so WILMETTE I ~ew __________ LIFE January 31. 1930 on Elm Street. Winnetka __. I CAliss Cornelison, Inc. The Vecoration of Houses 6 3 cast 'Division Street Chicago. Illinois I 0 . The new Ayres Boat building, 721-23-25 Elm street, at Arbor Vitae road, Winnetka. The first floor is occupied by the Korth Shore Gas company and the real estate offices of Smith and Goss, Inc. The second floor is occupied by offices of p11ysicians and surgeons. There are five apartments on th~ third floor. cr elephone Superior 78 E. E. Stults Negotiates Edward A. Jones Sells Important Chicago Deal Hubbard Woods Business Sherwood D. Steele recently sold to Nils Swanson. the :\ddcliff; Apartments located at 1248-52 :\ddi~on street, Chicago. on a lot 54 by 125 feet containing sixteen apartments and two shops, subject to an encumbrance of $67,500 for an undiscln~ed co11 ·idcrati on. ~lr. Swanson gan.· in exchange three piects of vaca11t aggregating 90 by 125 feet in Lincoln avttllH', Gardens Addition to Rogers Park. E. E. Stults Realty company. represented all parties to the transaction and will manage the Acldcliffe Apartments. Edward A. Jones, \vho a year ago l<'.s t May opened .. he automobile service and filling station at Scott !ind Linden avenues, Hubbard Woods !1as ~old his business to Clarence J. Ta~· lor d Hubbard \Voods and will locate in the south. Posses:"ion \\·ill be given February 1. soon after which ~fr. Jones and his family, .::~1mprising his wife and son Edward Hanville, residing at 840 Foxd;Je avenue. will leave for Charleston, ~. C., where Mr. Jones goes to investigate an opportunity which has been offered him to engage in the hotel business tn that city. EVANSTON TO HIGHLAND PARK ~ KEEPING ·FAITH ..:f.. l, E LEASE STORE SPACES W. H. Claris, manager of the Linden ~lanor building in Huhhard \\'oods, reports that he has made a lea~e l)f ~he ·two corner stores at 976-78 Linden avenue. to Arthut \\'. Person of the Hudson- Essex ~~ ott>r company. to be used as a salesroom, and expects that the concern will take posst·ssion on or about February 15. ., MOVE HEADQUARTERS Headquarters of the fllinois As-;llciation of Real Estat'e boards, formerly located :1 t 35 North Dearborn street, have heen moved to the new Steu:Jen at the nnrtheast corner of and \\'ells streets. It occupies suitl' 1322-24. . I As a client of Hokanson and Jenks in a realty transaction, your best interests are always placed foremost in shaping our course of action and directing our efforts. We strive to keep your con- t .· EI E · E New Apartments 3-4 ROOMS ~idence by keeping faith with your confidence. · Now Renting-$75 to $85 Also Attractive Office Space REASONABLE RENTALS in the I -4~ BOAL BUILDING - WINNETKA SEE AGENTS ~ 513 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON WILMETIE (Opp. Teatro del Lc!go) · H0Liycourt1617 GREenleal1617 Wilmette2920 / J ·--· 930 SPANISH COURT s~!!~w1!2~ s 725 ELM ST. E.SAWYER~ROBERT E. WINNETKA PHONE 142