Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 49

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REAL ESTATE SECTION 1:1 ,- ntarY 31. 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 49 1Vilmette Building \1 I Glencoe Sets Rapid Record for January Attractive Commercial Block Pace With January ShowSUghtActivUy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Building Activities \Vilmette's building permit record ha s continued at a low ebb during the I t !~t month. The total valuation of I · ~ rnposed buildings for which pern,its I ~\ ere issued this month up to \Vednes-1 ( <: \·, J an'Jary 29, is estimated at only , ~1.~.215. The December total of $12,350 I ,,·as slightly below that figure. Only three permits were taken out during the entire month of January up tn \ Vednesday of this week. Two nt i t ll bC permits were for framt: garages · ~!nci the other was for a brick \·enler n·~ iclence. \ The brick yeneer residence, which is , < : , cost $12,500.00, will be erected at : 1128 Isabella street for the \Vclland · l~ eal Estate lnvestmen~ company of I L\anston. One of the trame garages, \\ hich is to cost $300.00, \\·ill be erected ' iur Leo 1[enghinelli at 19-l-l Elnnvood ~J Yenue, ar1d the uther. custing $415.00. r.:ill be built fur Helen L. ~~lrrington at 1629 Highland <n·enuc. \\'ith a total of $108,600 in building permits issued during th e past thirty days, Glencoe far out-distanced h~r neighboring north shore villages m the matter of January building activities. According to Building Inspector L. M. Helke many other improvements are contemplated in the very near future. He announces there are at least six more new residences to be started within the next few weeks. Three of the permits issued in January were for residences, representing a total cost of $57,000; four were for remodeling jobs amounting to $10,700 and two were for private garages costing $900. . In adition to the foregoing, th_ e Vernon Building corporation took out a permjt for the new public garage and fi lling station now being erected at 622 Vernon avenue at a cost of $30.000. It will have a twenty-car storage capa~ity. I 1 $30,000 Residence Leads Meager Winnetka Building Only three building permits were issued in \\.innetka during the past thirty clays, one oi t hcsc being for the new $30,000 residence which Village Trustee Ralph ~I. Snyder is erecting on \\'cstmoor trail. It is of bric~ and stone construction attd \Yilt cotnprisc The E . C. \ Vei sc nberg building, pictured above, is located at the northeast corner of Elm and Chestnut streets, \Vinnetka, fronting 100 feet on E lm street and showing the new addition to the building to the east, which coniorms in architectural design to the original building. It is one of the newer modern I husin~ · s blocks in the village. \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A permit was also issued the past month to J. Rosenberg, of 520 Greenleaf avenue, for a concrete and glass swimming tank and canopy, costing $10,000. Permits for three new residences were issued to Charles T. Barke r who is building a two-story brick veneer at 520 Sunset lane, costing $18,000: to Philip H. Schifflin, for a two-story brick veneer at 626 Greenleaf avenue, to cost $20,000 and to Peter McDonald for a two story brick veneer at 919 Elm Place, in Glencoe \Voocls subdivision, costing $19,000. eleven rooms. Another permit \Yas i~sued to ~lrs. l Bertha Turner for an addition to the business property at 5<>3-5 Lincoln a\'enue, costing $3,500, and one to ~1. J. \ Sulli\·an for a four-car garage at 8~2 1 Pine trcct, costing $800. The tutal improvcmcnb iur the month w ere only $34,300. 1 I~ Real Estate Service At the Helm Newest N. S. Concern, '---------.-------J ls"Manned" by Women Four young women, 11 iss Florence Cook, Miss Christine Baumann, ~Irs . Lom·ia S. Pittman, and ~[rs. Viola l{obertson SmithL all of whom ha,·e. been active in north shore real estate circles for the past tive years, haYCJ organized a linn t o be known as tlH· Real Estate Service ( tlOW being incorporated), speciali zing in the sale and rental uf north shore properties. ~[iss Florence Cook, associated with E. Smnner \\"alker for six years, has long been a re sident of \\.ilmette; 1Iiss Baumann, who is a graduate of Smith college and Korth Sho re Country Day school, and r ecent ly of Bills Realty, Inc., ~Irs. Pittman, recently manager of the Spanish court properties in .. Xo :Man's Land," and ~Irs. \"i ola Robertson Smith, for several years in the \Vinnetka office of Quinlan and Tyson, are long time residents of \\'inn etka. These energetic young women with years of real es tate experience sh ould prove a most progre ssive quartet in t he handling of north shor e propertie . Their office address is 553 Lincoln avenue, in the Ayres Baal building, located just north of Elm str eet in \\'inn etka. ororrett Photo) Mrs. Dorothy K. Ross Now in Her New Realty Office E. J. Johnson Joins With W. S. Barbee Realty Firm \Villiam S. Barhcl: has announced that E. I. J ohnsun, formerly sales m;!nager and dircctur ui the First Realty company, has joined. with him as a pdtner in his real estate business at the outhwest corner of Devon and \Vestcrn aYenues, Chicago. The firm name is Dar bee and Johnson, Realtors. ~Ir. J ohnso n, \\'ho has had eigh t een ytars' experience in Chicago real estate, \':ill specialize in the sale, management · and renting of real estate in the .r\orth-\ town district. 11r. J ohnson resides at SGl Laurel avenue, \\'ilmette, and is \\oell known in north shore real estate circles. Col. Albert E. Peirce Buys Longmeadow Estate Col. Albert E. Peirce of \Vinn etka recent ly purchased L o ngm eadow farm from C. Colton Daughaclay and has :mcceeded ~1r. Daughaday as master of the Longmeadow hunt . Col. Peirce proposes to develop the Longm eadow pack of fox hounds, not only for drag hunting in the fall near Winn~tka, but also for fox hunting in the wmter on his Virginia estate near Warrenton. 'rhe hounds and horses were shipped to Virginia on January 15 for the season there and will be returned to Winnetka a·bout May 1. The Longmeadow pack was established in 1923, a?d Mr. Daughaday has been master smce then. el~cted president of the ~orth Shore Real Es tate board, took fo;mal charge of th e orga ni za tion at tts January meeting in the Green Tea Pot. Inn at Highland Park. Among other Important matters before the board t_hl~ sea~ on is the proposition of asststmg m the solution of the present tax muddl~, and President Woodcock ~tarted h~s term by directing a di scus:.tOn of thts vital subject. -\nd rew J. \\. uodcoc k, recently Suggest Convention Hall Be Erected in Grant Park ~1rs. D orothy K. Ross last Tuesday Ojjened her new real estate office at 663 Vernnn an·nue, in th e n ew Cooper building. Glencoe. and that eveni ng the Threshol rl PlaHrs of which Mrs. Ross is a member. i1elcl their monthly me~t iag there. In addition to concluctiPg a general real estate business, such as se lling and rt>ntin~ north shore properties fr0m Kenilworth to Lake Forest as ""ell as acreage :r: this area, ~Irs. Ross announces that she wi ll co nduct a travel burea u. rlanning t ours for those wis h lllg to travel both in this country and ~~broad, and booking passage for foreig-n trips. ~Irs. Res-> c;;pcnt three months last \ear abroad. traveling e:-:tens ively, and (turing which she made a special study cf conditions for this purpose and also dt!votecl much ·attention to architectural matters. She has had five ye ars <:xperience in the real estate bu s in ~ss till the north shor e. ~irs. Ro. s has featured a new de~~~rture in the matter of furni-shing !ler n:::w office. She has alwavs in sist ed that a real e tate office should. have more of a home atmosphere than is tqund in th e average place of bus iness. That the proposed new convention ft is a ph.ce where people call to conhall for Chicago be constructed in ter relat ive to the purchase of h om es, Grant Park is the suggestion of the and it is into a decidedly h o mey place ~fichigan Avenue a ssoc iation. The one find s him se lf when he enters ~frs. She has utilized her exact location sugge sted is a poi11t Ross' oflice. southeast of the Field Muse um anu ~p lend.id t·o llertio n of anique furniture the stadium. It has been said that from her ow n li\'ing room, with wh:ch at present the city has not adequate to furnish the office, including the oldaccommodations for entertaining th e (ashioneu rag ru g . Mrs. Ro ss is exclusi\'e rental agent national conventions of the Republican for the new Coope r building. :.tnd Democratic parties.

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