january 31, 1930 42 WI L M E.T T E i.. IF E News of the North Shore Clubs To Import Patio Women on Juries Is I G d en f S Question Discussed To Give Lectures ----------------------------~ Wilmette Women Voters Hear of Woman's Le~al Status: Jury Service: Textile Laboratory Kenilworth Home and Garden club ,\'ill hold a regular meeting Monday afternoon, February 3, at 2:30 o'clock, c..t the h!:>me of Mrs. Robert McNeil Burns, 614 Essex road, Kenilworth. At that time Harrison Becker, mr~.n c.ger of the Field Picture galleries, y~· ill address the members of the club on "How to Choose Your Pictures ." 1\lr. Becker i::; well known to residents of the north shore through his long as~o ciation with the Field galleries and his subject is chosen to · give help in the selection of pictures appropriate ior their settings. · Each member of the club may have the privilege of inviting a guest for this ocacsion. Home and Garden Club · H~s Meeting on Feb. 3 3f Of hOW Central States ·Flower Show to Have Unique Features; Clubs of G. C. of I. to Compete ~[ore than eighty garden clubs m the federation of the Garden Club of The leg-al status of women. the Ilinois, headed by Mrs. Frederick women on juries question, and ~he Fisher, president, are now busilv dework t1f textile laboratories a11 were veloping plans for their exhibit:; ~t the given _their share of comment and exforthcoming Central States Garden and planatiOn hy. the speakers last M ondav Flower show, April 5 t_o 13. c-.n the program of the Wilmeo:te In the Garden clubs' competitions Lea~ue of Women Voters. Mrs . T.~d mon~ Simonds, a league member, M tss there are many interesting, unique ed M a!1lda Fen berg. Mrs. C. P. Fowler, ucational features, including an entire cha1nnan for the Illinois League of series of model gardens. The import \\romen Voters of the department of ance of the Chicago territory as a the legal status of women and Miss flower buying market is strikingly D. B. E. Regent Elizabeth \Vylic gave the program of realized through the elaborate particiMiss Jean Munro, 1119 Elmwood av- pation of all the important growing talks. which. with the luncheon the enue, Wilmette was reelected regent of centers in the United States. Among singing b:,r Mrs . F. \V. Fuerman~. and the Cambridge chapter of the Daug;l- the outstanding attractions, located in league a11t10Uncements. comprised the ters of the British Empire, at a meet- the arena section of the huge stadium , January meeting- of the \Vihnette ing last Friday afternoon, at the home there will be an actual Patio garden league which was held. in the rooms of of Mrs. ~1. G. Finlayson, 731 Laurel brought in its entirety from California the \Vilmette Baptist church. ayenue. Other ofticers elected were to Chicago for this event. This garden Bowls of calendulas and white tul!ps 1frs. George A. Thursby. Yice-rcgent: will be an exact replica of the type knt a bright. springlike touch to the Mrs. Thomas H. \\'est, treasurer; ~f rs. found in and about San Francisco. tables. where. after luncheon was J. \V. \\'eldon, corresponding secre- :\lemeda, and San Leandro countie s se.rved, the many in attendance listened tary; and Mrs . G. B. ~fcKenzie of of California, and the preparation fur wtth delight to Mrs. Fuermann and her Evanston, recording sec retary. All the this exhibit is now in progress. a·.:companist, Mrs. Guthridge. officers but .Mrs. :McKe.nzie were reThe beauty, warmth. sympathy. anll Charle s G. Davis, of the California the depth of feeling of an artist are elected. Flower festiyal, who will sponsor thi s i'l the rich, beautifully cultivated somagnificent display, states this will he Marguerite Calkins Taylor of Wilprano voice of Mrs. Fuermann whose the most comprehensive exhibit of ib mette is to give a series of Friday On Garden Club Program graciousness of manner charmed ~~r kind ever presented to the public view morning talks at 10 :30 o'clock at the Mrs. ]. P. Young, 1030 Ashland avhearers when she sang "Light" by Stevenson; "My Lover He Comes on First Congregational church, ut;der the enue, will be hostess on Fridav after- and will be a typical representation of the Ski" by the Norwegian composer auspices of the .Korth End circle of noon, February 7, to the \Vilmett l.! California as a land of sunshine and H. Clough-Leighter and "Lm·e Is th~ the church. The lectures \\·ill be on Garden club. There will be an i1lus- tlowcrs. The Patio will be a direct reinterior decoration and \\'ill com- trated lecture on the subject of "e,·er- production with pleasing architectural Wind" by Mitchell.' Plence February 7. greens" by Ralph Carpenter and Miss effect, of a garden in San Franci sco Mrs. Edmond Simonds in a brief Anne Whitmack. librarian at the O\'erlooking the Golden Gate, and the clever way, told of her research amon~ \Viln~ette Public library, will gin~ colorful background of its wa1~m sunny statutes to find e~actly what the le~al Mrs. W. G. Morgan Is a bnef talk on "The Garden of the colored stucco walls surrounded bv an status of women IS and how it differs of vivid semi-tropical plant s Elected Forty Club Head Librarian." There will also be a selc.:- ensemble in . a major way, from that of men. tion of seeds to be planted by the clu ll and flowers will give this setting its '"'tth the exception of industrial reo·uThe Forty club held its annual elcccharm. The object and purpose is to lations, she discovered in IHinois that ~ion Saturday e\'ening-, January 2j, at me.mbers. show the great part California plaYs legally women differ in four wavs from Its headquarters, 934 Spanish court. in the horticultural field. Several c~;r men: Women cannot shoulder arms in The following officers were re -e lectecl · Sew for St. Mary's Today loacls of plants and flowers and mate war; they cannot he street cleaners· J~vangie I~ee . 1\f organ. president; Se\\'ing- at the Woman's club of \\"il- rial ·will be brought here and in addithey cannot be miners, and they can~ l:.lmer Lundm, VICe-president· \Villiam mc.ttc today under the auspices of its ti~n, a daily supply of' fresi1 blooms not sene on juries. Mrs. Simonds T . Jones. secretary-treasurer; , and pointed out that it is only in the fourth Myrtle May Hopkins, corresponding I' lulanthropy d.epartment will benefit w!ll l~e hrought hy airplane for dis~t. ~ary's home. Mrs. Albert H. t:n- tnbutwn to the public. mstance, that of jury service. t:1at ~rcr.etary. The meeting \\'as followed by nch 1s chairman of the work for the In addition to this exhibit there will women arc seeking to change their a btrthday party at the home of Sam day, assisted by Mrs. Robert Studb~ many other types of gardens on legal status, in order that they may \\Tilson in Kenilworth. dar~, Mrs. John B. Boddie, Mrs. A. E. dtsplay at the show, including unusual cooperate more effectively in politics. The next meeting, Fehruan 8 will Miss Fenberg spoke in the absence he. vi~itors' night and stud in - c\·~nino·. L.ogtc, a!1d Mrs. Henry S. ~~riswold. rock, water, formal and informal garof M.is~ H~len Cerise on "The Jury," Pamtmg;; by \Villiam '1'. I ones =-il~~l ~.-1 rs. Huoert Carleton ts chamnan of dens. These gardens will be reprot~e lun~heon which will be served at duced by leaders in their line. Amt.:r<;xplauung 1ts composition, how jurors C· ~hers will be on exhibition,· as .well as 1.. :30 o clock. All women of the vi l- ica's leading bulb specialists, v.-ho are a~e selected, how it functions, and rhe pteces of valuable antiques, bric-a-brac, la ge are invited to attend the sewing. the most exclusive in their line will 91~erence between the petit and grand and needlework. bring to Chicago a complete ~pring Junes. She told of the two law s algarden which will include their rarest ready on the statutes exempting Valentine Party for Club women with small children or the care On Council Program The next meeting of the Y outv.,. and choicest blooms. Other exhibits in nf h~validc;; or aged persons from jury !he Friends in Council of Evanston Mothers' club of Wilmette will be held the gar~en section w~ll be made by ~ervace ·. and t~e law permitting the ~· til have a poetry-musicale Frid::ty, out~tan4mg growers m the Chicago ~onday evening, February 3, at 8 separation of JUrors, thus eliminating ~.ebruary 14, at 2 o'c lock, at the Orterntory, and other leading centers of o clock a~ the home of Mrs. William two of the main objections to women rmgton hotel. A report of the most flower culture. S. Hedges, 1768 Washington avenue. suving on juries, and pointed out that r~cent Tenth district meeting will be A veritable mass garden effect will !he meeting wilt be. a Valentine party only the law itself ptrmitting women g 1ven under the arrangement of Mrs. be obtained throughout the center of tor members and bndge and bunco will tv .serve on · juries is to be passed. L~urenc~ Bean. Mrs. ]. A. Plimpton the vast arena by · the display of rare Th1s refere 1dum is to be voted uDon \·:til ~).c the. reader an.d .Miss Gladys be played. Mrs. E. 0. Anderson and and unusually fine. specimens of plants ~~rs. E. ]. Lipsch will serve as asby the pLople November 4. 'i'he Bazaz1an \nll be the ptamst. and flowers especaally grown for this st~tant hostesses. speaker, i.he first woman to matriculate event by commercial and private growfrom the law school of Yale universitv ers. The philanthropy department of the v;ho ~~s p~actice~ law in Ohio, and ·i~ Club Juniors to Meet John A. Servas, managing director \~oman's Catholic club of Wilmette pract1cmg m Chacago and tries cases The Juni~r membership of the Wom- v.all.spend all day Monday, February 3, of the Central States Garden and for the city, at first was opposed to an s Catholtc club of Wilmette meets Flower show, states that this will be women serving on juries and later was ~~~nday. afternoon, February 3, with ~ewm~ fo~ t.he. charitable organizations ~:>ne of the greatest horticultural events converted. to the affirmative viewpoint. :Mass Ohve Oelerich, 1201 Greenwood m wh1ch It ts mterested~ Mrs. George m tpe country and will prove to be one ~rs. Fowler, a guest Monday, gave a~·enu~. The girls of the auxiliary are Ludwig, who will be the hostess at of rea~ civic importance, owing to its an ampromptu talk of her own experi- dtrectmg all of their philanthropic her h?me, 2758 Broadway, Evanston, educational value and resultant good ts desarous of a large attendance. ences when she served on a jury in energy toward the Cradle in Evanston. to the community. the east and explained her own attitude in its favor. The North Shore group of Women Miss .\\'ylie. in a clearly outlined talk ?f the microscopic, physical, and chem- cf Rotary will meet Wednesday, F~b .The Royal Neighbors of Winnetka ?nd wa~h pictures passed about in Ka~ tests t;lade on fabrics to test their r~ary 5, for luncheon with Mrs. Frank wttl hold ~ card and bunco party Tuesallustratwn, told of the textile labor- sat1sfactonness. Seubold, 921 Sh~ridan road, Wilmette. day even.mg at 8 o'clock at Winnetka atory, its origin as a protection to the Mrs. Ira ~eynolds, president of the Co-hostesses wtll be Mrs. Clarence C.ommumty house. Prizes will be consumer as well as the merchant, and league, presaded at the meeting. Burpee apd Mrs. C. M. Burdette. gtVen and refre hments served. )