Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 35

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January 31, 1930 : WILMETTE LIFE 35 Christian Science Churches Nygaard Purchases Yacht; Plans Lake Cruise With 6 Boys "THE MASTER OF HILARITY" E. L. Nygaard of Wilmette, superin"Truth" was the subject of the les· 1en dent of the Joseph Sears school in s,OI_t-se:mon i1! all Churches of Christ,, l·~enilworth, has purchased a thirty foot ~c 1 ent1st, on Sunday, January 26. , cruiser and · 1 · · h k ; " 1s p anmng an etg t wee s The golden text was, The Tr~th of summer cruise on Lak M' 1 · · the Lord endureth forever. Pratse yc . . . e .. tc Hgall t 1 us the Lord" (Psalms 117 :2). ) ear. He Will b accomp<mied. by :1is Among the citations which com- son, Dorrance, who is a jun:or at New prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- Trier High school, and several other lowing from the Bible: "For the word l~oys. The cruise will be of an educaof God is quick, and powerful, and t1onal as well as a recreational nature. shar1Jer than any twoedged sword, Mr · Nvg ' · · _ a a "d p.ans to c1rcum'navJO'ate piercing cven to the dividing asunder T.ake Michigan,· stopping at lake p~rts of soul and spirit, and of the joints and 'o observe the industries in the various marrow, and is a discerner of the t· wns and cities. The cruise will also thoughts and intents of the heart" t:tke .the Nygaard party up the Fox (Hebrews -t :12). ~:ver In \Visconsin ~o Lake \Vinnebago, The le son-sermon also included the r· nd several other mland trips will be following passages from the Christian tl'acl.e. Science textbook. "Science and Health The cruiser \Yhich 1Ir. Nygaard has with Key to the Scriptures," by ~f ary purchased has accomodations for six Baker Eddy: "Truth shou ld, and docs, bo):s Lesides ~Ir. ~ygaarcl and his son. drive error out of all selfhood. Truth I! · IS planned to start the cruise soon is a twoedgcd sv.;ord, guarding and ;·fter the north shore schools close for · guiding . . . Radiant \vith mercy ancl the . stun~er. Tents and camping equipjustice, the sword of Truth gleams afar ment wdl be taken along to be used. and indicates th~ in ftnite distance be- '·.-hen . members of the party do not 1 DON.DIXON Clean Dry Storage for Household Goods and Automobiles Phone University 9300 IRED ALE Fireproof W arehousea STORAGE Phone Wilmette 1332 We Rent All Kinds of Chairs and T.tbles for Banquets and Card Parties Moth Extermination t\veen Truth a11cl erroG tl1c material and spiritual,-the unreal and the real" (p. 538). hetu~cn ~~~~e~cp~l~n~t~h~e~l>~o~at~b~e~rt~h~s~.· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14 Seniors Complete Work at New Trier High School Fourteen seniors, ten boys and four girls, completed their work at :\L' \\. Trier 11igh school at the close nf the first semester this week. These Febru ary graduatt·s and the villages froin I which thn· come arc: ] ohn :\<lkins, Haleigh Rhkc, Lester Carlson, David Kaplan. Ri.chard :\iclwles, Fred H n~ - ' sell. Huth Lannen, Hannah Lindeman and Helen Stopka. all of \ \' ilmct t<:: ' ' Charles X elson and Ilarold H.unnfcldt. both of \\.innctka; Douglas \\·erd of Glencoe: ~r arjnry ~~ iclclendorf of Kenilworth. and Ralph Bates of Golf, Ill. I ~o micl-vcar graduation exercises are held at Xcw Trier. but the February ! graduates are invitt;d to participate in the ) une commencement cxcrci~es, and their names appear with those of the , June graduates on the commenc~.· meiJt programs. 1 1 we drive duJt and tlirl from your Drapes and Curtains Shawnee Bridge Tournament Arousing Unusual Interest The Bridge committee reports uninterest in the eight week p~o gressive bridge tournament being held c·n Thursday evenings at the Shawnee Country club. Last evening marked the fourth game ol the tournament with more than twenty tables. Merchandise certi fic::ttes. in the yalue of $50 will be divided after the conclusion of the tournatnent February 27. The first of nine r rizes is to be a $15 certificate. There are also four weekly prizes and last evening a special prize was awarded to the man and. wife having the largest c~mbined. score. The members of the Bridge comn-ittee arc Mr. and Mrs. Max Zabel, Mr. and Mrs. H. ]. Richter, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Kirtland. u~ual THE most critical requirements are satisfied . . . every evidence of dust and dirt is erased . . . all of the original beauty awakened-due to our expert knowledge of fabrics and the most up-to-date methods of Dry Cleaning. 1£rmtur Established 1921 WILMETTE Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 704 Phone Wilmette 74 8 1 150 I Qllraurrs~ ~ur. OTTO F. FISHER, President GLENCOE GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY Sam Wilson, 551 Linden avenue, Kenilworth was given a surprise p~rty by the Forty club Saturday evenmg, ] anuary 25, on the occasion of his birthday. Among the forty five-guests ·who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lewis of Lake Bluff, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Keel of Deere Park, Mr. and. Mrs. Lew Davis and their son, Victor, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Skelton of Evanston. Other guests came from Glencoe, Kenilworth, and \Vilmette. WINNETKA 578 Lincoln Avenue Phone Winnetka 638 M1.'mbers National Asso- .; ciation of Dyers and Cleaners I' Memb~rs Master Cleaners and Dyers Association of the North Shore 66g Vernon Avenu~ Phone Glencoe 865 WAUKEGAN I o 7 S. Genesee Street I Phone Majestic The first dry cleaning plant with the chain store system 6 75 Main Office ~ Plant-WAUKEGAN ~WEBSTER AVES., HIGHWOOD, ILL. Phone Highland Park 3 710 Please call the branch in your community and our courteous service man will call.

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