is made hv Mr . Ste\\'art, who is at o bu sines s manager of the guild, \Yho states: "Announcement has been made by the North f;hore Theate r guild Inc. that it has entered into an agreement with the Theatf'r guild Inc. of New York which will lw of intere!'lt to all guild subsnihen-: and guild friends. Slmllnrlty of Names Causes Confusion ··For :'iCV ral years-in fact, eve r :'iince the ~E' W York guild has had its annual stason in Chicago-the New York orgp ni1.ation has; protested the use of the word "guild" in the name of any amateur organization. and especially in the :\orth Shore guild. Although there haR llt·Ycr exist<'d an~· question as to the nropriety of the original use of the term ln tlw minds of the oirec:tors of the local organization, tlw desirability of givin~ way to tlwir claim has lwen r ecognized of lat<:>. . \Vith t lw New York guild giving n·gular performances in Chicago, th" similarity of names has caw~ed a hit of confusion at times whi ch has hf'en un pleasant to both organizations, confusion which a. change of name alone can re mo~·e from the futurf'. "Accordingly, the directorate of the North Shore Theater · guild voted to choose a. new nam e, and the name self'dt>d is the Circuit Theater association of the North Shore. In all other respects the organization will h e the North Shore Theate r guild. The poli cies, thP personnel, the studio will all remain unchanged, and it is expected that the n f'w name will increase in popularity with usage, and that be fore long the north shore resident will refer to the circuit theater as easily as he has to the theater guild. Gullll Allows Use of Plays "But the agreement does not stop with that. In return for this the New York guild i!'; doing the Circuit theater a. good turn. The New York organization controls the acting rights to a great ma.ny g·ood plays-plays which the play-reading committee of the local organization have often considered and, !';evernl times, have selected. Among their plays are the work!'l of Bernard Shaw and of Eugene O'Neill, and such plays as "Porgy," "He Who Gets Slapped," "Wings Over Europe" and "Volpone." In the future, for a period of years, the Circuit Theater association will ha. ve first rights for the production of any Theater guild play which has been released for amateur production, in the territory from Chicago th.rough Lake Forest. It is in accord wtth this that Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple" has ju~t ht-en presented on the N~rth Shore C'ircuit, and that the CircUit theater is able to consider some of Its plans for the future. . "As word from one of its activities outstde of the production of plays for the !lorth shore territory, the Circuit theater ts announcing the approaching close of the. 1929 one-act play writing contest which it annually conducts in the state of Illir;oiR. This is a. state division of the na t10nal contest conducted by Longmans, Green and company and the Drama L~ague of America, and offer!!; interesting t~mgs to the winner, including productiOn .and publication of the winning play. Entnes for the 1929 conte{it must be one~ct in com;truction and on a theme whi<'h 1~ applicable to Christmas. They must be mailed not latf'r than Dec. 31 to John Allen Stewart, 716 Foster street E\'H nl'ton. !hey will be read and judged by a comm1ttee from the Circuit theater and the Illinois winners will be announced Feb. 15." 'rhe Circuit theater season includes three more plays, one each in January, March and May, each of which will be presented on the regular North Shore circuit of six towns. Complete informati<;m about the organization and its work will be sent on application to the studio 1706 Sherman avenue, Evanston. ' Miss Helen Slocum Leaves on 'Round the World Trip Miss Helen Slocum of the Orrington hotel, Evanston, left Sunday for New York, wher e he wa s to join friends to sail Frida\' of this \\'eek on the Belgenland on a 'ro und-the-world cruise. Miss Slocum is well known along the north shore as a real estate broker associated. with the f1rm of Hokan son and Jenks, Inc., in their Evanston and \Vinnctka oft1ces. She expects to return to Evanston when the Bcl ge nlancl arri,·es in ~e,,· York ~lay 1. "Marriage and Morals," Sermon by Rabbi Kopald "~larriage and ~!orals,' ' the recent amazing hook by Bertrand Ru sse ll. will be the subject of the lcctun: tn IH· deliyercd by Rabbi Louis ]. K opald at ~orth Shore Congregation I srael. Lincoln and Vernon avenues, Glencoe. SundaY m orni ng, December ~2. at 11 o'clock. ~Ii ss Marjorie Oleson returned on Thursday from the Universitv of Colorado at Boulder to pass her -Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Nlrs. John P. Ole so n, 240 \Voodstock an~nue, Kenilworth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~qp~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * give POOL & ~ & HOS E nP T O·D E L I 6 H T ~PIPERnP ~ S HOE S n~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .., I · my !art chance to ol'de!'tkm/ This is the very last opportunity to sJip under the wire and have individual, personal Christmas Cards with your own name and greeting. Everywhere else the selection is "picked over." But in my Studio your choice is still complete as my cards are not stocked. YOUR LAST CHANCE! ~ ~ et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B 0 Y S «<6 I R L 5 PDPIEIR Store Hours: 8 : 30 to 6 :oo; Saturday Evenings until 9 :oo E t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Open Every Evening. Special IndiTidual Designs Created ~ PooL & PIPER E ~ ·INC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS There are many · attractive designs to choose from at $14 to $1 oo ptr hundred complete. WeJti~on,W.8rot~ers .Suite ;15..17 H~rtBuild~ 1618 C1rrif\9tof\., Avel\u~ AJtTiyST ~ :: ~ :: :roos . CHICAGO AVENUE + EVANSTON ~tfftfttttttttt~ttttt~t~ ~ Eva~o"'~ 11~ GREENLEAF 0799 Miss Frances McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell N. McConnell, 1316 Chestnut avenue, will be home the first part of next week from the University of Illinois for her Christmas vacation.

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