Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jan 1930, p. 30

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January 3. 1930 WILMETTE LIFE News of the North Shore Clubs District Clubs Catholic Club I Meet in January · ProgramJan. ·IoL_ Dolls Find HomesonXmasDay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fine Arts Department to Portray : American Home in Art, ! Verse, Song, and Sketch The fine arts department of ~he \Voman's Catholic club of Wilmette will present an interesting program Friday afternoon, January 10, at the Wilmette Woman's club, when the American home will be portrayed in art, verse, song, and sketch~ The program will be preceded by the regular business meeting of the club. A paper on "Art in the American Home" has been prepared and will be presented by Mrs. Arthur Adams. A group of Whitman's poems will be read. by Miss Marion Ortseifen. Mrs. Russell Flood, Mrs. Harry Bettinghaus, and Mrs. William FitzPatrick are taking part in a sketch entitled "Where But in America," which treats of the American home and the eternal servant question. There will also be a group of operatic selections, followed by an arrangement of songs in English presented by Elizabeth Litle Vitale, who will be guest artist for the afternoon. Mrs. Vitale is well known along the north shore where on preyious occasions she has enchanted her audiences with delightful voice and charming manner, Aside from Mrs. Vitale the program is being put on entirely by the club members, and has been arranged by Mrs. Marshall V. Kearney. The hostesses for the day are Mrs. Forest Miller and Mrs. Wallace Moore. North Shore Woman's Club Is Next Hostess for Tenth District , at Edgewater Beach The December Bulletin of the vVoman's club of Wilmette carries an announcement of Mabel S. Massie, pr~ss chairman, of the next regular me~tm.g of the Tenth district of the Iltm~:>t s Federation of \Vomen's clubs whtch will be held January 23, at the Edgewater Beach hotel with the t\orth Shore Woman's club as hostess. The notice reads, "The morning session opening at 10 o'clock will be. de~oted .to routine business of the dtstnct wtth the added feature of three-minute talks by 1he district chairmen. of w?rk on 'The Missing and Connectmg Lmk Between the Club and the District.' "Following luncheon a program devoted to Indian \ · V elfare will be given. The session wilt open . with the group singing of 'America.' Mrs. J. Marc Fowler, state president and chairman of Indian Welfare, will speak about that work. "Berna Harriss Ewen of the Woman's club of Evanston will give a Ten dolls arrayed in the last word for tiny tots, brought Christmas .ioy to lecture-recital on 1 What Music Means ten little girls in seven Wilmette f~milies. Their appearance on ,Chnstmas to the American Indian.' Mrs. Ewen morning was sponsored by the Bus mess and ProfessiOnal Women s club of will be in Indian costume. Wilmette and one of the large department stores in the loop. These dolls "Several interesting musical features came to the club as a gift with the understanding that they be dressed for are part of the program. Mrs. Ernest distribution later among children who might otherwise have known a doll-less Garrett of the Zion City Woman's Christmas. Members of the c_lub dressed the dolls in the latest mode, and club will sing two Indian songs in cos took their pictures that the store, their ?onor, might see them in. their gala tume. The quartet of the Ravensattire, then Mrs. Florence K. Freund, prestdent. of the clu~, and Manan Melbye wood Woman's club will sing and the took the dotls to their new homes on December 25. \Vtth the dolls, the club juniors of the North Shore \\' oman's sent toys for the other children in the seven families. One of the dolls had club will present a reading, 'The Famfound its mother before this picture was taken. . me. ' Salons Are Open to All In addition with the club's funds augmented by the gift of a friend, a "Mrs. S. \V. Gibson, president of Interested in French delectable Chri~tmas dinner, clothing, and toys were given to another Wilmette the district, will preside at ·both sesfamily. La Petite Causerie, the French desions." The Business and Professional \Voman's club enjoyed a Christmas outing partment of the Library club, has in- December 30, when its members took a motor tour to see the lighted Christmas stituted a new type of meeting for trees along the north shore, and stopped for refreshments later in the evening. Dramatic Recital Is on next year. On Thursday afternoon, January 16, it will have the first of four Club Luncheon Program salons, to which it will welcome t'Ot Young Mothers Will Have Philanthropy Sewing to · The Woman's Library club of Glenonly members of the Causerie but anyBenefit Children, s Home coe will have its mid-year luncheon on Round Table Discussion one on the north shore interested in the French language. A small fee will The philanthropy department of the Thursday, January 9, at 12:30 o'clock The next regular meeting of the be charged to non-members at each Woman's club of Wilmette is sponsor- at the Skokie Country club. During Young Mothers' club will be held at the luncheon there will be reports and. salon. Mrs. Henry Jus tin Smith will in~ to.day's sewing to benefit the Chilthe home of Mrs. E. M. Simonds, 834 dren's receiving home, a philanthropy a business meeting. The afternoon open her house for the first salon. M. Georges Cauuet will be the Sixteenth street, Monday evening, of the Lutheran Woman's league. From program wilt be a dramatic recital by speaker on January 16, and following January 6. Mrs. R. ]. Finnigan and 10 in the morning until 4 in the after- Madame Elizabeth Guion Hess, who his talk tea will be served. On Februnoon women of the village, regardless appeared before the club at the May ary 6, Madame Roger Cros of North- Mrs. E. P. Phelps will be assistmg of club affiliation, will sew for the luncheon this year. A short musical western university will speak ; on hostesses. home. Luncheon wilt be served them program will precede Mrs. Hess' recital. Reservations for luncheon · may March 6, Monsieur Cros will give a lecThe meeting will be in the form of a at 12:30 o'clock. ture, and M. Cauuet will again give the round table discussion. Mrs. F. P . The philanthropy department is be made with Mrs. Victor Nelson, program on April 17. headed by Mrs. Frederick Tilt. Mrs.· Glencoe fs24. Madame Hess is to read several The reading and conversation class, Strauch wilt lead the discussion on re- Scott Smith is chairman for the work which is open only to inembers, will ligion; Mrs. F. G. Guthridge on obedt- this week, and she is assisted by Mrs. monologues stilt in manuscript, 14 and meet on Thursday morning, J an~ary 9, ence; Mrs. F. A. P. Fischer on habits, F. L. Rice, Mrs. C. F. Brandt, Mrs. she will give a costume number, The at 10 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. H. E. Ringholm oli miscel- H. G. Nevins, and Mrs. H. 0. von der d.e t'Enclas. She is director of the Smith. laneous subjects of special interest to Hoff. Mrs. Carl Empson is luncheo.n dramatic department of the Chicago College 0£ Music, and is the founder mothers. The Misses Ruby and Ruth chairman. and president of the Cameo salon, Smith of Evanston will offer several Change Club Program composed of artists. musical numoers. Garden Club Installs There will be a change m the next program at the Neighbors from the New Officers Today At Wells Club one announced in the year book' and in Wellesley Club Meeting January opens a new year for the Evanston and Chicago Wells college the \VILMETTE LIFE. Mrs. Edwin HedThe Chicago Wellesley club is hav- Wilmette Garden club today with a club members will be guests at the rerick, who was to give an interpreta- ing a holiday meeting Saturday after- meeting at the home of Mrs. W. G. ception and tea for which Mrs. Don tion of "Madame Butterfly" with Miss noon, January 4, at 2:30 o'clock, at the Mitchelt, 1009 Oakwood avenue, at R. Cotton of the Chicago club will Margaret Bluthardt as accompanist, Fortnightly, 120 Bellevue place, Chi- 2 :30 o'clock. The speaker; B. L. Gage, open her house at 66 Cedar street, Chihas had to cancel her program for the cago. Recent graduates and girls in will discuss 11 Landscaping," and Mrs. cago, between 3 and 5, Friday, Jan upresent. Mrs. Hedrick will present h\!r college wilt tell of present-day Welles- P. B. Wagner will give a short talk on ary 3. The guest of honor will be Miss program in March. ley, and tea will be served at 4 o'clock. "Mushrooms." Florence Partridge of Oak Park, as~isDuring the me~ting the installation tant dean of. women at Wells coltege, MEET IN EVANSTON JAN. 7 HOSTESS TO D. B. E. of new officers wttl take place. Tltey and Wells g1rls home for the holidays Mrs. Thomas H. West, 723 Ashland are Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut, presi- will be special guests. The Evanston The North Shore group of the W omen of Rotary will meet Tuesday, J anu- avenue, was hostess to members of dent; Mrs. Paul B. ·wagn~r, vice-pr~si- Wells .club expects again, in the apary 7, at the home of Mrs. C. C. Terry, the Daughters of the British Empire dcnt; Mrs. R. H. Dame1er, recordmg proachmg Lenten season, beginning 1519 Hinman avenue, Evanston, at last Friday afternoon, December 27. at secretary; Mrs. 0. A. Sontag, corre- late in February, to present Mrs. An12:30 o'clock. Luncheon will be served her home. A business meeting was sponding secretary; Mrs. J. B. Schaub, thony Frenc~1 Merrill in her annual program chairman. course of book talks. followed by bridge. at 1. . ·'

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