Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 11

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January 31, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 11 Mrs. H. 0. Crews, 1506 Forest avenue, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Niles of St. Louis, Mo., last week. She also ,-isited friends in Springfield, time at the clubJ and the next season Announce Winners begins the first week in February. of Women's Shawnee Bowling Tournament Judge Robert S. Marx to Mrs. Wallace L. Miller and Mrs. J. R. Ludwig won high scores for the season in the \Vom en's Bowling tournam~nt at Shawnee club/ the finals of ~vhtch ~vere played l ~st fuesday mornmg. Each turned 111 a sctHt' of 19-L ).{ rs. \\'. A. Kendrick won :-~cond prize when she bowled 18·t ~1rs . \\'ilfred DeBerard won third place ,,·ith a score ?f 181, and ~Irs . Charles A. Bart o n, tourth place with her score oi 178. The four highest teams . were ~~ rs. G. R. Garretson's, ).{r s. \\'alter Far rar's, ).Irs. Albert Stewart's, and ~[rs. Charles Barton's, all the team s runni11g close, and the fir : ; t one winning hY three point:-. ~Ir s. \Vallac e ~lill e t'-s team won the attendance priz e and ~lrs. ~file s ~IcDonald' s team \ron the prize i n r bowling the large:; t number of games in any one day . ~lr:;: Jesse Snyder and ~irs. ]. R. LuchYig had iligh net totals for th e ~easun. ~f rs. Theodore C. Kniep \\·on a prize fnr her score of 12, the lowc -.. t one oi the season. Be Congregation Speaker Judge Robert S. ).1arx of Cincinnati will occu py the pulpit of Rabbi Kopalcl. Sunday morning, February 2, at ~ l o clock a~ ~orth Shore Congregat10n Israel, Lmcoln and Vernon avenues, Glencoe. Judge Marx who is chairman of the \\'orld Court' committee of Cincinnati and who has done a great deal of speaking throughout the countr:-.· on the subject of the entrance of the C nited States int o t he \\"orld Court, \Yill speak on the -,nbject "\Yorlcl Order n r \Vorld Anarc~w - \Vhich ?" He is founder and fir st president of the Di sab led \"cteran s of the \\'orld \\ar and identified with the ci ,·ic anrl educational life nf Cincinnati in a yery great degree. --------~Ir. and ~fr . Freel Bulle,-. :ao Sheridan r oad, K eni lw orth left Thursdcty of this week for ~[iami, Fla., for a month's sta\·. ~[ r. and ~~ r . Allen Bu tley of Evat;ston will occ up_v their ho me in Kenilworth during their absence and be with ~{is s Bernice Bulle,·. ~I r. and ~Irs. Butley \Yilt join friends from Toronto, Canada in ~[iami ior their stay. Robert Harper is spending several days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ] . R. Harper, 719 Park avenue, during the mid-semes ter examinations at the U niversity of Illinois. Ill. * Phone. Do not hestitate. At Millen's store no sale is complete until the customer is satisfied. Long years ago we discovered that from the CUI· tomer's viewpoint late deliveries were inexcusable. Millen mer.chandise is delivered promptly and as promised. 9 A. ::u. Deliveries leave our store at 11 A. M. 2 P. ~1. 4 P. M. MILLEN BARDWARE CO. 1219 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 3060 o n 0 n I ue sday m orning the ten highest scorers, diYided int ll t\\·o teams, played a match game. These scor ers were ).Irs. ~liller. ~Irs . Ludwi g. ~Irs. Kendrick, ~Irs. De Berard, ~1 r s. Barton, ~~ rs. SnYder, ~f r s. Farrar. ~1 rs. HarrY Richter, · ~Irs. \\'hiting-. and ~Ir s . ~[c D ona ld . Th e team cumpo:-ed uf ~Irs. ~fill e r. ).[r s. \\'hitin g, ~Ir s . Barton, ~~ rs. Kendrick, and ~f r.~. ~f cDonald won th e mat ch game. Luncheon on Tu.c:;da \. was fnllowed ln- cards. · There ha,·e been about fi il\·- six women out for bO\ding during the pa . t seaso n, which pro,·es the popularit~· of that s port at Shawnee. TuesdaY and Thursday morn ing s 1s howlin~ n JOHN WEILAND Florist Wilmette Store: 1161 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2128 .\[r. a1hl : M r s. Edward. F. Hamm. tormerly oi 517 Sheridan road, Kenilworth muYed into their delightful new home located at 123 :M elrose avenue, :Kenilworth on Thur day of this week. YOUR TELEGRAPH FLORIST VALENTINE DAY St(IValentine's SPECIAL Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. .Eugene, Realistic and Keen Waves -the perfect time for a party! Whether you plan to give a children's party, a bridge luncheon for the grown-ups or go to somebody else' s party-a trip to our store will end your party perplexities. Here you will find everything necessary for a gay and colorful party-invitations, place cards, tallies, favors, decorations, prizes and ·valentines galore. Come while your choice Js unlimited. $5.50 MG~~~a!ft~;k We give the genuine Eugene and Realistic waves. (Insist on these names on every wrapper.) Haircutting by John Goldring 75c Evanston Beauty Shop 615 DAVIS STREET University 0967 3rd Floor Above Lyon & Healy's An appointment within the next three days gives you the privilege of havinu a permanent wave at any time you wish d'J.rinu the month of February at this January price. ' ~ the new Frigidaire models at our store. Wilntette Stationery and Gift Shop 1 : 55 Y. i:mette Ave. \\- il. 3051 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILUNOIS JOSEPH W. KEIIOE, lla.nager 11-ll Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 1899

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