Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE February 7, 1930 Legionnaires to Kenilworth Neighbors to Provide Central Have Birthday Luncheon s A L E .H 0 s 0 f V a Ientine Hosiery I E R y Invitations have ben issued for the <Jnnual birthdav luncheon of the Nei~h hors of Kenil{,·orth to be held at the Kenilworth club on Tuesday, February 18, at 1 , .'clock. This is the thirty·Mth birthday and promises to he a r('~l homecom!ng. Because of the increa5ed membership only former members a'ld houseguests mav he invited as gue -ts. The soci:-t! cnmmittee is nlanning a happy surpri ~ e prop-ram. ·M em h"rs HC urged to send in their rescn·atin11s 'l ' soon as poss ihle to N[ rs. Cl~·de R< .ss. 1321 Chestnut avenue. Kenil\\"orth . A department meeting of the Neighbors \\ill he held at the home of Mrs. Charles Holmes. 200 \Varwirk road, Kenilworth on Tuesday morninp:, F<~ h rnar.\· 11. at 10:30 o'clock. Mrs . Jnhn \Vilds will speak nn "De,·chpmcnt of Chamber ~f usic." ~1 embers interested in music arc urged to attend. ATTENDING SALONS Uanv \\'ilmette \\·omen arc attend;ng th-e French salons sponsored i>y La Petite Causerie of the Glencoe Vvoman's Libran· club. The second of these was held· last Thursday aft~r r>oon. Mme. Roger Cros of Northv.restern university gave a lecture on Versaille;:,. "Mrs. Henry ]. Smith of Glencoe is in charge of reservations. All north shore residents interested in a study of French have been im·itcd to attend the gatherings. ANNOUNCE SON'S BIRTH U r. and Mrs. Donald M. Pattison oi Cle\·cland, Ohio. announce the hirth of a son Frida v Januarv 31. in Cle,; e bnd. The babv has hee~1 named Fr· ' dcrick \Vooclw~rth, for his materpal t..Tanclfather. He is the first grand child. of Mr. and Mrs. George H . Patti ~on of 1449 Scott avenue, H uhhard \Voods, .formerlY of 823 Ashland ilH'Pue. Wilmette. · Radio /or Vets The Seventh district of the An1erican Legion, composed of Legion posts along the north shore, has, through it!: advisory committee, outlined an extensive program for 1930, under the commandership of \Valier '1'. Quigley. Some · of the outstanding events are: The presentation to the ex-service men at the Great Lakes hospital of the new central radio station, with the necessary equipment, on Saturday, February 15, by the Seventh district and through the courtesy of the Harr~· Alter company and Mr. Alter persona.lly. 'rhe Seventh .district hnxing houts to he held about March 26. A monstrous demonstration and ritual exemplif~·ing the purposes, the artivit:cs and the- work accomplished by the legion, to be staged nn the north shore during the summer. Last year men of na tional prominence were present and participated in this relebration. The next host to the district will br Gibbons Post, which post, on Fehn~ary 18. will provide refreshments anrt entertainm.ent to visiting Legionnaires. . that is perfect- flawless- and of the best quality. All shades offered ranging from "Atmosphere" to "Gunmetal" $2.95 Reduced to 5.000 Visito,.s at Formal $1.95 Reduced to $1.60 Reduced to · Opening of New Rapp Store Approximately five thousand residents of Wilmette and vicinitv visited the new Rapp Brothers grocery and market at 621-25 Main street. the occasion being the formal opening of the spacious. new establishment which is the fifth in the rapidly expanding chain nf Rapp stores in the north shore area. Bert Stamm. manager of the Wilmette store, was fully prepared to greet the host of ,·isitors and o\·erjo~·cd at the c,·idencc nf such general interest in the extension of the Rapp interests to include the Wilmette territory. Rapp Brothers now haYe stores in Evanstnn. \Vilmette, \Vinnctka. Highland Park and Lake Forest. The new Wil111ette stnre is one of the most mode:·nly appointed on the north shore. George Pattison, Jr. of 1449 Sc0tt ,,\·enue, Hubbard \Voods, a sophomore at Harvard, spent his mid-year vacat:on last \\·eek with three \Vilmette iriends who are students at Dartmouth, ] ames Alder, Harry Wilson, and Stephen Harwood. $2.65 1159 WILMETTE $1.15 Lingerie and Hosiery Shop AvE., WILMETTE $1.JO PH. WILMETTE Asta-Marie · 4370 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Joslin ;wd daughter, Bttt\·, 2-Hl Essex road, Kenilworth. arr leaving next \\'eclnescla\' for ' t cruise to the \\'est fndies. Tlil'y ar~ sailing on the ftalian li11cr, \'ulcania, and expect to be gone a month. - 0- Wall , to , Wall Carpet is the Vogue Decorators are laying stress on wallto-wall carpet for the modem home. Plain colors will remain in the graces of style-wise hon1emakers-figured designs will grow more and more popular as the season progresses. No longer does good usage insist upon neutral tones in plain carpet- today we find lively, more colorful shades that form perfect backLINOLEU:MS grounds for boldly designed scatter rugs and strongly LINOLEUMS CARPETS patterned draperies. You may see a complete range of the plain colors as well as the newest 1n figured designs at our showroom. Mr. aJI(t Mrs. Thomas C. vVhite, 310 Richmond road. Kenilworth, entertained thirty guests at fhe dinner dance at the Kenilworth cluh last Friclay evening. .. -o- -o- Mrs. Lester E. Mce entertained the Dick Joslin will be the guest of Mr. North End circle Mondav aftrrnoon at and Mrs. Robert McNeil Bur:ns, 614 her home, 1227 Chestnut· avenue. Essex road, while his family is away. A Sensation! T'h e Vanity Box "PUSH--UP" WAVE · We invite your inspection. This lovely new wave is just what madame has always wanted.-No constant finger waving! Just comb the hair, push it up and presto! the deep, soft, natural waves falJ right into place. ·· WM. SLATER, Floorcovering SpecialistsUNIVERSITY 3130 JR~ Vanity Box skill and care assure perfect re· suits. Tea Served ~ $ to 5 6 operating our own workrooms, guaranteeing you the finest afld most de/)efldable workmanship available 1616 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON WEEKDAY SPECIALS Individual haircutting b1 Robert of Filth A venue Scalp Toning Shampoo Marcels That Last Exquisite Manicuring · (Including Hand Mold) 75c 836 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON Suite !22 Carlson Bldg. University 8700

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