Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 54

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54 WILMETTE LIFE December 20, 1929 Wilmette Playground and Recreation A'ctivities Baptists Hold Lead Wilmette Grocery Boasts Curtail Recreation Clean Slate in Horseshoes Intramural Basketball in Volleyball Play; Activities Through The standings changed considerably Gym Team Slips Cog the Holiday Season in the Playground and Recreati<?n Onh two events arc scheduled hr the Chri. tmas holiday vacation on tilt' Playground and Recreation board \ · sp0rts calendar. The important event of the Yacatina season is the ninth annual Christnns Carol sing around the municipal Christmas tree on the Village hall la·w n nl' :,t Tue sdaY eycning at 7:30 o'clock. 'l'h ·~ service is attended h~· se\'r ral hntHin ·d citizens of the villag-e t·ach year. The junior polic<.· and Boy Scouts will he present in uniform to usher and assist in the serYice. The Friday e\·cning dancing da~s i .· r married couple~ will he the only acti,·it~· continued during thl' holidays. All other events, including athletic kagucs for men and womt:n, gymnasium classes, boxing and \\Tl'stling, Aero club, and swimming classl's ,,·ill be di srontinued for a t \\'O weeks' period. The hour fnr the danring will remain the same, 8 o'clock. Results of recent games in the Intramural Basketball league follow: Stolp 8C II (10) St. Francis 8 II (S) John Beam Joe Monnenback Jack Miller Arthur Zech .~ames Hall Sheldon Fox Locke Rogers .James McClure Stolp 8C I (10) Warren Cozzens Paul Moore Dick Hall Charles William:-; Bill 1\felchoir Central 6C I (5) Dan Kahlmeyer Harry Hendrlck!';nn Robert Strube Ed Joyce .-\lla.n Mills Huldane Wilson l<Jd Wolf James Chronis Roland Davis l{alph Elson C'entral 5A I (0) .Tames Lamb Philip Rogers Lowell Snorf A5;hton Taylor ltay Scheibel St. t 'l·ntral 6B Il (1) Board's Horseshoe league last week 111 games played in the attic of the Howard school. The St. John's team suffered two defeats, leaving the Wilmette Grocery team of Hubert and Will Marquardt at the top of ·the list. They are as yet undefeated. St. Francis Sl (ll) The Methodists, with two wins, moved Bill Lynch up to a tie for seconrl place. The standJark Puis .John Bynmes ings follow: Joe Lynch - - - - - -- - -- ------·----. James Tarleton Central 6C l1 (0) Homer Stoc·ks Frank Staah )fatthew Kritchever Arthur Marf Kenneth "\\rax <'entral 6A 11 (10) Carl Gindele Bill WatTen Bob Tansel Hicha nl .T ohnsnn Frank Ranclnll ('entral 5B I Frank nandall Gerald Spinney Frank :\'loulcllng C:harles Rnule Ja·n~s o·~iel (~) Wotnen's Basketball H.oughnel'ks (.t~) Geraldine \\'ebt> t' Vera Johnson Alice Nord ~aomi PriCt' Ethel Keen(lt' Lorraine O'~IH·a Ht·ft'tlt Francis 8 T (fi) lack Byrnne .Tack Puls \\"illiam Lynch .Toe Lynch The major c,·cnt icatming the n.:- .James Tarleton sumption of recreation events aiter the Christmas holidars will be a pubiic Central 6A I ( LO) dance giHn I>\· the Girls' Athletic cluh .Tack Ragsdah· at the Ho\\'ard sc hool Tuesday c\·cning- Frank Swirles Don Roberts Januar~· 7. IJ11b Tansel The dance. \\·hich \\'ill be an informal, .ral'k Deitrich Ht~laTHl Gulliek!-<oll ,,·ill be stag-.ed to help defray rxpens~s nf the married couples' dancing cla~s Slolp 7B I (lfl) st. Ft·ands i II (0> \\'hich meets on Friday eYenings at the .Tames Burrill Jal'k Bvrne~ Stolp gymnasium. Tom Finlayson ~tuart Fitzhugh. T. k f Rill Stackhous<' Paul Dempst"Y IC ets or the affair Wl'nt un sale Frank Hooper .T~·'.;.k TJt-f'hner Tuesday and the sale will continue du1- Rob Read Dnn T.ogan ing the holiday period. Final plans arc na \'id CreS!o\<'~·- _ tO be tlladc at a llleeting Of the CX----e-cuti,·e committee of tlw club in co·tjunction with the Social and Charity committees at the home oi Miss Joe Skidmore. Recreation assistant in charge of women's acti,·ities. Decemher 30. R.-<'ent Games St . .Joseph O!l) English Luth Pran <tO) . Leona Hoffman is prcst.clent uf v· Mtss t D · 1· "·ot'tll'Ltl xe,·Isotl te or eJn t-Ill "' Vernon ' · Wyle th~ club, Miss Clara Meter, secretary Genrgr White ~itss Marcella Kummer. vice-president' Rollin Simond:-: Carl Nordberg · , \\"infield an d 'f "' tss .,far,Taret De~1arco. treasurer Stanlt>\' · Ha wldnsl·n v· t Ro~ers ~r t ,.., 11arnlcl S<'hleutf'l' tnct>n ~veer The Social committee is composed of Tlarloff. n·fet·ee Blanche Keil. chairman. Mar~arct Mick, Marjorie ~filler. \fargaret 1\an ~l'hultz and Xord (20) \\"nlff-Grittis (lt) - f{obert H.obprt :\fcT.Ran Xot·d :ManorWilson Boyd sig, Sbella Hood. The Charif\· rn·Hnohert mittee is composed of Margarl't Dl.' - .John Rom<':lm)) H Db on ~oyl~ 0 Marco, chairman, \.f argaret Sand~ l\JoniR Langer ert · M'll 'f p t l R ' ~tanl t"" y ~mith Robt:>rt Wolff I..ots t er, l \ argaret o ter an( ttt.l Harloff'. r..- feree Rraun. .:\l~:thodist (3:n .Junior A. C. (4) .John \Vaidner Philip Cressey c'har·les Vat-ne,· \\'alter Hawkinson No More Swim Classes at Fred \Vaidnt>r· Robert Water::: Richard Huck "Y"; Offer Alternative Lowt>ll Todd Henry Spe<'ht Harloff, refert>e The swimming priYilcgcs for members of the women's morning s\\'imming Pre:;hvtt-l'i<tu 1 r Schneider's Bootery class sponsored bY the Recreation (4.9) (28) board at the Evanston Y. ?\f. C. A. han~ ,J(,hn Ow.;e Bob Steffen~ . · , J Frank Reynolds B. .J. .Johnson b een d tscontmued, l,fiss oe ~kidmor\. .ra('k Campbell \\'illat·d Uttenreuther assistant in charge Clf \\·omen's activi- .Tat·k Ryerson -Roy Weiss ties announcec; . Hoh Koenan ~herwood Palmer Fred Hus!';ell The same privileg<.·~. ho\H\·c r. have PntPrsc,n. l'('fere<· heen obtained at the meeting~ of the A \'t> nUt· Phannaey business R"irls s\\'imming classe~ at the l'resbvterian T (103) (4) Sovereign hotel on \Vcdnesda" eve- Het·h('rt \\:elrl Hay Steffens nings. Any woman rna~· s\\'im as a Harrv Stonf' f'larence Steffens guest of the class during the hollr of c'arl -Hall Joe Kraft Harry Pet.,t·s class instruction 6 :40 to i :.ul o'clock LPonard Koenan Ed Hill Hf'llJ'Y Miller with the additional pri,·ilege of remainrt·fp · .... ing in the watrr until the rln~ing of Tt>u 111 Stautlht~" the pool. "'o11 Lost Pet. Women wishing tn takr advantagl' SdlllllZ :tiiC1 fi 0 1000 Pt·t>~bytt>dan 0 fi nf this offer maY communicate with 1000 ~I ~·thodist .4 2 667 the assistant in charge of women's <H - Stat(· Bank 4 2 667 tivities at the recreation office, \\'il - St. Joseph a 2 600 'l'crmtnal A. C. mctte 468. . ..... 3 3 500 Girls' Athletic Club to Hold Dance on January 1 Browllit!S q.t) E\'a Bern<ltson Mary Lauer Janet Brown Mary Nle!':tadt ~tolp 8D I (1) Florence Clifford Warren Young Annf' Boddif' Foster G ilgis .Tans. Junior Tl10ma~ Dick Cullen Wis<;onsin (:l6) \\·allaC' e Crawford Anne Stemnel Dick Torrey Rita Weber Eliza beth F'a h<' r t 'entral 6R 1 (3) Ruth Smith Homet· BohnE-n Catherine Pt>a rsc ··· Ed Wolff Clltherint> Didier nnr ncl na \'is Ha tTi et :\f<· DPt'lllOl t Hall Clark(:' Jan:-. llog-t>r '\\' illialltl-' rt·f~ · ree The Men's Gym Class No. 1, after a hard battle with the Ridge Electric lost two games out of three, 10-15; 15-11; 14-16 and dropped from a tie for first place with the Baptist to a tie for a second place with their victorious opponents in the Recreation Board's volleyball league Monday evening at the Howard gymnasium. Volleyball Team Standlng~t Won Lost Pet. Baptist . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 7 0 1000 Men's Gym Class I. .. 5 1 833 Ridge Electric . . . . . .5 1 833 St. Joseph ... .. . . . . .... . ... 3 2 600 Howard P. T. A. . . . . . . . . .. 4 3 558 Men's Gym Class II ...... 3 ~~ 500 Presbyterian II ... . . . . . . . 3 3 500 Uamcs Ridge A venue Pharmacy .. . . 3 3 500 TNT (12) Methodist ........ . ......... 2 4 333 Marjorie Iverson Presbyterian I ....... . ... . 1 4 200 Pamalee Burpee I. 0. 0. 1<~ .. . 0 000 6 t 'atherine Pearson Optimist ......... .. 0 5 000 Dorothy Vollman Olive Billimack ::\farjorie Paterson Hapti::;t :\[en's Gym Class l I (15, 1;), 15) (4, 5, 3) Arthut· Young-bt· t·g <'liffurd Darling· Put'due (10) Earl 'i\feDow Clyde Magan Gladys Engels Frank Guthridg·tAlbert Tucket· A nne .Stempel (h·nrgP · '\\.illiam:-; At:thur Seddon Jane Krier Anthony Schinlet· Bob Smith Huth Conley John Garnisl" Elsie Paterson Joe C'onv.,rsf' 1\farif' A rdnt < :atherl'nal, n: fet·f'e JO:ledrk ~reu's Uym Class I Jllinoi:-: (0) ] U<lgt· (1;), 11, 16) (10, 15, 14) \'iqdnia 'F'itzhugh lct<'k TII'('Wer Carl Geppert !·~Iaine Berberick .I amt·s Sc:ha.-fg-~·11 \Vi lliam Williamson Marie Arndt Joe Bon·e Walter Doost· Helen Hunter \\"il1iam Sl'hinh'r Arthur Austin I 1orothy Ruschli l<t <"o ll Hoffman \Villiam Brosco,·ak WinnifrN1 na l'I'Y William MarMm·" 11 f'hillipH , l'f'ft>rN' :\J t-t hocli:-:t "'·l't l'l'l. o 1000 0 1000 0 1000 1 750 1 666 1 666 ~ ~~~ 2 (1~. Tt·lllll Sht lltliiii(S ~o 1 ·thwesh· rn . . l:toughneel'l' .. Wisconsin .... ... Dark Hor~t's Horsefeatht.·rs O'Kays .. ~r~;nif'H \\·on ,, .1 . .1 ,, .2 ~ ~ L f:'~ li e (15, 15) Baughmatt Lt-s li p ~1atson Hay Robinson \\"altt·r Lindblad .T t->sse Walworth \Yilliam )Jac:Mo r:llt ~fartin Lyueh Joe Kraft Danlf>l r. naYis Oa thercoal, referee 10) I I a tlna waIt Howard P. T. A. Johu Men's Basketball Chicag11 · · ·· 1 Ohio . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... 1 Pm·due ·.1 f.TIJois · · ·· ·· · · . :~ Xntn namL· . . · ·. . . ... o :r ·· '3 2 :~g 333 333 ooo ooo New Trier Swimmers Smother Hyde Park in One-Sided Meet Xew Trier High school's senior and J·unior swimming teams smothered Hyde Park swimmers under one-st'ded !:!COres in a meet held at the New Trier nat~torium last Saturday afterno.on. ·· The New Trier seniors won 50 to 9, while the juniors' score was 52 to i. ~orman Roos was the outstanding · the s e mor · d'tvtswn, · · · · fi rs t s t' ar m wmnmg placet in Hb?th. th~ 40h a4n0d lOOd yartd craws. ts ttme m t e yar even , 19 2-5 seconds, tied the New Trier record in that event. B b H . f h N T · o ewatt, a res man at ew ner this year and a new member of the s\\'imming team, captured the honors in the junior meet by winning the 40 yard crawl and tying with his teammate, Ted Wilder, for the first place in the 60 yard swim. Hewitt's time in the 40 yard event, 20 3-5 seconds, was the best ever made by members of the iunior swimming teams at New Trier. In this event Ted Wilder was only a fifth of a second behind Hewitt. This Saturday afternoon, December 21, at 3 o'clock the New Trier swimmers will engage Englewood High of Chicago at the New Trier natatorium. REDUCE FEE FOR BOWLING A red.uction of fifteen dollars in the yearlv bowling alley fee was voted by the Wilmette Village board, which held a regular meeting Tuesday night. The fee had been reduced from twenty-five dollars to ten d.ollars per year. 'rhe new rate goes into effect January 1, I Horseshoes I '-----------------..1 r"----------------Tt>nm Rtandlngs Won Lost 0 ~~ltJ~~~·sG~~~~·:Y .. ·.: . : ·. . . ·. ·. ~ 2 Methodist:;; . ....... 4 2 r. o. o. F. II . .. . . . . . ...... 3 2 ·_J Men's Gym Class . .. ... .... 2 Congregational . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 r. o. o. F. I. . . . . . . .. .. .... 1 4 St. John's Jr. . . . . ...... .. . 0 2 I. 0. 0. F. II !21, 2L) Pet. 1000 667 667 600 500 200 200 ooo Results of last week's games: St. John's (10, 13) Fred Radner Fred Prochnow John Cramet· Torn Thursby Congregational (9, 21, 13) Rollin Simonds Mark Simonds lT J. 0. 0. F. II Lo~ell (21, 16, 21) J. R. Harper Methodists F. Todd (21, 22) Congregational (16, 6) Fred Radner Tom Thursby J. R. Har.l)er Rollin Simonds Mark Simonds II St John's (19, 13) John Cramer Fred Radnet· Methodists (21, 21) Lowell Todd .... .~ 3 500 Wolff-Grifth; Presbyterian IJ . .. .. :1 ;~ 500 Hidge Avenue Pharmacy .. . . 2 4 333 Schneider Bootery . . . . .. 1 5 167 Junior A. C. . . . . . ... 1 5 167 English Lutheran . . .. . ... 0 1 000 The English Luthet·an Basketball team is taking the place of the I. 0. 0. F. team in the league sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board. 1930. .

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