56 WILMETTE LIFE February 7, 1930 Rock Garden, Pool Part A rock garden and pool is to be one Paul H. Seymour, president of of the attractive offerings of the Betthe National Auction Bridge insti-. ter Homes exposition when it is in sestute, will deliver a lecture this evesion in the \:Vilmette Woman's club · ning at the Shawnee Country club March 19, 20, and 21. The ideas the on the subject, "An Easy Tranpool and garden suggest to observers may be translated into orders for sition From Auction to Contract spring planting. New exhibitors and Bridge." The lecture begins at 8:15 new exhibits have been enlisted for o'clock. Mr. Seymour is a· widely this second exposition, which, like its known author on books of bridge predecessor, will benefit the building and lecturer over radio station fund of the \\Toman's club of Wilmette. WMAQ . . His most recent book is It is sponsored by the club ways and a revision of "Hoyle's Book of means committee under the chairmanGames." Following his lecture a sixship of Mrs. 0 . E. Thaleg. weeks course in contract and auction bridge will be conducted at the Mr. and Mrs . Merle C. Xutt of Wilmette .\¥oman's club by the ).1 oline, Ill., who came to Chicago last Playground and Recreation board week for the automobile shm\·, were which is :1!so sponsoring h!s lec&uests \Vtdncsday in the John D. Small ture. home, 411 Maple avenue. Paul H. Seymour Gives · of Better Homes Exhibit Talk on Bridge Tonight C. of C. to File Grade Separation Petition (Cont~nued L_ oyolt! _ Players to Give "Sun-Up" as Hospital Benefit "Sun-Up," a drama of the Carolina mountains acted by the Loyola Players will be presented at 8 :30 o'clock February 14, and 2:30 o'clock February 15 at the Loyola theater, Lakewood at;d Loyola avenues, Chicago. The proceeds from the play will be given by the Foundation for St. Francis hospital to the Poor Mother's fund. Eugene O'Brien of Winnetka will take one of the parts in the play. Many north shore women are among the leaders in the Foundation. Mrs. A. W. Bovlston president of the Women's Catholic' club of Wilmette, and Mrs. F. T. O'Brien, of Winnetka, president of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league, are both patronesses. Mrs. Harry Davies is chairman for Wilmette and Mrs. William Schneider is chairman for Winnetka and Glencoe. Dr. Lester F. Mee, president of the medical staff of St. Francis, and resident of \Vilmette, together with Mrs. Mee, has enlisted many doctors and their wives to act as patrons for thisaffair. The Loyola players is the same group that presented "Little Old" New York" to a Glencoe audience a short time ago. Mrs. N. P. Anderson of 809 Michigan avenue, Evanston is chairman of the committee on ways and means and has charge of the ticket sales. from page 1) HOT CATS! What a surprise you will get Monday evening at the New Evanston Theatre when you meet "THE MASTER OF HILARITY" project at the meeting of the Chamber last Monday night, held at the Masonic Temple, it was brought out that an ordinance binding the village to back grade separation was submitted to the \Vilmette Village Board of Trustees about a year ago, with the recommrnc!ation th at it he passed.. As far as is known, this resolution was never read before the board nor any action on it taken. Recently, a letter asking the board to cooperate \\·ith the Chamber of Commerce on the project was "read and placed. on file." Two new projects-the possibility of inducing the government to erect a postoffice buildjng in Wilmette, and the proposal to attempt to secure a reduction in the license fee charge for the operation of a theater in the villagewere also discussed at the meeting. In the latter instance, it was pointed out that Evanston charges only $200 a year, and Highland Park only $50 a ye::tr, ,,·hereas \\Tilmette assesses the theai cr owner $300. 'coming as a climax and proving one of the m~>st enjoyable features of any of this reason's programs, Joseph E. ~hantz, \\'ilmette postmaster, spoke on bts Spanish-American, Mexican and. \:V orld war experiences. Mr. Shantz' b.lk was replete with color, adroitly rheckered with humor and abounded in human interest. DON DIXON in a new kind of entertainment such as you never dreamed of! At last, something new in Evanston! Be there! New Evanston Theater to Marjorie M. Sherman on Open With Comedy Troupe Musical Guild Program The New Evanston theater will reopen Monday to present a new company of dramatic and comedy actors, headed by Don Dixon, "the master of hilarity." "Back from the Front," a screaming after-the-war comedy, will be the opening play presented by Don Dixon and his merrymakers who have been playing in the National theater, Englewood. A series of three-act comedies will be shown at the New Evanston during the next few weeks, all featuring Don Dixon who will play comedy roles in addition to presenting musical specialiti es between the acts. Marjory M. Sherman of Wilmette, contralto, was one of the artists giving the prog:-am for the Musical Guild, incorporatcu Sunday evening, January 26. at the Chicago Galleries association. Mrs. Shtrman sang a group of Zie~;euner Lieder by Brahms. The Musical guild presents mu..;icians in debut recitals when sufficient talent is evidenced and sponsors recttals for professional artists. In March the guild will sponsor a debut recital by Arthur Landers, pianist, and Agatha Lewis, soprano. Mr. Land.ers was one of the accompanists at the program on which M_ rs. Sherman appeared and ).1 iss Lewis at one time was connected Mrs . Joseph B. Marshall is entertain- \\'ith the music school at Northwestern ing the members of her bridge luncheon eniversity. dub at her home, 1040 Elmwood aveRecently Harold Triggs was prese ~ltnue, next Tuesday. cd by the guild in. a piano recital. LA WYERS- DOCTORS .BANKERS-STUDENTS OLD FOLKS-CHILDREN will rock with laughter at the funniest comedian on the stage today . ! Sure he Dances-Sings-Acts-of ·course he's a Musician! Everyone loves "Don"-So will you! FOR THE OPENING ..................................................... a·TYYTYYYYTYTYTTTTTYYTYTTTTTTYTTTYTTTTTTYTYYYTYTYTT·8 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 ~~ SUPPER DANSANT ~i ·~ ~· ·~ "BACK FROM THE FRONT" A Screaming "AFTER THE WAR" Comedy iE ·~ =~ ·~ at ~· MIRALAGO T~HE DANSANT Admission, the Person Wednesdays, $1.10 Saturdays, $1.50 Fridays ...... $1.10 Sundays ... $1.25 To assure the maintenance of a high standard of patronage, admission is by couple or larger parties only. No admission of men alone or of women without escorts. ~~ ~· ~· ~= NEW EVANSTON THEATRE EVANSTON Telephone University 3000 for Seat Resenations Now! FIRST BALCONY ·~ ·~ ·~ ·~ ~~ ~· ~· ~· ~· ·~ ~~ ·~ ~~ ~· ~~ ~~ ~· ~~ 75 C SECOND BALCONY . SOc BARGAIN MAT. WED. & SAT. AT 2:30-2Sc, 3Sc, SOc "BRING THE CHILDREN" . ···-·· · ~· ···a:a·a············································· ............................................. =I~... iE it ~~ ·~ ·~ THE CUISINE Private club chef and staff. Service a Ia carte. No cover charge. In addition to Dansant orchestration by Dell Coon, special professional ~ntertainment with change of program each week. ·~ ~~~ I · ~· ~· For Table Reservations, Phone Wilmette 4636 "Sup an d Dance at MIRALAGO" On SHERIDAN ROAD between WILMETTE and KENILWORTH ~~ 1 : ~·