Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1930, p. 49

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January 24, 1930 == J. Hugh Edwards Public Service Company . Features Program of Neighbors Club dent prcve.nt JOn bureau and By Mrs. H. P. H. The Hon. ] Hugh Edwards, .disti'nguished · Welsh statesman, fnend andt biographer of Davi~. Lloyd 9'eorge and member of the Bnt1sh parliament during the last score of years, was the guest of Th~ Neighbors' ~lu~ of Kenilworth at the1r annual Mens 111ght meeting Tuesday evening. Iu an hour of brilliant, convincing speaking, Mr. Edwards reviewed the wonders of two centuries of scientific research which have witnesse d the coming of elec tricity, gas, medical advancement, the telegraph, the telephone, the automobile and th e airplane and most far reaching in it s effect of all, the radio. "But," declared Mr. Edwards, "idealism has not kept pace with the wonders of scie nce. \Vith the conquest of th e air came zeppelin raids, de stroying lins and homes; with th e conquest of the sea came submarines, taking their dreadful toll; with chemistry came stealthy, death dealing gases and the most costly and terrible war in all history ." · Mr. Edwards-and he has twice refu sed a icss democratic title-believes implicitly in the sincerity and honesty of purpose of the United States and Great Britain and feels that the principle whi ch has brought together th e epoch making Five Power Naval Di sarmament parley..! now in session in London, is sa fe in th eir hands. An afte r-taste of warm feeling f or the keen minded little \Velshman, with his li\'e ly. humor, remained with his audience who have become his friend s and \vho will long remember his visit Mrs. Charl es Howard Bent, the president of The Neighbors, greeted the guest of the evening with great ease, and charm, recalling the fact that the first mention of a "men's night" was made in 1895, the year of the founding of The Neighbors. ~frs. Bent presented as the opening part of the program, the Imperial Male Quartet of Chicago, a fini shed, seasoned, well-nigh perfect singing organization, which created an atmosphere of friendly receptiveness that found a ready r espo nse in the address of ~lr Edwards. At .the next afternoon meeting of The Xcighbors, on February Dr Ha!·ry A. Overstreet, eminent psychi at~I~t and head of the department of Pl11lo~op h y of the College of the City of .\ ~w York, will speak on "The :\f canmg and Poss ibilities of A dult Educatio n." WILMETTE LIFE 49 H:t !~h 'Ptol~m y, clt~ector of safety for t'he ft~blt~ Servtce compa1.1y oi Xort'v-rn pal speaker~, at .lbn o1 s were the pnnc 1 four sa fety meeting:'> in the recreation ~oom s of the Public Sen·icc romp<L1y, _]l Chur:.~ street, Evan..;ton. Thursda\'. ~he . ent1re persnnnel oi Oi -; trict C. ~rht c h u~ clud es f.\·anstnn and surround- _ mg tern tnry, \\'as pre se nt at one of t-IJe !our meetings, each cmplon:e attt·t ~ r!- _ m g on a schedule which eT;ahlcd husi - ~ Pl' ss to br. carrirrl on as u~ua l. I~ A tten.da nee at the four meeti n ~s to- ~ ~al e d sl~ghtlv mor~ th.an iOO. accor,rUng ~ .n ]. \\ . Kehoe. clt stnct mana Qn. 1wo ~ 1 1 1eetings were in char:ge of George S. ~ P:artlett, une wa~ prestded u,·er 1)\· :\f r. ~ J\ehoe and one "·as ca ller! by t.. E. ~ :\tcCollum, .all of .the Fnn ston office 1 ~ of th e Pi.tbltc SerrJce company. ~ : F~ankH~~d~re~~f~!~l ~~~!i:~~ ~: ~' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' """""i""""""""n'"'n'n""""""'"""""""""'"'"""u'n'l'""m'"'"'"l"l'umm'"""'u'n'"'"m""'"nmlnlu; ~= - _ THE CHIMNEYS Ccnur St. at Hill 'Terrace Telephone Winnetha 3470 Contains a group of 3 to 5 room dignified HOMES ~oak. and the privacy and quiet obtained only by thorough soundproof~ for those who value neighborhood, exceptional exposure and out~ C. E. \\7ie ner, ior the last thrte \'t.:Jrs manager of the Prairie State Itivestntc nt company of Chicago, ha" bten appointed tnanagcr of the Ri(lgc\'ie,v hotel, Evan ston, and has mo\·cd to 111ake his home there with his \\'ifc and dau ghter. He has !tad L) \'ear:-;' hotel rxperience. . tng and careful selection of tenants. The Chimneys. a building of most unusual type, combines good· taste in design, finish and appointments, with the comforts of spacious rooms, wood -burning fireplaces, cross ·ventilation, ample closets and storage. real kitchens and electric refrigeration. _ ~~~,,.,n,ulllllllllllllllllllllllllnlulllllllllllllllllllnlulnutlnlmnuu'u'n'u'"'"'ulnlnlulllllululnlnuJIInlulnlullnlnlnlllllnlnlumnmullllllllllmnunlnunm·~ ANNOUNCEMENT Hokanson ~ Jenks, Inc. wish to announce that their North Shore Branch office has been moved to new quarters at 930 Spanish Court, opposite Teatro del Lago, and .t hat Mr. Jenks will be in personal charge ready to give his attention to the Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe territory with Miss Izetta Anderson, former rental manager of the Orrington and Homestead Hotels, as his assistant. If you expect to buy, sell, or rent on the North Shore this year, call them at Wilmette 2920 and be assured of effective cooperation. 4: Evanston Man's Airplane· on Display at Field's . On di splay in the toy section of the h·ansto n store of Marshall Field and company this month is an interesting' model of a new type amphibian transP,o~t plane which is being built in !1is ~htcago workshop by ]. H. Wendt of EYa nston. ~l'~1 c a·r.phibian model is an exact m:ntature of the huge ship and because .of its many new features of constructiOn is arousing considerable interes t antong visitors to the Field store ~t was Mr. Wei1dt's purpose in design1 11s and building the plane to develop .a large transport ship capable of land1!1g safely and surviving the buffeting ( r r~ntgh. water in case of emergency ];:jncltngs 111 transoceanic flights. The Ql~ne somewhat resembles a Dor111er fJytng. boat but is equipped with a single1Wmg resembling the Fokker airfoil ;-lll\ measuring 72.5 feet. ]"1 he model will be on exhibit in the 1 'I(' d store throughout the month. .._, H~~S2~ JE~~~ ~;: ~~·-..,..--.).']&:::,' -~ -=:-1 - .. ~r:th cffiore !Yvopevties TELEPHONES S 1 3 DA VfS STREET EVANSTON HOLL YCOURT I 6 I 7 GREENLEAF I 6 I 7 WILMETTE 2 9 2 o 9 3 o SPANISH COURT opposite Teatro del Lago WILMETTE Mrs. Thomas E. Sullivan 336 Gregory avenue, was hostess at' a luncheon and bridge party yesterday at Shawnee Country club.

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