Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 56

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56 WILMETTE ties. It also enhances the convenience of North Shore line service for resi .. :dents of Milwaukee, Racine, Kenos~a. \Vaukegan and other communities to the north in journeying to and from Chicago. .. The rapid. growth of the area ldjoining the H ward street station and the incrt!ase in traffic at this point made this improvement essential," said Mr. Blackhall. "The only station facilities afforded our customers at this point heretofore were those of the Rapid Transit lines. The new stat:on not only accommodates those residing between Howard street and Wilson e1venue in Chicago, but it also adds to LIF~ Janu~ry 31. 1930 New Howard Street Station Opened to Public S~turday The new Howard street station of the Chic3go, North Shore and Mil"aukee 1ailroad at the Chicago- Ev anston city limits will be formally 01'encd t o the public Satprday, Febru·~ry 1, it is announced hy ] ohn R . Blackhall, general manager of the railrf·ad . Compl e:ed at a cost of approximate~~ $100.000, this new station meets the ~rowing need of re sidents in the Howard strt' ct district, Rogers Park and t ~ orth shore for modern station facili- the comfort of those coming south from points on the Shore Line route to transfer to northbound trains operating over the Skokie Valley route." Final Waming-Get Those Village Vehicle Licenses A final warning to Wilmette auto mobile owners to buy 1930 village vehicle trtcrs was issued this week by Police Chief Henry Brautigam. February 15 i:1 the dead.tine, and after that d:tte t:ckets will be given ' to villagers v;ho have not obtained their 1930 vehicle licenses. The same warning goes for dog- OWJH:rs who have not procured 1930 dog licenses by Fe~ruary 15. The owners who fail to get licenses by that elate will be prosecuted. A boxing exhibition is to be l~eld. at the Shawnee club Tuesday evenmg, February 10, it was announced this week. Frank Fulton of 884 Hilt road. Win netka has returned after several weeks spent in Florida. He returned by way of New York where business kept him for several days. Mr. Fulton expect s to return to New York _ in a S~_?rt time. ...2, PLAN BOXING ·EXHIBIT -------------------------------------------~- HOSTESS AT BRIDGE P:ARTIES Mrs. \Villiam M. James, 208 Eighteenth street, was hostess to a group of friends at a bridge luncheon last week Wednesday in honor of Mrs . \Villiam Grover, who recently moved into her new home at 201 Eighteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. James will entertain at b~idge tomorrow evening for Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Burke (M:~.r garet Knight) of Evanston, who have rccentlv returned from their honcyr.Joon. ani who are to make their home in Wilmt:.tte. .Wilted vegetables become fresh · tn the Frigidaire HYDRATOR This new moist air compartment gives lettuce and celery that "fresh from the garden" taste. See it demonstrated at our showroom, Now! Now you can have tender celery that breaks with a s~ap. You can have lettuce that crackles with crispness. You can have better-flavored vegetables and salads than ever before. For every household Frigidaire is now equipped with the Hydrator-a marvelous new compartment that combines cold and moisture in a way that freshens vegetables and keeps them full-flavored until they come to your table. Come in and see a com· plete demonstration. MOTHER DIES Dr. H. G. \Valton -Ball. 1609 Central avenue, left last Tuesday for Canada on account of the death of his mother, Mrs. Anna Harris Ball, aged 82. Mrs. Ball is survived by two other sons, Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball of Toronto, Canada, and Ernest Harold. Ball of Port Hope. ENTERTAINS B. P. W. C. Miss Clara Harrison entertained the Rusiness and Professional \.Vomen's ch1b at its monthly social meeting Monday evening, January 27. Bunco, hearts, and bridge were the entertainment of t11e evening. Mrs. Harrison was assisted by Miss Myrtle Sorenson. CHILDREN'S DANCE TONIGHT A formal dance for the young peoole of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades will be held this evening at Shawnee Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Bentley G. McCloud, 338 Kenilworth avenue, have as their guests for the next few weeks, Mrs. McCloud's parents of Omaha, Neh . Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olmstead, their son and daughter-in-law in Milwaukee. ------- -oPhilip Hoffman of Wilmette is spending six weeks in Florida. He is accompanied. by his daughter, Mrs. Walter Dunning, wife of Dr. Walter A. Dunning of Wilmette, and Mrs. Dunning's small daughter, Georgia. -0- Mrs. Robert 0. Law of Kenilworth and her guest from Boston are le~v ing this week on a several weeks' trip tLrough the south. They will go to Texas, Cuba, and. several places and \\ill return to. Kenilworth by motor. -0- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis of 256 \Voodstock . avenue, Kenilworth lcit last Saturday for an extended trip to I Florida. Mr. Davis shipped his car to Jacksonville and will motor to Miami where they will he for some time. -o- FRIGIDAIRE STOVER CO. With the HYDRATOR M rs. Charles Ware and Mrs. Alfred McDougal, Sr., 325 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth are entertaining at a Thimble party this afternoon for Mrs. Robert Olmstead who is visiting Mrs. Bentley McCloud. -oRalph Wheelock, 132 Oxford road, Kenilworth is home from the University of Illinois for a few days between semesters. He will return for registra· tion on Monday. Michigan An. at Randolph St., (til N. Michigan Ave.) Randolph 4980 ETanston · · l$31 Sherman Ave. Hubbard Woods · 890 Linden Ave. Greenleaf USO Winnetka lil! Public Service Company Highland Park · 181 Central ATe. Of Northt~rn Illinois Hlwbland Park UO At all their omees -oMrs. Ernest H. Freeman entertained at a delightful luncheon at her home, 611 Laurel avenue Tuesday in honor of the eightieth birthday of her mother Mrs. Susanna T. Middleton. · '

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