Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1930, p. 52

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52 WILMETTE LIFE January 24, 1930 "Bamum Was R. 1gh t " I s 48 Sears Gym Leaders Community House Fare Take Training Course A class of forty-eight leaders who handle the gymnasium work for 180 boys at the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth held a three-hour program of progressive 'exercises last Saturday morning in the school gymnasium under the direction of Robert W. Townley, athletic director. Friday, Saturday January 24-25 INDIAN HILL PLANS FROLIC Indian Hill club announces a masquerade and frolic to be held on the skating pond tomorrow afternoon, January 25, at 2 o'clock. This is the children's annual costume carnival and among the events on the program will be marches, games, noYelty and speed races, exhibitions and divertissements with prizes for the fleet, the lucky, the Lest dressed, and the talented. Bob McCloud youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bentley McCloud, 336 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, entertained eighteen of his friends at dinner last Saturday evening afterwards taking his guests to see "So This is College" at the Varsity. The occasion was Bob's twelfth hirthday. NANCY CARROU in "SWEETIE" with Jack Oakie Mon., Tuea., Wed. Jan. 27·28-29 BEBE DANIELS "RIO RITA" with John Bolea Thursday Jan. 38 (One Day Only) COM·MUNITY HOUSE Tnt>s. Jan. !R Glenn Tryon ~lerna Kennedy GRETA GARBO in Fri. and Snt. Jnlf'S Tf'rne's "THE KISS" with Conrad Nagel "Barnum Was Right" Comedy and News "Mysterious Island" Jfaf' 'flnee calls Jt one of tb~ best fn 1929 THE RIDGEVIEW Apartment Hotel Main Street and IJ.1 aple A venue Evanston Offers for ltnmediate Occupancy 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS of undeniable charm Community House offers a clever comedy Tuesday, January 28, in "Bar.num \Vas Right." Glenn Tryon rl.nd "Rio Rita," probably one of the finMerna Kenned.y feature in this plot of est of the recent flood of musicala "sucker's" love of getting something talkies. comes to the Varsity theater for nothing. Tryon certainly gets· ttext ·Monday Tuseday and Wednes"something"-and gets it in a most day. The picture features Bebe Danunexpected manner. iels in the title role wtih John Boles, Another "four star" picture comes to a delightful tenor, opposite. The theme Commun~ty House this week, bearing song, "Rio Rita," which Be be and John the title "The Mysterious Island." Mae sing together~ has caused considerTinee, in adjudging this one of the best able comment among theater goers. pic~ures of 1~29, says: "'The MysBert vVheeler and Robert \Voolsey ter.wus J..;land . was found to be a I play the ~omedy roles they created in umque,. beautifully colored. screen the original Ziegfeld stage production adaptat1<?n of the story by Jules Verne and Doro~hy Lee, whose piquant "ba bv · · · Jt 1S a well thought OUt and CUll- talk" sin!Ying was responsible for t!ingly. executed pie.ce of "~ork. th~t large me;~ure of the success of "Synoo.v~ta.tl s the fantastt~ an.d sc1enttfi~ 1n copation," aids them in their antics . ongmal and fascmatmg fashllm. H 1 · · t · 1 Don former . . . LJ.onel Bar ry mo re as tl 1e s cten .ts "F . Alvarado, , . 1 G e en Katser, R 11 is the dominant figure . . . The work. o tes gt.r' eorges enevant .:tnd shop, ship and undersea scenes could N1~k de Rmz, first tenor of the Metroonly have been staged by a mast,~r." polttan Opera company are others in The Saturday matinee is at 2 :30, only. the cast of four hundred. Other performances folio'" the rcgt1iar TRAVELING ABROAD schedule. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Erwin · Koegel, Mr. and Mrs . Edward 11allers 506 716 Ninth street, who left on J anuShe~idan road, Kenilworth are giving ary 4, for a six weeks' business and a d111ner party at their home on Fri- . pleasure trip to Europe, have visited day evening. The party is a house Paris, Rome, and this week have been \':arming in the new home into wh!ch in Athens, Greece. They are expected they have mond just recently. home about the middle of Februarv. --oMrs. Koegel's mother, Mrs. Eugctie One year old Donald Edward Roe- Fisher of Boonville, Ind., has been mer was honored at a birthday party keeping house for the children during given by his mother, Mrs. George J. their parents' absence. Roemer, 2600 Glenview road, last SatMrs. C. D. \rVorthington, 1016 Forest urday afternoon for ten of her son') avenu~, Glencoe, is leaving the latter lit tie friends. part of thi s month for California where -oMrs. Paul \Vitlett, 319 ·Richmond she will pass the winter months and :oad., Kenilworth, who has been quite eventually make her home. She has 1!1 for the past two weeks, is recover- sold her house to the Paul A. Jenkins family oi Evanston. Mrs. \Vorthingiug satisfactorily at her home. ton's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. -0M.r. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 Mel- and . Mrs. Alfredo Mazzarella (Mary rose avenue, Kenilworth, entertained \Vorthin~ton) are to take an apart their evening bridge at their home iast ment in Evanston about February 1. Monday evening. --oMr. and Mrs. \Vendelin P. Seng and -a-John G. Munro returned to his home their daug-hters. Edna, \Vinifred, and at 1119 Elmwood. avenue, the latter )J arilyn, of 401 Lake avenue, \Vil part of last week from a ten da vs' tnette arf! spending the winter months business trip in New York. at their home at Leesberg, Fla. They expect to return to \Vilmette about -0The Lake Shore Group of Alpha Chi the first of April at which time Miss Omega met for luncheon and bridge \ V ini fred Seng will make plans for her on Tuesday of this week at the home marriage to Oscar Joseph Hotlenb:1ch Miss Seng and Mr. oi Miss Theodora Mitchell, E,·anston. of Chicago. Hollenbach will be married in June. -a-The St. Joseph's church Ladies' Aid -oM iss Helen Taylor, daughter of Mrs. socie.ty will give a card party tonight at St. Joseph's school building at 8 \Villia.m Taylor of 310 Cum nor ro?.f., o 'clock. Kenilworth, who has been a patient at the Hinsdale sanitarium for some time, is expected to return to her hom ~ in ~enilworth some time in the early spnng. · "R·o W·th , R·ta," , , Bebe Daniels, at V arstty · M OnJ ay a -o· · · · · ... I Rentals ... commensurate with this fine address and excellent location. Thomas E. Sullivan, Jr., 33G Gregory avenuc,1 will be host at dinner tomorrow evening at Shawnee Country club for twenty guests. Mrs. Jules Petersen, 222 Cumberland road, Kenilworth, will entertain her bridge club on Friday of this week. -o- ARE YOU READY -oMr. and Mrs. Ira C. Darling, .256 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, have gone to New York for a few days. Plan to Have Dinner at The Ridgeview Our famous $1 Table d'Hote Dinner served daily in our Main Dining Room from 5:30 to 8 P.M. Sunday Dinner, $1.35. Ridgeview Coffee Shop Ope, 7 A.M. 'til Mid11ite -with plans for improvements (interior and exterior) to your property tarly this Spring? ~~It Pays to Modernize"' This Bureau (not for proftt) will gladly help you. FIRST MORTGAGES SINCE 1889 North Shore Modernizing Bureau Aftlliated with the Home ModernIzing Bureau of the Nat'l Building Industries, Inc. 708 Church Street, Room 250 EVAISTOI BO~ [I ~MORTGA~ Eatablished 1889 PHONE UNIVERSITY 10000 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS University 0991 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600

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