Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 58

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58 · WILMETTE LIFE January. 31, 19JO IS PAINTING AND DECORATING tO SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS charged oniy Evanston to Gl('ncoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular sub 'cribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. General N otice--Classifi~d ad\·e rtisement~ ~ill be to residents of the d1str1ct from Rates-15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. lUl.NIMUI\1 CHARGE 50 cent!!. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., \Vilmette, or 561 Lincoln AYe., Winnetka. Deadline for nsertions-Clas:;ified advertisements will be acceptecl up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday ~ o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEW:::;. Telephone:-;: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. I 4 :E'Olt SAJJ}~-AU'fOS 2~ L.\ UNJJU.Y ARE YOU SATI:::ll<,lBD WITH YOUR LA 1' XIJ 1-tES~ 'W ANTS DAY WOltK. ("an gi\·e refe rences. K enwood 8598. present car'! 1 f not, we <:an offer you 28f.:J'N1!l-ltp an attractiYe dea l on 011e of our clean u~d cars. Ull 1928 EHH<·x Coach . . . . . . - $3S:i LOANS 1927 JludHoll Broug:l~~~~ .::: .. . . ... . . . 365 192S Cht>\TOlt·t Sedan . .. . . .. . . 29;) 1~126 ~a~h .Ad,·. 6 Coaeh .. 19:1 .... 1!126 Old:-:nwhile Redan 150 ~E\.ElL\L OTHEH~ TO. H· l~l .. I~<.~T . l·; l· Wl\f 1st and 2nd mortgages ~ORTl -1 Insurance Tel, 65 St., Wilmette 545 Main HUDSO~ J~SSl~X 30L17-tfc "'innl'tl{a. 1:?!1 !t11 Linden AY\ '. HUBl3ARD WOODS 4LTN19-ltc ' ' ' Charles H. Brethold SIIORE CO. SO~IE UNUSUAL "SJIO\iV \VEEI(" BU"Y'"S ' ' ' ' vVe Are 1n the l\1arkct for First l\.f ortgage Loans 1929 1929 1927 1924 1926 F·n·d Setla 11 $38:) :wvrNt n-1 tf' !)t) ;i Chrysler Cro,~· ~~ . S~·<ian . . 1'\a::;h Adv. 6 :::led an . . . . .. 39ii IJ:! 1\IASSAGE !)~, Ruit'l~ s.,dan . . . .... . ... . . . .. . . :!'\ash Sedan .. 175 ~CIE~TIFI(' SWEDI~H :\IASSAGE AND 3n MORE~ :Ex.cE.PT.I ON A'r~ · l\tineral Bath:s gi\'en in your ow11 honw VALUES TO CHOOSE FHO)l. hy an t'Xj)E.'l't SwediHh ma!'se ur and 11'1)1' llydm-tlwrapist. appointnwnt~ E\l.A~STON ~A.SI-I t·all Winnetka 2104, 8-12 a. m. H. G. .:\lag·nh·. a2LTN 1!I - I ltl 1033 DaYis St., ,or. Oal< AV(·. 1735 Benson Ave., Cor. Clark St . :u WA'l'CJlES ]). K Vogeding, Pres. On North Shore homes, apartments, lHIIIg-alows, etc. Lowest rates. Quicl< ~ervice. HOKANSON & JENKS Greenleaf 1617 513 Davis St. CO. 17 ])UESSJf A KING 4Ll!l-llt' C1ock Repairing Gl ~AXDFA'L'IIEH. CLOCKS, HALL cl!·d<x. Cllcl\00 clocks, mantel t"hinH: do ·k:; nnd alarm clocks. Carefully and io'LOORS RESURFACED AND REFIN· SIT. WTD.-EXP. COL. GIRL, MAID'S work, can do go9d plain cooking. Good. lshed like new. No dlrt or muss. Rea60LTN19-ltp sonable prices. Phone Winnetka 1433. · ref. Ph. West 6197. 38LTN12-ttc WE WISH TO PLACE AN EXPERIenced, competent stenographer from our PETS :Jt office for eit}J_er full or half days work through the SI)ring and summer months. FOR SALE-ENGLISH POMERANIAN puppies, weighing 1 lb. each. Mother weighs 3~ lbs., father 4% lbs. Smallest WinneJ,_ ka 20!JO Pomeranians in United States. Can 746 Elm Street 60L'l'N18-lte WinAve., Linden all be seen at 894 39LTN19-ltc netka. Ph. Winn. 2973. EXPERlENCF.D CHILDREN'S NURSE. . Willing to go away with family. WinRADIOS 42! netlm. ·refe rences. Ph. Wil. 1481. 60LTN 19-1 tJ} · Service by Registered Class "A" Men SKOKIE H.ADIO SHOPS SIT. WTD-CO LORED GIRL, GENEHAL 1Vil. 4117-Phone-Winn. 671 house work and cooking. Call Winnetka 42LTN19-ltc 220 between 10 and 4 p. m. 60LTN19-ltp MOOS RADIO SERVICE EXP ERlENCED NURSERY GOVERN620 GROVE S'fREET, EVANSTON ess for young children. Excellent ref. Expert Radio Service $1.00 614 Sheridan Hd., Gle ncoe. Ph. Glencoe Night Day 60LTNl!l-ltv Ph. Greenleaf 685[) 2-l. Ph. University 0944 42LTN18-4tll WANTED- LA UNDH Y OH. CLEAN IN<; for .:\loudays, refere nces. Call Wilmette SERVICE BUREAU u 60LTN19-ltJ} 207~. GAS STOVES CLEANED, ADJUSTED, EXPELtlEN "ED DH.APERY WOMAN and rt'paired. Call Winn etka 2945. will . llo drap· ;H an~l slip covers in your 44LTN18-ltp Best r ferences. Addrf's:-; own homt'. GOLTN19-ltJ) Talk A-155. FOSTER NISTLE OIL BURNER SERVICE Wilmette 179 8XPEHIKNC_ED LAUNDRJ<~SS "-'A~TS All burners at all hours. Fridays. Thursdays and :\londay~. 44LTN11-Uc GOLTN 19- ltp K e nwood 7589. ;;o GENERAL REPAIUS EXI'ER COL. 1\IAID, COOKING A~D light house work, or day's work. Local GOLTN19-ltJ) r eft: rs. gng-lewoo<l ns1. BIUNG IN YOUR HEIH.LOO.MS AND have us restore them to their original WANTED-TO TAKE CAIU; CHILDHE~ by hour or part time each day. Ph. finish by our silver plating proc<'ss. 60Ll!l-tfc Wilmette 417 .. Guaranteed not to tamish, Work called for and delivered. WANTEO.-SE\V1NG BY DAY, .r Nl011S l'AUL DAVEY Ph . N. s. refe r ences. a spedal,ty. JEWELEH. Sunnyside 8263 after 6 p. m. GOLTN19-ltp Ph. Wilmette 6 1165 'W ilmette Ave. 50LTN19-tfc 'VANTED- WASHlXG, JnONING A~D cleaning- by th e day, by a :::lwedish. ;)() IJOS'f & FOUND woman . Ph. Wilme tte 1987. 60LTNH1-l tt) LOST-GLASSES, 'W HITE GOLD H.lMS, in tan h·ath e r case . Vicinity New Tri e r. Kindly call Winnetka. 312 '. 55LTN18-ltt: (iRADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASANT home c2.res for convalescent or eldet'lY people. Ph. Wilmette 4299. LOST .JAN. 22ND-NOVELTY ANTIQUE 60LTN17-4tc bracele t b e longing to set. Coral :::;ets in antique gold, turquoil->e settings and turquoi:se blue enamel. If found call Wil- LADY. \VIIJTE. EXP. GEN. HSWK., care children. He f. Ph. Nevada 6896. 55Ll9-1tc mette 3816. He ward. 60L19-ltt> LO~T-HEO FLYING CLOUD SPARE tire lwt ween Linden "L" and 1606 For- MIDDLE AGED LADY, WHITE. REfined as companion to elderly lady. Ph. est Ave., Sat. evening. Finder please 60Ll!.l-ltt> Xe,·ada 6896. t·all Wilmette 2831. Reward. 55I..l9-1to SECRETARIES, INC. ( [ 6 Silver\vare Refinished c. I ·IN ACCOHD 1\·JTH 1'!-IE LATEST mndt'. Expert workmanship g-uaranteed . COLLETTE :::lOECRS GLENCOI.; 16:34 17LT~ I !l-lt(· LOST- BL.A K LEATilEH PUR~E COKtaining- house l<ey and money. PhOIW n ·a:-;onably repaired. Clocks ca lied for 55L19-ltc Wilmette 16:~8. and delivered. PAUL DAVEY LOST- LADIES' BLACK HUEDE lJANlJ JEWELBL{ bag- on Slwridan Hd., between EvanHton llG:J \\'ilme ttc AYe. Ph. \Vihnettc (i and Higbland Park, Saturday, Jan. 18th. 20 GARDENING 34LTNHI-tl\: Containing - Amethyst ring, compact, handkerchiefs, and small change. H.eTREES TAKEN DOWN AND CUT UP ward. Ca ll Hollycourt 2769. for firewood. Call Winnetka 1793. 55Ll9-1tn 20LTN17-:ltc· \VATC'H.:\fAKER A::'lrD JE\\.ELEH 1 las tlw watch or ring that you would 1>6 HELP WAN'fED-l"'E.l\IALE !~ INSTUUC1'JON like to buy-choicest assortment-modNn design!-;- reasonable price:-;. .Tuf.:t the WTO. -· EXP. MAID FOH. GElJ. FANCY I CE SKATING, 1ST CLASR plaep to buy that gift of gifts- A hswk. 1\Iu~t be good cook. Ph. \\'ilmettt' lel->Hons by famous teacher. Call Hose, Valentine. Also specializing in clock 56LTN19-ltc 2046. Wilmette IROR. 25Ll9-ltn and watch repail'ing. Work guaranteed. 1139 Greenleaf AYe. Ph. Wilmette 4516. GEHMAN 'WOMAN FOR GENE HAL t7 INTERIOR DECORATING 34LTN1!l-tfc· cleaning every Friday, 8 to 5 ::w. 1'e l. 55LTN18-ltc 1Vinnetka 1783. 38 PAINTING & DECORATING AN EXPERIENCED W H lTE MAID TO CARL FRANKELL do cooking and g~:'neral housework. Good PAINTEl{ & DL~CORATOU ref. required. \Vinnetka 276. DO THEY EXPRESS YOUR The 1930 wallpapers a1·e wonderful, hoth 56LTN18-lt<.: INDIVIDUALITY? DO THEY in patterns and co lor schenws. 'W ill HARMONIZE PERFECTLY t'heerfully show them in your hom e at WHITE GlHL FOH. GENl:t~RAL HOUSEWITH YOU.R COLOR any time. Get my estimate-it's free. work. Good wages. He f. Ph. Wilmette SCHEME? 1506 'Vilmette .A \'e. Ph. Wilmette 3104. 2092. 56LTN19-l t · A LAN GOODRICH shades are designed 38LTN19-tfc by Interior decorators. They create an WHITE l\IAID FOH. GENEHAL HOUSEenvironment that Is liveable as well as work. 2 children. Refei·<;nce::; required . PAINTING .AND Interesting and cost no more than PAPEHllA:l'\GING, Tel. Winn<'tka 2932. a6LTN19-lt!· decorating. 0. K. prices and o. K. ordinary shades. we wire vases and design shades to work or will take car as payment. Wil- ::::=::5 match. mette 1!\58. 3SLTN19-ltp 57 UELP W AN'l'ED-)IALE Dressn1aking Ren1odeling PILV"'Tl(' AL N HRE \VILL CARE FOlt infant:-; 01' children by hour or weelc 60LTN19-Itp Ph . Wilmette :~233. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS work to take home, will call for and deliver. Ph Wllmettf' ~509. 60T..!l'N43-tfp 61 ~ITUA1'10:N WANTf~])_:~IALF~ I-I. GREENBi\Ul\1 EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS WINdow washing, garden and house work. Best of refs. Tel. Winnetka 2764. 61LTN8-ttc WAKTED - JIOUSI~. WINDOWS, PAINT and paper cleaning. N. S. ref. Ph. WiL 61LT19-ltc 2088. ARE YOUR LAl\1P- SHADES DIFFEREN'l'? WTNIJOW' \\~ASITl~G. FLOOR WAXTX0 . painting caleimin!ng-, white washing· bal'emen t:-;, and othf'r odd jobs. Ph. \Yilmette 2121 from 7 to 9:30 a. m. and 6-S p. m. 61 LT19-ltJ) CHAUFFEUR, GA H.DEN'ER OR HOUSEman wants position. Best N. s. references. Phone Highland Park 377!J. 61LTN19-1 tp YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION, GENet·al housework. Good plain cook, chauffeur and butler. ~. S. ref. Ph. Greenleaf 0329. 6LLTN19-ltV · EXPERIENCED FILiPINO WANTS work with family. Address Winnetka Tnlk. Box A-154. 61LTN19-ltp PLASTERING, PAINTING, CALCIMIN- SA LI<;Hl\r AN WTD.-TO H.EPRESEN'l' 32 Church St. ing-, beautifully and artistically rlon<> Evanston eledrical appliance hou:;;e . Excellent by expert. L. L. Taylor, 519 Center 27LTN19-ltc opportunity to make money. Dannemark 82 SIT. WTD.-1\IALE A FEI\IALE St., Chicago. Ph. Diversey 8878. ElE-ctric Co., 1151 Wilmette Ave., Wil-· COUPLE: 38LTN19-ltp BUTLER-VALET, mette. 57LTN1!l-ltc SWISS FRA~1ING ca n drive car; cook or 2nd work. A-1 BRASOR ART STORE PA INTJNG AND DECORATING. E. M. 60 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE Glencoe ref. Willing to work separately. 1812 CHICAGO AVE. UNIV. 91791 Brandt. Phone Winnetkta 236. Call Glencoe 711 until Feb. 15. Z7LTN5-tfc 38LTN1 6-4te EXP. LAUNDRESS WOULD. LIKE 62LT19-ltp fta t work or any kind of laundry. Ph. ,...-FOB BENT- ROOI\IS Wilmette 2603. 60LT19-ltp 86 Alan Goodrich Studio PICTURE Rua )'0111' Waat Ad Ia Evanston, too ~ - ~ ~ !his Office will accept classified advertising to be run I~ ~HE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 familtes an Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. ~ - Telephone Wilmette 4 300 or Winnetka 2000 Sit;LtVINU COOKlNG, LUNCHEON!-;, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, SINGLE dinners, care of children. Winnetka 1920. bed. 731 lOth St., Wilmette. 66LT19-2tp 60LTN17 -tfc 1 DOUBLE ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS EXP. STENO. WANTS WORK BY THE and lav., 1 double room· private bath hour or at her home or your place of also one single room. Ph. Wilmette 3587: business evenings or one afternoon a 66L16-tfc week. Ph. Wilmette 3951. 60L19-ltp. CLEAN, QUIET ROO~ NEAR HUBWTD.-2ND WORK OR NURSING. CALL bard Woods Sta. 1111 Merrill St. "Hazel" Highland Patk · 3837. 60LTN19-ltc $6LTN19-lti>.

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