Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 69

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December 20, -'7_____ F_o_a__ B_E_N_T __ A_P_A_B_T_M __ E_N_T_s____~ = 1929 WILMETTE LIFE fiF==~~~==~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~ ·-6-· room ~~· .!i:~~d up M. ]. FAHERTY THE BRONX Ph large llght, modern. Near Dempst~r .. L'; terminal station and North Shore elec. 29 minutes to loop. y one our Want·Ads · th E ID e venm·I · 101 FOR 8ALE-.18CELLA.NBOU8 JOHNSON HOCKEY ·SHOE SKATES size 7%. Good cond. Cheap. Mlu McDermid. Ph. Wilmette 4300. 102LTN,13-1tp IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Billiard table, practically new, equipment complete. Will sacrifice at exceptionally low price if sold Immediately. See lt today. Cooke, 400 Prairie Ave., . Ph. Wilmette 347. 102LTN13-ltc FOR SALE - CORONA PORTABLE typewriter. Winnetka 1939. · 102LTN-13.- l tc BOY'S BICYCLE, $18. EXCELLENT cond., new tires. Has horn, cyclometer and lock. Ph. Winnetka 1861. 102LTN13-ltp 103 Dempster Street at Bronx Ave. Phone Niles CQnter 93 .67LTN36-ttc APARTMENT FOR RENT-FURNISHed or unfurnished, In Smith Bldg. R easonable. Tel. Winnetka 3364. 67LTN13-tfc LINDEN CREST APTS. \VILMETTE 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS Here In Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find wellarranged apartmente. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facllltles within Immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. Phone Wil. 4300 WANTED ·TO BUY-MISC. WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, tOe per lb. 1232 Central Ave .. Wilmette. 103LTN48-tfp WANTED-SELF FEEDING HEATING s tove. Phone Wilmette 4312. 103LTN13-ltp WTD.-GIRL'S ICE SKATES, SIZE 1% or 2. Ph. Wilmette 3791. 103~TN13-ltc <?ur classified advertising department is prepared to accept adver· tlsements for the current issue of WILMETTB LIFB every evening until EITHER WORLD BOOK OR COMPton's Encyclo~ia : Reas. Write Wilmette Life A-121. 103L13-ltp lOa MISCELLANEOUS QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. REALTORS 424 Linden Ave. Wll. 460 67LTN1-tfc 5 ROOMS, SUN PORCH, HOT WATER heat, bath, $60, including h eat and garage. Thornwood a nd 23rd St., '\V ilmette. Ph. Glenvi ew 37-l\12. 67LTN13-ltp 9 P. M. WEDNESDAY ;; l~ Olt 68 FOR RENT-FUU.N. APTS. 1-2-3 ROOMS SALE· HOUSES 100 FOR SALE-HOUSE.HOLD GDS. HAVE YOUR OLD PIECES RENEWED at a reasonable price. Silver refinished and made absolutely tarnish proof. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. 1 05L35-tfc COMPARE! BEFORE YOU BUY ON THE NORTH SHORE INSPECT THE FOLLOWING OFFERINGS: In E va ns ton : 5 h o u st-~ . 6 rms. and 1 bat h t o 9 rooms a nd 3 ba th s ; prices $21,00 0 to $46, 500. In K enilwoJth : 2 h ouses , 9 rm s. and 3 b a ths , $34,000 and $35,000. In Glencoe: 2 houses, 9 rms. and 3 bath s, $36,000 and $39,500. In Highland Park: 1 house, 9 rms. and 3 b a ths, $35,000. Renovated house (frame ) ' 9 rms. and 2 baths, $16,000. These houses are honestly built, proper! y financed and fairly priced. You wi 11 ~nd them of pleasing designs, finishe d m good taste, and with unusuall y s pacious rooms. A call or a letter wi 11 bring you full written particulars. C. A. HEMPHILL DESIGNER- CONTRACTOR BUILDER 2944 Grant Street, Evanston Gr. 457 3 77LTN13-lt p Very Attractive Rents FURNISHED APARTMENTS In The EXCLUSIVE ELMGATE MANOR with FREE GAS, LIGHT, ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION AND MAID SERVICE together with til e ba ths, show ers, twin and double beds, large dressinJ! closets and ample storage space. Excel lent tran sportation. 825 Main Stref'.t, Evanston. Greenleaf 2100. 68LT N 13-ltc FOR RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT- 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, 1 bath, large s unpol'Ch, tiurnace heat, 1 car garage, la rge lot on H a rding Rd. , in the Village of Northfield. 3 blks. from N. S. Sta . Will take $45 per m o. Ph. Wilmette 2062. 69LTN13-2t c Sublease Opportunity 77 Indian Hill Road WINNETKA Beautiful Spanlsh home attractively 73 FOR BENT-STORES & OFFICES situated amid 1% acres of landscaped and gardened grounds. Unusually ~pa clous Interior arrangement. · Garage Sn1a1l Stores, Offices for two motors. Sublease ; willing to GEO.RGE F. GONSALVES, 746 ELM ST. sacrifice. For complete details and InWmnetka 62. spection appointment phone 73LTN13-tfc . - BAIRD & V\1i\RNEI{ 528 Davis St. Gr~e enleaf 1855 69LTN13-1tc CORNER STORE, 25x44. 507 CHEST nut St. Rent reas. Concession. Ph. Winnetka 1948. 73LTN9-tfc 78 1834 PLEA~ANT ~T. NEW fi RM. stucco bunga low. 2 bedrms., H. W . ht., ·· large attic and hase me nt. Hental $!lfi. Owner- C. Van D em_1;e n, D o;erfielrl, Ill. 69LTN13-1k FOR SALE-V.A CANT JR® &fi (Q) [p) JP)©lflttill IID ll11:y FOR RENT 557 GREEN BAY ROAD, GLENCOE, ~ room house, two baths, newly decorated, hot water heat, extra large lot, garage, K enilworth Ph. 22R available at once. Rental very reason- 122 Sherida.n Rd. 78LTN13-ltc able. Call P. M. Cornes, Highland Park 500. 69LTN4-tfc ANTIQUES _ _ _ - - - - - - - - -1 !)9 CABINET, $5. FOR Rl~N'f-GARAGES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WHITE KITCHEN Child's Irish mail, large size, perf. cond .. $7. Several pairs of shoe ·skates, boys HEATED GARAGE A1' 393 SUNSET and girls. Winnetka 2618. 102LTN13-ltc road, Winnetka. Tel. Winn etka. 2073. FRENCH PROVINCIAL FURNITURE, 17th and 18th century. Needlepoint. 72LT13-ltc tapestries, china, glass, pewter and 3 PIECE TUXEDO SUIT, SIZE 38, IN good condition, $8. Ph. Winnetka 1486. paintings. 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES 102LTN13-ltc 823 Washington St. Greenleaf 6592 Nr. Main St., Evanston, Ill. CAMERA AND 99LTN13-ltc BELL & HOWELL projector. Combination rewinder and splicer. Pamming and tilting tripod. Metal tripod. Film exposure meter. 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE Color filter, 45-50 condenser. All pracBargain, 2 tile baths, garage, steam heat, P.rice $200. Greenleaf tically new. Antiques and Italian Importations good location and neighborhood; at102LTN13-ltp 3019. featuring tractive lot. Convenient to transp. and Books, Etchings, Lithographs, Prints schools. $14,000. Terms. MINNEAPOLIS HEAT RE..GULATOR of unusual luteres.t and price. with clock, like new, $50. Glencoe 1051. OLD CHINA GLASS 725 Greenleaf av:enue. 102LTN13-ltc BOTTLES PEWTER Inexpensive modern gifts. 667 Vernon Ave .· Glencoe Glencoe 1336 FOR SALE-CHECK PROTECTOR $25 REAl~ TORS Call Winnetka 2420 after 6 p . m.' · Open Wed. and Sat. nights t1ll Xmas 1177 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 273 102LTN13-1 tc 99L13-ltp 77L13-ltc TO MAKE SPLE~DID P UR CHASE OF homesit e in K enilworth. 100xl75 ft. 1 block from laiH" ; $17,i'i 00. A wonde r ful Chl'istma~ g ift to y our family. Jfut1I ~([;till lllf® & (Q)Ifif FRIGIDAIRE, $125 ; ·RELIABLE GA s stove. $30 ; baby carriage, $25; stai r VILLAGE OF WIL)IETTE ca rpet with pa ds, $15; child's b ed, $5 drop leaf table, $7 ; double day bed $5 SPECIAL ASSESS)IENT NO. !68 cri~ with hair ma ttre ss, $10 ; mah. ' ar m cha 1r, $7; baby bathinette, $3. Ph. Wil NOTICE is hereby given to all permette 3260. 100L13-lt P sons interested that the President and s. Board Trustees of the VillagE: of WilIMPORTED ORIGINAL ETCHING. s mette, of in the County of Cook and State wood blocks, color ed et chings 75 cent _ of Illinois, having ordered that a supand up, large selection ; dogs. ' Ph. Wilc plemental assessment be made to pay the mette 2149. 100LTN13-lt deficiency in Spec_ial Assessmen~ 1\'o. 212, for the improvement of the central FOR SALE - CHEAP - FIU.ESID E twenty-eight (28) feet of Forest Avenue. bench, like new. Overstuffed b lne chair from the east line of Fifteenth Street to 323 Oa k Circle. Wilmette 3595. the southwest line of Sheridan Road, ex100L13-ltP cept across the right-of-way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway, and ALL FURNITURE AND ORIENTA L except across the tracks of the Chicago, rugs in hom e in Hubbard '\Voods mu s t North Shore and Milwaul{ee Railroad, go at sacrifice price s. Phone evening.s and including the roadwavs of intersectir1g streets (except Main ·street), to the or Sunday, Glencoe 1646. 100LTN13-ltJ) outer line or lines of Forr:st Avenue, by paving with sheet asphalt, ar.d otherwise MUST SELL 8 ROOMS FINE FURNISH _ improving t}'le same, which improvement ings. Will separate. Wilmette 3560 was provided for by an ordinance passed on the 6th day of December· 527 Maple ave., Wilmette. 100LTN13-lt c therefor A. D. 1927, the ordinance for the same D be ing on file 'in the oftice of the Village KNABE UPRIGHT PIANO, GOO Clerk of said V1llage, and said Village cond. Reas., also hand carved rockin g having applied to the County Court of chair. Ph. Kenilworth 2656. 100LTN13-ltc Cook County, Illinois, for a supt>lemf;ntal assesment to pay the deficiency In WilANTIQUE DROPLEAF DINING ROOl\l{ mette Special Assessment No. 212 aforetable, sol. wal., shelf clock. Both In perf said, according to benefits, and an assesscond. Ph. Winnetki 1205. 100LTN13-ltc ment therefor having been made and E returned to said court (Docket No. 266), FOR SALE-3 PIECE LIV. ROOM SUIT· the final hearing thereon will ba had on and fireside bench. ~h. Wilmette 1409 the 30th day of December, A. D. 1929. at 100LT~13-lt c ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will r·ermh All persons desiring may file objectlop~ 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS in said court before the said day and WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAN D may appear on the hearing and make furniture and other household goods their defense. Said ordinance provides for the colHighest prices for same. Crost Furnl ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans lection of said assessment in ten (10) anton, 111. Ph. Untv. 189. 101LTN48-tft nual installments with annual interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum as provided by law. FOR SALE-MISC. 102 Dated, Wilmette, Ill., Dec. 13th, A. D. 1929. CHARLES N. EVANS FOR SALE-NEW HAND HOOKED AL L Person appointed by the yards. Patte rn rug, 1x1% wool President of the Board of Ph. Wilmette "Chinese Fire Bird." Local Improvements of 102LTN13-1 tc 4157. the Village of Wilmette Cook County, Illinois, t~ BUDDY L BAGGAGE CAR $5. 2 SECmake said assessment. tions track $2. Std . size elec. train L12-2tc your price. 1027 Central, Wilmette. ' 102LT13-ltp YVONNE SOHN Mr. and Mrs. Seth B. Roberts, 629 Gregory avenue, will have as their guests over Christmas and the holidays Col. and Mrs. C. H. Errington of Oak Park. -oGeorge Baldwin of 1117 Greenleaf avenue is at St. Anthony's hospital where he ~as undergone a very serious operatton. -oRobert Joslin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Joslin, 240 Essex road Kenilworth will be home from Hamil~ ton college today. THE HOBBY SHOP Mconm&tt & fll [ellffi®Irlty -o- M iss Beth Brower, 720 Fifth street, entertained several friends at tea last Sunday evening at her home.

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