January 31, 1930 W I L ME T T E .Mr. a~d Mrs. Albert vV. Dillings, \Ai!th the1r two children and nurse 545 Issex road, Kcnil\\'orth hav e just returned from a two mo nth s' automobile trip to ~<tlifornia. The return trip was made w1th g reat difficult\· on account d snow, and finalh·. in ()klahoma all hig~ways being snowbound, they left the1r car and returned on the train. LI F E 55 SHORTAGE OF NEW HOMES INDICATED FROM SURVEY North Shore Real Estate Board Findings Show Slackening of Home Construction RETURN FROM WEST SHAKESPEARE would turn over in his grave and laugh with -.1 1\)rtagt· of desirable new homes on ~l w uorth shore. The builders have h e ~itated to build many homes during the past year, mainly because of the ttiJ !'atisfactory COndition of the money 111 ~ 1 rket. ~f uch has been said ahout the poor real estate market of the pa.;t twn years. Thi s ha s been particularly noticeable in the sa le of o ld h (l lJ~(' :-i · . By L. T. Dodds Mrs. Carbon P. Dubb s, 1004 ~fi c hi Bef t"'rc ~1 ay 1, 1930, there will he a g-an avenue, is ka\·ing tomorrow with her tw ~ .c hildr en, Carbon an.d. Detty, for a VI Sit of several \\'eeks \\'ith her mother, ~h s. Sarah Chatle)·, in St. Peter sb urg, Fla. DON DIXON AnnOuncing AUTOMATIC The buvcr of homes toda v demand s thL· latest. in construction an-d conn~ni ('IICC and is more particular as to location. ~fc.mhcrs of the ~orth · Shore l~eal Estate board have recently made a sun·ev of the district including \Vilmette. i'enilwPrth 1 \\ 'i nn etka, Glencoe and Highland Park, and find 145 new lwmcs a,·ailable for purchase at the prc~tnt time . . \t the present ratt· uf sales of high cla:-s new ho uses, there will snc.m· he a :-.lwrtage and the purcha se r will han~ tn he content to take sl'cond choice. This \\'ill include th e older h ouses wnicli may be a better buy, du e to the po~ s ibility of purchase at not much above orcsent land Yalul':>. Some o1 the · mjl built old h o u ses in the finest locations l ~ nd thL"msciYes t o remodeling \\'ith excellent re sult s. lf You have to haY e a new house. You ~Yill find it mu c h to Your ach·antage to shop early for your choice will he exceedi ngly limited later o n. OIL-BURNING WATER HEATERS for HOMES and APARTMENTS All requirements for reliability, operating simplicity, and continued safety in a hot water supply are met by Piatt Oil-Burning Water Heaters. Piatt thermostatic control not only provides safety acceptable to Underwriters' Laboratories, but also makes for great operating economy. Piatt control makes it most nearly attentionless-and entirely auton1atic. Piatt construction is as nearly indestructible as experienced engineering and vast manufacturing facilities can produce. 1 CENT for ~ach 10 gallons of hot water, which means Yz to % saving over gas. Wieboldt-Rosenberg to Take More Floor Space I The \Vicboldt-Rose nberg store which i~ now occupying the entire third f\10r and mu ch of the second floor of the ~fann buildin g- which adjoins the \\'ieholdt building in Evanston expects to take over by May 1 the space on rhe ftrst floor now occupied b,· a men's and a women's clothing shoi). According to Ira Rosenberg. Yicc president of Wieboldt's, there are o ther expa nsion plans under wav for some of the Present dclnrtme~1ts of th e store. These will be perfected and announced soon for they will probably be put into effect sometime in :March. . The S. Ro senbaum company will contm_ue to occupy the space it now has, usmg- all the building not taken over hy Wieboldt's. The Rosenbaum compa ny will retain the first floor space t.l1a t it has occupied for several years as well as space in the basement and the east half of the second floor which a. recent expansion program made nec~ssa ry for its growing furniture 1Jusmess. ).fiss Eleanor Grisamore, 411 Lake ;n.enue, was hostess to a · group of tnends at dinner and dancing at Shawlite Country club last Saturday. ~1rs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth left last week for Rochester, N. Y., where she was called because of the illness of her mother. Burn Oil Save Toil -o- Listed as Standard by Underwriters' Laboratories. SEE DEMONSTRATION at 1620 Sherman A venue Evanston 900 Linden Avenue. Hubbard Woods ~Irs. Alonzo ]. Coburn, 915 Linden ;t\:enue, spent several cl.ays this week w1th. her father, Rev. H. A. Miner of Mad1son, Wis. -o- DISTRIBUTORS -oMrs. Arthur Adair of 320 Melro3e a"cnue, Kenilworth is entertaining her af~ernoon club at luncheon and bridge tl11s "'eek. --oMr. and ~Irs. Merritt H. Dement, 337 Abbottsford road Kenilworth are leavin~ on Sunday fo; Hollywood, Fla., for about a month's visit. SILENT AuToMATIC oF EvANSTON 1620 SHERMAN AVENUE M aftufactured by MOTOR WHEEL CORPORATION Heater Divisi'>n LANSING, MICH. GREENLEAF 0700 WINNETKA 650