December 27, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 9 Adult departments of the Church school. recommended as an organization of accomplishment. Miss Electa Austin, organist at St. John's, will be the soloist. The full }Jrogram will appear in the next issue of this paper. We extend best wishes for a Happy New Year to all our neighb9rs and friends. ~h~~~Yw~Ib~~~n~:~~:ir6y ~h!ts:ni~:~~~ fU,l!!MMBlii~MilVJ!MIMQM!JWM!QM~IM!MJ~ First Evangelical 886 Elm street, Winnetka Roy A. Thompson, pastor 794 Elm street, (Winnetka 2304) Sunday, J)ecember 29 11 a. m.-M,9rning worship. 5 p. m .-Y. P. S. Topic: "On the Threshold of a New Year." 7 :45 p. m.-Gospel service. 9 p. m.-Watchnight service. Tuesday, December Sl, (New Year's Eve) 10 p. m.-Social hour-refreshments. 11 p. 111..-Prayer and Testimony meeting to the beginning of the New Year. Thursday, January 2 8 p. m.-Mid-week service. SONGBIRD EYES RANCH Jose Mojica of Mexico and Grand Opera Says He'll Co Back to Former Your Children Are Watching You the fathers and tnothers \vho are too busy to take an active interest in sotne church the question might be asked, "V\T hat \vould ·,ve give to have an absolute guaranty · of the future \Yelfare and happiness of our children?" Ninety-nine per cent of us would ans\ver that \Ve would give all \ve have in this \\'Orld for such a guaranty. And yet ho\\' n1any of us fail year after year to take any interest in, or gh·e any actiYe support to, the Church, the surest guarantor on earth. )(our children deserve and need your interest and you owe to then1 as \veil as .to the church. Encourage your children in this 'vork by taking an active interest \vith then1 in the Church of your choice on and after next Sunday. Begin and continue the ne\v year in the only safe way. 1~o ;t's a long, long way from the dusty c:lrrals cf a ~.{exican cattle ranch to stardom in grand opera, but Jose Mojica, 31-year-old tenor of the Chicago Civic Opera company, made the . journey in less than three years. Anq now that he has been for half a decade firmly established as an artist -a singer whose name and voice are known the length and breadth of the North American continent-he wants to go back. Senor Mojica who will appear in concert on January 7 at Haven auditorium, Evanston, recently explained his bucolic yearning to a group of fellow songbirds declaring that when he has amassed by singing enough to retire on, the concert halls and theaters will know him no more. "From my earliest days my parents intended me to be a haciendas-a rancher," he said, "and when my father died in my early childhood, my mother decided that if I were to be a successful rancher I should be college trained in agricultural engineering. "So I was sent to school in Mexico City, and enrolled in the National School of Agriculture when I had. finished the lower grades. I loved the study of agriculture, and would have gone to a ranch on the completion of my course had not operatic artists who heard me sing d.eclare that I had a career in grand opera that would mean from both a financial and cultural standpoint much more than the life of a rancher." Mrs. C. ]. Nylund of 1634 Forest avenue have had as their holiday guests, Mrs. George L. Stephens of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Lottie McMenemy of Vancouver. B. C. Mrs. Nylund and her guests left Thursday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. S. E. · Rowcliffe of Melvin, Ill., over New Year's day. Christmas eve they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Li£vendahl of Chicago. Directory of Churches: The Fll"st Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette A venues Fust Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Reo. Horace G. Smith Rev. Vere V. Loper The Fust Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf A venue Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf A venue and Seventh Street -oMrs. Le Roy Dean returned recently' from St. Francis hospital with her new son, Le Roy James born November 26. Mr. and Mrs. Dean are residing with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fehlen, 1805 Walnut avenue. J a nice E. Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fisher, 638 Ash street, \Vinnetka returned home from Gulf Park college, Gulfport, Miss., December 19, to spend the holiday season with her parents. · Mrs. John D. Sniall, 411 Maple ave~ nue, returned Tuesday from Moline where she had been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. C. Nutt. Reo. Clyde Randolph Wheeland Rev. Carl I. Empaon St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues The·Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues Reo. Herman W. Meyer Rev. George D. Alli10n -o- St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton -o- Publiahed by the Interchurch Advertiaing Committee, Wilmette Church Federlltion