Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jan 1930, p. 47

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January 3, 1930 WILM .ETTE LIFE tot FOB BElfT-FUBN. BOt1SES fOR SAL'B-MISC. ,71 COMPLETELY EQUIPPED- BEAUT!- GREAT BARGAIN AT 333 FAIRVIEW Ave., Winnetka. · 1 pmctlcally new , fullY furnished. One block from Hubbard Woods school, 3 blocks from wicker wheel ·c~. 1 lnm h~spital bed, transp. Hardinge Oil Burner, 7 rooms, 1 single iron bed complete, perfect 2 glassed in porches, large sleeping condition. Ph. Winnetka 2593. porch, in attractive neighborhood at 102I!.T15-ltc end of Chatfield Rd. Will rent only to responsible party. Sutton, 1185 Chat-. ~OR SALE - REMINGTON TYPEfield Rd. Ph. Winnetka 1955. writer, Victrola, radio, sled. Child's 70LTN14-2tc leather coat witb fur collar and other articles. Call Winnetka 269. 73 FOR RENT-STORES & OFI4'ICES 102L15-ltp Lodge lnvitea WILIEM SCOUT TROOP Rebekah Public to lnstaUation A public of officers of HOLDS REUNION DEC. 27 the Wilmetteinstallation Rebekah lodge number I. 0. 0. F. will be held WednesOld Timers and Present Mem- 610, day evening, January 8, at 8:15 o'clock, bers gather at Banquet at at the Odd Fellows' hall ir1 Wilmette. Congregational ·Church The public is invited to attend. By E. Seymour Burge (Eagle Scout) Last Friday, December 27, marked a spirited reunion of Wilmette Troop 2, the first of its kind since the original chartering of the troop in October of 1921. The First Congregational church of Wilmette, which has always sheltered the troop, was again the meeting place for this round-up banquet, and again the same "old fellows" came together under the same old roof with the same old interest in the troop and its activities. The present and past members of the troop committee headed by F. A. Wilson, now serving his ninth consecutive year, were there with a hearty greeting for returning scouts. Wilkins Ia T oaatmaater Sn1all Stores, Offices GEORGE F. GONSALVES, 746 ELM ST., Winnetka 62. 73LTN13-tfc CORNER STORE, 25x44. 507 CHESTnut St. Rent reas. Concession. Pb. ·winnetka 1948, 73LTN9-tfo FOR SALE-GENTLEMAN'S coat. Almost new. Sellin~ removal to Los Angeles. 3093. RACCOON because of Kenilworth 102L15-ltp SIZE 40 H U D S 0 N SEAL COAT, trimmed with genui~ mink collar and cuffs. Good condition, $75. Glencoe 74. · 102LTN43-ltc 103 WANTED TO BUY-MISC. 17 FOR SALE -HOUSES Officers-elect are, Greda Duncan, noble grand ; Della Knuppa, vicegrand; Pearl Tucker, recording secretary; Grace Hills, financial secretary; Alma MerganthaleT, treasurer. The installing officers are to be Minnie Kuelzow, district deputy president; Hanna Lange, deputy marshal; Alma Merganthaler, deputy warden; Izet Scott, deputy secretary; Mattie Murz, deputy guardian; Alice Bailey, deputy chaplain. $) li ~9~(0)(0) S. WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN48-tfp TRUSTEE MEETING MONDAY The Kenilworth Village Board will hold its first regular meeting of the . new year Monday night, January 6. The board meets the first Monday of each month. E. vVINNETKA to;; HAVE at a and Paul Ave. ~IISCELLANEOUS 6 ROOM STUCCO HOU_SE ON FJNE, large lot- over 80 foot front; conveniently located for schools and transpol·tation. The lot alone is worth two thirds of price as~ for the whole property. '/ JMI~(Gl!lllllf® 541 Lincoln Ave. & (Q)Iflf 'Vinnetka 672 77LTN15-1tc l\ REAL ·OPPORTUNITY TO BUY OR TRADE IN" YOUR HOuSE ON Charming home of French architecture, 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, library, 2 car garage, beautiful sun:.oundings. Early American farmhouse, brick constJ~uction, 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, 2 car garage. ·Deep, treed lot. These homes are in l)kokie Ridge, Glencoe, 3 blocks to train, school. ·.... B~t\IRD Glencoe 1554 & WA.RNER Briargate 1855 77LTN15-ltc I in exclusive new section of Kenilworth this bE.'autiful nE'w 6 room brick house, 2 baths; extra lav., electric refri~era tion. 2 car garage. Price only $23,000. Or will rent for $150 per month. REALTORS 11ii "·ilmette Ave. Wilmette 273 77Ll5-ltc I, ·~ FOR SAL_ E-V .A CANT '4 $SOO BUYS 25 FT. INSIDE LOT, $1,000 buys 32. ft. corn~r lot, between Indian Hill Golf Club &:.r~und and Indian Hill Estates. Building permits assured. /;;, I f University of Illinois the first part of 720 Elm· St. Winnetka 254 next week after passing the holidays Lawrence Langdon returns today to 78LTN15-1tc with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 'N. the University of Illinois after passing Caldwell of 930 Linden avenue. 87 lV A~ TED TO REXT-APTS. the Christmas holida.ys with his parents. -oMr. and Mrs. B. A. Langdon, 715 Joseph B. Swan, 932 Lake avenue, EMPLOYED COLORED COUPLE WANT Laurel avenue. apartment oyer garage in exchange for returned from the Howe school at -o-part time help · of wife. Address Wln- Howe, Ind., to spend the Christmas netl<.a Talk A-128. 87LTN15-ltc Dr. and Mrs. George H. Weaver, holidays with his father, Joseph D. 1020 Ashland avenue, were the dinner Swan. ANTIQUES guests of Dr. and Mrs. George Nott -oof Racine, Wis., on New Year's day. M iss Annette Kelley, 933 Central -oavenue, left Saturday, December 21, Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Williams, FRENCH PROVINCIAL FURNITURE, to spend the holidays with her sister, 410 Forest avenue, entertained mem17th and 18th century. Needlepoint. tapestries, china, glass, pewter and Mrs. Norman Weyl, of Marblehead, bers of their dinner bridge club last Mass. paintings. Saturday at their home. RE~LTORS Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kerr, 122 Sev- . Dapper Bob Wilkins·~ now assistant enteenth street, spent Christmas day scoutmaster with Troop 12, executed his GIVES TEA FOR MOTHER duties as toastmaster without a flaw, with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. Mrs. E. John Hicks of Melrose ave- while R. D. Burtner, with all his former Kerr at her home in Waukegan. nue, Kenilworth, entertained at an jn- pep, frightened and cajoled exceptionally songs from the crowd of young, formal tea on Monday of this week in tuneful old, ·b ig, little, Tenderfoot, and Eagle honor of her mother, Mrs. Hunter, who Scouts, without the aid of a piano. left on New Year's eve for Fresno, Cal. Before the dinne.- was over it was Mrs. Hunter has been in Kenilworth for unanimously agreed that the affair must be an annual one, especially since next :.t month. year marks the tenth anniversary of the troop. A committee of "old fellows," George R. Stone, who is a senior Perry Yost, Burtner, Burge, and Baker appointed to arrange for the next at Dartmouth college, has been spend- were revival. ing the Christmas holidays '"-·ith his Between couses, Jack Riley, one of mother, Mrs. Esther R. Stone, 619 Northwestern's wildest Wildcats, and Karl the troop's unquashable, gave Greenleaf avenue. He will leave to- short Yost, and not too pithy talks. Immemorrow for the east, and en route to diately following the meal Wilkins introschool will stop to visit James Lawson duced Mr. McManus of the area office who pre::;ented the troop charter for the at Hamilton college. coming year to Mr. Wilson. -oReceive Picture --<ompletely detailed and accurate, W. H. Hutson, who has always been Paton Hammers, small son of cMr. behind Scouting in Wilmette, then preis essential to real economy in the and Mrs. Morgan ]. Hammers, 807 s~nted an excellent framed photograph Greenwood avenue, . entertained a of his son, Bradford, one of the outstandmodernizing of propenies. group of his friends at luncheon Sat- ing representatives of Troop 2 and Scouting. "Brad," an Eagle Scout, although urday, December 28, at Sh_ awnee pre- he ult to Modernize" passed on to the "Great Scoutmaster" ceding the children's party in the when but 18 years old, shall always reThis Bureau (not for proftt) will main in the' memories of those who afternoon. gladly help )'OU. worked and played with " him during the -oyears 1921-1926 during which time he James Krafthefer, who has been served the troop. This picture, along with spending the Christmas holidays with that of Eagle Scout Fred Rammler, who drowned last summer, will occupy his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James M. was a central position in the "Scouting Hall Krafthefer, 901 Oakwood avenue, re- of Fame" in the North Shore Area counAftlllated with the · Home Koclernturns the first part of next week to cil offices at Highland Park. lstnc Bureau of the Nat'l Bul14lnc In behalf of the troop, William E. Cook, ·St. John's Milit~ry academy at Dela- present Induatrle., Inc. scouttnaster, accepted the picture field, Wis. with a short appropriate tribute to 708 Church Street. Room ~50 -o"Brad and all he stood for." Demonstrate Sign Language EVANSTON. ILLINOIS M iss Edith Ray Young, 1133 Central The final speech of the evening was a avenue returned to Wilmette Monday bit U nivtuity o 9 9 1 out of the ordinary and exceedingly evening after spending the Christmas instructive. Mr. Tomkins, raised as a holiday with her mother, Mrs. John G. cowpuncher and Scout among the Sioux Indians, explained and demonstrated the Young, of Vincennes, Ind. Miss Young fundamentals of the Indian sign language, was away a week. and within a few moments had his entire . -oaudience equipped with the fifty most Delma Caldwell will return to the used gestures of a practically universal means of communication. YOUR OLD PIECES RENEWED reasonable price. Silver refinished made at>solutely tarnish proof. Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Ph. Wilmette 6. 105L35-tfc A PLAN Pay· North Shore Modernizing B':'!eau Something New for 1930 Worrr Proof Boads Iasaranee ··ket Tllea Doubly Safe - ·· YVONNE SOHN Guaraateed b7 Two Old Besene Iasuraace Coapaalu Prlnelpal aad latent' Write for Pamtlllet Coatalatar "18 Q·e~tlona a a d Aaawen" Rerardlar DobJT Iaaand Boadt 823 Washington St. Greenleaf 8592 Nr. Main St., Evanston. Ill. 99LTN15-1tc --o- Heirloom Antiques GENUINE NEW ENGLAND FOUR--opost bed, mahogany bow front bureau Mr. and Mrs. John J, Moran, 924 inlaid, colonial sofa and ladderback chairs. No dealers. 869 Pine St., Greenleaf avenue, entertained at a Winnetka. 99LTN15-1tc family dinner party for ten on Christ- M iss Frances Oakwood of Oakwood, 'l'he Wilmette and Winnetka W. C. Ill., was the guest of Miss Maybelle T. U. wi11 meet with Mrs. William Kuelzow of 611 Greenleaf avenue over Noble, 1010 Oak street, Winnetka at the past week-end. 2 o'clock Monday. -o- D. A. DOBRY - Securities Co. REAL ESTATE LOANS Have tun de to loan on North Shore residential property at reaaonable rates. See ua on renewalL Also mortcatrea for aale. 111 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furniture ltore, 1004·8 Emeraon St., JDvanston, IlL Ph. Unlv. 181. 101LTN48·tft. mas day at Shawnee Country club. -o-Mrs. Frank Ketter, Jr., 1824 Wilmette avenue, had as her house guest for several da.ys last week her sister, Mrs. Anna Hamill, of Austin. tt E. G. . Paulin1 A Co. s. La laDe St. l'ruklla 17M xembers Chlearo Cart. Bxella·r· 201 so. Las~ St. w

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